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MSS 135 - United Teachers of New Orleans, Local 527 Collection: Inventory


(Mss 135)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

March 1981





Size:                           13 linear feet



locations:                 Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi


Inclusive dates:      ca. 1949-1972


Summary:                 Records, including minutes; correspondence; printed matter; banking, dues, and other financial memoranda.  Original titles on folders have been retained unless otherwise noted.



collections:              Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO Collection (Mss 101)



Source:                     Deposit, January, March 1981


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    United Teachers of New Orleans, Local 527 Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans


Container List



135-1              Agreement - LFT [Louisiana Federation of Teachers] and Local 527.

                                                            Contract and related correspondence as well as minutes of the Executive Board Meeting of Louisiana Federation of Teachers n.d., June 13, 1969.  October 5, 1970.


                                                AFL-CIO Louisiana State.

                                                            Correspondence, broadsides; receipts, newsletters, and workshops evaluations.  n.d., October 3, 1968 - August 25, 1971.


                                                AFT Convention Ballots, 4/72.

                                                            Correspondence, receipts and ballots.  n.d., March 30, 1972 - April 5, 1972.


                                                AFT in Action and AFT News.

                                                            n.d., January 3, 1968 - June 2, 1970.


                                                AFT Civil Rights.

                                                            Correspondence.  November 10, 1969 - January 7, 1971.


                                                AFT Grievances, 1966.

                                                            Correspondence.  n.d., December 1, 1965 - April 15, 1966.


                                                AFT Public Review Board.

                                                            Authorization form.  n.d.


                                                AFT Quarterly.

                                                            Financial Statement.  July 1, 1969 - Sept. 30, 1969.  (2 copies)


                                                AFT Research.

                                                            Booklets and articles originating from the American Federation of Teachers.  n.d., 1969 - 1970.


                                                AFT Strikes.

                                                            Correspondence and statistics on school strikes.  1969 - 1970.


                                                Alphabetical Index of Executive Files of Local 527.



                                                American Red Cross.

                                                            Press release.  Sept. 13, 1969.


                                                Beginning Teacher Hints.

                                                            Pamphlet published by AFT, Local 527.  n.d.


                                                Brazilian Teacher Delegation.

                                                            Photographs, biographical information and travel itinerary of Brazil Trade Union Team.  n.d.


                                                Broadsides (flyers).

                                                            n.d., 1967, 1974.


                                                Building Representatives' Workshop.

                                                            November 23, 1971.  Program, registration and evaluation forms, notes as well as copies of the Probationary Teacher Workshop, November 23, 1971.


                                                Building Representatives.

                                                            Correspondence and listings.  n.d., 1970 - 1972.


                                                "Busing" (To Achieve Integrated Schools).

                                                            The United Teacher, April 12, 1970.


135-2              Campaigns Jr. [Junior] High Interscholastic [sic] Campaign.

                                                            Correspondence, handbills, membership lists, notes.  n.d., 1966 - 1967


                                                Campaigns Local 527 - Duplication of Records.

                                                            "Survey of School Records and Reports Required of Teachers in the Public Schools of New Orleans."  New Orleans League of Classroom Teachers.  Oct, 1960 (2 copies).


                                                Campaigns - Salary Petitions 1967.

                                                            Petitions signed by teachers from various schools in the New Orleans Public School system.


                        Campaign - Temporary Teachers and Long Term Substitutes.

                                    New Orleans Public School 1967 salary schedule, questionnaire and notes.  1967.


                        Capers, Bernade, Plaintiff (Veronica Hill, Intervenor) v. Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund and W.E. Groves, Defendents.  March 1971.


                        Career Opportunity Programs.

                                    Minutes of COP Advisory Council, handbills, local membership lists.  n.d., 1970.


                        Cash Members.  1968 - 1969.


                        CEF [Citizens for Educational Freedom]

                                    The Louisiana Voter, Vol. IV, No. 6, March - April, 1970.


                        Ceiling (Marx Jeffers Realtors).

                                    Correspondence concerning building structural defects.  1971.


                        Central City.

                                          New release from the Central City Housing Development Corporation.  August 27, 1970.


                        Central City Housing Development Corp.

                                    Correspondence, news release.  1970.


                        Central Labor Conference Agenda.

                                          News bulletin, The Minneapolis Teacher.  November 13, 1967 - December 4, 1967.



                                    Sketch by editorial cartoonist John Churchill Chase.  n.d.


                        Checkoff Withdrawal.

                                    Membership list and correspondence 1970 - 1971.



                                    Correspondence and financial records.  1968 - 1971.


                        Churches, Mostly B.C. [Baptist Churches] By Ward.

                                    Statistical information.  n.d.


                        Citizens Committee for Equal Justice for Public Employees (Ramsey Clark).

                                    Correspondence and pamphlet.  1970.


                        Citizens for Quality Education.

                                    ca. 1968.


                        Citizens Groups.

                                    Correspondence, membership lists and notes.  n.d., 1966.


                        Collective Bargaining.

                                    Correspondence and booklets.  n.d., August 9, 1967.


                        Collective Bargaining - AFT.

                                    Reference material.  n.d., 1968 - 1970.


                        C.B [Collective Bargaining] Public Employees Legal Opinion Contract.

                                    Correspondence and working agreement.  1958, 1968 - 1970.


                        Collective Bargaining (Speech by Dr. Cowen).

                                    June, 1967.


                        Committee - Auditing.

                                    Correspondence and financial reports.  1967.


                        Committee - Budget.  Hill, Veronica.

                                          Financial records.  1967 - 1968.  (See also "Vice President Reports, Veronica Hill.")


                        Congressional Record.

                                          1971 budget estimates of U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.  August 1970.


135-3              Constitution, AFL-CIO.

                                    1966, 1969.


                        Constitution, AFL-CIO Cope.

                                                            Constitution and By-Laws of Committee on Political Education ca. 1964 (6 copies).


                        Constitution - AFT Local #527.

                                    1965, 1969, 1971.


                        Constitution - Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO.  June, 1963.


                        Constitution - LFT [Louisiana Federation of Teachers]

                                    n.d., May 29, 1965.


                        Constitution - Taylor Federation of Teachers, Local 1085.  June, 1969.


                        Contract: Washington

                                    Information on Teachers' Union contract in Washington, D.C.  1968.


                        Convention - 1967.

                                    Financial record and membership list.  1967 - 1968.


                        Convention - AFT, August 1970.

                                    Booklets and reports.


                        Convention - LFT, 11/23/70.

                                    Correspondence, ballots and notes, 1970.


Conyers, Bill - H.R. 14499 (MES).  [More Effective Schools]

                                                            Correspondence and U.S. 90th Congress, 1st Session, House Bill. H.R. 14499, December 14, 1967.  (See also Box 10)



                                    Expense reports of UTNO Local 527 1968.


                        Correspondence - Attorneys.

                                    Correspondence.  1969 - 1971.


                        Correspondence - Building Representatives.

                                                            Correspondence with teachers representing various public shcools in New Orleans.  1969 - 1970.


                        Correspondence - Committees (out).

                                    Correspondence, n.d., January 6, 1969.


                        Correspondence - Fontaine, Ed. (in-out); Hatfield, Charlie.

                                    1966 - 1969.


                        Correspondence - Hebeisen (out).

                                    1954, 1965 - 1970.


135-4              Correspondence - LFT (in-out).

                                    1969 - 1971.


                        Correspondence - Nat Lacour.

                                    1970 - 1971.  (See also "Photographs").


                        Correspondence - McPherson (in-out).

                                    n.d., 1968.


                        Correspondence from Mayor - Human Relations.

                                                            Correspondence with members of the Human Relations Committee of the City of New Orleans as well as former Mayor of New Orleans, Ernest Morial.  1969 - 1982.


                        Correspondence - Membership (out).

                                    June 12, 1970.


                        Correspondence - Miscellany (3 folders)

                                    Folder 1: January 15, 1948 - January 19, 1968.

                                    Folder 2: n.d., June 10, 1969 - December 10, 1971.

                                    Folder 3: n.d., July 9, 1949 - September 11, 1972.


                        Correspondence - Mundy, Jim (in-out).

                                    June 16, 1969.


                        Correspondence - OPSB (in-out) 2 folders.

                                    Correspondence with Orleans Parish School Board.

                                                Folder 1: May 14, 1968 - December 11, 1970.

                                                Folder 2: January 7, 1969 - December 3, 1970.

                                    (See also "New Orleans Public School Board" and "School Board")


                        Correspondence Received.

                                    News release, newspaper clippings n.d., 1962 - 1970.


                        Correspondence - Dave Seldon.

                                    June 30, 1969 - March 1971.


                        Court Cases.

                                                            1969 - 1970.  (Information on legal suits concerned with UTNO may be found throughout the inventory)


                        C.T.O. [Council of Teacher Organizations].

                                                            Correspondence, guidelines, minutes of meetings, notes.  n.d., ca. 1970 - 1972.


                        C.T.O. 1970 Session of Louisiana Legislature.

                                                            Correspondence, statistical information, "Acts of 1970 Regular Session of the Legislature Affecting Education in New Orleans Schools."  1967 - 1971.


                        Custodial Union.

                                    Correspondence and personnel handbook.  n.d., 1970.


                        Angela Daves.

                                    Correspondence and handbills, 1971 - 1972.



                                    Newspaper articles, pamphlets, reprints.  1966 - 1968.


                        Delegates to National Convention.  1968.

                                    Roster, program, correspondence.  1970.


                        [LFT] Delegates - Convention 1970 - 1971.

                                    Rosters, correspondence.  1970.


                        Delgado Case - C.B. [Collective Bargaining] Attorney, Ben Smith.  1968.


135-5              Derby, Hasket (includes Suit).

                                                            Correspondence and lawsuit.  1952 - 1970.  (See also "Photo­graphs," "Local 527 - Social Security and Withholding General Fund Derby File, 1968," and "Reservations").


                        Didier, Miscellaneous [Artificial].

                                                            Correspondence, 1970.  (See also "Photographs" and Boxes 6, 10).


                        Disbursements - Local 527.

                                    Receipts and financial reports.  n.d., 1968.


                        Discount Plan.

                                    Discounts at local outlets available to AFT members.  n.d.


                        District Superintendents.

                                    Roster.  n.d.


                        Nils R. Douglas.

                                    Correspondence and grant application.  1969.


                        Driver Ed Certification.

                                    October 2, 1970.


                        Duplicates - Triple I's [Project Prospectus]




                                    Reference material.  ca. 1967.


                        Election Extra.

                                    Report published by League of Women Voters of New Orleans.  n.d.


                        Election of 527 Officers.

                                    Press release, May 3, 1968.


                        Election, School Board [Orleans Parish]  April 1970.

                                    Information on candidate, Edward A. Fontaine.  March 11, 1970.


                        (The) Extended School Year.

                                                            "Report of the Committee on the Study of The Extended School Year," Division of Instruction, New Orleans Public Schools.  March, 1969.


                        Examination - Teachers.

                                    Newspaper clipping, Sept. 29, 1970.


                        Executive Board Attendance - Records and Forms.

                                    1971 - 1972.


                        (Minutes of) Executive Board.

                                    May 17, 1966 - January 12, 1967.


                        Executive Board Minutes.

                                    January 24, 1967 - August 1, 1967.


                        (Minutes) Executive Board.

                                    September 12, 1967 - August 27, 1968;

                                    June 5, 1969 - August 27, 1970.


                        (Minutes) Executive Board.

                                    September 11, 1968 - July 25, 1969.


                        Executive Board Minutes.

                                                            January 1, 1969; August 26, 1969 - February 26, 1970; Correspondence, April 28, 1971.


                        Executive Board Minutes.

                                    March 19, 1970 - July 23, 1970.


                        Executive Board Minutes.

                                    September 9, 1970 - May 11, 1971.


                        Executive Board Minutes (Originals).

                                                            Roll calls, announcements, correspondence, minutes, n.d., December 11, 1968 - June 21, 1972.


135-6              Executive Board Minutes.

                                    June 10, 1971 - July 27, 1972.


                        Executive Board Quarterly Attendance Reports.



                        Executive Council Proceedings [AFT].

                                    December 10 - 12, 1967.


                        Executive Order 11941.

                                    October 29, 1969.


                        Extra Compensation.

                                    Correspondence and newspaper clippings, 1966 - 1967.


                        "Extra Pay for Extra Work"

                                    Speech by Eugene Didier, ca. 1967; correspondence, 1967.


                        (The) Failure of Black Separatism.

                                    Reprint from A. Philip Randolph Institute.  ca. 1970.


Federal Aid - [Rep. Albert H.] Quie Bill.

                                    Newspaper clippings, May 22, 1967.


                        Federal Trade Commission.

                                    Pamphlets on consumer lending, ca. 1969.


                        [The American] Federalist.

                                    March 1969.


                        Financial Records - Miscellaneous.  1967 - 1972 (created).

                                    n.d., 1967 - 1972.


                        Fine and Waltzen - Boutte Case.

                                                            Correspondence and legal suit concerned with Mary Ruth Boutte.  1969.


                        Fine and Waltzen - Escobedo Case.

                                                            Correspondence and legal suit concerned with Thomas L. Escobedo.  1969.


                        Fine and Waltzen - Lionel J. Fleury, et al. v. OPSB.  1969.


                        "527 Speaks."

                                    n.d., 1969 - 1970. (See also "Newspaper Clippings").


                        Florida (Local AFT).

                                    Florida AFT Song Book.  n.d.


                        Forms.  n.d.


                        [Alcee] Fortier [Senior High School].



                        [National] Foundation Digest.

                                    November 1969 - January 1970; Dialogue, December 1969.


                        Grievance Materials and Communications.

                                    n.d., 1960 - 1967.


                        Hiawatha Street - Staff Desegregation.



                        Human Relations Committee.

                                    1969 - 1970.


135-7              Hursey, Howard.

                                                            Correspondence and related material concerned with Hursey, AFT National Representative.  1965 - 1966.


                        Illinois Union Teacher.

                                    March, 1971; March 17, 1971.


                        [AFT] Income Tax.

                                    Reference material, ca. 1967.


                        Insurance - Fidelity Bond.

                                    Duplicate, November 1, 1966.


                        Insurance - General.

                                    Correspondence, n.d., 1967.


                        Insurance - Group AFT.

                                                            Correspondence and insurance proposal plans.  n.d., ca. 1948, 1968 - 1969.


                        Insurance - Lloyds of London, Cases Current for Manuel J. Foy.



                        Insurance - Lloyds of London, Cases Current for Elvar Montgomery.

                                    1967 - 1968.


                        Insurance - Lloyds of London, (Legislation Union).

                                    Correspondence, notes, booklets, n.d., 1964 - 1970.


                        Insurance - Lloyds of London, (Occupational Liability).

                                    n.d., 1966.


                        (Auto) Insurance Plan - Aetna Life.

                                    Correspondence, pamphlets, forms, n.d., 1969.


                        Insurance - Travelers Bond on Office Equipment.

                                    November 1, 1966.


                        Issues Forum.

                                                            Description of program established at Urban Studies Center, Tulane University.  1969.


                        Jeffer - Max.

                                    Correspondence and lease agreements 1967 - 1969.


                        Jefferson Teachers.

                                    Correspondence n.d., 1952 - 1961.


                        Job Descriptions.

                                                            Information on requirements for the positions of "secretary," "president," and "vice-president," n.d.; correspondence, 1967.


                        Job Description.  Executive Secretary.



                        Joint Boards, 353-527.

                                                            Correspondence, forms, and bulletins from both the New Orleans Teachers' Federation and United Teachers of New Orleans.  n.d., ca. 1954 - 1961.


135-8              Laws of Alaska.

                                                            An act relating to mediation and negotiation procedures for teachers.  House Bill 391, 1970.


Lease for Office - 740 Poydras Street.  AFT 527.

                                    Lease Agreement and correspondence.  1969 - 1972.


                        Legal Case - Gayle, Shirley W.



                        Legal Case - Haynes, John.



                        Legal Opinions.

                                                            Correspondence from Louisiana Attorney General Jack P.F. Gremillion to the Superintendent, Bogalusa City Schools, M.J. Israel.  July 30, 1969.


                        (1972) Legislative Contributions.

                                    Rosters.  1972.


                        (1972) Legislative Drive.

                                    Memoranda and handbills, 1972.


                        Legislative Fund - October 1968.

                                    Roster of contributors, 1967 - 1968.


                        (1971) Legislative Fund.

                                    Correspondence and roster of contributors, 1971.


                        Local 60 - Office & Professional Employees International Union - Contract.

                                    ca. 1966 - 1968.


                                    Local 527 - Social Security and Withholding, General Fund, Derby File, 1968.

                                    1967 - 1969.


                                    Local 527 - Social Security and Withholding Returns, General Fund Only, 1968.

                                    1967 - 1968.


                                    Local 527 - Social Security and Withholding Tax, Co-org Account Only, 1968.

                                    1968 - 1969.


                        Local 1130 - AFT Delgado.

                                    Position paper, correspondence, n.d., ca. 1968.


                        Local 1560.

                                                            Newsletter from the East Baton Rouge Classroom Teachers Federation.  February 27, 1967.


                        (Sec.) Local.

                                    Correspondence.  January 12, 1970.


                        Locals of AFT in Louisiana Per Capita.

                                    Roster.  January 9, 1969.


135-9              Louisiana State Federation of Teachers, (2 folders)>

                                    Folder 1: Correspondence and pamphlets.  1967 - 1969.

                                                            Folder 2: Constitution and By-Laws, correspondence.  n.d., 1968 - 1971.


                                    Louisiana State Federation of Teachers - Auditing, Budgeting, Membership Committee (Co-Chairman: Eugene Didier, Nat Lacour).

                                    Minutes of meetings, notes, financial reports.  n.d., 1969 - 1971.


                        Louisiana (State) Federation of Teachers (Fontaine).

                                                            Constitution and by-laws, newsletters, minutes of 1965 convention. n.d., 1965 - 1968.


                        Louisiana Federation of Teachers Convention, November 24, 1969.

                                    Correspondence, agenda, roster of delegates.  November 24, 1969.


                        Louisiana State Labor Council.  AFT - CIO.

                                    Resolution folder from 4th Annual Convention.  April, 1959.


                        Mailing Permits, 1967.


                        Mailings Sent Out, 1968.

                                    Form letters and handbills sent to AFT membership.  n.d., 1968.


                        (James) McPherson.

                                                            Correspondence and legal cases handled by McPherson as attorney for AFT, Local 527.  1969 - 1970.


                        Carl Megal (2 Folders).

                                    Folder 1: Poem "The Teacher's Day"  n.d.

                                    Folder 2: Correspondence, n.d., 1952 - 1961.



                                    Notes, correspondence, roster, n.d., 1966 - 1967.


                        Membership - Corrections.  n.d.


                        Membership Drive and Information.

                                    Rosters and correspondence.  n.d., 1967.


                        Membership - Election of Officers.

                                    Minutes of meetings; rosters.  n.d., ca. 1971.


                        Membership List - Alphabetical.

                                                            Roster, correspondence, reference material on "teachers right to strike."  n.d., 1966 - 1967, 1969.


                        Membership List - By Schools.



                        Membership Meeting Attendance.

                                    Rosters.  1971.


                        Membership Meeting - 527.

                                                            Correspondence, notes, rosters, n.d., 1967 - 1968, minutes of Executive Board of Local 527, January 24, 1967.


                        Membership Meeting Minutes.  (4 folders).

                                    Folder 1: n.d., 1968 - 1969.

                                    Folder 2: 1969 - 1970.

                                    Folder 3: 1970 - 1971.

                                    Folder 4: n.d., 1969, 1971 - 1972.


135-10            Memo From COPE.

                                    Serial published by Committee on Political Education.  1969 - 1971.


                        Memos to Betty Pierce.

                                    May 10, 1968.


                        Merger, AFT-NEA.

                                    Correspondence.  January 26, 1970.


                        Merit Rating.

                                    Magazine article.  n.d.


                        [AFT] Militancy Fund Campaign.

                                    Correspondence.  January 19, 1970.


                        Milwaukee Federation of Teachers, Local 252.

                                    Correspondence.  January 23, 1970.


                        More Effective Schools (MES).

                                                            Correspondence, newspaper clipping, reference material.  n.d., 1970.


                        [More Effective Schools] MES Bulletins, Local 527.

                                    Rosters, reference information, photographs.  n.d., 1964, 1967.


                        [More Effective Schools] MES Committee.

                                    Correspondence, rosters.  n.d., 1967.


                        (Committee) MES Evaluation.

                                    Newspaper clippings.  1967.


                        MES - N.Y. Campaigns.

                                    Reference material.  1966 - 1967.


                        Miscellaneous [created from random documents].

                                    Correspondence, reference material.  n.d., 1965 - 1968.


                        Miscellaneous (Eugene Didier), President.

                                    Correspondence.  1969.


                        Miscellaneous Notices.

                                    n.d., 1969 - 1970.


135-11            Music Teachers.

                                                            Minutes of AFT, Local #527 meeting, December 5, 1968; roster of music teachers connected with New Orleans Public School System.  1968, 1970.


                        National Bank of Commerce.

                                    Correspondence.  August 25, 1970.


                        National Defense.

                                    Correspondence.  1968 - 1969.

National Observer.

                                    Newspaper clipping.  n.d.


                        Negotiations - Proposals.

                                    1969 - 1970.


                        New Careers - Job Description.



                        New Orleans Classroom Teachers Federation.

                                                            Bulletins issued by the Federation.  ca. 1940, March 1944, February 1945.


                        New Orleans League of Classroom Teachers, Local 527.

                                    Correspondence and reference information.  1943 - 1944, 1966.


                        New Orleans Public Schools [Annual Report 1955 - 1956].

                                    (See also "Orleans Parish School Board" and "School Board")


                        New Orleans Public Schools Educational Secretaries Association.

                                    Form letter.  January 27, 1967.



                                                            Newsletter, New Orleans Post Office, February 1970; Washington Newsletter, January 1970; February 1970; IUD Newsletter, February 1970.


                        News Media.

                                    List of local news editors and airlines.  n.d.


                        Newspaper Clippings (2 Folders).

                                    Folder 1: 527 in the News, 1969.

                                    Folder 2: Various clippings.  n.d., 1940 - 1970.


                        Notices - 527.

                                    n.d., 1966 - 1969.


                                    OEA [Orleans Educators' Association] Anti-Collective Bargaining and Anti-Strike Literature.



                        OEA Publications and Flyers.

                                    n.d., 1969 - 1972.


                                    Office & Professional Employees.  International Union - Local No. 60 Contract.



                        Office and Staff State Federations.

                                    Reference material on collective bargaining.  n.d., 1970.


                        Office Rentals.

                                                            Leases and pamphlets on local rental properties.  n.d., 1971 - 1972.


                        Office Supplies.

                                    Receipt for office materials.  1969.


                                    Orleans Parish School Board - Budget for Capital Improvements and Debt Services.

                                                            1970 - 1971.  (See also "New Orleans Public Schools" and "School Board").


                                    Orleans Parish School Board - Emergency Assistance Program.  n.d., 1970 - 1971.


                        Orleans Parish School Board - Enrollment Facts and Figures.

                                    October 12, 1966.


                        Orleans Parish School Board Forms (2 folders).

                                    Folder 1: n.d.

                                    Folder 2: Presentation Forms


                        Orleans Parish School Board, 1968 Legislative Bulletin No. 3

                                                            OPSB Legislative Bulletin No. 3, May 29, 1968; correspondence, May 14, 1969.


                        Orleans Parish School Board, Office of the Superintendent.

                                    Correspondence.  1969.


                        Orleans Parish School Board, Personnel Panel.  (2 folders).

                                    Folder 1: n.d., 1968

                                    Folder 2: 1969 - 1970


                        Orleans Parish School Board - Propaganda to Teachers.

                                    1968 - 1969.


135-12            Orleans Parish School Board Releases - '69 Strike.

                                    Bulletins, correspondence and releases.  1969.


                                    Orleans Parish School Board and New Orleans Public Schools Rules and Regulations.  1930.


                        Orleans Parish School Board Calendars.

                                    1968 - 1972.


                        Orleans Parish School Board, Teacher Rights Bulletin.

                                    September 20, 1967 (2 copies).


                        Orleans Parish School Board - Transmittal Lists '68 - '69.


                                    Payroll Members - 1971 (Alphabetical Listing -- Addresses and Phone Numbers)


                        Per Capita Reports (AFT Orleans Parish)

                                    1970 - 1971.


                        Personnel Advisory Committee.  February 18, 1970.


                        Personnel Department - Forms, P.D. 16


                        Personnel Panel of Teachers.

                                    1969 - 1970.


                        Petitions (f Folders)

                                    Folder 1: n.d., 1949 - 1954

                                    Folder 2: 1971 Session, La. Legislature.



135-14            Photographs, n.d., 1945 - 1982.  Inventory included with photographs.


135-15                  "(The) Plight of The Black Teacher in New Orleans."  Article by Lamar Smith, Chemistry and Physics Teacher, G. W. Carver Senior High School.  n.d.


                        Political Action - November 5, 1968 (School Board Election)

                                    Newspaper clippings, correspondence, notes.  1968.


                        Postage Records - 1966.


                        Press Releases.

                                    n.d., 1971.


                        Progressive Caucus Newsletter.

                                    Correspondence and reference information.  n.d., 1970.


                        Public Relations Committee.

                                    Correspondence.  n.d., 1966.


                        [Orleans Parish] Public School Membership by Race.

                                    October 6, 1969.


                        Publication Material.

                                    n.d., 1968.


                        Publications (9 Folders).

                                    Folder 1: AFT, General, 1967.

                                    Folder 2: AFT News January 1968.

                                    Folder 3: AFT Washington Newsletter November 1967.

                                    Folder 4: AFT Washington D.C. Teacher December 1967.

                                    Folder 5: American Teacher March 1968.

                                    Folder 6: Miscellaneous publications n.d., 1967 - 1973.

                                                            Folder 7: San Francisco teacher publications for the San Francisco Federation of Teachers.  n.d., 1967 - 1968.

                                    Folder 8: United Federation of Teachers.  1968.

                                    Folder 9: The United Teacher 1967, 1968.


135-16                              Racism in Education

                                                            Reference material on conference: Education v. Racism: Challenging The Myths, held in Denver, Colo., April 26-27, 1968.


                        Dr. [James] Redmond - Correspondence

                                                            Correspondence to and from Redmond while he was Super­intendent of OPSB.  n.d., 1953 - 1957.


                        Regional Directors, 527.

                                    October 19, 1967.


                        Report - Treasury.

                                    January 1, 1970, (2 copies).



                                    Confirmation of hotel accommodations for Hasket Derby.  1968.


                        Resolutions - Membership, 527.

                                    October 10, 1966.


                        Retirement (4 Folders).

                                                            Folder 1: General reference material from the New Orleans Teachers Retirement System.  n.d., 1969 - 1971.

                                    Folder 2: AFT, n.d., 1967.

                                    Folder 3: Board Election, 1968 - 1969.

                                    Folder 4: Forms, and general reference material, 1970.


                        Rights of Teachers and Teacher Organizations.

                                                            Information originating from Orleans Parish School Board.  September 3, 1965 - ca. 1969.


                        Salary Schedule.

                                    Statistical information from varied sources.  n.d., 1968 - 1970.


                        Salary Schedule (Comparative) AFT v. NEA 1969 - 1970.


                        Salaries - Teachers.

                                                            Salary schedule of New Orleans public school teachers.  January 1, 1967.


                        [Orleans Parish] School Board.

                                                            Notes, correspondence, news clippings and material relating to the teachers' strike of 1966.  ca. 1948 - 1967.


                        [Orleans Parish] School Board Election 1968.

                                    Financial statements, correspondence and related material.  1968.


                        [Orleans Parish] School Board Election 1970.

                                    Correspondence, newsletters, handbill.  1970.


                        Secretarial Employments for 527.

                                    n.d., 1967.


                        Social Security - 1971.

                                    Statistical information.  1971.


                        Spears, Mack.

                                    Biographical information and correspondence.  n.d., 1970.


                        Staff Directories.

                                    1968 - 1969.


135-17            Strike Fund.

                                    Correspondence.  n.d., 1966 - 1967.


                        Strike, 1969.

                                    Report Number 1821 and correspondence.  1969.


                        Strike (Teachers Out on Strike).

                                    n.d., 1966.


                        Student Teacher Groups.

                                    Correspondence.  1966.


                        Substitutes - Day by Day.

                                    Listings and report.  n.d.


                                    Suits: (1) Petition for Temporary Injunction; (2) Judgment; (3) Analysis - Certification; (4) Temporary Teachers Desiring to be Plaintiffs.

                                    Correspondence and suits.  n.d., 1968.


                        Supporting Groups.

                                    Material on local public accommodation ordinance.  ca. 1969.


                        Teacher Duty.

                                    Correspondence and schedule.  1968 - 1969.


                        Teacher Retirement Board Minutes.

                                                            Board Minutes, May 22, 1968, June 26, 1968, December 17, 1969; correspondence, 1970.


                        Teachers Appointed, 1968 - 1969.


                        Teachers Optional - 12 Months Pay Plan (National American Bank).

                                    n.d., 1965, 1966.


                        Teachers' Union Articles.

                                    Reference information from varied sources.  n.d., 1967 - 1970.


                        Teachers Union Bulletin - Newark [N.J.]

                                    n.d., 1971.



                                    1969 - 1970.


                        Telephoning File.

                                    Rosters.  n.d., ca. 1965.


                        Temporary Teachers and Long Term Substitutes.

                                    n.d., ca. 1963.


                        Temporary Teachers - Case; Muse, Audrey.



                        Temporary Teachers - Suits Filed for Back Pay.

                                    1966 - 1968.


                        Title One Schools, New Orleans, 1975.

                                    Statistical Information.


135-18            Traffic Tickets at Workshop - August 1967.

                                    Correspondence.  1967.


                        Transfer Policy.

                                    n.d., 1967.


                        Transmittal Sheets from Latopie's Office.

                                    ca. 1965 - 1967.


                        Treasurer - Carpenter, George.

                                    Correspondence and financial reports.  1967 - 1968.


                        Treasurer - Material Sent to Office By Treasurer.

                                    1966 - 1967.


                        The Union Stand.

                                    Handbills emanating from AFT Local 524.  n.d.


                        Union Teacher Press Association.

                                    Correspondence and bulletins.  n.d., 1970.


                        United States Senate.

                                    Correspondence.  September 23, 1969.


                        Urban League of Greater New Orleans.

                                    Correspondence and rester.  n.d., 1970.


                        UTNO Hotline.

                                    Hand bill.  n.d.


                        Vice President Reports [Veronica Hill], n.d., 1952 - 1962.


                        Washington Newsletter.

                                                            A serial emanating from the office of the American Federation of Teachers.  1969.


                        Washington Teachers' Union.

                                    Constitution and correspondence.  1969 - 1970.


                        Wessell, William F.

                                                            Correspondence generated while Wessell served as AFT attorney. 1969.


                        Wessell - Teachers Arrested on April 14, 1969.

                                    Brief and related information.  1969.


   135-19       UTNO Oral History Interviews [created at UNO] (2 folders).

                                                            Folder 1: Veronica Hill, narrator/president of UTNO, 1937 - 1969; Leatrice R. Roberts, interviewer, 10/7/83.

                                                            Folder 2: Nat Lacour, narrator/president of UTNO, 1972 - ; Beatrice Owsley, interviewer.  4/18/88.  Also        included is biographical information on Lacour, a copy of the questionnaire prepared for the interview and photographs of Lacour taken after the session.

                                                            Folder 3: Veronica Hill, narrator, Edie Ambrose, interviewer, 11/7/90.  Taped interview and transcription included.

Index Terms


Labor unions—Louisiana—New Orleans

Lacour, Nat