Spring 2025 - Reservations for Group Study and Zoom rooms end at 8 pm Sunday - Thursday.
Only currently enrolled UNO students may reserve these rooms. There are 16 group study rooms for students to reserve for group work and six Zoom rooms for individuals to reserve for online classwork. Please note that the University Administration or the Library may reserve these rooms for special events such as the Homer Hitt Scholarship interviews and InnovateUNO. Please ask for assistance at the Library Services Desk to locate these rooms or check the library's floor maps.
Take care of our reserved study rooms! The groups or individuals who use the rooms are responsible for keeping them clean and graffiti-free. The Library will document users who do not clean up after using the room. Repeated issues with cleanliness and/or graffiti will lead to the suspension of reservation privileges. Rooms that are too dirty for use will be removed from the schedule until they can be cleaned. Room keys must remain in the Library!
Group Study Rooms can be reserved for up to four (4) hours a day.
Reserved Group Study Rooms in the Learning Commons (rooms 1-5) have a table, chairs, a whiteboard with markers and erasers, and wireless internet access.
Reserved Group Study Rooms on the Library's 2nd Floor (rooms 41-46) have a table, chairs, whiteboards and wireless internet access.
Reserved Group Study Rooms on the Library's 4th Floor (418-423 and 425-428) have a table, chairs, whiteboard, a 42" wall-mounted computer monitor, and wireless internet access.
Zoom Rooms on the second floor, rooms 55, 56, 59, 60, 63, and 64, can be reserved for up to two (2) hours per day.
Other General Info:
All library group study and Zoom rooms are reserved online on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Library is divided into study zones.
Floor 1
The first floor is a collaboration zone. Groups are welcome to meet in study rooms or in the open study space. Normal conversational sound levels are expected.
Floor 2
Library users seeking a quieter study floor will find this on the second floor. Researchers on this floor expect others to keep conversation levels low (whispers). Group Study rooms on this floor are available by reservation only. Once your reservation is confirmed, you may check out the room key at the Library's Services Desk. Added in 2023, the Library offers six (6) Zoom rooms for two-hour individual reservation. These rooms are intended for students needing a quiet place to attend an online class.
Floor 3
Library users seeking silence will find this on the third floor. Group work is discouraged on this floor in favor of individual work. This floor also hosts the Midlo Center, the Honors Program, and the Innovation Lab. These three spaces are excluded from the "silence is golden" policy on this floor. Food and drinks are allowed on this floor except near the computers in the Innovation and Game Development Labs.
Floor 4
Scholarly and quiet are expected of students on this floor. The group study rooms are by reservation only. Once your reservation is confirmed, you may check out the room key at the Library's Services Desk. This floor also has a Quiet Computer Lab and Quiet Study Space for student use.