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Non-Circulating Materials Policy


Restricted Items
Books in this category include bibliographies, encyclopedias, reference materials, and other items which do not circulate regularly. Such items may be stamped DO NOT CIRCULATE or RESTRICTED CIRCULATION. These items can be checked out for three days In Library Use Only Such items may not be checked out and do not leave the building. These items are stamped In Library Use Only. Reference books, indexes and the following is a list of items which are considered in library use only:

American Educator Childhood Education Education
Education Digest Educational Horizons Educational Leadership
Educational Technology Exceptional Children Gifted Child Today
Instructor Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy Journal of Learning Disabilities
Learning Mathematics Teacher Newsweek
Reading Horizons Reading Improvement Reading Teacher
T.H.E. Journal Teaching Exceptional Children Teaching Pre-K
Time U.S. News and World Report Young Children

NOTE: Most other newspapers fall under this item category as well.

Bound Periodicals
Such items may be checked out by graduate students, staff and faculty. The checkout period varies according

Current Periodicals
Such items may be checked out by graduate students, staff and faculty with the exception of the aforementioned high use items stamped In Library Use Only. The checkout period varies according to the category of the borrower.