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Honor a Special Occasion or Achievement

Celebrate someone’s accomplishment, such as graduation, or a birthday, retirement, or other special event. Say thanks to a member of the faculty or staff who helped you. Commemorate a milestone in your life, such as the anniversary of receiving your UNO degree. By making a tax-deductible gift toward the purchase of a book or other library item in his or her name, you will provide resources for the students of the future. You may choose to enhance learning in any of the following subject areas:

star Anthropology star Geography
star Biology star History
star Business star Louisiana Studies
star Chemistry star Mathematics
star Computer Science star Music
star Earth & Environmental Science star Philosophy
star Education star Physics
star English star Political Science
star Film, Theater, and Communication Arts star Psychology
star Fine Arts star Sociology
star Foreign Languages star Urban Studies
star General Reference star No preference


Library Book Stacks



Librarians will select a book or other learning resource close in price to the amount of your gift. A bookplate and the library’s catalog record for the item will include a note identifying the honoree, and you and the honoree will receive written acknowledgments. Please print out and mail the Earl K. Long Library Memorial/Honor Gift Form with your donation.