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Public Access Computers Use: Policy

Visitor, Public, and Student Computers Use Policy


This policy governs all public access computers housed in and administered by the Library. Student computer use is also governed by the University's Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology and by the Student Code of Conduct. The University’s Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology provides overall parameters and applies to all users of UNO information technology systems, including students, faculty, staff, and guests of the University.

Statement of Purpose

The Earl K. Long Library at the University of New Orleans provides computer resources to members of the UNO community and to the general public in support of the University's mission to serve the educational and cultural needs of the metropolitan New Orleans area. Many library resources, including the Library's Catalog, are available electronically. The primary purpose of the library's public computers is to provide access to library and other information resources.

General Principles

Statement of Responsibility for the Use of Internet Resources
The Library subscribes to many resources that are available through the Internet. These resources and other selected free Internet resources are made available through the Library's web page. However, the Library cannot control the information available over the Internet and is not responsible for its content. The Internet contains a wide variety of material and opinions from various points of view. Not all sources provide information that is accurate, complete or current, and some may be offensive to some viewers. The ultimate responsibility for Internet usage through Library computer resources by individuals under the age of eighteen shall be with that individual's parent or guardian.

The UNO Library endorses the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights as well as its Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries, which support open access to information and denounce censorship. Users should properly evaluate Internet resources according to their academic and research needs. Users should also be aware of copyright restrictions and fair use, and are expected to comply with such laws in their use of library computers.

Priority Use
The primary purpose of the library's computers is to support learning and research through access to library collections and other information resources. Those using public access computers for recreational purposes such as games may be asked to relinquish them. Among those users doing research, priority is given to UNO students, faculty and staff, and researchers using the Federal Depository Collection. Other users may be asked to relinquish use of computers.

The Library reserves the right to ensure that public access computers are used in the manner for which they are intended. On the first offense, the patron will be informed of the restrictions on the use of public access computers. If the patron continues to ignore library policy he or she will be asked to leave the workstation and may be denied library computer privileges in the future.

Patrons are prohibited from the following activities due to limited resources and system security:
Downloading, installing or running software (other than HTML, Javascript) not provided by the library.
Reconfiguring workstations or changing Internet browser preferences.
Attempting to access secure systems or servers.
Disconnection of a UNO PC or connection of an unauthorized laptop to a network port.


Printing from Library computers is through a pay-for-print system called GoPrint. Complaints or requests for credit for problem printouts should be directed to the UCC.
Students may add value to their GoPrint accounts using PayPal, a credit card or at the campus bursar's counter. The minimum amount that can be added electronically is $0.75. The minimum amount added through the bursar is $5.
Students receive $5 of free printing each semester. Students are charged $0.05/page once they have used their allocation.
Instructions and additional information about printing are available on the campus IT website.



April 19, 2000; revised March 26, 2003, July 24, 2003, January 20, 2005, February 16, 2005, May 31, 2005, June 17, 2011. July 13, 2012, February 19, 2014, September 10, 2018, August 11, 2019, August 24, 2020