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Library Policies

Library Chat Services Policy

Chat Policy

While we strive to provide assistance to all users with regards to the UNO Library and its collections, our primary goal is to provide assistance to the UNO community (i.e. students, faculty, and staff). The chat service is available during library hours of operation. After hours, you can contact the library by emailing us at

Appropriate Use

  • The chat service is best used to provide basic information, such as:
  • How to use OneSearch and/or the online catalog
  • How to find and use library databases
  • How to access various library resources
  • Informational, directional, or quick-answer questions
  • General questions about the Earl K. Long Library, its collections, and its policies.

Extensive research questions are allowed but may be redirected to the appropriate Subject Specialist, as the user will be served better by talking to the appropriate librarian. The user can also visit us during library hours or call us at 504-280-6549. We, however, cannot provide any medical, legal, or financial advice, whether online, on the phone, or in person.

Inappropriate Use

  • Chat sessions may be terminated if the service is abused. This includes:
  • Inappropriate or rude language
  • Harassment of any kind, including the same user opening multiple chats
  • Repeated off-topic questions
  • Inappropriate or abusive use of the service

The user will receive one warning about this policy. If the user continues inappropriate behavior, his/her IP address will be blocked for 24 hours. Upon being blocked a third time, the library will block the harassing IP address for three months.

Privacy Policy

All chats are logged by LibraryH3lp to help the library analyze the amount and types of questions asked to determine appropriate staffing of the service. The chats are also used as a measure of quality control to ensure that our reference team is providing the best service possible. The information collected is restricted to reference librarians and staff. Since the service does not require user’s personal information, any information specific to individuals (such as name, contact information) will only be used for follow-up and with the prior consent of the user. IP address information, which the chat logs automatically, will only be used to block users that consistently abuse the service as outlined in the Inappropriate Use section.


Approved by Learning Commons Team 03/19/14