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Food and Drink in the Library: Food and Drink Policy

Food and Drink Policy

Food and Drink Policy

To foster an inclusive environment that is conducive to studying, please follow these policies:

  • Feel free to have food and drinks in covered containers in most areas (Food Free Areas listed below)
  • Avoid foods that might be disruptive or create an unpleasant experience for others (e.g., foods that are strong-smelling or that generate noise), especially on the Silent Study Floor (Floor 3)
  • Throw away all trash, and clean up after yourself when you leave your study spot. You will find paper towel dispensers and cleaning spray on each floor

Food and Drink free Areas:

  • Louisiana and Special Collections Reading Room
  • 3D Print Studio

Food-Free Areas:

  • Media editing computers (320)
  • Game Development Lab (318)


Accidents happen. If you spill your drink, please use paper towels to mop up the spill and notify the Library Services Desk (first floor lobby) staff immediately. If the spill is too large to clean up with a few paper towels, the Services staff can request assistance from the custodial staff.

Spills that are cleaned up quickly are less likely to leave a stain or encourage the proliferation of pests.