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We've changed our membership cycle. Memberships are now on the calendar year from January through December.

In 1977 the Friends of the UNO Library began raising money by selling hot dogs at UNO’s April Fest. The fund-raising continued, with used books quickly replacing hot dogs as the merchandise. Now there are two used book sales each academic year, an annual raffle, and other fund-raising activities. Each year the Friends raise thousands of dollars for new library materials and to help support staff development. Our goals are:

  • To support the UNO Library as an essential part of the university, raising funds and encouraging gifts to enhance its collections;
  • To support the development of library services, facilities, and human resources;
  • To provide a medium through which members can share their enthusiasm for books and the library;
  • To sponsor and support lectures and other events appropriate to the aims of the library.

Please join us today!

Join the Friends of the UNO Library!



Watch this space for news!

Spring Used Book Sale Dates

April 10 - 12, 2025


If you have books you'd like to donate to our used book sales, please call UNO Library Admin at (504) 280-6556.

If you would like to donate books to the UNO Library, contact the Friends of the Library at 504-280-6556 or through their Facebook page.  While some titles that match the library's collecting parameters may be added to the library collection, most donated books will go to the Friends of the Library book sale.  Proceeds from the book sale support purchase of new materials and equipment as well as professional development opportunities for library staff. 


How to Find Us

Friends Membership

Complete the application and mail your check or pay online through the UNO Foundation:

Or pay online at:
UNO Giving - The screen should look like the one below with the blue link below to "support another designation."

Choose "Other Amount" for the donation amount.

Support another Designation:  Friends of the Library

Add your membership category in the amount field.

In the box: "Please advise another fund if not listed above (optional)" add the comment: Membership Dues