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ENGL 1158--Householder Spring 2025: Welcome

Introductory sources and services for Ms. Householder's English 1158 students


Welcome! In our session today, we are going to explore some ideas about information, doing research, and make friends with the library website. I will guide you through and am happy to answer questions now and in the future. Find me at or 504-280-6548. 

The Tip of the Iceberg

Database Search Strategy

Database searching is a repetitive learning exercise; the more you practice, the better you get. Many databases function similarly: a basic search engine plus a set of relatively sophisticated limiting functions. 

Search interfaces have common features: the ability to search for topics by a keyword (like using Google), an author, the title of an article, a review, or a specific subject. The search parameters can sometimes be specialized according to subject matter indexed by a particular database.  One of the most important things you can do to learn about a database is to check the section (often in upper right-hand corner) labelled 'Help'. It will often define the terms you see listed in a database, and once you learn them you will find they are common to many databases.

Common limits you will see include ways to restrict your search to a specific time period, i.e. 2002- to the present, to filter out peer-reviewed from popular materials, to a certain journal, to a specific author, or publisher. All of these can be profitably used to narrow your search to retrieve high-quality citations and articles for your research. For help in database searching, please contact me (contact information on the right)   or contact the library's reference service via email or chat

Evaluating and re-evaluating search results gives you ideas for refining your search and retrieving more targeted results. Scan the titles of the articles in your search result list. Note any subjects included in the description. For an article that has a promising title, click on it and check the abstract--that will give you a good idea of the scope of the article. Is it entirely appropriate or partially appropriate to your research topic? You can profit from both varieties, but at the beginning of your search process, it is best to focus on articles that you can use in its entirety.

Connecting to full text is your next task. Many databases will offer you a link to the full text, but it isn't always available in every database. There are several options, in that case. The first is to check our catalog and find the journal in print. Using the citation from the database (you can often email yourself the full citation, sometimes in your preferred citation style), you can search the catalog and locate the item in the 2nd floor Periodical stacks. Copiers are located on the 1st and 2nd floors.

If UNO does not own the book or article you need you can use UNO's Interlibrary Loan service. Click on 'First Time Users' to create your personal account. Typical transit times are 7-10 days for printed materials and 1-4 days for online items. 

For help in searching, finding and using complete citations and questions about how to obtain materials, chat with a librarian online or contact me, Hannah White at 504-280-6548 and

All the Most Useful Library Tools in One Place


Simple Keyword Search 

Advanced Search 

Go to the RESERVES search page

Faculty members place textbooks and other materials in the Library for student use. Students may search the database by instructor name, course abbreviation, or course number to check for available course materials.

Example searches

Course Name is the first two to four letters of the course abbreviation. 

ENGL will retrieve English followed by courses that follow in alphabetical order.

Course ID is both the abbreviation and course number

Searching ENGL 1158 will retrieve this course at the top of the results list

Instructor Name

Searching Blankenship will retrieve this name at the top of the results list.

Search our Research Databases for full text articles and citations.

A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X Y Z

Browse the list of UNO Library databases by title or subject.

Go to Publications Finder Main Page

Search: Library Publications
Limit Your Results

Writing Help

The UNO Writing Center helps writers of all kinds by appointment and (now) walk-ins at the Liberal Arts building, room 334. All of their services are available in persona and on Zoom. Check out their website to learn more and book your own appointment: UNO Writing Center

A Last Word

Should you have questions, the library has answers for you! You can contact me at my coordinates above, you can call the Services desk at 504-280-6355 or chat with librarians online here:

Help is available. Don't waste your time being frustrated about not finding what you need or want in the library. We can help answer questions and get you going in the right direction! 

Please take my Class Survey. Much appreciated! 

Information Literacy Librarian

Profile Photo
Hannah White
Earl K. Long Library
Room 432

Research Worksheet

Tools You Can Use to Search

UNO Library Catalog (best for print books, e-books, and location of printed journals)

Recommended Databases:

Research Consultations

Research consultations are available to every student by appointment with a  librarian.

Previous to your appointment,  your librarian will ask for  a description of your project, due date, and what you hope to gain from the session. We tailor the session to your immediate research needs and offer follow-up appointments, as necessary.  Please use this form to request a research consultation.