Lily-Livered by Hanks, Wren; Jerrod Schwarz (Editor)
"'On Earth, a fish barricades her den / and emerges male two months later, / melon-head worthy of brawling and teeth,' announces one of the brilliant sectioned poems central to Lily-livered. 'On Mars, the sunset is blue. / She asks me about this second life / of red dirt, burnt skin. What do you enjoy // about being a man?' Although framed by a series of 'transiversaries,' to describe this collection in diaristic terms would not do justice to the overlay of questions raised around gender, beauty, diet, desire, violence, medication and self-medication. An interest in refrain and cyclical structures anchors us, pleasingly counterbalanced against enjambment and an adventuresome sense of the line; we welcome cultural cameos from Shakespeare, HBO, and indie rock. This is a stunning read that showcases a sophisticated, exciting approach to contemporary poetics." -Sandra Beasley, Count the Waves
Call Number: PS3608 .A715223 L55 2021
ISBN: 9781949065107
Publication Date: 2021-03-02