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U.S. Census Resources: Print Resources for Louisiana Census

Louisiana Census Information 1940 - 2000

Print, microfiche, and CD/DVD resources related to Louisiana for the 1940-2000 censuses. Report numbers and/or SuDoc numbers, when available, are listed in red. Materials are located in the government documents office, room 311, on the third floor of the library.

Historical Data for New Orleans

Fee based access to electronic data from 1940-1970 is available from the National Archives

1940 | 1950 | 1960 | 1970 | 1980 | 1990 | 2000

Census of Population: Louisiana C 3.224/9
Census of Population and Housing: Statistics for Census Tracts: New Orleans, LA
Census of Housing: Block Statistics: New Orleans, LA C 3.224/5:940/142
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Census of Housing: General Characteristics of the Population: Volume II, Part 18: Louisiana. H-A18

Census of Housing: Nonfarm Housing Characteristics: New Orleans, LA (SMSA) H-B100

Census of Population: Census Tracts:
Baton Rouge, LA PHC(1)-14
New Orleans, LA P-D36 or C 3.1950-72:P-D 36
Census Tract Street Index for the New Orleans Metropolitan Area (published by Tulane University)
Shreveport, LA PHC(1)-143

Census of Housing: Block Statistics: New Orleans, LA H-E123

Census of the Population: Vol. 1: Characteristics of the Population: Part 20: Louisiana C 223/9:960/pt.20
Census of Housing: Louisiana HC(1)-20 or C 3.224/3:960/20
Census of Housing: Metropolitan Housing: New Orleans, LA (SMSA) HC(2)-126 or C 3.224/4:960/148
Census of Population and Housing: Census Tracts: New Orleans, LA (SMSA) PHC(1)-103 or C 3.223/11:960/144
Census of Housing: City Blocks: New Orleans, LA HC(3)-174
Census of Housing: Special Reports for Local Housing Authorities HC(S1), No. 62
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Census of Housing: Vol. 1: Housing Characteristics for States, Cities, and Counties: Part 20: Louisiana C 3.224/3:970/v.1/pt.20

Census of the Population: Vol. 1: Characteristics of the Population: Part 20: Louisiana C 3.223/9:970/V.1/PT.20

Census of Population: General Population Characteristics: Louisiana PC(1)-B20. C 3.223/6:970/B20

Census of Population and Housing: Metropolitan Housing Characteristics:
Baton Rouge, LA (SMSA) HC(2)-21 or C 3.224/4:970/21
Lafayette, LA (SMSA) HC(2)-105 or C 3.224/4:970/105
Lake Charles, LA (SMSA) HC(2)-107 or C 3.224/4:970/107
Monroe, LA (SMSA) HC(2)-138 or C 3.224/4:970/138
New Orleans, LA (SMSA) HC(2)-148 or C 3.224/4:970/148
Shreveport, LA (SMSA) HC(2)-203 or C 3.224/4:970/203

Census of Population and Housing: Employment Profiles of Selected Low-Income Areas. New Orleans, LA PHC(3)-44 or C 3.223/17:970/44

Census of Population and Housing: Census Tracts:
Baton Rouge, LA (SMSA) PHC(1)-20 or C 3.223/11:970/20
Lafayette, LA (SMSA) PHC(1)-102 or C 3.223/11:970/102
Lake Charles, LA (SMSA) PHC(1)-104 or C 3.223/11:970/104
Monroe, LA (SMSA) PHC(1)-135 or C 3.223/11:970/135
New Orleans, LA (SMSA) PHC(1)-144 or C 3.223/11:970/144
Shreveport, LA (SMSA) PHC(1)97 or C 3.223/11:970/197

Census of Housing: Block Statistics:
Baton Rouge, LA HC(3)-97 or C 3.224/5:970/97
Lafayette, LA HC(3)-98 or C 3.224/5:970/98
Lake Charles, LA HC(3)-99 or C 3.224/5:970/99
Monroe, LA HC(3)-100 or C 3.224/5:970/100
New Orleans, LA Urbanized Area HC(3)-101 or C 3.224/5:970/101
Shreveport, LA HC(3)-102 or C 3.224/5:970/102

Census User's Guide C 3.6/2:C 33/2/970

Census of Housing:
General Housing Characteristics: Louisiana HC80-1-A20 or C 3.224/3:980/A20
Detailed Housing Characteristics: Louisiana PHC80-1-B20 or C 3.224/3:980/B 20
Metropolitan Housing Characteristics HC80-2-20 or C 3.224/1:980/20

Census of Population:
Vol. 1, Chapter D: Detailed Population Characteristics. Part 20: Louisiana PC80-1-D20 or C 3.223/8:980/D-20
Characteristics of the Population: Number of Inhabitants: Louisiana PC80-1-A20 or C 3.223/5:980/A 20
Detailed Population Characteristics: Louisiana PC80-1-D20 or C 3.223/8:980/20
General Population Characteristics: Louisiana PC80-1-B20 or C 3.223/6:980/B-20 C.1
General Social and Economic Characteristics: Louisiana PC 80-1-C-20 or C 3.223/5:980/part 20/C

Census of Population and Housing:
Congressional Districts of the 99th Congress: Louisiana PHC80-4-20 or C 3.223/20:80-4-20/2
Summary Characteristics for Governmental Units and Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas PHC80-3-20 or C 3.223/23:980.20
Report 1A: Louisiana by County LBL-14636-CO/La.
Report 1A: Louisiana by Place LBL-14636-PL/La.
Summary Tape File 1A [by parish; on microfiche]
Summary Tape File 3A [by parish; on microfiche]
Neighborhood Statistics Program PHC80-SP1-20 La.
User's Guide: Part A: Text PHC80-R1-A or C 3.223/22:80-R1/pt.A-C

Census of Housing: Metropolitan Housing Characteristics:
Alexandria SMSA HC80-2-63 or C 3.224/4:980/63
Baton Rouge SMSA HC80-2-84 or C 3.224/3:980/84
Lafayette SMSA HC80-2-206 or C 3.224/4:980/206
Lake Charles SMSA HC80-2-208 or C 3.224/4:980/208
New Orleans SMSA HC80-2-259 or C 3.224/4:980/259
Shreveport SMSA HC80-2-333 or C 3.224/4:980/333

Census of Population and Housing: Census Tracts
Louisiana PHC80-2-20 or C 3.223/11: 980/20
Alexandria SMSA (with map) PHC80-2-63 or C 3.223/11:980/63
Baton Rouge SMSA (with map) PHC80-2-84 or C 3.223/11:980/84
Lafayette SMSA (with map) PHC80-2-206 or C 3.223/11:980/206
Lake Charles SMSA (with map) PHC80-2-208 or C 3.223/11:980/208
Monroe SMSA (with map) PHC80-2-247 or C 3.223/11:980/247
New Orleans, LA (SMSA) (with map) PHC80-2-259 or C 3.223/11:980/259
New Orleans: Summary Tape File 3A, Tables 52-81
Summary Tape File 1A Microfiche: Census Tracts 1.00-44.02 (New Orleans): Book 1A [microfiche photocopy]
Shreveport SMSA (with map) PHC80-2-333 or C 3.223/11:980/333

Census of Population and Housing: Block Statistics: New Orleans, LA (SMSA) [includes map volume] PHC80-1-259 or C 3.224/5:PHC 80-1-259

Census of Population: New Orleans. Neighborhood Statistics Program: Block Maps Index.

Census of Housing:
General Housing Characteristics: Louisiana 1990 CH-1-20 or C 3.224/3:90 CH-1-20
Detailed Housing Characteristics: Louisiana 1990 CH-2-20

Census of Population and Housing:
General Population Characteristics: Louisiana 1990 CP-1-20 or C .223/6:1990 CP-1-20
Summary Tape File 1A (AR, LA, OK) [on CD] C 3.282:990/West-South-Cen./v.1
Summary Tape File 3A. ZIP Code Areas 7, 8, 9 [on CD] C 282/2:CD 90-3B-03
Summary Tape File 3A (LA) [on CD] C 3.282/2:CD 90-3A-25
Block Statistics: West South Central Division: AR, LA, OK, TX [on CD] C 3.282/3:CD 90-1B-9
Summary Population and Housing Characteristics: Louisiana 1990-CPH-1-20 or C 3.223/18:990 CPH-1-20
Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics: Louisiana 1990-CPH-5-20 or C 3.223/23:990 CPH-5-20
Population and Housing Unit Counts: Louisiana 1990 CPH-2-20 or C 3.223/5:1990 CPH-2-20
Social and Economic Characteristics: Louisiana [in two sections] 1990 CP-2-20 or C 3.223/7:1990 CP-2-20/Sec.1-2
Population and Housing Characteristics for Congressional Districts, 103rd Congress: Louisiana 1990 CPH-4-20 or C 3.223/20:1990 CPH-4-20
Population and Housing Characteristics for Census Tracts and Block Numbering Areas: Louisiana (Outside Metropolitan Areas). [in two sections] 1990 CPH-3-20 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-20/sec.1 and 2

Census of Population and Housing: Characteristics for Census Tracts and BNAs:
Alexandria 1990 CPH-3-63 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-63

In separate folder: Alexandria MSA: Rapides Parish (5 maps) C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-63/MAPS

Baton Rouge 1990 CPH-3-82 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-82

In separate folder: Baton Rouge MSA: Ascension, Livingston, East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge Parishes (7 maps) C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-82/MAPS

Lafayette 1990 CPH-3-198 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-198

In separate folder: Lafayette MSA: Lafayette Parish, St. Martin Parish C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-198/MAPS

Lake Charles 1990 CPH-3-200 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-200

In separate folder: Lake Charles MSA: Calcasieu Parish (3 maps) C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-200/MAPS

Monroe 1990 CPH-3-235 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-235

In separate folder: Monroe MSA: Ouachita Parish (4 maps) C 223/11:1990 CPH-3-225/MAPS

New Orleans 1990 CPH-3-244 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-244

In separate folder: New Orleans MSA: Jefferson Parish (6 maps), St. Bernard Parish (6 maps), St. Charles Parish (1 map), Orleans Parish (5 maps), St. John Parish (1 map), St. Tammany Parish (1 map) C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-244/MAPS

Shreveport 1990 CPH-3-305 or C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-305

In separate folder: Shreveport MSA: Bossier Parish, Caddo Parish (11 maps) C 223/11:1990 CPH-3-305/MAPS

Other Census Tract Maps: [in folders]
Louisiana outside of metro areas: C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-20/MAPS
Houma-Thibodaux MSA: Lafourche Parish, Terrebonne Parish (3 maps) C 3.223/11:1990 CPH-3-198/MAPS

Orleans & Jefferson Parish Block Maps [in folders]

Census of Population and Housing:
Louisiana: Summary Population and Housing Characteristics C 3.223/18:2000 PHC-1-20
Louisiana. Summary Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics C 3.223/23:2000 PHC-2-20
Louisiana: Population and Housing Unit Counts C 3.225/5:2000 PHC-3-20
Block Maps: Disc 3 [includes Louisiana] C 3.275:B 62/V 1-T 00-BLCK-14-003/DVD