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Zotero: Install Zotero Standalone

Zotero is a free, easy to use software that helps you save manage, and cite research sources.

What is Zotero Standalone?

Choose Zotero Standalone if:

  • You prefer Safari or Chrome to Firefox
  • You prefer to run Zotero in its own window instead of in the browser

Zotero Standalone (unlike Zotero for Firefox) runs as a separate program instead of part of your web browser.

It works with Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

Download and install Zotero Standalone just as you would any other program. You will also need to install the Connectors to allow your browser to save items to your Zotero library.

You can install both Zotero Standalone and Zotero for Firefox and use both on the same computer.

Step 1: Install Zotero Standalone

Download and install Zotero Standalone from the Zotero website.

(There's a different version for each operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux.)

Step2: Install Connectors

Connectors allow your web browser to save citations to your Zotero library.

Open Chrome or Safari and click the Zotero Connector link for that browser to install it.

Each browser has its own version of the Zotero connector, so if you use both Chrome and Safari you'll need to install both.

(Firefox does not require a connector to work with Zotero; it's built into Zotero for Firefox.)

Credit & License

The information presented in this LibGuide was made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License and created by Jason Puckett for Georgia State University Library

Subject Librarian

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Hannah White
Earl K. Long Library
Room 432