Privateer Information Network (PIN) Policy for the Earl K. Long Library
This policy governs the submission, content, and administration of the PIN slides managed by the Earl K. Long Library.
Who can submit slides to the Library PIN displays
Anyone affiliated with the University of New Orleans is welcome to submit slides to run on the Library PIN displays.
Slides must include the sponsoring UNO department, club, or organization.
Inclusion will be determined based on the following:
Learning Commons, Privateer Enrollment Center, and 2nd Floor Lobby Displays
* First priority: slides created by library faculty and staff related to library services, policies, and events.
* Second priority: events happening in the Library.
* Third priority: events happening on campus sponsored by the UNO community
* Slides are not accepted from outside the UNO community.
3rd Floor Display
* First priority: slides created by Library faculty and staff promoting the Innovation/Beyond Reality Lab policies and services
* Second priority: slides created by Library faculty and staff and related to library services, policies, and events.
* Third priority: events happening in the Library.
* 4th priority: events happening on campus sponsored by the UNO community
* Slides are not accepted from outside the UNO community.
4th Floor Displays
* First priority: slides created by Library faculty and staff and related to Louisiana and Special Collections content
* Second priority: slides created by Library faculty and staff and related to library services, policies, and events.
* Third priority: events happening in the Library.
* 4th priority: events happening on campus sponsored by the UNO community
* Slides are not accepted from outside the UNO community.
Process for Adding and Removing Slides
* Slides in the Library PIN Displays will be included at the discretion of the Library PIN Content Administrators.
* Content Administrators will communicate actions taken with other Content Administrators on a regular basis.
* Content Administrators will notify slide creators when their content is added or removed.
* All Content Administrators can evaluate requests and add slides
* Library policies and services slides need to be refreshed on a regular basis so that they continue to catch the eye of Library users.
* Schedule a start and stop date/time for event-specific slides.
Content Administrators for the PIN slides and their functions
Trained staff members (Content Administrators) are responsible for following this policy and posting appropriate slides to the Library displays.
• Lora
Mechanics of Slide Scheduling
In order to allow each slide to rotate through 15 times in an hour, schedule no more than 30 PIN slides to run at any one time.
Schedule all slides with start and end dates.
The PIN slide media player does not randomize the slide display order.
The Content Administrators must manually set the preferred order of the slides when posting them to the player.
Format and Backup Storage of Slides
Submit slides to the Content Administrators as a PowerPoint.
Content Administrators will verify correct image ratio and correct any image display issues.
Optimal slide display duration is 8 seconds. Word count should be limited to reflect the 8 second per slide display.
The Content Administrator will save the slide as a PNG and load it to the appropriate playlist.
Wide format 16:9 fills the screens
The Office of Information Technology maintains the server for all the Library’s Visix media players.
The contact person for problems with the media players or the displays is Lora Amsberryaugier (
Policy Review
The Content Administrators will review this policy annually in the summer.
The Content Administrators will solicit comments from library faculty and staff.
Content Administrator
• Lora Amsberryaugier
Implementation date: May 2019; Review dates: June 2021; August 2024