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MSS 249 - Marcus Christian Collection, Addendum 1

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249-1              The series includes the following headings which were originally selected by members of the WPA's Federal Writers Program - Dillard Unit.


                                    Accidents and Mortality, 1865-1876


                                    Carnival, 1874-1941


                                    Clinton Riot, 1875


                                    Colfax Riot, 1873


                                    Crime Against Freedman, 1865-1876


                                    Crime by Slaves, 1840-1859


                                    Crime - General, 1858-1874


                                    Crime Laid on the Negro, 1866-1868


                                    Emancipation and Emigration, 1868-1880


                                    Fraternities, Lodges, Benevolent Associations, 1875-1881


                                    Free Colored Crime, 1857


                                    Freedmen, 1865-1874


                                    Fugitive Slaves, 1856-1858


                                    Fusionist Party, 1873


                                    Kansas Question, 1856-1858


                                    Longevity, 1855


                                    Mechanics Institute Convention and Riot, 1866


                                    Negro Churches, 1874-1941


                                    Negro Dances, 1874


                                    Negro Droll Stories and Attempted Witticisms, 1866-1881


                                    Negro Education, 1873-1874


                                    Negro in Politics in Louisiana, 1866-1921


                                    Negro in Theater, 1875


                                    Negro Soldiers, 1845-1941


                                    Negro Suffrage, 1865-1941


                                    New Orleans Tribune Editorials, 1865


                                    Other States, 1866-1867


                                    Politics, 1859


                                    Politics in Louisiana, 1850-1880


                                    Quadroon Balls, Slave Balls, 1841


                                    Republican Refutation of Reconstruction Slanders, 1873


                                    Riots, Uprisings, 1867-1880


                                    Runaway Rewards, 1837 - ca. 1859, n.d.


                                    Secession Discussion, 1850


                                    Slave Stealing, 1841-1860


                                    Slavers and Slave Trade, ca. 1854-1858


                                    Southern Newspapers on Abolition, 1854


                                    Suits, 1855-1859


                                    Want Ads, 1874