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MSS 259 - Audubon Park Commission Collection, Addendum 2


(Mss 259)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

December 1994





Size:                          ca. 16 linear feet



locations:                 New Orleans, La.


Inclusive dates:      1960, 1973-1988


Summary:                Eight boxes of Audubon Park Commission records, including construction records (1960, 1973-1987; ride concession relocation records (1974-1976); board minutes (1973-1976, 1979-1980, 1983-1986), correspondence (1978-1981, 1984), appointments through 1979, committee records (1978-1984), public hearings (1982- 1983); reading file with letters of complaint, appreciation (1983-1988); Friends of the Zoo board minutes (1977-1987), reading file (1976-1977), appreciation file (1975-1976), complaint file (1979-1981); Audubon Park, An Urban Eden file; Avery Island file; greenhouse in park file (1960); concessions file (1970-1988); locomotive 745 to Okra file (ca. 1984); State of La. vs. APC & City of New Orleans file (re:  zoo expansion, 1977); litigation file (1974-1986); City of New Orleans tax millage file (1972); City of New Orleans Bonds (1979); bond issue (1986); archeological artifacts found in vicinity of Hibernia Pavilion file (n.d.).



collections:              Audubon Park Commission Collection (Mss 56); Audubon Park Commission Collection, Addendum 1 (Mss 182)


Source:                     Gift, December 1994


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Audubon Park Commission Collection, Addendum 2, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans