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The Earl K. Long Library at The University of New Orleans is the repository of the Historical Archives of the Supreme Court of Louisiana from 1813 to 1921.  External funding has made possible the digitization of case files from 1813 to 1878, which are available from the Library's Dspace Server. This popular collection has been cited in hundreds of books, articles, theses, dissertations, and conference papers, including many that have won awards, such as Race, Sex, and Social Order in Early New Orleans by Jennifer Spear (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009) and Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market by Walter Johnson (Harvard University Press, 1999). At least $250,000 is needed for physical preservation and to digitize the original case files beyond 1878. You can help to preserve Louisiana’s unique legal heritage by ensuring that the content of these documents will survive and will be accessible worldwide. Learn how you can underwrite the digitization of a case of your choice at Adopt a Case.