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Microforms Research Collections: Eighteenth Century Sources for English Lit and Culture

Eighteenth Century Sources for the Study of English Literature and Culture

Location: Reels 1-302 are located in microfilm cabinet 17E through 17I; Reels 303-595 are in cabinet 30A through 30E.

Scope: This is a selected collection of works relevant to the literary, artistic and cultural milieu of eighteenth century England. Included are works of literary criticism, philosophy and related fields as well as original texts. This collection includes primary sources on the philosophy of literature and language, rhetoric, theory and ethical concerns in relation to literature. It covers the historical, philosophical and aesthetic study of literature.

How to search the collection: Only a small percentage of the titles in this collection appear in the UNO catalog (approx. 10%). The subscription to this collection was cancelled years ago. If you find your title in the online catalog (or the card catalog in the Multimedia Room) the series statement (in parentheses) will give you the reel number within the series.

The easiest way to determine if a particular title is in this collection is to do a WORLDCAT search. In the first box, put a keyword or author’s name or title (using the drop down menu as a limit), and put “Eighteenth Century Sources” in the second search box and use the drop down menu next to it to limit to TITLE- SERIES. Go to the last “Subtype Limit” headed “any format” and change it to “microform.” The cataloging record will include a series statement which gives the reel number on which the title may be found. If the reel number is lower than #596, we should have it. Depending on which library has cataloged this WorldCat record, you can also sometimes identify whether your title is the first, third, tenth, etc. item on this reel.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Librarian

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Jeanne Pavy
Room 205

Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

New Orleans, LA 70148
