Welcome to the Public Administration Resource Guide. Please feel free to contact me for research assistance via email at cphelps@uno.edu. If you just have a quick question, you can try the Ask a Librarian service in the box on the left during chat hours 8:00-4:30 Monday-Friday.
For research assistance with Louisiana or New Orleans topics, contact the Louisiana and Special Collections Department at libspec@uno.edu or see the Louisiana and Special Collections web page.
The Louisiana & Special Collections Reading Room is open Tuesdays through Fridays, from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. Special Collections materials are available by advance appointment only. Appointments are available Tuesdays through Fridays from 11am-3pm during the semester. A link to make an advance appointment is available on the Louisiana & Special Collections web page.
Use the UNO Library's online catalog to locate books in the library. You can use the author search or the title search to look up a specific book. You can also search by keyword to search all of the information in the catalog records, for any reference to a word or phrase, including some tables of contents.
Electronic books are also included in the catalog. You can limit your search to e-books by selecting “Electronic Book” from the “Item Type” filter on the left side of the page, then click "Include" above the filter. To see an e-book from the catalog, just click on the URL in the record to access an electronic version of a book (login required for off-campus access).