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MSS 029 - Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association of the United States and Canada, Local No. 93 Collection: Inventory

Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons’ International Association of the United States and Canada, Local No. 93 COLLECTION

(Mss 29)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans 

January 1971




Size:                           26 linear feet (including 51 bound volumes

Geographic Locations:                New Orleans, La.

Inclusive dates:      1924-1968


Summary:                             Records of Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association of the United States and Canada, Local No. 93.  Consists mainly of applications, cashbooks, checkbooks, correspondence, journals, minutes, receipts, reports, bank state­ments, and canceled checks.

Related Collections:  Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Finishers’ International Association of the United States and Canada, Local No. 93 Collection (Mss 24)

Source:                     Gift, January 1971

Access:                     No restrictions

Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans

Citation:                    Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association of the United States and Canada, Local No. 93 Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans

Historical Note

            Local 93 of the Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association of the United States and Canada was organized in New Orleans on November 7, 1901.  Over the years the union's procedures and methods of record keeping have varied, and this, coupled with the disarrangement that occurred during periods of storage and transfer, resulted finally in a largely disordered body of records.  The series below were chosen as the most practical and useful means of organization, and in general they reflect the activities which produced them.

            Of interest to some scholars will be the knowledge that this union has been racially integrated from its inception, an uncommon phenomenon for the time and place.

Container List



                        Apprentice Records.


                                    Applications (incl. miscellaneous attachments and documents concerned with specific apprentices).  See Membership Applications (29-113).


29-1                            Class Reports, October 1956 - November 29, 1962.


                                    Dues / Assessments Journals, 3 bd. vols.

29-2                                        n.d.

29-3                                        ca. 1943 - 1947.

29-4                                        ca. 1951 - 1954.


29-5                            Minutes (New Orleans Plasterers Joint Apprentice Committee), 1953, 1957, 1958.


29-6                            Miscellany.


                                    Rolls.  See Business Agent, Records.  n.d., 1936, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1947 - 1949 (29-47); 1950 - 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966 (29-48).


29-7                            Student Drawings.


                        Assessment Receipt Books (record of member payments).


29-11                          March 18, 1951 - October 23, 1957.

29-12                          September 30, 1957 - July 9, 1958.

29-13                          May 16, 1958 - September 23, 1959.

29-14                          July 2, 1959 - December 6, 1960.

29-15                          September 29, 1960 - July 21, 1961.

29-16                          July 14, 1961 - July 19, 1962.

29-17                          July 20, 1962 - May 3, 1963.

29-18                          May 6, 1963 - April 15, 1964.

29-19                          April 15, 1964 - January 6, 1965.

29-20                          January 12, 1965 - February 3, 1966.

29-21                          December 17, 1965 - December 30, 1966 (incl. tabulation sheets).

29-22                          January 3, 1967 - November 2, 1968 (incl. tabulation sheets).




                                    Election of Officers.

29-8                                        n.d.

29-9                                        April 15, 1954.

29-8                                        April 17, 1958.

29-8                                        April 21, 1960.

29-8                                        August 4, 1960.

29-10                                      May 6, 1963.

29-9                                        April 15, 1964.

29-9                                        April 7, 1966.

29-10                                      Strike Decision.  n.d.


                        Bank Records.


29-23                          Bankbook, 1 bd. vol., December 4, 1936 - December 17, 1948.


                                    Checkbooks (with stubs and void checks), 4 bd. vols.

                                                General Account.

29-27                                                  November 1955 - April 1959.

29-28                                                  June 1958 - April 1963.

29-29                                                  April 1963 - February 1966.

29-30                                      Welfare Fund Account.

                                                            August 1956 - May 1964.


                                    Deposit Slip Books.

29-24                                      General Account.

                                                            April 22, 1955 - June 17, 1960.

29-25                                      Pension / Retirement Plan Account.

                                                            May 21, 1963 - April 30, 1964.

29-26                                      Welfare Fund Account.

                                                            June 25, 1957 - October 13, 1961.


                                    Statements and Cancelled Checks.

                                                General Account.

29-33                                                  April 1 - December 26, 1947, January 1950, January 3, 1955 - December 31, 1957.

29-34                                                  January 3, 1958 - December 30, 1960.

29-35                                                  January 3, 1961 - December 30, 1963.

29-36                                                  January 3, 1964 - December 31, 1965.

29-37                                      Pension / Retirement Plan Account.

                                                            May 21, 1963 - April 30, 1964.

29-38                                      Welfare Fund Account.

                                                            August 6, 1956 - January 5, 1960.


                        Beneficiary List, 1941See Apprentice Records, Dues / Assessments Journals, ca. 1943 - 1947 (29-3).


                        Board of Directors.


29-31                          Financial Reports, 1954 - 1960.  See also Minutes (of regular and special meetings).  April 1935 - April 1963 (29-126 - 29-137).

29-32                          Minutes, July 28, 1959 - September 8, 1960.


                        Business Agent.


                                    Appointment Calendars.

29-39                                      March - December 1966.

29-40                                      February - December 1967.

29-41                                      August - December 1968.



29-42                                      n.d.

29-43                                      August - December 1963.

29-44                                      January - December 1964.

29-45                                      January - September 1965.

29-46                                      January - November 1968.


                                    Reports (bi-weekly, to membership; also included are miscellaneous reports of Financial and Recording Secretaries, apprentice rolls, collection lists, delinquent lists, fine lists, free dues lists, sick lists, violation charges, and verdicts).

29-47                                      n.d., 1936, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1947 - 1949.

29-48                                      1950 - 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966.


29-49              Cash Envelopes / Tapes.

                                    n.d., 1958, 1960, 1962 - 1966.


                        Cashbooks,  11 bd. vols.

29-50                          July 1925 - March 1932, May 1934 - September 1935.

29-51                          May 1934 - August 1937.

29-52                          July 1936 - June 1945.

29-53                          July 1940 - January 1950.

29-54                          May 1947 - June 1951.

29-55                          July 1951 - June [1955], July 1956 - March 1957.

29-56                          January 1956 - December 1959.

29-57                          April 1957 - December 1964.

29-58                          January 1960 - December 1964.

29-59                          January 1960 - January 1965.

29-60                          July 1962 - April 1965.

                                    See also Dues / Assessments Journals, 1940 - 1947 (29-74).

26-61              Collective Agreements, 1937 - 1965.


26-63              Constitutions and Bylaws, 1948, 1959.


29-62              Contract Awards Bulletin (weekly; listing contractors, owners, job sites, job descriptions, costs).

                                    July 15, 1960 - August 25, 1961.


                        Correspondence (incoming / outgoing).

29-66                          n.d., May 19, 1924 - December 28, 1953.

29-67                          January 3, 1954 - May 30, 1956.

29-68                          June 3, 1956 - December 27, 1957.

29-69                          December 29, 1957 - June 27, 1960.

29-70                          August 1960 - December 3, 1965.

                                    See also Tax Reports / Returns, Louisiana . . . 1936 - 1964 (29-124); Tax Reports / Returns, U. S. . . . 1948 - 1964 (29-125).


                        Dues / Assessments Journals, 11 bd. vols.

29-71                          1934, 1935.

29-72                          1934 - 1936.

29-73                          1934 - 1936, 1947.

29-74                          1940 - 1947.

29-75                          1946, 1947.

29-76                          1946 - 1951.

29-77                          1947 - 1949.

29-78                          1950, 1951.

29-79                          1951 - 1954.

29-80                          1954 - 1957.

29-81                          1957.

29-82                          1958.

29-83                          1957 - 1959.

29-84                          1960 - 1968.

                                    See also Apprentice Records, Dues / Assessments Journals, n.d. (29-2), ca. 1943 - 1947 (29-3), ca. 1951 - 1954 (29-4); Cash­books, July 1951 - June [1955], July 1956 - March 1957 (29-55).


                        Employer Contribution to Welfare Fund Reports (arranged alpha­betically by employer names; included are Louisiana Bureau of Lathing and Plastering, Employer Contribution Reports).  ca. 1956 - 1967.

29-85                          Employers A - F.

29-86                          Employers G - K.

29-87                          Employer Lachin & McCausland.

29-88                          Employer Lachin & McCausland.

29-89                          Employer Lachin & McCausland.

29-90                          Employer Lachin & McCausland.

29-91                          Employer Lachin & McCausland.

29-92                          Employers L - W.


                        Financial Secretary.


                                    Day books / Sheets (reports of Local Financial Secretary to General Secretary-Treasurer).

29-93                                      May 1948 - December 1953.

29-94                                      January 1954 - December 1957 (lacking April 1957).

29-95                                      January 1958 - December 1962 (lacking October 1958).


                                    Miscellaneous Reports.  See Business Agent, Reports . . . n.d., 1936, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1947 - 1949 (29-47), 1950 - 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966 (29-48).


29-96                          Monthly Reports (to General Secretary-Treasurer).

                                                March 1949 - December 1962.


                                    Vouchers (authorizing Treasurer to make payments).

29-97                                      October 4, 1946 - January 9, 1959.

29-98                                      January 16, 1959 - July 11, 1963.

29-99                                      July 12, 1963 - September 7, 1967.


29-100            Fringe Benefit Cards (office record of steward reports; arranged alphabetically by member name).

                                    1960 - 1966.


                        Hospital Service Association of New Orleans.


29-101                        Contract, Proposed Contracts.

                                                1956 - 1958.

29-102                        Member Identification Cards (arranged alphabetically by member names), 1956 - 1961.

29-103                        Invoices.

                                                November 1956 - April 1964.


29-107            Interchangeable Clearance Certificates / Cards.

                                    1950 - 1960.


29-112            Job Lists (of plastering work).

                                    June 1961 - February 1963.


29-64              Letter Books (recording addresses, destinations, dates, postage, content summaries).

                                    January 19, 1961 - September 1, 1966.


            Louisiana Bureau of Lathing and Plastering.


29-118                        Audits.

                                                1957, 1958.


                                    Correspondence.  See Correspondence . . . (29-66 - 29-70).


                                    Employer Contribution Reports.  See Employer Contribution to Welfare Fund Reports . . . (29-85 - 29-92).


29-119                        Minutes (Board of Governors).

                                                July 10, 1956 - February 25, 1958.


                                    Miscellany (clippings, contracts, invoices, photographs), 1957, 1958.

29-121                                    Receipts (from Treasurer).

                                                            August 20, 1956 - March 31, 1958.

29-122                                    Reports (of activities and finances).

                                                            March 1957 - January 1963.

29-123                                    Tax Records.

                                                            U.S.  Treasury Department.  Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Return (with related forms and work notes), 1956 - 1958.


                        Louisiana.  Department of Labor.  Division of Employment Security.


29-108                        Notices of Claim Determination.

                                                May 19, 1961.


                        Louisiana Life Insurance Company.


29-104                        Invoices.

                                                November 1958 - January 1961.

29-105                        Miscellany (applications, certificates, proposed policies).

                                                1958, 1959.


                        Membership Applications (including miscellaneous attachments and documents concerned with specific members; arranged alphabetically by member names).

29-113                        ca. 1935 - 1956.


29-114            Membership Lists (listing birth dates, marital statuses, numbers of children).



                        Minutes (of regular and special meetings), 12 bd. vols.

29-126                        April 1935 - September 1937.

29-127                        September 1937 - November 1939.

29-128                        November 1939 - May 1941.

29-129                        May 1941 - November 1942.

29-130                        November 1942 - January 1945.

29-131                        January 1945 - February 1946.

29-132                        February - October 1946.

29-133                        October 1946 - March 1948.

29-134                        March 1948 - April 1951.

29-135                        April 1951 - March 1954.

29-136                        March 1954 - July 1957, December 1957.

29-137                        January 1960 - April 1963.



29-65                          n.d., ca. 1924 - 1966.


                        Officers' Per Capita Tax Journals, 1947 - 1951.  See Officers' Salary Journals, 1947, 1948 (29-139), 1949 - 1952, 1957 (29-140).


                        Officers' Salary Journals, 3 bd. vols.

29-138                        1937 - 1947.

29-139                        1947, 1948.

29-140                        1939 - 1952, 1957.


                        Officers' Social Security Journal, 1937 - 1947.  See Officers' Salary Journals, 1937 - 1947 (29-138).


                        Pamphlets and Serials (devoted to political and civic matters, union activities, and technical aspects of the craft).

29-141                        1953 - 1968.


                        Pelican Voters League (statement of purpose).

29-115                        January 19, 1952.


                        Per Capita Tax Charged Sheets.

29-142                        June 30, 1953 - December 18, 1961.


                        Per Capita Tax Requests.

29-143                        n.d., 1949, 1950, 1954, 1956, January 1957 - January 1963, September 1965.


29-116            Physician Reports of Illness.

                                    February 1, 1958 - September 5, 1959.


                        Receipts (miscellaneous).

29-145                        n.d., 1929-1955.

29-146                        1956 - 1959.

29-147                        1960 - 1966.


                        Sick List Journals, 1947 - 1951.  See Officers' Salary Journals, 1947, 1948 (29-139), 1949 - 1952, 1957 (29-140).


                        Steward Reports.

29-148                        n.d., May 29, 1951, August 1956, March 1, 1957, March 1959 - February 18, 1960.

29-149                        February 19 - October 26, 1960.

29-150                        October 21, 1960 - July 6, 1961.

29-151                        July 7, 1961 - February 15, 1962.

29-152                        February 16 - September 6, 1962.

29-153                        September 7, 1962 - March 21, 1963.

29-154                        March 22 - October 17, 1963.

29-155                        October 18, 1963 - July 2, 1964.

29-156                        July 3, 1964 - March 4, 1965.

29-157                        March 5 - October 7, 1965.

29-158                        October 8, 1965 - April 21, 1966.

29-159                        April 22 - October 6, 1966.

29-160                        October 7, 1966 - July 6, 1967.

29-161                        July 7, 1967 - December 19, 1968.


                        Tax Reports / Returns.


29-124                        Louisiana.  Department of Labor.  Division of Employment Security.  Quarterly Contribution and Wage Reports (with related forms and correspondence).

                                                1936 - 1964.

29-125                        U.S. Treasury Department.  Employer's Quarterly Federal Tax Returns (with related forms, correspondence, and work sheets).

                                                1948 - 1964.

                                    See also Louisiana Bureau of Lathing and Plastering, Tax Records . . . (29-123).


                        Traveling Cards Record of Acceptance and Removal.

29-109                        December 26, 1950 - December 14, 1962.




                                    “Receipts from Treasurer” Journals, 1947 - 1951.  See Officers' Salary Journals, 1947, 1948 (29-139), 149 - 1952, 1957 (29-140).


29-144                        Reports (monthly, quarterly, annual, miscellaneous).

                                                n.d., 1944, 1945, 1947, 1955 - 1962, 1964.


                        Unemployed Lists.

29-117                        November 18, 1960 - March 10, 1961.


                        Union Hall Rental Records.


                                    Calendars (covering rental of hall to other parties), 7 bd. vols.

29-162                                    1960.

29-163                                    1961.

29-164                                    1962.

29-165                                    1963.

29-166                                    1964.

29-167                                    1965.

29-168                                    1966.


29-171                        Contracts (covering rental of hall to other parties).

                                                January 16, 1960 - November 30, 1966.

29-169                        Receipts (for rent paid by union).

                                                July 28, 1945 - October 16, 1958.

29-170                        Vouchers (for rent paid to union).



29-110            U.S. Department of Labor.  Employee Welfare or Pension Benefit Plan Description Form.



                        Universal Life Insurance Company.


29-106                        Invoices.

                                                February - December 1961.


29-111            Wage Rates (New Orleans and vicinity).

                                    1958 - 1962.


29-172            Welfare Record Cards (member reports of hours worked).

                                    1956 - 1958.


Index Terms.


Operative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association of the United States and Canada, Local No. 93.

Unions—Louisiana—New Orleans.