(Mss 85)
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
June 1997
Size: approx. 32 linear feet
locations: Jamaica; Haiti; France; Detroit, Mich.; Chicago, Ill.; New Orleans, La.
Inclusive dates: 1835-1977
Bulk dates: 1858-1938
Summary: Correspondence, publications, séance registers, translations of séance registers, photographs, travel brochures, maps, journal notes and notebooks, taped interview, volume on genealogy, and miscellany of the family of René Grandjean (1889- ). A native of France, Grandjean resided in New Orleans from 1911 until his death. An important aspect of Grandjean's life lay in his preserving and translating the records of a group of Creole of color spiritualists.
collections: René Grandjean Collection, Addendum 1 (Mss 99)
Source: Gift, 1976
Access: No restrictions
Copyright: Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.
Citation: René Grandjean Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans
Biographical/Historical Note
René Grandjean was born April 21, 1889, in Vouziers, Ardennes, France. He left France ca. 1909, and after briefly stopping in Cuba, moved to Haiti where he lived for two years. In 1911 he came to the United States settling in New Orleans in August of that year. Because of his French and Haitian background, he became acquainted with members of the Creole of color community, prominent among whom was Rodolphe L. Desdunes, author of Nos hommes et notre histoire. Through Desdunes, Grandjean met the Dubuclet family, descendants of Reconstruction state treasurer Antoine Dubuclet.
Grandjean and Assitha Dubuclet married on October 29, 1913. Because Louisiana law forbade interracial marriages, they were wed in St. Andrew, Jamaica.
An important aspect of Grandjean's life lay in his preserving and translating the records of a group of Creole of color spiritualists. Mainly in French, these records, which are a major part of the collection, detail séances by listing mediums and messages, messages which members believed were from spirits. The "messages" were from such diverse figures as Voltaire, Vincent de Paul, and Abraham Lincoln, as well as from deceased members of the spiritualist group.
Series, Subseries, and Descriptions
Series I. Clippings, 1913-1932
Clippings from newspapers and magazines, some pasted in scrapbook.
Series II. Correspondence, 1882-1933
Includes correspondence from Rodolphe L. Desdunes.
Series III. Essays, 1910-1912
Authorship tentatively attributed to Grandjean. Topics: "Cayes-Jacmel," "Carnival de la Nouvelle-Orléans," "Triscornia (Cuba)," "La Louisiane et l'economie des Etats-Unis."
Series IV. Genealogical Materials, ca. 1926 (1 item)
Manuscript volume entitled "Livre d'Or." Includes information on Dubuclet, Grandjean, Juge, Caillet, Gauthier, Campanel, and Castagnola families.
Series V. Miscellany, 1897 (1920-1933) 1954
Includes performing arts posters and programs; advertisements and other printed ephemera; passenger list of the S.S. Cartago, September 17, 1913; postcards; and draft of the will of Francis Dubuclet, 1916.
Series VI. Notes, 1913-1932
Includes 11 notebooks, chiefly in two groups; those in one group include reading notes, a few letters, aphorisms; those in the other group include observations, notes on tailoring, electricity, household, spiritualism. Also, notebooks from electronics courses and Grandjean's history notes compiled for Desdunes, ca. 1925.
Series VII. Photographs
Subseries 1: Family photographs
Subseries 2: Reprints of some photographs in Subseries VII.1, with negatives
Subseries 3: Various photographs of persons and places, including Milneburg and Mardi Gras
Series VIII. Publications, 1835-1938
Subseries 1: Books
Subseries 2: Periodicals
Series IX. Spiritualism records, 1857-1927
Subseries 1: Séance registers
Subseries 2: Translations
Series X. Taped interview, 1977 (2 items)
Interview with René Grandjean by Clive Hardy, Joseph Logsdon, and Ken Cocke.
Series XI. Travel, ca. 1928-1930
Subseries 1: Brochures and maps
Subseries 2: Journals
Subseries 3: Maps
Subseries 4: Miscellany
Subseries 5: Railroad timetables and maps
Container List
Series I. Clippings, 1913-1932
Clippings from newspapers and magazines. (See also 85-32, 85-67)
85-102 [n.d.]; 1913, August 13, 1913 - December 28, 1919
85-103 1920; January 1920 - June 26, 1927
85-104 June 28, 1927 - March 25, 1929
85-105 March 27, 1929 - February 28, 1930
85-106 March 16, 1930 - December 3, 1932
85-74 Scrapbook. Contains clippings. (See also 85-67, 85-32)
[n.d.], 1913, April 20, 1913 - February 6, 1916. (Pasted on account book April 18, 1865 - January 2, 1882.)
85-75 Loose clippings from scrapbook
[n.d.], August 20, 1911 - October 2, 1921
Series II. Correspondence, 1882-1933
85-78 [n.d.], August 20, 1882 - December 10, 1922
85-79 1923, January 1923 - December 30, 1925
85-80 January 17, 1926 - April 18, 1933
Interfiled in the above is correspondence from Rodolphe L. Desdunes for the following dates:
February 3, 1919
August 20, 1920
August 23, 1920
July 20, 1921
August 12, 1921
August 22, 1921
November 3, 1921
November 26, 1921
January 12, 1924
March 5, 1924
March 6, 1924
June 12, 1925 (from Mathilde Desdunes.)
85-81 Letter books. (Also includes miscellany of notes.)
June 3, 1916 - September 10, 1919. Includes Desdunes correspondence of June 28, 1916, March 4, 1917; account of Chicago race riot July 30, 1919
85-82 August 10, 1921
85-83 [n.d.], July 31, 1920 - August 14, 1921. Includes Desdunes' correspondence of [n.d.], July 31, August 8, 1920; July 17, 30, August 12, 14, 1921
85-84 November 15, 1929 - July 21, 1930
Series III. Essays, 1910-1912
85-88 Essays, probably by Grandjean. Topics are Cayes-Jacmel; Carnival de la Nouvelle Orleans; Triscornia (Cuba); La Louisiane et l'Economie des Etats-Unis
[n.d.], various dates 1910-1912
Series IV. Genealogical Materials
85-76 Genealogical Materials
Manuscript volume entitled "Livre d'Or," ca. 1926. Includes information on Dubuclet, Grandjean, Juge, Caillet, Gauthier, Campanel, and Castagnola families
Series V. Miscellany
85-119 Biloxi, Mississippi. Map drawn by Grandjean (?). [n.d.]
85-115 Broadside. "Who Should Rule...?" Huey P. Long. ca. 1928
85-116 Certificate of voter registration. René Grandjean. October 6, 1928
85-117 Deposition redisposition of Grandjean family money
June 4, 1926.
85-96 Musical and theater
85-97 Programs and announcements.
[n.d.], 1900 - December 18, 1929
85-98 Oddments. Includes advertisements, financial ephemera publications
July 1, 1897 (July 1920 - 1933) 1954
85-118 Passenger list. S.S. Cartago.
September 17, 1913. List includes member of Dubuclet family and Grandjean family
85-120 Postcards. [n.d.]
With messages
85-121 Without messages
85-122 Return address labels. [n.d.]
85-123 Schedule of services. First Church of Divine Fellowship Spiritualist, 823 Spain Street, New Orleans. [n.d.]
85-124 Will (draft). Francis Dubuclet. April 1916
Series VI. Notes
See also notes on translations (85-32, 85-64, 85-67, 85-73)
Notebooks. 11 vols.
The following include reading notes, a few letters, aphorisms
85-89 Articles, Divers. [n.d.], August 31, 1917 - June 15, 1919
85-90 Articles, Spiritualists et Prophecies. [n.d.], August 28, 1914 - April 20, 1920
The following include observations, notes on tailoring, electricity, household, spiritualism
85-132 [n.d.]
85-134 ca. 1913 - 1922. (Includes list of addresses.)
85-85 March 1, [1923] - April 15, [1924], October 1, 1927 - October 7, 1927
85-136 1924-1926
85-135 ca. 1926
85-133 December 4, 1928 - March 8, 1929
85-86 March 9, 1929 - August 16, 1929
85-87 The following includes aphorisms
Pensees et Reflexions
Various topics including recipes, travel, spiritualism, Valmour
85-91 ca. 1917 - 1927
85-92 ca. 1924 - 1929
Notes and notebooks for electricity courses
85-94 [n.d.], November 5, 1928 - April 19, 1929
85-95 April 25, 1929 - November 28, 1932
85-93 Notes de M. Desdunes. Grandjean's history notes compiled for Desdunes. ca. 1925
Series VII. Photographs
Subseries VII.1: Family photographs
For additional identification, see envelopes containing photographs
85-125 Includes photographs 1-7
85-126 Includes photographs 8-18
85-127 Includes photographs 19-27
85-128 Includes photographs 28-37
85-129 Includes photographs 38-48
85-130 Includes photographs 49-59
85-131 Includes photographs 60-75
Key for locating photographs in Subseries VII.1 by individual
Brown, Stella. 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 49, 60
Coralie. 3
Darensbourg, Euginie. 51, 63
Decuir, Louise. 7, 15
Decuir, Mrs. 7, 15, 23
Decuir, Raoul. 68
Decuir, Rita. 1, 2, 7, 10, 15, 18, 19, 36, 37
Decuir, Sidney. 1, 2
Desdunes, Inez. 40, 52
DeWendt, Bertha
DeWendt, Elody
DeWendt, Mr.
DeWendt, Yvonne
Dubuclet, Lucia Chessé. 9, 39, 55, 61, 64, 65, 69, 70, 73
Dubuclet, P. P. [?] 75
Dubuclet, Pierre. 14, 20, 71
Dubuclet, Sidney. 67
Dubuclet, Véturia. 2, 8, 9, 16, 17, 34, 64
Frère, Juinita. 5
Gardner, William Lawrence. 57
Grandjean, Assitha. 2, 6, 9, 12, 39, 50, 58, 64
Grandjean, René. 11, 12, 13, 32, 50, 54, 58, 59, 62
Hacaut, Hector. 53, 56, 66
Hacaut, Mrs. Hector. 53, 56, 66
Juge, Allié. 6, 28, 29, 72
Juge, Leah. 6, 28, 38, 72
Juge, Lola. 6, 38
Juge, Lucia. 2, 10
Juge, Warren. 6, 35, 38
Macaluso [sp?], Lucia. 31
Moore, Una. 51
Rodriguez. 12, 33, 47, 48
Viesey, Mrs. Bertha
Unidentified. 22, 24, 31, 32, 41-46, 72
Subseries VII.2: Reprints of some photographs in Subseries VII.1, with negatives
85-137 For additional information, see envelopes containing photographs
Key for locating photographs in Series 2 by individual
Brown, Stella. 9, 11, 14, 15
Coralie. 7
Darensbourg, Euginie. 23, 32, 33, 34
Decuir, Louise. 24
Decuir, Mrs. 24
Decuir, Raoul. 5
Decuir, Rita. 6, 10, 19, 24
Decuir, Sidney. 6, 19
Desdunes, Inez. 13, 17, 22, 30
DeWendt, Bertha
DeWendt, Elody
DeWendt, Mr.
DeWendt, Yvonne
Dubuclet, Lucia Chessé. 18, 37
Dubuclet, P. P. [?] 1
Dubuclet, Pierre. 16
Dubuclet, Sidney. 20
Dubuclet, Véturia. 8, 18, 19
Frère, Juinita. 12
Grandjean, Assitha. 4, 18, 19, 29, 38
Grandjean, René. 3, 4, 26, 29, 31, 39
Hacaut, Hector. 25
Hacaut, Mrs. Hector. 25
Juge, Allié. 36, 38
Juge, Leah. 36, 38
Juge, Lola. 36, 38
Juge, Lucia. 10, 19
Juge, Warren. 36
Macaluso [sp?], Lucia. 35
Moore, Una. 33, 34
Rodriguez. 27, 28, 29
Viesey, Mrs. Bertha
Unidentified. 21, 35
Subseries VII.3: Various photographs of persons and places, including Milneburg and Mardi Gras
85-138 Various photographs including Allié and Clair Juge, Milneburg, Carnival Day, Janet Papillon
85-139 Photograph of unidentified man.
Series VIII. Publications, 1835-1938
See also Subseries XI.4, Miscellany, for additional publications.
Subseries VIII.1: Books, 1835-1938
85-1 Silvani, Anita. The Strange Story of Ahrinziman, by A. F. S. London: Office of Light, 1906.
Adams, Frederick. Conquest of the Tropics: The Story of the Creative Enterprises Conducted by the United Fruit Company. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1914.
Agatha, Sister. Confessions of a Nun. [2d. ed. Philadelphia: Jordan Bros., 1891].
Aimard, Gustave. Les vaudoux. Paris: Arthème Fayard, [n.d.]
Descos, Léon Eugène Aubin Coullard. En Haiti: Planteurs d'autrefois, Négres d'aujourd'hui. Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1910.
Ballou, Maturin M. Due South; or, Cuba Past and Present. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1885.
85-2 Ballou, Maturin M. Due West; or, Round the World in Ten Months. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1895.
Bangs, Outram, and Frederic H. Kennard. “A List of the Birds of Jamaica.” Kingston: Government Printing Office, 1920.
Excerpted from The Handbook of Jamaica, 1920.
Beebe, William. Beneath Tropic Seas: A Record of Diving among the Coral Reefs of Haiti. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1928.
Benoist, Charles. L'état et l'église. Paris: Armand Colin, 1892.
Bibliographia Jamaicensis: A List of Jamaica Books and Pamphlets, Magazine Articles, Newspapers, and Maps, Most of Which Are in the Library of the Institute of Jamaica. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1902.
Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Louisiana. 2 vols. Chicago: Goodspeed, 1892.
85-3 Bisland, Elizabeth. Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn. 2 vols. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1906.
Blackford, Katherine M. H. Reading Character at Sight. New York: Independent Corporation, 1918.
Blanchard, Pierre. Le trésor des enfants, divisé en trois parties: La morale, la vertu, la civilité. 37ème éd. Paris: F. de P. Mellado, 1871.
Blanchon, H.-L. Alph. L'art et la pratique en reliure. Nouv. éd. Paris: Bibliothêque des Professions, [n.d.]
Blaney, Henry R. The Golden Caribbean: A Winter Visit to the Republics of Colombia, Costa Rica, Spanish Honduras, Belize and the Spanish Main, via Boston and New Orleans. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1900.
Blatchford, Robert. Germany and England. New and rev. ed. [London: Daily Mail, 1909].
Bolmar, A. A Collection of Colloquial Phrases, on Every Topic Necessary to Maintain Conversation. New ed., rev. and corrected. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and Blanchard, 1835.
Boufflers. Œuvres Choisies. Paris: Librairie de la Bibliothêque Nationale, 1882.
Bowrey, J. J. Outlines of a Lecture on Vegetable Chemistry. Kingston: Mortimer C. DeSouza, 1884.
Brandon, David. Some Amusing Reminiscences of a West Indian Barrister. Kingston: Jamaica Times, [n.d.]
Butler, Hiram E. Solar Biology: A Scientific Method of Delineating Character; Diagnosing Disease; Determining Mental, Physical, and Business Qualifications, Conjugal Adaptability, Etc., Etc., from Date of Birth. Applegate, CA: Esoteric Publishing Co., 1923.
85-4 Cable, George W. The Creoles of Louisiana. New York: Scribner, 1901.
Catalan, Eugéne. Notions d'astronomie. 4ème éd. Paris: Librairie Germer Ballière, [n.d.]
"Catalogue of Engravings of Jamaica Scenery in the Institute of Jamaica." Kingston: Government Printing Office, 1915.
Excerpted from The Handbook of Jamaica for 1915.
Champsaur, Félicien. L'ingénue audacieuse. Paris: Ferenczi, 1925.
Chateaubriand, François. Atala; René; Le dernier abencerage; Les Natchez. Nouv. éd. Paris: Garnier fréres, [n.d.]
Chateaubriand, François. Voyages en Amérique, en Italie au Mont Blanc. Nouv. éd. Paris: Garnier fréres, [n.d.]
Christian, P. Histoire de la magie du monde surnaturel et de la fatalité, a travers les temps et les peuples. Paris: Furne, Jouvet, [n.d.]
Churchill, Frank G. Pen Drawings of Old New Orleans. New Orleans: Robt. H. True Co., 1916.
85-5 Clark, James Hyde. Cuba and the Fight for Freedom. Philadelphia: Globe Bible Publishing Co., 1896.
Commons, John R. Races and Immigrants in America. Chautauqua, NY: Chautauqua Press, 1907.
Mistick Krewe of Comus. Comus Diamond Jubilee, 1857-1931. New Orleans: The Krewe, [1931].
The Constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation. Washington, DC: American Peace Society, [19--]. 2 copies.
Cork, Josias. Lecture II, by Rev. Josias Cork, Delivered at the Town Hall, Kingston, on the 8th February, 1881, Subject: Root Food Growth in Jamaica. Kingston: Geo. Henderson & Co., 1881.
Cundall, Frank. Bibliography of the West Indies (Excluding Jamaica). Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1909.
Cundall, Frank. "Bibliotheca Jamaicensis: Some Account of the Principal Works on Jamaica in the Library of the Institute." Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1895.
Reprinted from The Handbook of Jamaica for 1895.
Cundall, Frank. Biographical Annals of Jamaica. Kingston: Published for the Institute of Jamaica by the Educational Supply Company, 1904.
Cundall, Frank. "Catalogue of the Portraits in the Jamaica History Gallery of the Institute of Jamaica." Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1914. 3 copies.
Reprinted from The Handbook of Jamaica for 1914.
Cundall, Frank. Jamaica Place-Names. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1909.
Reprinted with some slight additions from The Handbook of Jamaica for 1909.
Cundall, Frank. A Brief Guide to an Exhibition of Maps of the Sixteenth Century, Illustrative of the Discovery of America. Kingston: Published for the Institute of Jamaica by the Educational Supply Company, 1906.
Cundall, Frank. "Some Notes on the History of Secondary Education in Jamaica." Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1911.
Reprinted from The Handbook of Jamaica for 1911.
Cundall, Frank. Studies in Jamaica History. London: Published for the Institute of Jamaica by Sampson Low, Marston and Company, 1900.
Cundall, Frank. Supplement to Bibliographia Jamaicensis. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1908.
Cundall, Frank, and Joseph L. Pieterez. Jamaica under the Spaniards. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1919.
Dague, Robert A. Is the Bible the Infallible Word of God? Chicago: Positive Thinker Publishing House, [n.d.]
D'Alembert. Sur la destruction des Jésuites en France. Paris: Bureaux de la Publication, 1871.
Dante Alighieri. La divine comédie. Traduite en Français par Artaud de Montor. Nouv. éd. Paris: Librairie Garnier frères, 1878.
85-6 Davis, Andrew Jackson. The Great Harmonia; being A Philosophical Revelation of the Natural, Spiritual, and Celestial Universe. Vols. 1-5. Boston: Benjamin B. Mussey; New York: J. S. Redfield, 1851-1865.
Dampierre, Jacques de. Essai sur les sources de l'histoire des Antilles Françaises (1492-1664). Paris: A. Picard, 1904.
85-7 De Foë, Daniel. Aventures de Robinson Crusoé. Paris: Morizot, 1861.
Deiler, J. Hanno. The Settlement of the German Coast of Louisiana and the Creoles of German Descent. Philadelphia: Americana Germanica Press, 1909.
Lamartine, A. de. Toussaint Louverture. Nouv. éd. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1889.
De Lisser, Herbert G. In Jamaica and Cuba. Kingston: Gleaner Company, 1910.
De Lisser, Herbert G. Revenge: A Tale of Old Jamaica. Kingston: Gleaner Press, [n.d.]. 3 copies.
De Lisser, Herbert G. Twentieth Century Jamaica. Kingston: Jamaica Times Limited, 1913.
De Rémora, Loÿs. Les doctrines et les pratiques du spiritisme. Paris: Collection A.-L. Guyot, [n.d.]
De Rémora, Loÿs. Les phénomènes du spiritisme. Paris: Collection A.-L. Guyot, [n.d.]
Desdunes, R.-L. Nos hommes et notre histoire. Montreal: Arbour & Dupont, 1911. 2 copies.
85-8 Development Company of Cuba. An Excellent Opportunity for Young Men to Establish Themselves in Life; Energy, Ability and Small Capital Are Factors to Certain Wealth. New York: J. M. Ceballos & Co., Bankers, [n.d.]
De Waleffe, Maurice. Les paradis de l'Amérique Centrale. Paris: Bibliothêque-Charpentier, 1909.
Duguid, David. Hafed Prince of Persia: His Experiences in Earth-Life and Spirit-Life, being Spirit Communications Received through Mr. David Duguid, the Glasgow Trance-Painting Medium. 6th ed. London: W. Foulsham & Co., 1923.
Dumas, Alexandre. Georges. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, [n.d.]
Dupuis. Abrégé de l'origine de tous les cultes. Vol. 1-3. Paris: Bibliothêque Nationale, 1903-1908.
Elder, Susan B. Life of the Abbé Adrien Rouquette, “Chahta-Ima.” New Orleans: L. Graham Co., 1913.
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. Engineering Achievements. East Pittsburgh, PA: The Company, 1928.
Espeut, W. Bancroft. The Advantages to Result from Railway Extension. Delivered 3rd May, 1887. Jamaica: DeCordova & Co., 1887.
Fawcett, William. A Provisional List of the Indigenous and Naturalised Flowering Plants of Jamaica. Kingston: Aston W. Gardner & Co., 1893.
Ficklen, John R. History and Civil Government of Louisiana. Chicago: Werner School Book Company, 1901.
Fielding, William J. Sex and the Love-Life. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, 1927.
85-9 Finley, John. Les Français au cœur de l'Amérique. Paris: Armand Colin, 1916.
Food and Health. [Lynn, MA: Lydia Pinkham Medicine Co., ca. early 1900s]
Forbes, Esther. A Mirror for Witches. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1928. 2 copies.
Forel, August. The Sexual Question: A Scientific, Psychological, Hygienic and Sociological Study. English adaptation from the second German ed., rev. and enl. by C. F. Marshall. Rev. ed. New York: Physicians and Surgeons Book Company, 1924.
85-10 Fortier, Alcée. A History of Louisiana. Vol. 1-4. Paris: Goupil, 1904.
85-11 Fortier, Alcée. Louisiana. Vol. 1-2. [Madison, WI]: Century Historical Association, 1914.
85-12 Fortier, Alcée. Louisiana. Vol. 3. [Madison, WI]: Century Historical Association, 1914.
Foster, Harold L. A Beachcomber in the Orient. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1923.
Franchezzo. A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands. Chicago: Progressive Thinker Publishing House, [1896?]
Franck, Harry A. Roaming through the West Indies. New York: Century Co., 1920.
Fresenborg, Bernard. Thirty Years in Hell; or, From Darkness to Light. [S.l.: s.n., 19--]
Gardner, W. J. A History of Jamaica, from Its Discovery by Christopher Columbus to the Year 1872. [New ed.] London: T. Fisher Unwin, [1909]
85-13 Gayarré, Charles. History of Louisiana. Vol. 1-4. New Orleans: James A. Gresham 1879.
85-14 Gayarré, Charles. Histoire de la Louisiane. Vol. 1-2. Nouvelle-Orléans: Imprimé par Magné & Weisse, 1846-1847.
Genevoix, F. Les procédés industriels. Paris: Felix Alcan, [n.d.]
Glazier, Willard. Down the Great River. Philadelphia: Hubbard Brothers, 1892.
The Gleaner Geography and History of Jamaica. For elementary and secondary schools. Rev. and enl. ed. Kingston: Gleaner Co., 1920.
Goy, Henry. De Québec a Valparaiso. Paris: Armand Colin, 1917.
Guyot, Yves. Les préjugés économiques. Paris: Felix Alcan, 1910.
Hall, Maxwell. The Meteorology of Jamaica. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1904.
85-15 Halstead, Murat. The Story of Cuba: Her Struggles for Liberty; The Cause, Crisis and Destiny of the Pearl of the Antilles. Chicago: Cuban Libre Publishing Co., 1896.
Harris, Arthur M. Pirate Tales from the Law. Boston: Little, Brown, 1923.
Hearn, Lafcadio. Chita: A Memory of Last Island. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1917.
Hearn, Lafcadio. Fantastics and Other Fancies. Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1914.
Hearn, Lafcadio. Two Years in the French West Indies. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890.
Hearn, Lafcadio. Youma: The Story of a West-Indian Slave. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890.
Heindel, Max. Ephemeris 1909. Oceanside, CA: Rosicrucian Fellowship, 1918.
Heindel, Max. Ephemeris 1912. Oceanside, CA: Rosicrucian Fellowship, 1918.
Heindel, Max, Mrs. Table of Houses. No. 2. Oceanside, CA: Rosicrucian Fellowship, 1919.
Hendrick, S. Purcell. A Sketch of the History of the Cathedral Church of St. Jago de la Vega, Spanish Town, in the Parish of St. Catherine, Jamaica. [Kingston, Ja.: s.n.], 1911.
85-16 Henry, R. H. Editors I Have Known: Since the Civil War. Jackson, MS: R. H. Henry, 1922 (New Orleans: Press of E. S. Upton Printing Co.)
Henry, Walter M. N. Jamaica Tales for Big and Little Folks. Kingston: Times' Printery, 1916.
Holley, Horace. Bahai: The Spirit of the Age. New York: Brentano's, 1921.
85-17 The Holy Bible. Cincinnati: F. M. Dillie, 1878.
85-18 Huret, Jules. De San Francisco au Canada. Paris: 1917.
Catalogue of the Books in Library of the Institute of Jamaica. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1895.
Classified Book-Lists: Agriculture. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1893.
Classified List of Books (Other Than Those Dealing with the West Indies and West Africa), Added to the Library of the Institute of Jamaica, in 1895-1909. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1909.
Journal of the Institute of Jamaica. November 1891, February 1892, May 1892, April 1893, April 1895, March 1899.
Second Supplement to the Library Catalogue: Being a List of Books (Other Than Those in the West Indian Reference Library) Added to the Library in the Years 1915 to 1919. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1919.
Supplement to the Library Catalogue of the Institute of Jamaica: Being a List of Books (Other Than Those in the West Indian Reference Library) Added to the Library in the Years 1895 to 1914 Inclusive. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1915.
International Bible Students Association. Studies in the Scriptures. Series IV: The Battle of Armageddon. Brooklyn, NY: Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society, 1913.
Jackson, Charles Tenney. Captain Sazarac. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1922.
Jay, E. A. Hastings. A Glimpse of the Tropics; or, Four Months Cruising in the West Indies. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1900.
Jevons, W. Stanley. L'économie politique. Traduit avec l'autorisation de l'auteur par Henry Gravez. 11ème éd. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1913.
85-19 King, Grace. Balcony Stories. Author's ed. New Orleans: L. Graham Co., 1914.
King, Grace. Creole Families of New Orleans. New York: Macmillan, 1921.
King, Grace. De Soto and His Men in the Land of Florida. New York: Macmillan, 1914.
King, Grace. New Orleans: The Place and the People. New York: Macmillan, 1917.
King, Grace, and John R. Ficklen. Stories from Louisiana History. New Orleans: L. Graham Co., 1905.
Kingsley, Charles. At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies. London: Macmillan, 1910.
Kirkpatrick, John Ervin. Timothy Flint: Pioneer, Missionary, Author, Editor, 1780-1840. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1911.
85-20 La Fontaine, Jean. Fables de La Fontaine. Nouv. éd. Tours: Alfred Mame, 1876.
Les filles de Monte-Cristo. [S.l.: s.n., n.d.] (Lacks pp. 1-10)
Tasso, Torquato. Jérusalem déliverée. Traduction française par le Prince LeBrun. Paris: Garnier Frères, [n.d.]
Le Vert, Octavia Walton. Souvenirs of Travel. Mobile: S. H. Goetzel and Company, 1857.
Montgomery, Cora. Life in Santo Domingo. By a Settler. With an explanatory note by Richard B. Kimball. New York: G. W. Carleton, 1873.
Liston, John. "Developments in the Electrical Industry during 1929." [S.l.]: General Electric Company, 1930.
Reprint from the General Electric Review (January 1930).
L'observateur Louisianais 6.11 (November 6, 1897).
Magan, Percy T. The Vatican and the War. Nashville, TN: Southern Publishing Association, 1915.
Margueritte, Victor. La garçonne: Roman. Paris: Ernest Flammarion, 1922.
Martin, François-Xavier. The History of Louisiana, from the Earliest Period. New York: James A. Gresham, 1882.
85-21 McCaleb, Thomas. The Louisiana Book: Selections from the Literature of the State. New Orleans: R. F. Straughan, 1894.
McKim, Randolph H. The Soul of Lee. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1918.
Melville, John. Crystal Gazing: Elementary and Advanced Instruction for Crystal Vision, Advanced Mediumship, Mesmerism, and an Exhaustive Treatise on Concentration and Autosuggestion. Chicago: Regan Publishing Corporation, 1925.
Mercier, Alfred. L'habitation Saint-Ybars; ou, Maitres et esclaves en Touisiana: Récit social. Nouvelle-Orléans: Imprimerie Franco-Américaine, 1881.
Mills, John. The Magic of Communication: A Tell-You-How Story. New York: American Telephone & Telegraph Company, 1928.
Morales, José. Assassination of Francisco Madero: A Tragedy in Four Acts. New Orleans: Southwestern Literary Society, 1922. 2 copies.
Morales, José. The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan; or, White Supremacy: In Four Acts. New Orleans: Southwestern Literary Society, 1923. 2 copies.
Morris, D. Native and Other Fibre Plants. Kingston: Mortimer C. DeSouza, 1884.
Moxsy, Sidney. Scribbles II. Kingston: Press of the P. A. Benjamin Mfg. Co., 1913.
Neish, James. On the Cultivation of the Orange in Jamaica. Kingston: Mortimer C. DeSouza, 1884.
Neish, James. On a New Beverage Substance, the Kola Nut, a Product of Jamaica. Kingston: DeCordova & Co., 7881 [i.e., 1887].
Nicholas, F. C. "The Economic Geology of Jamaica." Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1899.
Reprinted from Journal of the Institute of Jamaica, Vol. 2, Pt. 6.
Nicholas, Francis C. "The Mineral Resources of Jamaica." Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1913.
Reprinted from the Handbook of Jamsica for 1913.
National Board of Fire Underwriters. 1928 National Electrical Code: Regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for Electric Wiring and Apparatus, as Recommended by the National Fire Protection Association. [S.l.: The Board], 1928.
Ober, Frederick A. Our West Indian Neighbors: The Islands of the Caribbean Sea, “America's Mediterranean”; Their Picturesque Features, Fascinating History, and Attractions for the Traveler, Nature-Lover, Settler and Pleasure-Seeker. New York: James Pott & Co., 1916.
Olcott, Henry S. People from the Other World. Hartford, CT: American Publishing Company, 1875.
85-22 Oliver, F. S. Alexander Hamilton: An Essay on American Union. London: Thomas Nelson, [1906?]
Ollé-Laprune, Léon. Ce qu'on va chercher à Rome. Paris: Armand Colin, [191-?]]
Orton, W. A., and F. H. Chittenden. Control of Diseases and Insect Enemies of the Home Vegetable Garden. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1917.
Page, Thomas Nelson. The Negro: The Southerner's Problem. New York: Scribner, 1910.
Page, Thomas Nelson. Social Life in Old Virginia: Before the War. New York: Scribner, 1898.
Parker, Theodore. Foresight of Theodore Parker Warns the American Nation: A Sermon on the Dangers Which Threaten the Rights of Man in America. Chicago: Progressive Thinker Publishing House, [n.d.]
Parkman, Francis. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Boston: Little, Brown, 1917.
Parkman, Francis. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. Boston: Little, Brown, 1920.
Parkman, Francis. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. Boston: Little, Brown, 1919.
85-23 Parkman, Francis. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 vols. Boston: Little, Brown, 1917.
Parkman, Francis. The Old Régime in Canada. Boston: Little, Brown, 1919.
Parkman, Francis. The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life. Boston: Little, Brown, 1920.
Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the New World. Boston: Little, Brown, 1919.
Penn, Enoch. The Order of Melchisedek. Applegate, CA: Esoteric Publishing Co., 1926.
Petit, Eugene. Economie rurale et agricole. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1909.
85-24 Phelps, Albert. Louisiana: A Record of Expansion. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1905.
Phillippo, J. C. The Mineral Springs of Jamaica. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1891.
Phillippo, James Cecil. On the Cultivation of the Rami. Kingston: Mortimer C. DeSouza, 1884.
Phillips, E. F. Bees. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1921.
The Picayune's Guide to New Orleans. 10th ed. New Orleans: Picayune Job Print, 1910.
Plan of Kingston. Kingston, Ja.: Aston W. Gardner & Co., 1889.
Pollard, Edward A. La cause perdue: Histoire de la guerre des Confédérés. New Orleans: Renaissance Louisianaise, 1867.
Portland Cement Association. Concrete around the Home. Chicago: The Association, [ca. 1923].
Pritchard, H. Hesketh. Where Black Rules White: A Journey across and about Hayti. New and rev. ed. London: Thomas Nelson, [1910].
West Coast Lumber Bureau. Prize Homes of West Coast Woods. Seattle: The Bureau, 1928.
Pullen-Burry, B. Ethiopia in Exile: Jamaica Revisited. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1905.
85-25 Rathbun, Mary J. "List of the Decapod Crustacea of Jamaica." Annals of the Institute of Jamaica 1.1 (September 1897).
Redcam, Tom. One Brown Girl and ——: A Jamaica Story. Kingston: Jamaica Times Printery, 1909.
Reuter, Edward Byron. The Mulatto in the United States: Including a Study of the Rôle of Mixed-Blood Races throughout the World. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1918.
Reynolds, Philip Keep. The Banana: Its History, Cultivation and Place among Staple Foods. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1927.
85-25 Rich, Ben E. A Friendly Discussion upon Religious Subjects. Independence, MO: Zion's Printing and Publishing Company, [19--].
Richmond, Cora L. V. Abraham Lincoln to Woodrow Wilson and His Cabinet. [Chicago?: s.n.], 1913.
Ripley, Eliza. Social Life in Old New Orleans: Being Recollections of My Girlhood. New York: D. Appleton, 1912.
Roberts, B. H. Mormonism: The Relation of the Church to Christian Sects, Origin and History of Mormonism, Doctrines of the Church, Church Organization, Present Status. Independence, MO: Zion's Printing and Publishing Company, 1928.
Roberts, B. H. Why Mormonism? Independence, MO: Zion's Printing and Publishing Corporation, [19--].
Rosemond, Chrysostome. Haïti: simples aperçus. Paris: G. Goury, 1912.
Russell, Bertrand. Marriage and Morals. New York: Horace Liveright, 1929.
Schalck de la Faverie, Alfred. Napoléon et l'Amérique. Paris: Payot, 1917.
Schertz, Helen Pitkin. Legends of Louisiana: The Romance of the Royal Oak; The Brother of the Sultan. New Orleans: New Orleans Journal, 1922.
Sclater, P. L. "Revised List of the Birds of Jamaica." Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1910.
Reprinted from the Handbook of Jamaica for 1910.
Shakespeare, William. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Vol. 4. New York: University Society, 1901.
Shepherd, Margaret L. My Life in the Convent. Export ed. [Toledo, OH: Protestant Book House, 1938].
Shufeldt, R. W. America's Greatest Problem: The Negro. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company, 1915.
Siegfried, André. Deux mois en Amérique du Nord. à la veille de la guerre (Juin-Juillet 1914. Paris: Armand Colin, 1916.
Simon, N. Promenade humoristique a travers les religions et les dogmes. Paris: A.-L. Guyot, 1912.
Simon, N. Sorcellerie Chrétienne. Paris: A.-L. Guyot, 1912.
Smith, Joseph. The Prophet Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story. Independence, MO: Zion's Printing and Publishing Company, [19--].
Souvenir of New Orleans: Photo-gravures. Brooklyn, NY: Albertype Co.; New Orleans: Thomas F. Gessner, [ca. 1902].
Spence, Lewis. The History of Atlantis. London: Rider & Co., [1927].
Le Spiritualiste de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Vols. 1-2. New Orleans: Jos. Barthet, 1857-1858.
85-27 Star, Ely. Astrologie populaire. Paris: A.-L. Guyot, [n.d.]
Star, Ely. Cours d'astrologie. Paris: A. Fayard, [n.d.]
Star, Ely. Les mystères de l'être: Son origine spirituelle, ses facultés secrètes, ses pouvoirs occultes, ses destinées futures dévoilées. Paris: Bibliothêque Chacornac, 1902.
Star, Ely. Les mystères du verbe: Etudes ésotériques sur la vie, les formes et les couleurs. Paris: Bibliothêque Cacornac, 1908.
The Story of Motion Pictures and the Fox Theatres Corporation. New York: Fox Theatres Corporation, [1929]
Strange Places & Strange Faces: Seen on the Belgesland World Cruise Red Star Line. [S.l.]: International Mercantile Marine Company, 1930.
Testut, Charles. Le vieux Salomon; ou, Une famille d'esclaves au XIXe siècle. Nouvelle-Orléans: [s.n.], 1872.
Texier, C. Au pays des généraux: Haïti. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1891.
Theobald, Fred. V. The Mosquitoes or Culicidae of Jamaica. Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1905.
Thomas, R. M. Bryce. My Reasons for Joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Independence, MO: Zion's Printing and Publishing Company, 1929.
Towards the Gulf: A Romance of Louisiana. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1887.
Tranchant, L. Nouveau manuel pratique du photographie amateur. Paris: A.-L. Guyot, 1911.
Twing, Carolinn E. S. Out of the Depths, into the Light. By Spirit, Samuel Bowles; Mrs. Carolinn E. S. Twing, medium. 2d ed. Springfield, MA: Star Publishing Co., 1891.
Un cas d'arbitrage (France & Haïti). Paris: Librairie Générale de droit & de jurisprudence, 1906.
85-28 Vendryes, G. Hyatt. "Systematic Catalogue of the Land and Fresh-Water Shells of Jamaica." Kingston: Institute of Jamaica, 1899.
Reprinted from Journal of the Institute of Jamaica, Vol. 2, Pt. 6.
Verrill, A. Hyatt. Porto Rico Past and Present, and San Domingo of To-day. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1914.
Vila, Vargas. Ante los Bárbaros (los Estados Unidos y la guerra). Segunda edición, corregida y aumentada. Barcelona: José Anglada, 1918.
Vincent, Sténio. Le république d'Haiti: telle qu'elle est. Bruxelles: Société Anonyme Belge d'Imprimerie, 1910.
Volney, C.-F. Les ruines; ou, Méditations sur les révolutions des empires suivies de la loi naturelle et de l'histoire de Samuel. Nouv. éd. Paris: Garnier frères, [18--].
Wase, Charles. The Inner Teaching and Yoga. Philadelphia: David M'Kay Co., 1921.
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Studies in the Scriptures. Series III: Thy Kingdom Come. Brooklyn, NY: The Society, 1910.
Wells, David A. Recent Economic Changes, and Their Effect on the Protection and Distribution of Wealth and the Well-Being of Society. New York: D. Appleton, 1898.
85-29 Widtsoe, John A. The Divine Mission of Joseph Smith. Independence, MO: Zion's Printing and Publishing Company, [19--].
Walcott, Mary O. The Island of Sunshine. Verses by “Tropica.” New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1904.
Woodruff, Charles E. The Effects of Tropical Light on White Men. New York: Rebman Company, 1905.
Wright, Caleb, and J. A. Brainerd. Historic Incidents and Life in India. Rev. ed. Chicago: J. A. Brainerd, 1865.
Subseries VIII.2: Periodicals, September 18, 1920 - January 28, 1933
85-99 Asia. August 1931
Barron's. August 12, 1929 - February 3, 1930
Big Trees. June 1, 1929; July 1, 1929
The Christian Spiritualist. January 4, 1928 - February 1, 1928
Courrier des Etats Unis. October 29, 1921
The Daily Cleaner. August 23, 1921
The Glasco Statesman. November 1925
L'Abeille de la Nouvelle-Orléans. February 2, 1922
La Petite Illustration. January 10, 1925 - July 4, 1931
85-100 Literary Digest. September 18, 1920 - February 11, 1928
The Llano Colonist. September 14, 1929
The Mentor. May 1926
Mineral Age. December 1929
Moose Guardian. September 1929
85-101 National City Bank of New York. June 1929.
The New Republic. October 5, 1932
The Occult Digest. October 1928
Progressive Thinker. June 18, 1927 – January 28, 1933
Rays from the Rose Cross. June 1929
Television. April 1929
Weekly Register – Call. (Central City, Colorado). November 23,
Series IX. Spiritualism records
Subseries IX.1: Séance registers
Séance registers
85-30 58-63. June 19, 1858 - January 26, 1862
85-31 65-70. July 5, 1865 - July 6, 1870
85-32 [70]-[73]. March 18, 1870 - August 7, 1873; September 3, 1874; April 1, 1890; August 30, 1906; October 29, 1906; November 11, 1906. Also includes translations of séances September 1857 (February 18, 1869 - March 5, 1873) November 11, 1906; reading notes and extractions 1880 (January 17, 1914 - May 8, 1915) May 8, 1915); and clippings June 10, 1916 - September 1916. Translations, notes, clippings were compiled by Grandjean, ca. 1916. (See also 85-102 - 85-106, 85-74, 85-75, 85-67 for clippings; 85-65 - 85-73 for translations, 85-64, 85-67, 85-73, 85-85 - 85-87, 85-89 - 85-95, 85-132 - 85-136 for notes.)
85-33 71-1. May 25, 1871 - July 3, 1871
85-34 71-2. July 4, 1871 - December 11, 1871
85-35 71-3. December 10, 1871 - December 29, 1871
85-36 1872. January 19, 1872 - September 30, 1872
85-37 October 11, 1872 - November 29, 1875
85-38 72-1. December 29, 1871 - February 12, 1872
85-39 72-2. February 14, 1872 - March 25, 1872
85-40 72-3. March 26, 1872 - May 6, 1872
85-41 72-4. May 6, 1872 - May 30, 1872
85-42 72-5. May 31, 1872 - June 23, 1872
85-43 72-7. June 23, 1872 - July 13, 1872
85-44 72-8. August 7, 1872 - September 2, 1872
85-45 72-9. September 5, 1872 - October 14, 1872
85-46 72-10. October 17, 1872 - November 5, 1872
85-47 72-11. November 6, 1872 - December 5, 1872
85-48 72-12. December 6, 1872 - December 26, 1872
85-49 73-2. January 21, 1873 - February 9, 1873
85-50 73-3. February 10, 1873 - March 13, 1873
85-51 73-4. March 15, 1873 - September 7, 1873
85-52 73-6. October 17, 1873 - December 18, 1873
85-53 74-1. December 20, 1873 - March 16, 1874
85-54 74-2. March 17, 1874 - April 18, 1874
85-55 74-3. April 19, 1874 - June 6, 1874
85-56 [74-4]. June 6, 1874 - June 20, 1874
June 21, 1874 - July 11, 1874
July 12, 1874 - August 10, 1874
August 10, 1874 - August 31, 1874
85-57 74-5. September 1, 1874 - October 22, 1874
85-58 74-6. October 22, 1874 - December 31, 1874
85-59 January 1, 1875 - January 11, 1875
January 11, 1875 - February 7, 1875
February 7, 1875 - March 6, 1874
March 7, 1875 - March 20, 1875
85-60 March 20, 1875 - April 6, 1875
April 7, 1875 - April 27, 1875
April 28, 1875 - May 7, 1875
May 8, 1875 - May 31, 1875
June 1, 1875 - June 30, 1875
July 1, 1875 - July 31, 1875
August 1, 1875 - September 1, 1875
September 2, 1875 - September 29, 1875
September 30, 1875 - October 31, 1875
November 1, 1875 - November 18, 1875
85-61 75-76. November 18, 1875 - February 8, 1876
85-62 February 9, 1876 - February 25, 1876
85-63 77. May 11, 1877 - November 2, 1877
85-64 April 8, 1890 - September 13, 1890. Volume entitled "Séances Harmoniques." Also contains notes and French-language transcriptions of séances, mainly from register 71-1. May 25, 1871 - May 8, 1872. (See also 85-32, 85-67, 85-73, 85-85 - 85-87, 85-89 - 85-95, 85-132 - 85-136 for notes.)
Subseries IX.2: Translations
Translations of séances done by Grandjean, ca. 1920-1927. The content of many notebooks is in random, rather than chronological, order. (See also 85-32.)
85-65 Communications Diverses. Cahier No. 2. September 1857 (December 14, 1868 - March 5, 1873) March 5, 1873
85-66 Communications Politiques. Cahier No. 3. February 13, 1869 - January 25, 1873
85-67 Communications Politiques. June 1, 1871 - February 24, 1876. Also includes transcriptions from publications. 1793, April 1920, June 20, 1927, notes, [n.d.]; clippings ca. 1925. (See also 85-32, 85-6?, 85-73, 85-85 - 85-87, 85-89 - 85-95, 85-132 - 85-136 for notes and 85-102 - 85-106, 85-74, 85-?, 85-32 for clippings.)
85-68 Cahier No. 1. Communications sur la Conduite des Cercles. October 26, 1871 - February 10, 1876
85-69 Cahier No. 1. Communications sur la Conduite des Cercles. October 30, 1871 - March 8, 1874
85-70 Divers No. 2. November 24, 1871 - December 7, 1873
85-71 Divers No. 2. September 5, 1872 - December 9, 1873
85-72 Cercles No. 1. March 15, 1873 - September 26, 1874
85-73 Notes on translations. [n.d.] (See also 85-32, 85-?, 85-67, 85-85 - 85-87, 85-89 - 89-95, 85-132 - 85-136 for notes.)
Series X. Taped Interview, 1977
85-77 2 tapes. Interview with René Grandjean by Clive Hardy, Joseph Logsdon, and Ken Cooke. March 10, 1977
Series XI. Travel, ca. 1928-1930
Subseries XI.1: Brochures and maps
85-107 Alabama
Muscle Shoals District
Grand Canyon
Hot Springs
White River country
Catalina Island
Imperial County
Mt. Love
San Francisco
San Joaquin Valley
San Lorenzo Valley
Sequoia National Park
Tulare County
85-108 Canada
Banff National Park
Bowen Island
British Columbia
Glacier National Park
Rocky Mountains
Saanich Peninsula
85-109 Colorado
Cave of the Winds
Cheyenne Mountain
Cliff Dwellings
Corley Mountain
Cripple Creek
Manitou Springs
Mt. Manitou
New Petrified Forest
Pike's Peak
Rocky Mountains
Royal Gorge
San Isabel National Forest
Seven Falls
Lake Jovita
Lake Wales
Palm Harbor
Sarasota County
Crystal Cave
Great Onyx Cave
Hidden River Cave
Mammoth Cave
85-110 Louisiana
85-110 Mississippi
Gulf Coast
Kansas City
St. Louis
New York
Lake Champlain and Lake George
Niagara Falls
North Carolina
Columbia River Highway
Oregon Caves
Panama Canal
South Dakota
Black Hills
South Sea Islands
Society Islands
El Paso
Salt Lake City
Zion National Park
Mount Baker
Olympic Peninsula
Puget Sound
West Indies
Subseries XI.2: Journals
85-113 Journals (13 items). Detailing Grandjean's travels in Chicago, California, and other areas. September 6, 1928 - October 31, 1930
Subseries XI.3: Maps
85-112 Official Automobile Blue Book Highway Maps. [n.d.]
No. 6. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
No. 7. Florida
No. 8. Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Eastern Arkanas, Louisiana
No. 9. Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, West Virginia
No. 11. Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois
No. 12. Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas
No. 13. Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana
No. 14. Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, Idaho
No. 15. California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado
No. 16. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Canada
Subseries XI.4: Miscellany
85-114 Miscellany re travel. Includes brochures and publications
[n.d.], 1928, 1930
Subseries XI.5: Railroad time tables and maps
85-111 Railroad time tables and maps. [n.d.]
Illinois Central
International Railroads of Central America
Louisville and Nashville
Missouri Pacific
Northern Pacific
Santa Fe
Southern Pacific
Texas and Pacific
Union Pacific
Index Terms
Creoles—Louisiana—New Orleans
Dubuclet family
Grandjean, René
Spiritualism—Louisiana—New Orleans