(Mss 104)
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
May 2006
Size: 6 linear feet
Locations: Mainly Louisiana but also other areas of the United States
Dates: 1973-1977
Summary: Legislative records of Louisiana State Senator Sidney Barthelemy, District 4, New Orleans. 1973-1977. Includes correspondence, reports, studies by state, civic and federal agencies, correspondence from constituents, drafts of proposed legislation and federal grants.
Source: Gift, 1978
Access: No restrictions
Copyright: Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.
Citation: Sidney J. Barthelemy Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans
Biographical Note
Sidney John Barthelemy was born in New Orleans March 17, 1942. A 1967 graduate of St. Joseph Seminary, he received an M.A. in Social Work in 1971 from Tulane University. Upon graduation, he worked for Total Community Action, Inc., Family Health, Inc., the Urban League of Greater New Orleans, and the Department of Welfare of the City of New Orleans. He taught sociology at Xavier University of Louisiana and has been on the faculty of Tulane’s School of Social Work. Elected Louisiana State Senator, in 1974 he served in this capacity until 1977 when he was elected Councilman-at-Large for the city of New Orleans.
Material in the collection covers Sen. Barthelemy’s activities from 1973 to 1977 on the Mental and Social Health Subcommittee, Governor’s Conference for Aging (La.); Host Committee, National Interdisciplinary Conference, American Foundation for Negro Affairs; National Association of Social Workers, Inc.; the Mayor’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (New Orleans, La.); State of Louisiana Joint Legislative Committee on Health and Welfare; Family Service Association of America; National Conference of State Legislatures; Joint Legislative Committee on Natural Resources (La. Senate); Legis 50/The Center of Legislative Improvements; Commission on the Status of Women (La. Senate); Board of Directors, Housing Development Corporation (La. Senate); Criminal Justice Committee, Southern Legislative Conference of the Council of State Governments; Joint Legislative Committee on Health and Welfare (La. Senate); Youth Development Task Force, Louisiana Health and Human Resources Administration (Senate); Conference on State Government Reporting; Campaign Chairman for Orleans Parish. The National Foundation March of Dimes; Louisiana Alliance Concerned with School Age Parents; Big Brothers of Greater New Orleans , Inc.; Family Service Association of America; Louisiana Trails Advisory Council; Policy Advisory Committee, Parent Child Development Center; Youth Service Bureau City Wide Advisory Board(New Orleans, La.); Senate Education, Health and Welfare Committee (La.); State Federal Steering Committee (La.); Louisiana Commission of Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice; the Council of State Governments; Urban Relations Committee of the New Orleans Area Council, Boy Scouts of America; New Orleans Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation; Ad Hoc Committee on Black Studies, School of Social Work, Tulane University; Board of Advisors of Lafon Nursing Home of the Holy Family (New Orleans, La.); State of Louisiana, Senate Natural Resources Committee; Louisiana Legislative Budget Committee (Senate); Governor’s Appointees To The Study Commission On Long-Range Penal Reform (La. Senate); Task Force B-2 (Institutional Child Care Funding) United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area.
The headings below are the original headings given to the files by Mr. Barthelemy’s office.
Container List
104-1 Administration, Division of[.] State of Louisiana Purchasing Department.
Forms, proposal and award, 1974.
104-2 Agency on Aging (Louisiana).
Correspondence. 1975-1977; Directory of Services and Programs for Senior Citizens in Metropolitan New Orleans, 1975
104-3 Alcohol.
A Summary of the Final Report of the Task Force on Responsible Decisions about Alcohol, a 1977 issue of Alcohol Affairs.
104-4 American Foundation for Negro Affairs.
Correspondence, 1975; a summary of the Foundation activities.
104-5 Board of Pardons (La.).
Correspondence, 1976.
104-6 Boarding Homes in New Orleans: Information.
Correspondence and reports, 1974 -1975; 1975 La. Senate Bill amending Title 40 of La. Revised Statues of 1950.
104-7 Bromon & Pinion Associates Inc.
Correspondence, 1975; curricula vita of principal consultants of the organization.
104-8 Bulletins, Pamphlets, Newsletters, n.d.
104-9 Bulletins, Pamphlets, Newsletters,1973- 1974.
104-10 Bulletins, Pamphlets, Newsletters, 1975.
104-11 Bulletins, Pamphlets, Newsletters, 1976.
104-12 -
104-16 Bulletins, Pamphlets, Newsletters, 1977.
104-17, 18 Census Information.
Charts, reports and maps, 1960-1972.
104-19 Charity Hospital Studies.
Correspondence, 1975; preliminary study of emergency room patients for 1975; a study of 1974 Psychiatric In-Patient Services.
104-20 Citizens Conference on State Legislatures.
Correspondence, 1975; A Decennial Report on the Progress and Objectives of the Citizen Conference on State Legislatures.
104-21 Civil Services (Louisiana).
A booklet on career employment opportunities in La. state civil service.
104-22 Commerce, United States Department of.
Correspondence, 1975
104-23 Commission on the Status of Women.
Correspondence, 1975; May 9, 1975 minutes of commission meeting.
104-24 Community Service Administration (La.)
Correspondence, 1975; roster and charts.
104-25 Congress of the United States.
Correspondence and clipping, 1975.
104-26 Congressional Black Caucus: Members.
Roster, serials and convention materials, 1976.
104-27 Conservation Department: Energy Commission.
La. Energy Report, Jan. 1, 1975; March 13 1975 minutes of La. Energy Commission meeting.
104-28 Constituents: Recommendations on Proposed Legislation, 1974.
104-29 Constituents: Recommendations on Proposed Legislation, 1974-1975.
104-30, 31 Constituents: Recommendations on Proposed Legislation, 1975.
104-32 Constituents: Recommendations on Proposed Legislation, 1976.
104-33 -
104-39 Constituents: Recommendations on Proposed Legislation, 1977.
104-40 Consumer Protection, Office of.
Roster, rules and regulation of Governor’s Office of Consumer Protection, 1974; Act 758 of the La. Legislation, July 12, 1972.
104-41 Council of State Governments-Southern Office.
Correspondence, roster of committees and member agencies, 1974; related pamphlets and summered of Criminal Justice Committee Meetings of July 17 -20, 1973, Dec. 12-13, 1974.
104-42 Criminal Justice Coordinating Council -Increased Illumination.
Correspondence, 1974-1976; summary of the Council’s policy; a report of the Council’s meeting, June 18, 1976; a preliminary evaluation of the impact of street lighting prepared the [N.O.] Mayor’s Criminal Justice Coordinating Council, 1973.
104-43 Day Care Center Regulations.
Summary of rules and regulation, n.d.
104-44 Democratic Executive Committee.
Chart and Correspondence, ca. 1974.
104-45 Democratic National Committee.
Calendar of primary and convention dates, 1976
104-46 Employee’s Retirement System (La.).
Regulations, July 26, 1972 and May, 1975.
104-47 Employment Security, Dept. of (La.).
Correspondence 1974-1976; annual report, 1976; activities report, February, March, 1977.
104-48, 49 Energy Conservation Information.
Roster, report, teacher’s activity guide, 1975 miscellaneous pamphlets.
104-50 Executive Department-State of La.
Correspondence and report of the La. Commission on Statuary Revision, 1974; Louisiana Register, June 20, 1975.
104-51 Family Service Association of America.
Correspondence and pamphlets, 1973 -1975.
104-52 Focus Newsletter, May 1974 - February 1977.
104-53 Ford Foundation -- Letter, 1975-1977.
104-54 Future Legislation [1975].
104-55 Gambling - House Bill 668. Correspondence and clippings, 1975; pamphlets.
104-56 Health and Human Resources Administration: Comprehensive Annual Service Program Plan for Social Security under Title XX. [1975-1977].
104-57, 58 Health and Human Resources Administration: Division of Family Service.
Correspondence and minutes of meetings 1975-1977; charts, notes, statistics.
104-59 Health and Human Resources Administration: Division of Health-Mortality Data, 1976.
104-60 Health and Human Resources Administration: Division of Human Services - Jan. 1975 Report.
104-61 Health and Human Resources Administration: Division of Human Services.
Correspondence and reports, 1975-1976.
104-62 Health and Human Resources Administration: Division of Management.
Report of Exceptional Children’s Act of 1967 and Act 368 of 1972.
104-63 Health and Human Resources Administration - Division of Youth Services.
Correspondence, 1967-1977.
104-64 Health and Human Resources Administration - Federal Grant.
Correspondence and grant information, 1975.
104-65 Health and Human Resources Administration: Food Stamp Program Information. [1972-1975].
104-66 Health and Human Resources Administration -Food Stamp Outreach Program.
Correspondence and area reports, 1975.
104-67 Health and Human Resources Administration - State Office of Comprehensive Health Planning.
Correspondence and proposed legislation, 1977.
104-68 Health Economics Center - Report. [1975].
104-69, 70 Health, Education and Welfare: Committee Material.
Correspondence, reports, Xerox articles, 1974-1977.
104-71 Health United: Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Committee.
Correspondence, general information, 1975.
104-72 Highways, La. Dept. of [1975].
104-73 Housing and Urban Development.
Correspondence and reports, 1974.
104-74 Housing Assistance Corp. (La.).
Correspondence and reports, 1975.
104-75 Housing Authority of New Orleans.
Notes and reports, 1974.
104-76 Human Dignity, Coalition for[.] c/o Urban League. [N.O.].
Correspondence, 1974; minutes of meeting, Oct. 23, 1974.
104-77 Juvenile Division-Dept. of Police. Annual Report. [1973]
104-78 Labor, Louisiana Dept. of.
Report and roster, 1977.
104-79 Labor, U.S. Dept. of.
Regulations for programs under Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, n.d.
104-80 Legis 50/Gannet Foundation.
Report and rosters, 1977.
104-81 Legislation Sponsored, 1975 Session.
104-82 Legislative Budget Committee.
Rosters, 1973.
104-83 Legislative Bulletin. [1973-1977].
104-84 Legislative Fiscal Office Report. [1975].
104-85 Legislative Update. [1977].
104-86 Levee Board, Orleans.
Correspondence, 1975.
104-87 Louisiana Alliance Concerned with School Age Parents.
Newsletter, 1974.
104-88 Louisiana House of Representatives--Committee on Appropriations.
Correspondence and report, 1974.
104-89 Louisiana Legislative Council.
Correspondence, reports and draft of La. Legislative Act 368, 1977.
104-90 Louisiana Municipal Association.
Correspondence, reports and Xerox article, 1974-1975.
104-91 Manpower - U.S. Dept. of Labor.
Job description of recruiter counselors and Xerox articles, 1975-1976.
104-92 Maps.
La. and N.O., n.d.
104-93 March of Dimes.
Correspondence and pamphlets, 1976-1977.
104-94 Marijuana Laws - Information on.
Correspondence, rosters, reports, and pamphlets, 1974-1976.
104-95 Meeting - Agendas and Minutes, 1974 -1975.
104-96 Meeting - Agendas, Minutes and Notes, 1976.
104-97 Meeting - Agendas, Minutes and Notes, 1977.
104-98 Meetings and Civic Functions: Letters requesting attendance, 1974.
104-99 Meetings and Civic Functions: Letters requesting attendance, 1975.
104-100 Meetings and Civic Functions: Letters requesting attendance, 1976.
104-101, 102 Meetings and Civic Functions: Letters requesting attendance, 1977.
104-103 Metropolitan New Orleans Mental Heath Institute.
Correspondence and minutes, 1975.
104-104 Minority Engineers of La.: Engineering Consultants.
Description of organization and curricula vita of members, 1975.
104-105 Miscellaneous Information.
Surveyors, studies, reports of community, federal, legislative and educational agencies, [n.d.]
104-106 Miscellaneous Information: Prior to 1974.
104-107 Miscellaneous Information, 1974.
104-108 Miscellaneous Information, 1975.
104-109 Miscellaneous Information, 1976.
104-110 Miscellaneous Information, 1977.
104-111 Miscellaneous: Information on Office Equipment. [n.d.]
104-112 The Model Committee Staff Project in Health.
104-113 National Association of Social Workers, Inc.
Correspondence, 1974; description of organization.
104-114 National Conference of State Legislatures.
Correspondence, reports, 1977; pamphlets.
104-115 National Guard: Summer Camp.
Correspondence, 1975; regulations of camp.
104-116 National Seminar on Professional Staffing of Legislative Committee Dec. 1975.
104-117 Natural Resources Committee: Material.
Correspondence and Reports, 1974.
104-118 Neighborhood Youth Corps - Applications In-School Program. [n.d.].
104-119 New Life: Advisory Committee.
Correspondence and roster, 1975
104-120 New Orleans Public Schools: Information
Correspondence and reports, 1977; pamphlets.
104-121 News Media.
Publicity seminar, 1975; pamphlets.
104-122 Petitions.
Received from Jesuit High School students for “Justice for Louisiana Mentally Retarded Children,” n.d.
104-123 Police Department of. [New Orleans].
Correspondence and statistics, 1974.
104-124 Postal Instant Press.
Description, 1975; pamphlets.
104-125 Prison System Study Commission.
Correspondence, roster and long-range proposals, 1977.
104-126 Proposals-Child Development.
Correspondence, roster, 1977; grant proposal.
104-127 Proposals, La. Alliance concerned with School-Age Parents.
Roster and grant proposal, 1974.
104-128 Proposals, La. Surplus Property Agency.
Correspondence, roster and grant proposal, 1976.
104-129 Proposals, [1974-1976] Miscellaneous.
104-130 Regional Panning Commission.
Correspondence, roster, and proposed bill, 1975.
104-131 Regional Task Forces, Guidelines for.[n.d.].
104-132 Resolutions.
Correspondence and proposed resolutions, 1975-1977.
104-133 Revenue, Dept. of State of La.
35th Annual Report, 1974-1975.
104-134 Revenue Sharing.
Xerox article from Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, XXXII, 27, July 6, 1974.
104-135 St. Mark’s Community Center.
Description of organization, n.d.
104-136 Senate “Directory” (La.) [1975].
104-137 Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation Inc. (N. O.).
Correspondence, minutes, reports, 1975; booklets.
104-138 Sickle Cell Disease, Inc. Nat. Association for.
General information, n.d.
104-39 Southeastern Regional Council: Family Service Association.
Roster and reports, 1976.
104-140 Southern Growth Policies Bd. - Occasional Papers. [1977].
104-141 Southern Legislative Conference -- General Information. [1975].
104-142 Southern Legislative Conference, 1974.
1104-143 Southern Regional Education Bd.
Pamphlets and studies, 1974 -1976.
104-144 Speaking Engagements, Requests for. [1974-1976].
104-145 Special Response.
Correspondence, 1975.
104-146 State Dept. of Historical Study.
U.S. Policy Toward Latin America: Recognition and Non-Recognition of Governments and Interruptions in Diplomatic Relations, 1933-1974. June 1975.
104-147 State Legislatures (Bulletin). [1975 -1976].
104-148 Study Commission on Long Range Penal Reform: Members. [n.d.].
104-149 Title X Law 1-4-1975.
Correspondence, pamphlets and articles.
104-150 Trails Advisory Council (La.).
Correspondence, roster, 1974; miscellanea.
104-151 Tulane University: Community Organization and Planning Dept.
Correspondence and minutes, 1974-1975.
104-152 United Way Task Force B-2.
Correspondence and minutes, 1977.
104-153 Urban-Environmental Resources Directory. [1976].
104-154 Urban League.
Correspondence, 1975-1976; miscellanea.
104-155 Utility Rates Subcommittee.
Correspondence and reports, 1975.
104-156 Vocational Education Bureau (La. State Dept. of Education). Reports, 1975.
104-157 Wildlife and Fisheries Commission (La.).
Correspondence and reorganization plan, 1976-1977.
104-158 Young Poetical Leader, American Council of - Roster 1977.
104-159 Youth Services Bureau.
Roster, grant proposal and minutes, 1975.
104-160 Zoning Ordinance for New Orleans, 1970.
Index Terms
Barthelemy, Sidney J.