(Mss 118)
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
December 1978
Size: 0.5 l.f.
locations: New Orleans, Louisiana
Inclusive dates: n.d., 1927, 1947 - 1957
Summary: Papers of George A. Treadwell, pertaining to his association with the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants. Consists mainly of correspondence (1947-1957), with a small quantity of publications and miscellany including committee guidelines and Treadwell's notes. Treadwell served on history committees for the LCPA and for the American Institute of Accountants.
Source: Gift, December 1978
Access: No restrictions
Copyright: Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.
Citation: Louis H. Pilié Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans
Historical Note
Founded in 1911, the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants elected George A. Treadwell as its first president in 1918. In August 1919 it held its first annual meeting in New Orleans with five members present. From that modest beginning, the LCPA has evolved into a non-profit professional association with more than 6,200 members statewide. It aims “to serve the common needs of its members and to enhance the professional environment in which they work.” The LCPA supports its members’ continuing education, advocates for their causes in the government arena, and promotes their services to the public. This small collection of the papers of George A. Treadwell dates from a relatively early period of the organization’s history.
Sources: Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants, “Society Mission, Purpose and History,” http://www.lcpa.org/?page=aboutlcpa, accessed October 6, 2014; George A. Treadwell, [History of the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants, 19--].
List of Series
Series I. Correspondence
Series II. Publications
Series III. Miscellany
Container List
Series I. Correspondence
Correspondence, June 28, 1947 – November 8, 1957.
Includes Reports of Committee on History (March 31, 1953 and September 14, 1953).
118-1 1947-1951
118-2 1952
118-3 1953-1954
118-4 1955-1957
Series II. Publications
118-5 Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants. Directory of Members, 1926-1927.
The Louisiana Certified Public Accountant, Vol. 20, No. 3 ([1961?]. Golden anniversary issue. Includes a historical information by Louis H. Pilié.
118-6 “History Notes.” Collection of columns by George A. Treadwell, removed from various issues of the Society’s News Bulletin. [19--].
118-7 History of the Oklahoma Society of Certified Public Accountants. 1954.
White, Rodney D. Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants, 1904-1954. [1957].
Series III. Miscellany
Miscellany, [n.d.], November 4, 1953, October 1956, and October 1957.
Includes committee guidelines, objectives, and membership list.
118-8 George A. Treadwell, [History of the Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants, 19--]. Includes memo to editors.
118-9 American Institute of Accountants. Information pertaining to the AIA’s Committee on History, including committee membership list, objectives, and “How Committees Are Constituted,” [n.d.], 1953, 1956, 1957.
118-10 Miscellaneous notes concerning the provenance of the collection, [n.d.].
Index Terms
American Institute of Accountants
Louisiana Certified Public Accountants
Pilié, Louis H.
Society of Louisiana Certified Public Accountants
Treadwell, George A.