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MSS 133 - Alice W. Lyman Collection: Inventory


(Mss 133)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

July 1980





Size:                           ½ linear foot



locations:                 Chiefly New Orleans but including other areas of Louisiana and the United States.


Inclusive dates:      1918-1963


Summary:                 Papers of Alice W. Lyman, consisting of personal papers (corres­pondence, clippings, photographs) and church and benevolent society records (ledgers, forms, correspondence, receipts, constitutions and bylaws, pamphlets).


Source:                     Gift, July 1980


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Alice W. Lyman Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans


Biographical Note


Alice W. Lyman (widow of Silas Lyman*) was a black New Orleanian who probably died in New Orleans in 1980.  Little is known about her except that she was employed as a cook at Henry W. Allen School, New Orleans (a position from which she retired in 1960), and was active in church and benevolent society activities.  New Orleans city directories indicate that she resided at 2021 Josephine Street from 1938 until 1980.


*Died July 8, 1932 (Times-Picayune, July 9, 1932, p. 8, col. 4).

List of Series



Series I.    Benevolent Association Records


Series II.        Ladies' Bakers Benevolent Aid Association


Series III.       Church Pamphlets


Series IV.      Silas Lyman

Container List



Series I.    Benevolent Association Records


                        Freemasonry.  Queen Ann Grand Court No. 1, Heroines of Jericho, Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons, Louisiana.


133-1                          Ledger (membership/dues record, various courts, 1931-1935), 1 bd. vol.


133-2                          Ledger (membership/dues record, Cyrus Daughter No. 15 Court, 1926-1940), 1 bd. vol.


133-3                          Miscellany (correspondence, cashbook, ledger sheets, receipts, bill, 1930-1935, 1938-1940).


133-4                          Proceedings [sic] of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Sitting of the Queen Ann Grand Court H. of J. of the F. & A.A.Y. Masons N.C. of the Jurisdiction of Louisiana...Slidell, Louisiana.  June 12, 13, 14, 1927...n.p., n.d.



Series II.        Ladies' Bakers Benevolent Aid Association


133-5              Financial miscellany (notebook, 1961-1963; dues/collection/disbursement sheets, 1954-1963; receipts, receipt stubs, 1958-1963; finance cards, 1960, 1962).


133-6              General Miscellany (blank notices; "70th Anniversary..." handbill, 1954).


133-7              Revised Constitution and By-Laws of the Ladies Bakers Benevolent, Mutual, Aid Association of New Orleans, La. 1924.  New Orleans, n.d.

                        Revised constitution and By-Laws of the Ladies Bakers' Ben. Aid Ass'n. of New Orleans, La. Adopted Feb. 25, 1934.  [New Orleans], n.d.



Series III.       Church Pamphlets


133-8,9                 Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church, New Orleans, 1938, 1940, 1942-1948, 1950.


133-10                  St. Mark's Fourth Baptist Church, New Orleans, 1944, 1950, 1958.


133-11                  St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church, New Orleans, 1963.


133-16                  Clippings, various dates 1931-1960.


133-12 –

133-15                  Correspondence, various dates 1930-1963.


133-17                  Income Tax Forms and Withholding Statements, 1951-1954, 1956-1959.



Series IV.      Silas Lyman


133-18                  Records (Citizen Seaman's Identification Card, 1919; Registration Certificate, 1918; Constitution and By-Laws of the Marine Firemen, Oilers' and Water-Tenders' Union of the Atlantic and Gulf, Atlantic District of the International Seamen's Union of America, with Certificate of Membership, 1919).


133-19                  Miscellany (legal documents, bills and receipts found with Lyman papers but without apparent relationship, various dates 1922-1947; date book, 1953, 1954; printed handwritten hymns and notations, n.d.; Booker T. Washington High School commencement program, 1945).


133-20                  Orleans Parish Public Schools Personnel Action Request (retirement form for Lyman, 1960).


133-21                  Photographs (prints; mainly of unidentified individuals but including one of group scene in St. John Fourth Baptist Church, New Orleans, [1942]).


133-22                  Ailton, A. W.  The Negative Forces vs. the Positive Qualities.  [New Orleans, 1942].  A monograph on racism and injustice.

Index Terms


Freemasons—Louisiana—New Orleans

Greater Ebenezer Baptist Church (New Orleans, La.)

Ladies' Bakers Benevolent Aid Association

Lyman, Alice W.

Lyman, Silas

St. Mark's Fourth Baptist Church (New Orleans, La.)

St. Mark's Missionary Baptist Church (New Orleans)