Turngemeinde of New Orleans Collection
(Mss 141)
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
April 1982
Size: 1 reel of microfilm
locations: New Orleans, La.
Inclusive dates: 1869-1877
Summary: Microfilm copy of bound letter book of Turngemeinde of New Orleans (April 23, 1869 - November 25, 1875, June 6, 1877); includes one page insertion, financial statement dated May 1, 1877.
Source: 1 reel of positive microfilm produced by Valley Microfilms for Earl K. Long Library, April 1982
Access: No restrictions
Copyright: Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.
Citation: Turngemeinde of New Orleans Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans
Container List
141-1 "Copier - Buch/der/Turngemeinde/von/New-Orleans." April 23, 1869 - November 25, 1875; June 6, 1877. Also, financial statement, June 1876 - May 1877, as loose inclusion. One reel positive microfilm.
Index Terms
Turngemeinde of New Orleans