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MSS 176 - Elizabeth Rogers Collection: Inventory


(Mss 176)


University of New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana

September 2000





Size:                           ca. 78 linear feet



locations:                 New Orleans, Louisiana



dates:                        1940-1985


Summary:                 Manuscripts produced by or concerned with the life of Elizabeth Rogers (April 9, 1981 - February 18, 1985).  Includes books, pamphlets, correspondence, notes, clippings, broadsides, handbills, autobiographical manuscripts, oral history typescripts, photographs.


Source:                     Gift, 1990


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Literary property rights are retained by the donor.  Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Elizabeth Rogers Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans


Biographical Note


            Activist and author Elizabeth Schlosser Cousins Rogers was born on April 9, 1891, in Aurora, New York.  The daughter of Henry Schlosser, a Presbyterian minister, and Mary Louisa Banks Schlosser, she was educated in St. Peter, Minn., and Englewood, N.J., and graduated from Smith College (Northampton, Mass.) in 1913.


            Elizabeth Schlosser Rogers was married first on November 25, 1920, to William Schuyler Cousins, a New Orleans aviator, with whom she had one child, Mary Ann (b. 1923).  After divorcing Cousins on July 18, 1927, she wed union organizer Walter Rogers on July 16, 1940.


            Before establishing her residence in New Orleans in 1941, Rogers was employed on the editorial staff of Vogue magazine, 1913-1918; enlisted through the Y.M.C.A. to serve as a canteen worker for the U.S. Army in France and resided there from 1922 to 1929; edited Girl Scout publications in the 1930s; contributed to the New York City Guide as a WPA Writers’ Project worker; and taught labor journalism and edited the newspaper at Commonwealth College, Ark., 1939-1940.


            In New Orleans Rogers produced and distributed hundreds of leaflets on such diverse subjects as union organizing, civil rights, opposition to the Vietnam War, and aid to victims of Hurricane Betsy.  She also organized meetings to protest against ongoing social and political problems and, in 1983, was instrumental in establishing a permanent monument dedicated to the first black children who integrated New Orleans public schools in 1960.  Her publications include Songs for the Sidewalk, These Were Our Homes, and, with Walter Rogers, Big Wheels Rolled in Texas, John Donar: Common Man, and Revolution: Left Out of School Books.


            A longtime member of the Communist Party of the United States, Rogers died in New Orleans on February 18, 1983.  Her body was donated to science.




Glenn R. Conrad, ed., A Dictionary of Louisiana Biography (2 vols,; New Orleans: Louisiana Historical Association in cooperation with Center for Louisiana Studies, 1988), II:692.

Container List



Original titles on folders have been retained and placed in quotation marks.


Box 1            


Included are correspondence; songs; news­paper clippings; pamphlets and articles concerned with this organization.  n.d., 1972-1981.


"Betsy Flood Victims"  (4 folders)

Material pertaining to losses incurred by residents of the Ninth Ward area of New Orleans in 1966, as a result of Hurricane Betsy.  Included are 2 copies of manu­script Riding the Nightmare Express, names and addresses of victims; leaflets; personal accounts; corres­pond­ence; news­paper clippings.  n.d., 1966-1970.  (See also "Chronological Files.")


Biographical material on Elizabeth and Walter Rogers
Included are newspaper clippings; leaf­lets; obituary of Walter Rogers; notes and autobiographical material on Eliza­beth Rogers.  n.d., 1970-1981.  (See also "Interview with Elizabeth Rogers," "Writ­ings," "Photographs.")


Bills and Receipts

Invoices and cash receipts from local printing and copy centers for work re­quested by Elizabeth and Walter Rogers.  1971-1980.



Many books contain notations and marginalia.


Box 31                       Abrams, Charles.  The City Is the Fron­tier.  New York: Harper & Row, 1965.


                                    Adams, Frank and Myles Horton.  Unearth­ing Seeds of Fire: The Idea of Highland­er.  Winston-Salem, N.C.: John F. Blair, 1975.


                                    Agee, Philip.  Inside the Company: CIA Diary.  New York: Bantam Books, 1975.


                                    Akimushkin, Igor.  Animal Travellers.  Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1970.


                                    Algoud, Henry.  Mas et bastides de Pro­vence.  Marseille, France: F. Detaille, 1927.


                                    Allan, Ted and Sidney Gordon.  The Scal­pel, the Sword: The Story of Dr. Norman Bethune.  New York: Prometheus Books, 1959.


                                    Allen, Charles R., Jr.  Concentration Camps.  U.S.A.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1966.


                                    Allen, Charles R., Jr.  German Hand on the Nuclear Trigger.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1966.  (2 copies)


                                    Allen, Charles R., Jr.  Heusinger of the Fourth Reich.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1963.


                                    Allen, James A.  Reconstruction: The Battle for Democracy, 1865-1876.  New York: International Publishers, 1937.


                                    Allen, Ruth.  East Texas Lumber Workers: An Economic and Social Picture, 1870-1950.  Austin: University of Texas Press, 1961.


                                    Aptheker, Bettina.  The Morning Breaks: The Trial of Angela Davis.  New York: International Publishers, 1975.


                                    Aptheker, Herbert.  Negro Slave Revolts in the United States: 1526-1860.  New York: International Publishers, 1939.


                                    Aptheker, Herbert.  Toward Negro Freedom.  New York: New Century, 1956.


                                    Ardamatsky, Vasily.  Saturn Is Almost Invisible.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1967.


                                    Ashton-Warner, Sylvia.  Teacher.  New York: Bantam Books, 1964.


                                    Austen, Jane.  Emma.  New York: New American Library of World Literature, 1964.


                                    Austen, Jane.  Pride and Prejudice.  New York: New American Library of World Literature, 1961.

Box 32                       Ausubel, Nathan.  Pictorial History of the Jewish People.  New York: Crown Publisher, 1953.


                                    Avengers (Reminiscences of Soviet Members of the Resistance Movement).  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1965.


                                    Baker, Richard St. Barbe.  Dance of the Trees.  London: Oldbourne, Press, 1956.


                                    Baker, Richard St. Barbe.  Sahara Challenge.  London: Lutterworth Press, 1954.


                                    Baranov, I., ed.  The Ulyanov Family.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1968.


                                    Barnett, C. K.  The New Testament Back­ground: Selected Documents.  New York: Harper& Row, 1961.


                                    Barnett, Lincoln.  The Universe and Dr. Einstein.  New York: The New American Library, 1964.


                                    Bart, Philip, ed.  Highlights of a Fight­ing History: 60 Years of the Communist Party USA.  New York: International Publishers, 1979.


                                    Bartlett, John.  Familiar Quotations: A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in An­cient and Modern Literature.  Boston: Little, Brown, 1941.


                                    Baskina, Ada.  About Women Like Me: Public and Private Life in the USSR.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1978.


                                    Batsanov, Boris and Vladimir Ivanov.  Disarmament--Mankind's Future.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                    Baxandall, Lee,. ed.  Radical Perspec­tives in the Arts.  New York: Penguin Books, 1972.


                                    The Beauty of America in Great American Art.  Waukesha, Wis.: Country Beau­tiful Foundation in association with William Morrow & Company, New York, 1965.


                                    Beecher, John.  To Live and Die in Dixie & Other Poems.  Birmingham, Ala.: Red Mountain Editions, 1966.


                                    Bellamy, Edward.  Looking Backward: 2000-1887.  New York: Doubleday, n.d.


                                    Bellow, Saul, ed.  Great Jewish Short Stories.  New York: Dell, 1963.


                                    Belyayev, Yuri.  CMEA And Competition Between Two Systems.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1967.


                                    Berezhkov, Valentin.  History In the Making: Memories of World War II Diplo­macy.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983.


                                    Berkhin, I.  Socialism Was Built Like This.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                    Bessie, Alvah.  Inquisition in Eden.  New York: Macmillan, 1965.


                                    Bezveselmy, S. F. and D. Y. Grinberg, comp.  They Knew Lenin: Reminiscences of Foreign Contemporaries.  Moscow: Prog­ress Publishers, 1968.


Box 33                       Blankfort, Michael.  The Big Yankee: The Life of Carlson of the Raiders.  Boston: Little, Brown, 1947.


                                    Bledsoe, Thomas.  Or We'll All Hang Sepa­rately.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1969.


                                    Boffa, Guiseppe.  Inside the Khrushchev Era.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1959.


                                    Bongh-Bruyevich, M.  From Tsarist General To Red Army Commander.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1966.


                                    Boyer, Richard O., and Herbert M. Morais.  Labor's Untold Story.  2d ed.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1955.


                                    Boyer, Richard O., and Herbert M. Morais.  Labor's Untold Story.  3d ed.  New York: United Electri­cal, Radio & Machine Workers of America, 1971.


                                    Brandt, Joseph.  Gus Hall, Bibliography: The Communist Party, USA.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1981.  (2 copies)


                                    Brant, Irving.  The Bill of Rights: Its Origin and Meaning.  New York: New Amer­ican Library, 1967.


                                    Brezhnev, Leonid.  Disarmament: Soviet Initiatives.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1979.


                                    Brezhnev, Leonid.  The Virgin Lands.  Gravenhurst, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, 1979.


                                    Briffault, Robert.  Breakdown: The Col­lapse of Traditional Civilization.  New York: Coward-McCann, 1935.


                                    Bronte, Charlotte.  Jane Eyre.  New York: Washington Square Press, 1966.  (2 copies)


                                    Brown, Dee.  Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West.  New York: Bantam Books, 1972.


                                    Brutents, K.  A Historical View of Neo-Colonialism.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1972.


                                    Buck, Tim.  Yours in the Struggle: Remi­niscences of Tim Buck.  Toronto: New Canada Press Limited, 1977.


                                    Buckmaster, Henrietta.  Let My People Go: The Story of the Underground Rail­road and the Growth of the Abolition Movement.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1969.


                                    Burchett, Wilfred G.  The Second Indochi­na War: Cambodia and Laos.  New York: International Publishers, 1970.


                                    Burns, Emile.  An Introduction To Marx­ism.  New York: International Publish­ers, 1966.


                                    Cable, George W.  The Grandissimes: A Story of Creole Life.  New York: Sagamore Press, 1957.


                                    Cahn, Bill.  Mill Town.  New York: Cameron & Kahn, 1954.


                                    Carrier, Fred J.  North Korean Journey: The Revolution Against Colonialism.  New York: International Publishers Co., 1975.


                                    Carroll, Lewis.  Through the Looking-Glass, And What Alice Found There.  New York: Macmillan, 1910 (fragments).

Box 34                       Carter, Charlotte, and Dyson Carter.  Future of Freedom.  Gravenhurst, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, 1963.


                                    Carter, Charlotte, and Dyson Carter.  Worker Power: Dare We Win?  Ontario, Can.: Northern Book House, 1970.


                                    Carter, Dyson.  The Big Brainwash.  To­ronto, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, 1958.  (4 copies)


                                    Carter, Dyson.  Science and Revolution.  Gravenhurst, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, 1966.


                                    Carter, Dyson.  Sin and Science.  Bom­bay, India: Current Book House, 1957.


                                    Carter, Richard.  The Doctor Business.  New York: Doubleday, 1959.


                                    Castro, Fidel.  History Will Absolve Me.  New York: Fair Play for Cuba Committee, 1961.


                                    Chapman, Frank M.  Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America.  New York: Dover, 1966.


                                    Chekhov, Anton P.  Great Stories by Che­khov.  New York: Dell, 1959.


                                    Chekhov, Anton P.  Short Novels and Sto­ries.  Moscow: Foreign Languages Pub­lishing House, 1950.


                                    Childress, Alice.  A Hero Ain't Nothin' But a Sandwich.  New York: Avon Books, 1973.


                                    Chkhikvadze, V. M., ed.  The Soviet State and Law.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969.


                                    Clark, Joseph S., et al.  The Senate Es­tablishment.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1963.


                                    Clark, Kenneth B.  Prejudice and Your Child.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1955.


                                    Clark, Walter Van Tilburg.  The Ox-Bow Incident.  New York: American Li­brary, 1962.


                                    Clarke, John Henrik, ed.  American Negro Short Stories.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1966.


                                    Clements, Charles.  Witness to War: An American Doctor in El Salvador.  New York: Bantam Books, 1984.


                                    Conrad, Earl.  Harriet Tubman: Negro Soldier and Abolitionist.  New York: International Publishers, 1942.


                                    Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972.


                                    Constitution (Fundamental Law) of The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Adopted at the Seventh (Special) Session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Ninth Convocation, on October 7, 1977.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1978.


                                    Cooper, James Fenimore.  The Pathfinder.  New York: Airmont Publishing Co., 1964.


                                    Cunningham, Frank.  Understanding Marx­ism: A Canadian Introduction.  Toronto, Ont., Can.: Progress Books, 1978.


                                    Davidow, Mike.  Cities Without Crisis.  New York: International Publishers, 1976.


                                    Davidow, Mike.  Moscow Diary.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1980.


Box 35                       Davidson, Basil.  The African Slave Trade: Precolonial History 1450-1850.  Boston: Little, Brown, 1961.


                                    Davidson, Basil.  The Lost Cities of Africa.  Boston: Little, Brown, 1959.


                                    Davidson, Basil.  Which Way Africa?: The Search for a New Society.  Victoria, Australia: Penguin Books, 1971.


                                    Davis, Benjamin J.  Communist Councilman from Harlem: Autobiograph­ical Notes Written in a Federal Penitentiary.  New York: Inter­national Publishers, 1969.


                                    Davis, Jerome, ed.  Peace or World War II.  New York: Greenwich Book Publish­ers, 1968.


                                    Davis, Richard Harding.  A Year From A Reporter's Note-Book.  New York: Harper & Brothers, 1898.


                                    DeCaux, Len.  Labor Radical, from the Wobblies to CIO: A Personal History.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1970.


                                    DeWitt, Norman Johnston, et al.  College Latin.  Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Fores­man, 1954.


                                    DiPrima, Diane, ed.  War Poems.  New York: Poets Press, 1968.


                                    The Ding Dong Dollar Song Book. San Francisco: Citizens Action League, 1982.


                                    Documents of the World Congress for In­ternational Women's Year Held in Berlin, 20-24 October, 1975.  Berlin, German Democratic Republic: National Organizing Committee of the GDR for the World Con­gress for International Year.  ca. 1975.


                                    Domhoff, G. William.  The Higher Class: The Governing Class in America.  New York: Random House, 1970.


                                    Dorman, Michael.  We Shall Overcome: A Reporter's Eye-Witness Account of the Year of Radical Strife and Triumph.  New York: Dell, 1964.


                                    Dostoyevsky, Fyodor.  Notes from Under­ground; Poor People; The Friend of the Family: Three Short Novels.  New York: Dell, 1965.


                                    Douglas, Norman.  South Wind.  New York: Boni and Liveright, 1925.


                                    Douglass, Frederick.  Life and Times of Frederick Douglass: His Early Life As A Slave, His Escape From Bondage, and His Complete History.  New York: Crowell-Collier, 1962.


                                    Drobizhev, V.  Lenin As Head of Govern­ment.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                    DuBois, W. E. Burghardt.  John Brown.  New York: International Publishers, 1962.


                                    DuBois, W. E.  The World and Africa: An Inquiry into the Part Which Africa Has Played in World History.  New York: International Publishers, 1965.


                                    Duclos, Jacques.  Memoires, 1896-1934: Le chemin que j'ai choisi de verdun au parti Communiste.  Paris, France: Fayard, 1968.


                                    Dutt, R. Palme.  Britain in the World Front.  New York: International Publish­ers, 1943.


                                    Dutt, R. Palme.  Problems of Contempo­rary History: Lectures Delivered on the Occasion of the Award of an Honorary Doctorate of History at Moscow University in April and May, 1962.  New York: In­ternational Publishers, 1963.  (2 cop­ies)


                                    Ehrenburg, Ilya.  The Storm.  New York: Gaer Associates, 1949.


                                    Ehrenburg, Ilya.  The Thaw.  Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1955.

Box 36                       Ehrenreich, Barbara and John.  Long March, Short Spring: The Student Upris­ing at Home and Abroad.  New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969.


                                    Ehrlich, Blake.  Resistance: France, 1940-1945.  New York: North American Library, 1965.


                                    Elliott, Florence, and Michael Summerskill.  A Dictionary of Politics.  London: Penguin Books, 1959.


                                    Equal Justice Under Law: The Supreme Court in American Life.  Washington, D.C.: Foundation of the Federal Bar Association and National Geographic Society, 1965.


                                    Fanon, Frantz.  Studies In a Dying Colo­nial­ism.  New York: Monthly Review Press, 1965.


                                    Fedin, Konstantin.  The Conflagra­tion.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1968.


                                    Fedin, Konstantin.  Early Joys.  Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1950.


                                    Fedin, Konstantin.  No Ordinary Summer.  Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1950.


                                    Feinberg, Abraham L.  Storm the Gates of Jericho.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1965.


                                    Feldman, Joan, and Norma Ketay.  New York on $5 and $10 a Day.  1970-1971 ed.  New York: Arthur Frommer, Inc., 1970.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  Abraham Lincoln: Selections from His Writings.  New York: International Publishers, 1944.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  The Bolshevik Revolu­tion, Its Impact on American-Radicals, Liberals, and Labor: A Documentary Study.  New York: International Publish­ers, 1967.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  History of the Labor Movement in the United States.  Vol. 1: From Colonial Times to the Founding of the American Federation of Labor.  3d ed.  New York: International Publishers Co., 1962.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  History of the Labor Movement in the United States.  Vol. 2: From the Founding of the American Federation of Labor to the Emergence of American Imperialism.  New York: International Publishers, 1955.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  History of the Labor Movement in the United States.  Vol. 3: The Policies and Practices of the American Federation of Labor, 1900-1909.  New York: International Publishers, 1964.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  History of the Labor Movement in the United States.  Vol. 4: The Industrial Workers of the World, 1905-1917.  New York: International Publishers, 1965.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  History of the Labor Movement in the United States.  Vol. 5: The AFL in the Progressive Era, 1910-1915.  New York: Interna­tional Publishers, 1980.


                                    Foner, Philip S., ed.  History of the Labor Movement in the United States.  Vol. 6: On the Eve of America's Entrance Into World War I, 1915-1916.  New York: Inter­national Publishers, 1982.


                                    Foster, William Z.  History of the Commu­nist Party of the United States.  New York: International Publishers, 1952.


                                    Fotieva, L.  Pages From Lenin's Life.  Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1960.


                                    Frank, Waldo.  Cuba: Prophetic Island.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1961.


                                    Frazier, E. Franklin.  Black Bourgeoisie.  New York: Free Press, 1957.  (2 cop­ies)


Box 37                       Funk, Wilfred and Norman Lewis.  30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary.  New York: J. J. Little & Ives Company, 1946.


                                    Fyodorov, Vladimir.  Newly Liberated Countries: Ways of Development.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                    Garrow, David J.  The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.  New York: Penguin Books, 1983.


                                    Gerson, Simon W.  Pete: The Story of Peter V. Cacchione, New York's First Com­munist Councilman.  New York: Interna­tional Publishers, 1976.


                                    Goldwater, Robert.  Vincent Van Gogh.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1959.


                                    Gover, Robert.  The Portable Walter: From the Prose and Poetry of Walter Lowenfels.  New York: International Publishers, 1968.


                                    Graves, William S.  America's Siberian Adventure, 1918-1920.  New York: Peter Smith, 1941.


                                    Green, Gil.  What's Happening to Labor.  New York: International Publishers, 1976 (2 copies).


                                    Gromova, T., and G. Ronina.  Steeled in the Storm: Essays on the History of the Komsomol.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1968.


                                    Grossman, Vassili.  No Beautiful Nights.  New York: Soviet Russia Today, 1944.


                                    Gudoshnikov, Leonid, and Rostislav Neronov.  China After Mao.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1979.


                                    Guevara, Ernesto Che.  Episodes of the Revolutionary War.  New York: Interna­tional Publishers, 1968.


                                    Guignebert, Charles.  The Jewish World in the Time of Jesus.  New Hyde Park, N.Y.: University Books, 1965.


                                    Hall, Gus.  The Crisis of U.S. Capitalism and the Fight-Back: Report to the 21st Convention of the Communist Party U.S.A.  New York: International Publishers, 1975 (3 copies).


                                    Hall, Gus.  The Energy Rip-Off: Cause & Cure.  New York: International Publishers, 1974 (2 copies).


                                    Hallinan, Vivian.  My Wild Irish Rogues.  New York: Doubleday, 1952.


                                    Hamill, John.  The Strange Career of Mr. Hoover Under Two Flags.  New York: William Faro, 1931.


                                    Hanna, George H., trans.  Outline History of the U.S.S.R.  Moscow: Foreign Lan­guages Publishing House, 1960.


                                    Hardy, Thomas.  Far From the Madding Crowd.  New York: Airmont Publishing Co., 1967.


                                    Hardy, Thomas.  The Return of the Na­tive.  New York: New American Library, 1959.  (2 copies).


                                    Harrington, Michael.  The Other America: Poverty in the United States.  Baltimore, Md.: Penguin Books, 1963.


                                    Haywood, William D.  Bill Haywood's Book: The Autobiography of William D. Haywood.  New York: International Publishers, 1929.


                                    Heading for Chaos and War: Evidence of the Firebrand Policy of Peking's Leaders.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1978.


                                    Hernandez, Amado V.  Rice Grains: Se­lected Poems.  New York: International Publishing, 1966.


                                    Hersey, John.  Hiroshima.  New York: Bantam Books, 1979.


                                    Hille, Waldemar, ed.  The People's Song Book.  New York: People's Artists, 1956.


                                    Hiss, Alger.  In the Court of Public Opinion.  New York: Harper & Row, 1972.

Box 38                       Hochhuth, Rolf.  The Deputy.  New York: Grove Press, 1964.


                                    Hoffman, Malvina.  Sculpture Inside and Out.  New York: Bonanza Books, 1939.


                                    Hogben, Lancelot.  Mathematics in the Making.  New York: Crescent Books, 1971.


                                    Holt, Len.  The Summer That Didn't End.  New York: William Morrow, 1965.


                                    Home Health Emergencies: A Guide to Home Nursing and First Aid.  New York: Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, 1956.


                                    Horowitz, David.  The Free World Colos­sus: A Critique of American Foreign Policy in the Cold War.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1965.


                                    Hudson, Hosea.  Black Worker in the Deep South: A Personal Record.  New York: International Publishers, 1972.


                                    Hunter, Kristin.  The Soul Brothers and Sister Lou.  New York: Avon, 1972.


                                    Huxley, Aldous.  Brave New World.  New York: Harper & Row, n.d.


                                    Illustrated Family Encyclopedia of the Living Bible.  Chicago: San Francisco Productions, 1967.


                                    Ivanov, K.  Leninism and Foreign Policy of the USSR.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                    Jackson, George.  Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson.  New York: Bantam Books, 1970.


                                    Johnson, Hewlett.   The Soviet Power: The Socialist Sixth of the World.  New York: International Publishers, 1940.


                                    Jones, Penn Jr.  Forgive My Grief II: A Further Critical Review of the Warren Commission Report on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  Midlothian, Tex.: Midlothian Minor, 1967.


                                    Josephson, Matthew.  The Robber Barons: The Great American Capitalists, 1861-1901.  New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962.


                                    Jowitt, The Earl.  The Strange Case of Alger Hiss.  New York: Doubleday, 1953.


                                    Kahn, Albert E.  High Treason: The Plot Against the People.  New York: Lear Publishers, 1950.


                                    Kahn, Albert E., comp.  The Unholy Hym­nal.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971.


                                    Kahn, Arthur D.  Betrayal: Our Occupa­tion of Germany.  Brooklyn, N.Y.: Beacon Service Co.


                                    Kata, Elizabeth.  A Patch of Blue.  New York: Popular Library, 1961.


                                    Kastenmeier, Robert W.  Vietnam Hearings: Voices from the Grassroots.  Waterloo, Wis.: Aircraft Press, 1965.


                                    Kendall, Kathrya.  Woman Talk.  New Or­leans: Technology Utilization Corp., 1976.


Box 39                       King, Alexander.  May This House Be Safe From Tigers.  New York: New American Library of World Literature, 1961.


                                    Koch, Raymond, and Charlotte Koch.  Educational Commune: The Story of Commonwealth Col­lege.  New York: Schocken Books, 1972.


                                    Kohl, Herbert.  36 Children.  New York: New American Library, 1967.


                                    Kolesnikov, Leonid, comp.  Russian Phrase Book.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1967.


                                    Konev, I.  Year of Victory.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969.


                                    Kushner, Sam.  Long Road to Delano.  New York: International Publishers, 1975.


                                    Lacroix, Paul.  Les arts au moyen age et a l'époque de la Renaissance.  Paris: Librairie de Fermin Didot, Frères, Fils et Cie., 1874.


                                    Lane, Mark.  Arcadia.  New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.


                                    Lane, Mark.  Chicago Eyewitness.  New York: Astor-Honor, 1968.


                                    Lane, Mark.  A Citizen's Dissent: Mark Lane Replies.  New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.


                                    Lane, Mark.  Conversations with Americans.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1970.


                                    Lane, Mark.  Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission's In­quiry into the Murder of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald.  Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett World Library, 1966.


                                    Lawrence, Jerome, and Robert E. Lee.  Inherit the Wind.  New York: Bantam Books, 1979 (2 copies).


                                    Lederer, William J., and Eugene Burdich.  The Ugly American.  Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, 1966.


                                    Lenin, V. I.  On the Emancipation of Women.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1934.


                                    Lenin, V. I.  Imperialism: The High­est Stage of Capitalism.  New York: International Publishers, 1939.


                                    Lenin, V. I.  Interviews Given to Foreign Correspondents.  Moscow: Prog­ress Publishers, 1970.


                                    Lenin, V. I.  Selected Works.  3 vols.  Moscow: Foreign Language Pub­lishing House, 1960.

Box 40                       Lenin, V. I.  State and Revolution.  New York: International Publishing Co., Inc., 1943 (2 copies); 1969 edi­tion (2 copies).


                                    Lenin, V. I.  The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism.  Mos­cow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, n.d.


                                    Lenin, V. I.  What Is to Be Done?: Burn­ing Questions of Our Movement.  New York: Internation­al Publishers, 1929.


                                    Leontyev, Lev.  Fundamentals of Marxist Political Economy.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1965.


                                    Leseur, Meridel.  Rites of Ancient Ripen­ing.  Minneapolis: Vanilla Press, Inc., 1976.


                                    Leseur, Meridel.  Songs For My Time.  Cambridge: West End Press, 1977.


                                    Levchenho, Irina.  Land Aflame.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969.


                                    Le livre noir des crimes Americains au Vietnam.  Paris: Fayard, 1970.


                                    Lomax, Louis E.  The Negro Revolt.  New York: New American Library, 1963.


                                    London, Jack.  The Iron Heel.  New York: Sagamore Press, 1957.


                                    London, Jack.  Jack London Short Sto­ries.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1960.


                                    Long, E. B., ed.  Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant.  New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1962.


                                    Luce, Don, et al.  We Promise One Anoth­er: Poems from an Asian War.  Washing­ton, D.C.: Indo­china Mobile Educa­tion Project, 1971.


                                    Lumer, Hyman.  Poverty: Its Roots and its Future.  New York: International Publishers, 1965.


                                    Lynd, Staughton, and Thomas Hayden.  The Other Side.  New York: New American Library, 1967.


                                    McDonald, Gerald D. et al., eds.  The Films of Charlie Chaplin.  New York: Citadel Press, 1965.


                                    McGrath, Thomas.  Letter to an Imag­inary Friend.  Parts I and II.  Chicago: Swallow Press, 1970.


                                    Makarenho, A. S.  The Road To Life (An Epic of Education).  Parts I, II, III.  Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1955.


                                    Malcolm X.  The Autobiography of Malcolm X.  New York: Grove Press, 1966.


                                    Male, Emile.  L'art religieux du XIII siècle en France.  Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1923.


                                    Mandel, William M.  Soviet Women.  Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1975.


                                    Marion, George.  Stop the Press!: Being Volume I of the Next Hundred Years.  New York: Fairplay Publishers, 1953.


                                    Marquit, Erwin.  The Socialist Countries: General Features of Political, Economic And Cultural Life.  Minneapolis: Marxist Educational Press, 1975.


                                    Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels.  The Communist Manifesto.  New York: Washing­ton Square Press, 1967.


                                    Marx, Karl, and Frederick Engels.  Manifesto of the Commu­nist Party.  New York: International Publishers, 1948 (one copy); 1983 edition (one copy).


                                    Mason, Daniel, and Jessica Smith, eds.  Lenin's Impact on the United States.  New York: New World Review Collection, 1970.


                                    Matles, James J., and James Higgins.  Them and Us: Struggles of a Rank-and-File Union.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1975.


                                    Mayakovsky, Vladimir.  The Bedbug and Selected Poetry.  Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1967.


Box 41                       Mensh, Elaine, and Harry Mensh.  Behind the Scenes in Two Worlds.  New York: Inter­national Publishers, 1978.


                                    Mikhailov, B. Y., ed.  Recent History of the Labor Movement in the United States, 1918-1939.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.


                                    Miller, Denning.  Popular Mathematics: The Understanding and Enjoyment of Mathe­matics.  New York: Coward-McCann, 1942.


                                    Miller, Michael V., and Susan Gilmore, eds.  Revolution at Berkeley: The Crisis in American Education.


                                    Mills, C. Wright.  Listen Yankee: The Revolution in Cuba.  New York: Ballantine Books, 1960.


                                    Milton, David.  The Politics of U.S. Labor: From the Great Depression to the New Deal.  New York: Monthly Review Press, 1982.


                                    Milton, David, and Nancy Dall Milton.  The Wind Will Not Survive: Years in Revolu­tionary China, 1964-1969.  New York: Random House, 1976.


                                    Mortimer, Wyndham.  Organize!: My Life as a Union Man.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1971.


                                    Morton, A. L., ed.  Freedom in Arms: A Selection of Leveller Writings.  New York: International Publishers, 1973.


                                    Mushtuhov, Viktor, and Vadim Kruchina-Bogdanov.  Lenin and the Revolution.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                    Nadelson, Regina.  Who is Angela Davis?: The Biography of a Revolutionary.  New York: Peter H. Wyden, 1972.


                                    Nearing, Scott.  The Making of A Radical: A Political Autobiography.  New York: Harper and Row, 1972.


                                    Nordhoff, Charles.  The Communistic Soci­eties of the United States: From Person­al Visit and Observation.  New York: Hillary House Publishers, 1960.


                                    Norris, Frank.  The Octopus: A Story of California.  New York: New American Library, 1964.


                                    Obichkin, G. D., and M. Ya Pankratova.  Vladimir Slyich Lenin: A Short Biogra­phy.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Pub­lishing House, [1970?].


                                    O'Connor, Harvey.  Revolution in Seattle: A Memoir.  New York: Monthly Review Press, 1964.


                                    The October Storm and After: Stories and Reminiscences.  Moscow: Progress Pub­lishers, 1974.


                                    Olbracht, Ivan.  Indian Fables.  London: Golden Pleasure Books, 1964.


                                    Olgin, M. L.  Trotskyism: Counter-Revolu­tion in Disguise.  New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1935.


                                    Overton, Frank.  Applied Physiology In­cluding The Affects of Alcohol and Nar­cotics.  New York: American Book Compa­ny, 1898.


Box 42                       Pankrashova, M., and V. Sipols.  Why War Was Not Prevented: A Documentary Review of the Soviet-British-French Talks in Moscow, 1939.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


Box 43                       Papon, Jean Pierre.  Historie générale de Provence, dédiée aux Etats.  4 V. Par­is: Chez Moutard, 1777.


Box 42                       Parrot, Andre.  Nineveh and the Old Tes­tament.  New York: Philosophical Li­brary, 1955.


                                    Patterson, Haywood and Earl Conrad.  Scottsboro Boy.  Toronto, Ont., Can.: Col­lier Macmillan Canada, 1950 (2 cop­ies).


                                    Payne, Robert.  The Great Charlie.  Lon­don: Tonbridge Printers Ltd., 1952.


                                    Perlo, Victor.  The Negro in Southern Agriculture.  New York: International Publishers, 1953.


                                    Perlo, Victor and Kumar Goshal.  Bitter End in Southeast Asia.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1964.


                                    Pittman, Margrit.  Encounters in Democra­cy: A U.S. Journalist's View of the GDR.  New York: International Publishers, 1981.


                                    Politzer, Georges.  Elementary Principles of Philosophy.  New York: International Publishers, 1967.


                                    Polyansky, Vladimir, ed.  International­ism at the Present Stage.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                    Pomeroy, William, J.  The Forest: A Personal Record of the Huk Guerrilla Struggle in the Philip­pines.  New York: International Pub­lishers, 1963.


                                    Potapova, Nina, ed.  Learning Russian.  Parts I-IV.  Moscow: Progress Publish­ers, 1960.


                                    Potter, Charles Francis.  The Lost Years of Jesus Revealed.  Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1962.


                                    Pritt, D. N.  The State Department and the Cold War: A Commentary on its Publi­cation, "Nazi - Soviet Relations, 1939-1941."  New York: International Publish­ers, 1948.


                                    Quin, Mike.  "Dangerous Thoughts."  San Francisco: People's World, 1940.


                                    Reed, John.  The Education of John Reed: Selected Writings.  New York: Interna­tional Publishers, 1955.


                                    Remarque, Erich Maria.  All Quiet on the Western Front.  Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1965.


                                    Reminiscences of Marx and Engels.  Mos­cow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1968.


                                    Reuben, William A.  The Honorable Mr. Nixon and the Alger Hiss Case.  New York: Action Books, 1957.


                                    Rhodin, Eric.  The Scar.  New York: Popular Library, 1963.


                                    Richett, Allyn, and Adele Richett.  Prisoners of Liberation.  New York: Cameron Associ­ates, 1957.


                                    Robertson, Archibald.  How to Read Histo­ry.  New York: Frederick Ungar Publish­ing Co., 1952.


                                    Robertson, Archibald.  The Origins of Chris­tianity.  New York: Frederick Ungar Publish­ing Co., 1952.


                                    Robertson, Archibald.  The Reformation.  Lon­don: C. A. Watts, 1960.

Box 44                       Rogers, Walter, and Elizabeth Rogers.  Big Wheels Rolled in Texas: 1940 through Pearl Harbor.  New Orleans: Authors, 1972.  (14 copies)


                                    Rogers, Walter, and Elizabeth Rogers.  John Donar: Common Man.  New Orleans: Authors, 1945.


Box 48                       Rokossovsky, K.  A Soldier's Duty.  Mos­cow: Progress Publishers, 1970.


                                    Rosenthal, Ricky.  The Splendor That Was Africa.  Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Oceana Publication, 1967.


                                    Russell, Bertrand.  The ABC of Rela­tivi­ty.  New York: New American Library, 1958.


                                    Safonov, V.  Land in Bloom.  Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1951.


                                    Samuel, Maurice.  The World of Sholom Aleichem.  New York: Schocken, 1965.


Box 49                       Sanakoyev, Shalva.  The World Socialist System.  Moscow: Progress Publications, 1972 (2 copies).


                                    Sapozhnikov, Boris.  A Grim Lesson of History (25 Years Since Japan's Surrender in World War II).  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                    Schroter, Heinz.  Stalingrad.  New York: Ballantine Books, 1966.


                                    Schuman, Frederick L.  The Cold War: Retrospect and Prospect.  Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1962.


                                    Scofield, C. I., ed.  The Scofield Refer­ence Bible: The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testa­ments, Authorized King James Version.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1945.


                                    Sdobnikova, Galina, trans.  Present-Day China: Socio-Economic Problems (Collect­ed Articles).  Moscow: Progress Publish­ers, 1975.


                                    Segal, Edith.  Be My Friend and Other Poems for Boys and Girls.  Secaucus, N.J.: The Citadel Press, 1971.


                                    Segal, Edith.  Poems and Songs for Dreamers Who Dare.  New York: Lawrence Hill and Company, 1975 (2 copies).


                                    Segal, Edith.  Take My Hand.  New York: Dialog Publications, 1969.


                                    Segy, Ladislas.  African Sculp­ture.  New York: Dover, 1958.


                                    A Selection of Drawings from The Worker, 1924-1960.  New York: Worker, n.d.


                                    Sevruk, V.  How Wars End: Eye-Witness Accounts of the Fall of Berlin.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969.


                                    Shapiro-Bertolini, Ethel.  And My Heart Was at Home.  Los Angeles: DeRusha Lithography, 1966.


                                    Sharnoff, Philip.  Principles of Scien­tific Socialism: A Primer on Marxism-Leninism.  Palo Alto, Calif.: Ram­parts Press, 1983.


                                    Shields, James M.  Mr. Progressive: A Biography of Elmer A. Benson.  Minneapo­lis: T. S. Denison & Company, 1971.


                                    Shippen, Katherine B.  Men, Microscopes and Living Things.  New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1965.


                                    Shore, Herbert L., and Megchelina Shore-Bos, eds.  Come Back, Africa!  New York: Interna­tional Pub­lishers, 1968.


                                    Sides, Dorothy Smith.  Decorative Art of the Southwestern Indians.  New York: Dover Publications, 1961.


                                    Sillitoe, Alan.  The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner.  New York: New American Library, Inc., 1959.


                                    Simeon, Georges.  Sunday: The Little Man from Archangel.  New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1959.


                                    Simonov, Konstantine.  Days and Nights.  New York: Simon and Schuster, 1945.


                                    Singh, Khushwant.  Train to Pakistan.  New York: Grove Press, 1961.


                                    Sixtieth Anniversary of the USSR!: Greet­ings From Abroad.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983.


Box 50                       Smedley, Agnes.  Portraits of Chinese Women In Revolution.  New York: Feminist Press, 1976.


                                    Sobolev, P. N., ed.  History of the Octo­ber Revolution.  Moscow: Progress Pub­lishers, 1966.


                                    Solodovnikov, V.  Africa Fights for Independence.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                    Somerville, John.  The Communist Trials and the American Tradition.  New York: Cameron Associates, 1956.


                                    Sperling, Abraham, and Monroe Stuart.  Mathematics Made Simple.  Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1962.


                                    Stalin, Joseph.  Foundations of Leninism.  New York: International Publishers, 1939 (one copy); 1966 (one copy).


                                    Starobin, Joseph.  Paris to Peking.  New York: Cameron Associates, 1955.


                                    Steffens, Lincoln.  The Shame of the Cities.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1966.


                                    Stepanova, E.  Karl Marx: Short Biogra­phy.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1968.


                                    Stern, Philip M.  The Great Treasury Raid.  New York: New American Li­brary, 1965.


                                    Stevenson, Robert Louis.  The Black Ar­row.  London: Collier-Macmillan, 1966.


                                    Stevenson, Robert Louis.  The Great Short Stories of Robert Louis Stevenson.  New York: Washington Square Press, 1961.


                                    Stewart, Bob.  Breaking the Fetters: The Memoirs of Bob Stewart.  London: Law­rence and Wishart, 1967.


                                    Stilwell, Joseph.  The Stilwell Papers [arranged and edited by Theodore H. White].  New York: Schocken Books, 1972.


                                    Stone, Harris.  Workbook of an Unsuccess­ful Architect.  New York: Monthly Review Press, 1973.


                                    Stone, Irving.  Clarence Darrow for the Defence.  New York: New American Li­brary, 1971.


                                    Strachey, John.  The Coming Struggle for Power.  New York: Modern Library, 1935.


                                    Sugarman, Tracy.  Stranger at the Gates: A Summer in Mississippi.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1966.


                                    Szulc, Tad.  Dominican Diary.  New York: Dell, 1965.


                                    Taylor, Telford.  Nuremberg and Vietnam: An Ameri­can Tragedy.  Chicago: Quadran­gle Books, 1970.


                                    Timothy, Mary.  Jury Woman: The Story of the Trial of Angela Y. Davis.  Written by a Member of the Jury.  San Francisco, Calif.: Glide Publication, 1975.


                                    Todes, Charlotte.  William H. Sylvis and the National Labor Union.  New York: International Publishers Co., 1942.


                                    Togliatti, Palmiro.  Lectures on Fascism.  New York: International Publishers, 1976.


                                    Trumbo, Dalton.  The Devil in the Book.  Los Angeles, Calif.: California Emergency Defense Committee, 1956.


                                    Trush, M.  Soviet Foreign Policy: Early Years.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, ca. 1970.

Box 51                       Tunis, John R.  Was College Worth While?  New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1936.


                                    Turgenev, Ivan.  Fathers and Sons.  New York: Washington Square Press, 1962.


                                    Twain, Mark (Samuel L. Clemens).  Life on the Mississippi.  New York: Harper and Row, 1965.


                                    United States.  91st Congress.  Senate.  Re­view of United States Foreign Policy and Operations. 1968.


                                    Uzzell, Thomas H.  The Technique of the Novel: A Handbook on the Craft of the Long Narrative.  New York: Citadel Press, 1959.


                                    Venturi, Lionello.  Botticelli.  London, Eng.: Phaidon Press, ca. 1961.


                                    Vygodsky, Vitaly.  A Book for all Time.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, ca. 1967.  (4 copies)


                                    Ward, Harry F.  The Soviet Spirit.  New York: International Publishers Co., Inc., 1944.


                                    Waterhouse, Larry G., and Mariann G. Wiz­ard.  Turning the Guns Around: Notes on the GI Movement.  New York: Praeger, 1971.


                                    Weiss, Peter.  The Investigation.  New York: Atheneum, 1966.


                                    Wells, H. G.  The Time Machine.  New York: Airmont Publishing Company, 1964.


                                    Werner, Alfred.  Maurice Utrillo.  New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1953.


                                    West, Don.  Clods of Southern Earth.  New York: Boni and Gaer, 1946.


                                    West, Don.  The Road Is Rocky.  New York: New Christian Books, 1951.


                                    Wexley, John.  The Judgment of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.  New York: Cameron and Kahn, 1955.


                                    Who's Who in CIA.  Berlin: Julius Mader, 1968.


                                    Wilder, Thornton.  The Bridge of San Luis Rey.  New York: Washington Square Press, 1969.


                                    Williams, Frankwood, E.  Russia, Youth, and the Present-Day World: Further Stud­ies in Mental Hygiene.  New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1934.


                                    Williams, John A.  Africa: Her Story, Lands and People, Told with Pictures.  New York: Cooper Square Publishers, 1965.


                                    Williams, Robert F.  Negroes With Guns.  New York: Marzani and Munsell, 1962.


Box 52                       Williamson, Thames.  The Woods Colt: A Novel of the Ozark Hills.  New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1933.


                                    Winnington, Alan.  Tibet: Record of a Journey.  New York: International Pub­lishers Inc., 1957.


                                    Winston, Henry.  Strategy for a Black Agenda: A Critique of New Theories of Liberation in The United States and Afri­ca.  New York: International Publishers, 1973.


                                    Winter, Ella.  Red Virtue: Human Rela­tionships in the New Russia.  New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1933.


                                    Witt, Hubert, ed.  Brecht as They Knew Him.  New York: International Publish­ers, 1974.


                                    Wolchonok, Louis.  Design for Art­ists and Craftsmen.  New York: Dover, 1953.


                                    Wolf, Christa.  Divided Heaven.  Berlin: Seven Seas Publishers, 1968.


                                    Woodward, W. E.  Meet General Grant.  New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation, 1965.


                                    Woodward, W. E.  White Man Listen!  Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1964.


                                    Worth, C. Brooke, and Robert K. Enders.  The Nature of Living Things.  New York: New American Library of World Litera­ture, 1964.


                                    Wright, Esmond.  Fabric of Freedom, 1763-1800.  New York: Hill and Wang, 1965.


                                    Wright, Richard.  Black Boy: A Record of Childhood and Youth.  New York: Harper and Row, 1966.


                                    Wright, Richard.  Native Son.  New York: Harper and Row, 1966 (one copy).  New York: New American Library, 1964 (one copy).


                                    Wright, Richard.  Uncle Tom's Children.  New York: Harper and Row, 1965.


                                    Yevtushenko, Yevgeny.  Selections from the Bratsk Hydroelectric Station and Other Poems.  New York: New World Re­view, 1965.


                                    Zhelokhovtsev, A.  The "Cultural Revolu­tion": A Close-Up (An Eyewitness Ac­count).  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975.


                                    Zhukov, G. K.  The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov.  New York: Delacorte Press, 1971.


                                    Zhukov, Y. et al.  The Third World: Problems and Prospects.  Moscow: Prog­ress Publishers, 1970.


                                    Zinn, Howard.  SNCC: The New Abolition­ists.  Boston: Beacon Press, 1967.


                                    Zinn, Howard.  A New American History.  London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1949.


                                    Zola, Emile.  Germinal.  Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1961.


                                    Zweig, Arnold.  The Case of Sergeant Grischa.  New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1929.


Box 1             "Calley"

                        Newspaper clipping on Lt. William Calley.  August 1, 1973.


                        "The Case of Robert Powell"

                        Material on Robert Powell, who was charged with armed robbery in 1970.  Included are clippings, correspondence, and case study.  n.d., 1970-1972.



                        A collection of catalogs and trade liter­ature.  n.d., 1971, 1976, 1980, 1983.



                        Newspaper clippings on cultural condi­tions in this country.  n.d., 1975-1976.


                        Chronological Files

                        The following material was arranged chro­nologically.  Some files refer to specif­ic subjects; others cite activities con­ducted by Elizabeth and Walter Rogers.


                                    "1946 From the Rogers' Files"

                                           Correspondence; reprints; newspaper clippings.  Most items are photocopies and contain no­tations.  n.d., 1946-1954.



                                           Outline of political and personal events, 1950-1980; "Briefing on the Rogers as of November 17, 1969."



                                           Outline of political and personal events, 1961-1971; Part I, Chapter 13, unidentified manuscript.


                                    "1964-1970 U.S. Gestapo"

                                           Copies of reprints produced by the Rogerses; newspaper clippings.  n.d., 1970-1974.


                                    "1965-1966 Blacks in New Orleans"

                                           Newspaper clippings.  1960-1966.


                                    "Fall 1965 National Guardsmen and Betsy Flood"

                                           Correspondence and related material discussing the views held by the Rogers on the origins of the flood­ing associated with Hurricane Betsy.  1965.


                                    "1965-1966 Vietnam Teach-in-Tulane"

                                           Program and related material dis­tributed at a forum held at Tulane University.  ca. 1966.


                                    "1965-1969.  Betsy Flood Victims After­math: Fighting Urban Renewal"

                                           Notations; serials; leaflets; news­paper clippings.  1965-1969.  (See also Betsy Flood Victims)


                                    "1966 Betsy Clips etc." (2 folders)

                                           Correspondence; newspaper clippings; photograph; leaflets.  1966.


                                    "1966" (2 folders)

                                           Correspondence; newspaper clippings; photograph and leaflets concerned with national and local events oc­curring in 1966.


                                    "1966-1971 Indira Gandhi."

                                           Included are an unfinished draft of an article; reprints; notations; serials and pamphlets.  n.d., 1966-1975.


                                    "1967" (2 folders)

                                           Correspondence; newspaper clippings and leaflets concerned with national and local events occurring in 1967.  Also includes a catalog from Victory Press.  1967.


                                    "1967 Garrison (Playboy Interview)"

                                           Interview with Jim Garrison, former district attorney of New Orleans, Playboy Magazine, October, 1967.


                                    "1968" (2 folders)

                                           Correspondence; newspaper clippings; leaflets and receipts concerned with national, local and personal events occurring in 1968.


                                    "1968-1970 Miscellaneous"

                                           Newspaper and leaflets pertaining to national and local events occurring from 1968 to 1970.  Also included are correspondence and information on copyright registration of Revolu­tion: Left Out of Schoolbooks.  1970.

Box 2                         "1969 to August" (2 folders)

                                           Correspondence; newspaper clippings and leaflets pertaining to national and local events occurring in 1969.

                                           Correspondence; leaflets; reports; notations; serials and newspaper clippings pertaining to national and local events occurring in 1969.


                                    "1969 Black Panthers"

                                           Pamphlets; announcements and arti­cles related to the Black Panther movement in the United States.


                                    "1969 Hurricane Camille"

                                           Newspaper clippings.


                                    "1969-70 International Scene"

                                           Newspaper clippings and leaflets relating to national and local events occurring during 1969-1970.



                                           Newspaper clippings and notations concerned with events occurring during the 1970s.  Also includes Unforgettable Lessons of History: Materials Issued in Con­nec­tion with the 25th Anniversary of the Defeat of Nazi Germany (Moscow: Novosti Press, 1970) and Of the People, For the People: Pictorial Highlights of Fifty Years of the Communist Party, USA 1919-1969 (New York: Communist Party, U.S.A., 1970).


                                    "1970" (2 folders) 

                                           Correspondence; serials, leaflets; news­paper clip­pings and notations concerned with events occurring in 1970.  Also included are snap­shots of Elizabeth and Walter Rogers.


                                    "1970-1972 Black Panthers"

                                           Newspaper clippings; leaflets and pam­phlets related to the Black Pan­ther Movement.  n.d., 1970-1972.


                                    "1970-1971 Drugs"

                                           Reference information on drug abuse.  n.d., 1970-1971.


                                    "1971" (2 folders)

                                           Leaflets; serials; correspondence and newspa­per clippings concerned with national and local events oc­curring in 1971.


                                    "1971 Housing By the People, NYC: Cooper Square, Harlem, Brooklyn"

                                           Printed reference material and seri­als.  n.d., 1971.



                                           Correspondence; notes; leaflets concerned with national, local, and personal events occurring in 1972.



                                           Correspondence; newspaper clipping; ref­erence material and leaflets pertaining to national and local events occurring in 1973.



                                           Newspaper clippings and leaflets pertain­ing to national and local events occurring in 1974.


                                    "1975" (2 folders)

                                           Newspaper clippings; correspondence and leaf­lets pertain­ing to local and national events occurring in 1975.  Also included is documentation on Walter Rogers' lawsuit against the U.S. Postal Service.


                                    "1976" (3 folders)

                                           Newspaper clippings; correspondence; leaflets.  Also included are leaf­lets pertaining to Walter Rogers' lawsuit against the U.S. Postal Service.


Box 3                         "1977"

                                           Correspondence; article sent to Daily Worker; leaflets and serials relating to events occurring in 1977.



                                           Leaflets relating to events occur­ring in 1978; personal letter.



                                           Leaflets relating to events occur­ring in 1979; notations and cor­respondence.



                                           Newspaper clippings, notations and seri­als relating to events occurring in the 1980s.



                                           Leaflets relating to events occur­ring in 1980.



                                           Leaflets relating to events occur­ring in 1981.



                        Newspaper articles.  n.d., 1984.


                        Coalition to Save the Ninth Ward (Steering Commit­tee)

                        Correspondence and related material.  n.d., 1979.



                        Newspaper articles.  1984.


                        "Constitution and Supreme Court"

                        Table of Contents from The Supreme Court and the Consti­tution: Readings in Ameri­can Con­stitutional History.



                        Both outgoing and incoming from local, nation­al and international sources.  n.d., 1962-1985.  Additional correspon­dence may be found throughout the collec­tion under specific subject headings.


                               n.d., 1962-1979.


Box 4                    1980-1985.


                        "Copyright Law"


                                    Reference information.  n.d., 1981.


                        "Display Material"

                               Folders arranged by Elizabeth Rogers contain infor­mation on various serials and include sample issues.  The material, apparently used for display purposes, is identified as follows:


                                    AFSC Quaker Service Bulletin

                                                ca. 1976, 1977


                                    Bill of Rights Journal

                                                September/October 1975, December 1975


                                    Daily Worker

                                                Vol. VII, No. 206, May 6, 1975

                                                Vol. VII, No. 222, May 28, 1975

                                                Vol. VII, No. 224, May 30, 1975

                                                Vol. VII, No. 225, May 31, 1975

                                                Vol. VII, No. 227, June 4, 1975

                                                Vol. VIII, No. 73, October 25, 1975


                                    Economic Notes

                                                Vol. XLIII, No. 6, June 1975

                                                Vol. XLIII, No.10, October 1975  


                                    India News

                                                Vol. XIV, No. 27, October 3, 1975

                                                Vol. XIV, No. 39, December 26, 1975


                                    "International Publishers"

                                           Promotional information and newslet­ters origi­nating from International Publishers as well as from other sources, n.d., 1975.


                                    Labor Today

                                                September 1974

                                                May-June 1975


                                    "Miscellaneous: Alternative Law Books, Film Criticism"

                                           Catalog from AFG legal publica­tions; adver­tisement from Jump Cut.  n.d., 1975.


                                    News From Ukraine

                                                No. 52 (374), December 1974


                                    New World Review

                                                Vol. LXIII, No. 2, March-April 1974

                                                Vol. LXIII, No. 3, May-June 1975

                                                Vol. LXIII, No. 4, July-August 1975

                                                Vol. LXIII, No. 43, September-October 1975

                                                Vol. LXIV, No. 1, January-February 1976


                                    Northern Neighbors

                                                Vol. XVIII, No. 6, May 1974

                                                Vol. XVIII, No. 10, November 1974

                                                Vol. XIX, No. 1, January 1975

                                                Vol. XIX, No. 4, April 1975


                                    People's World

                                                Vol. XXXVIII, No. 22, May 31, 1975

                                                Vol. XXXVIII, No. 22, May-June 1975

                                                Vol. XXXVIII, No. 20, May 24, 1975

                                           (A copy of World Magazine, May 31, 1975, is included in folder.)

Box 5                         Promoting Enduring Peace, Inc.

                                           List of literature produced by the orga­nization along with sample cop­ies, n.d., 1975.



                                                Vol. 9, No. 3, March 1975

                                                Vol. 9, No. 4, April 1975

                                                Vol. 9, Nos. 11/12, November/December 1975


                                    Women of the Whole World

                                                No. 3, 1975

                                           Also includes copies of the follow­ing: Women of Vietnam, No. 1-2, 1973; FST Voice, Vol. 1, No. 2, September 1975; Another Mother for Peace, October 1975; La Wisp, December 1975; hand­bills and newspaper clippings, n.d.


                                    World Marxist Review

                                                Vol. XVIII, No. 3, March 1975

                                                Vol. XVIII, No. 4, April 1975


                        Dombrowski, James A.

                                    "Portrait of an American Heretic—Dombrowski—The Quiet Activist As Visual American Artist."  Southern Exposure, July/August, 1982.  Memo­rial program, December 2-4, 1983.



                               Notes and newspaper article.  1973, 1975.


                        "Fare Hike: New Orleans Plan"

                               Notes, newspaper clippings, and leaflets.  n.d., 1974.


                        "Federal Hi-Way Act '68"

                               Public Law 90-495, 90th Congress, August 23, 1986.  (Reprint)


                        Financial Transactions

                               Papers concerned with Elizabeth and Walter Rogers's personal belongings; medical records; income tax returns and related information.  The fol­lowing folders are included:


                                    "Auto" (2 folders)

                                           Correspondence; ownership papers; car insurance policies; accident reports and repair bills.  n.d., 1967-1980.


                                    Banking (8 folders)

                                           Checking account statements; safe deposit box keys and related information.  n.d., 1978-1985.

                                                n.d., 1978-1981



                                    Bryn Mawr College

                                           Correspondence and receipts related to annuity received from the institution.  n.d., 1970-1983.


Box 6                         Household Accounts (15 folders)

                                           Statements from New Orleans utility com­panies; receipts and warranties for household purchases.  n.d., 1952, 1968-1985.

                                                Accounts with utility com­panies:

                                                            Folder 1.  1952, 1968-1969.

                                                            Folder 2.  1970.

                                                            Folder 3.  1971-1972.

                                                            Folder 4.  1973-1975.

                                                            Folder 5.  1976-1977.

                                                            Folder 6.  1978.

                                                            Folder 7.  1979.

                                                            Folder 8.  1980-1981.

                                                            Folder 9.  1982-1983.

                                                            Folder 10. 1984-1985.


                                                "1966-1968 Business-Person­al."  Corre­spon­dence and re­ceipts.

                                                            Folder 11.


                                                Correspondence re­lating to house­hold matters.  n.d., 1966-1972.

                                                            Folder 12. 


                                                Miscellaneous household re­ceipts.  n.d., 1970-1984.

                                                            Folder 13.


                                                Notes relevant to house­hold affairs.  n.d., 1971, 1974.

                                                            Folder 14.


                                                Receipts from mis­cella­neous sources.  1966-1982.

                                                            Folder 15. 


                                                Warranties and lit­era­ture on house­hold prod­ucts.  n.d., 1978.

                                                            Folder 16. 


                                    Income Tax.

                                           U.S. Government forms; corre­spon­dence and related material.



                                    "Insurance Policy Rogers"

                                           Correspondence with the Inter­nation­al Union of Operating Engineers and Pipe Line Employ­ees Health and Wel­fare Fund.  1978.


                                    Medical Expenses (11 folders)

                                           Included are medical records; doc­tors' state­ments; correspon­dence and statements concerning insurance coverage and related information.  n.d., 1967-1985.


                                                Fold­er 1.  "Az­ar"

                                                       Correspondence; bills; receipts and in­surance claims regarding Walter Rogers' eye surgery per­formed at Azar Eye Clinic.  n.d., 1975-1981.


                                                Folder 2.  Charity Hospital.

                                                       Statements and forms issued by the hospi­tal for services ren­dered to the Rogers at the out-patient department.  1980-1981.


                                                Folder 3.  "EENT"

                                                       Statements and related informa­tion from the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital issued for ser­vices rendered to Walter Rog­ers.  1974-1976.


                                                Folder 4.  Louisiana Health and Human Resourc­es Administration and Medicare.

                                                       Material concerned with social ser­vices provided to Walter Rogers.  n.d., 1980.


                                                Folder 5.  Miscellaneous-Medi­cal.

                                                       Bills, receipts and appointment cards pertaining to medical treatment.  n.d. 1967-1984.


                                                Folder 6.  "Neighborhood Clin­ic-9th Ward"

                                                       Statements and receipts.  1974, 1976-1977.


                                                Folder 7.  Reference Material.

                                                       Medical information and notes.  n.d., 1975-1985.


                                                Folder 8.  "Social Security-V.A."

                                                       Payments, claims, and cor­respondence concerning benefits received from the federal gov­ernment.  n.d., 1962-1984.


                                                Folders 9 and 10.  "Vet­erans Admin­istra­tion."

                                                       Included are claims, payments and related correspondence.  n.d., 1960-1981.


                                                Folder 9.  n.d., 1960-1976.


                                                Folder 10.  1977-1981.


                                                Folder 11.  "Veterans Admin­is­tration-Wal­ter Rogers"

                                                       Information concerned with Wal­ter Rogers illness and subse­quent death.  Included are both his military discharge and death certificates.  n.d., 1933-1981.


                                    Real Estate. (6 folders)

                                           Correspondence; floor plans; insur­ance and related infor­ma­tion con­cerned with property located at 2622 St. Maurice Street, New Orleans, La.


                                                "Insurance" pol­icies.  1964-1980.

                                                Folder 1. 


                                                "Building Standards & Per­mits."  1967-1970.

                                                Folder 2. 


                                                Correspondence, ref­erence in­forma­tion, 1975-1979.

                                                Folder 3. 


                                                "House Plans."  1969-1977.

                                                Folder 4. 


                                                Correspondence, ref­erence in­forma­tion, 1975-1979.

                                                Folder 5. 


                                                Correspondence, ref­erence in­forma­tion, 1980-1984.

                                                Folder 6. 



                               Promotional materials describing the company's duplicat­ing machines.  n.d.


                        Gorton.  "Ruthie Gorton Collection."

                               Arti­cles and poetry by R. Gorton.  ca. 1972-1973.


                        Gulf Coast Deep Water Port Facilities, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

                               Two copies of a handout for a public meeting pre­sentation held May, 1973.


Box 7             International Year of the Child.

                               A committee initiated by Elizabeth Rogers to commemorate public school in­te­gration in New Orleans in Novem­ber, 1960.  Through their efforts perma­nent displays recalling the event were placed in public areas of the city.  In addition, the New Orleans City Council honored the first Black public school students who partici­pated in school desegre­ga­tion.


                                    General correspondence.  n.d., 1979-1980.

                                    Folder 1. 


                                    General correspondence.  1981-1982.

                                    Folder 2. 


                                    Committee Work to promote IYC

                                           Reports; speeches; notes and press re­leases.  n.d., 1981.

                                    Folder 3. 


                                    Endorsements; petitions; re­ceipts; lists; newspaper clippings.  n.d., 1979.

                                    Folder 4. 


                                    Artwork; leaflets; n.d., 1980.

                                    Folder 5. 


                                    Information relating to Alvena V. Seckar, the artist who donated her painting entitled "De­segre­ga­tion" to the New Orleans Public Li­brary.  Includ­ed is correspondence; photo­graphs of Seckar's paintings and biographical information.  n.d., 1979.

                                    Folder 6. 


                                    "Ad Hoc Com­mit­tee to Dis­play Alvena Seckar's 'Dese­grega­tion' in New Orleans." 

                                           Press re­leases, reports and corre­spon­dence.  n.d.

                                    Folders 7,8. 


                                    Plaque inscribed "In Appre­ciation; Eliza­beth Rog­ers; New Orleans Four."

                                    Folder 9.


                        Interview with Elizabeth Rogers (2 fold­ers).

                               A series of five audiotape inter­views conduct­ed by Mary Gehmen in 1974 and 1975.  Included are notes presumably prepared by Elizabeth Rogers prior to the interviews.  December 31, 1974; January 28, 1975 (two tapes); February 26, 1975; June 8, 1975.


                        Jackson, Henry.

                               Reference information.  1972, 1974.


                        King.  "Martin Luther King."

                               Informational material on King and relat­ed activi­ties.  1975-1976.



                               Information compiled and distributed by Elizabeth and Walter Rogers at meetings, boycotts and on Sundays in Jackson Square, Vieux Carre area of New Orleans.  Referred to by the Rogerses as "leaflets" and "Street Journal­ism," the material contains handbills, reprints, original arti­cles and songs on topics of local, national and social interest.  In­cluded are original artwork and newspa­per clippings used to produce the leaflets, as well as signs and con­tainers used in conjunction with their distribution.  n.d., 1940-1984.  (See also Chronological Files.)


                               Original artwork, news­paper clip­pings, leaflet listings arranged both in chronological and topical order.

                               Folders 1-8. 




                                    Folders 9-45.  n.d., ca. 1940 - September 26, 1966.


Box 8                         Folders 46-135.  October 6, 1966 - April 21, 1971.


Box 9                         Folders 136-231.  May 2, 1971 - September 25, 1973.


Box 10                       Folders 232-303.  September 26, 1973 - May 26, 1976.


Box 11                       Folders 304-336.  June 8, 1976 - December 1977.


Box 12                       Folders 337-454.  ca. 1978 - ca. 1984.


Boxes 45-48             Revolution: Left Out of School­books.  New Orleans: Walter and Elizabeth Rogers, 1970 (615 cop­ies).

Box 13                       Containers, signs, handouts used by the Rogerses in conjunction with their leaflet distribution.


                                    Leaflets from miscellaneous sources.[1]


Box 29                              About the Constitution of the United States of America.  New York: National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee, n.d.


                                           Address Delivered By the Rev. William Howard Melish At the Memorial Service of the Late Dr. W.E.B. DuBois at the Aggrey Memorial Church, Achimota College, Accra, Ghana, on Sunday 29th September 1963.


                                           Allen, Charles R., Jr.  Journey to the Soviet Trade Unions.  New York: Marzani& Munsell, 1965.


                                           Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.  Union Rules of Order: The Laws of Par­liamentary Procedure As They Apply to Local Union and Committee Meetings.  New York: The Advance, 1938.


                                           Ameringer, Oscar.  Life and Deeds of Uncle Sam: A Little History for Big Children.  Des Moines, Ia.: Farmers Association, n.d.  (2 copies)


                                           Anniversary Tours.  Anniversary Tours 1978.  New York, ca. 1977.


                                           Anniversary Tours.  Discover Cuba.  New York, 1980.


                                           Anniversary Tours.  Fall, Winter, Spring in the Soviet Union.  New York, 1983.


                                           Amistad Research Center.  The Aaron Doug­las Collec­tion.  New Orleans, n.d.


                                           Amistad Research Center.  A leaflet describing its archival holdings.  n.d. (2 copies)


                                           Amistad Research Center.  Arc Light: A Series of Multi-Image Shows About Afro-Americans, Other Ethnic Groups, and Race Relations Histo­ry.  n.d. (2 copies).


                                           Aptheker, Herbert.  The American Civil War.  New York: International Publish­ers, 1961.


                                           Aptheker, Herbert.  The Labor Movement in the South During Slavery.  New York: International Publishers, n.d.


                                           Aptheker, Herbert.  The Negro in the Ameri­can Revolu­tion.  New York: International Publishers, n.d.


                                           Aptheker, Herbert.  Racism and Reaction in the United States: Two Marxian Studies.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1971.


                                           Associated General Contractors of Ameri­ca, New Orleans Chapter and International Union of Operating Engineers Local Union No. 406-406A-406B, Engineers Craft Agree­ment, May 1, 1968 - April 30, 1971.


                                           Becchetti, Arnold.  Communists Are Work­ing-Class Activ­ists.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, January 1984.


                                           Beglov, Spartak.  European Security--Problem No. 1.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Berkhin, I.  Soviet Economic Policy: Early Years.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                           Bogdanov, Oleg.  Stop the Arms Race Now!  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1973.


                                           "The Bombing Will Begin in Five Minutes."  New York: U.S. Com­mit­tee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, n.d.


                                           Borsodi, Robert Otto.  Kiss the Rock for Luck.  [S.l.]: Author, 1980.


                                           Brandt, Joseph.  Korea: Uneasy Truce in the Land of the Morning Calm.  New York: American-Korean Friendship and Informa­tion Center, n.d. (2 copies)


                                           Brezhnev, Leonid.  Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.  Mos­cow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1971.


                                           Brezhnev, Leonid.  Small Land.  Graven­hurst, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, 1978.


                                           Cable, George W.  A Southerner Looks at Negro Discrimina­tion.  New York: Inter­national Publishers, 1946.


                                           Castro, Fidel.  Speech at the United Nations.  General Assembly Session, Sep­tember 26, 1960.  New York: Fair Play For Cuba Committee, n.d.


                                           Central America Peace Campaign.  The U.S. Is at War in Central America.  n.d.


                                           Cherednychenko, V.  Truth and Myths About UPA.  Lviv: Kamenyar Publishers, 1981.


                                           Chorny, Volodymyr.  Why Are They Against Detente?  Kiev: Ukraina Society, 1980.


                                           Claessens, August and Rebecca Jarvis.  The ABC of Parliamentary Law.  New York: Rand School Press, 1936.


                                           Communist Party USA.  Basic Document Adopted by the 23rd National Convention CPUSA.  New York: New Outlook Publish­ers, 1983.


                                           Communist Party USA.  Constitution of the Commu­nist Party of the United States of America.  New York: CPUSA, July 1969, (1 copy), October, 1979.  (3 copies)


                                           Communist Party USA.  Election '84 Roundup: The Commu­nist View, Speech by Gus Hall at New York City Forum.  New York: CPUSA, November 16, 1984.  (3 copies)


                                           Communist Party USA.  Pre-Convention Discus­sion and Applica­tion: Draft Basic Docu­ment 23rd National Conven­tion, CPUSA.  New York: CPUSA, 1983.  (2 copies)


                                           Communist Party USA.  Pre-Convention Discus­sion and Applica­tion: Special Pre-Con­vention Discussion Bulletin on Indus­trial Concen­tra­tion by Gus Hall, 1983.  New York: CPUSA, 1983.


                                           Communist Party USA.  Pre-Convention Discus­sion and Applica­tion.  Summary Remarks by Gus Hall, General Secretary, CPUSA to the Central Committee/National Council Meet­ing, May 30, 1983.  New York: CPUSA, 1983.


                                           Communist Party USA.  Why You Should Join the Communist Party...It Could Be What You're Looking for....   New York: CPUSA, n.d.  (2 copies)


                                           Conference for the Development of Women's Resourc­es.  New Orleans, 1976.


                                           Copeland, Vincent.  Expanding Empire: The Global War Drive of Big Business and the Forces That Will Stop It.  New York: Workers World Press, 1968.


                                           Dangerous Course of Peking Splitters.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Davidson, A.  The Crime of Apartheid: Theory and Practice in South Africa.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Debs, Theodore.  Sidelights: Incidents in the Life of Eugene V. Debs.  Terre Haute, Indiana, 1973.


                                           Defense [?] of Socialism: Supreme Inter­na­tionalist Duty, Pravda, August 22, 1968.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Development of Economy and Culture of Soviet Ukraine.  Kiev: The Ukraina Soci­ety, 1971.


                                           Dutt, R. Palme.  Whither China?  New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1967.


                                           Dzeverin, O.  Narodna Osvita v Ukrainskii RSR.  Kiev, 1969.


                                           Emergency Response International Network.  In Defense of Native Peoples.  Rooseveltown, N.Y.: Akwesasne Notes, n.d.


                                           Einstein, Albert.  Why Socialism?  New York: Monthly Review Press, 1963.  Re­print.


                                           Etinger, Y.  African Solidarity and Neo-Colo­nial­ism.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d. (2 copies).


                                           "Events in China" (Article in Pravda, November 27, 1966).  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           The First Man in Space: The Record of Yuri Gagarin's Historic First Venture into Cosmic Space.  A Collection of Translations from Soviet Press Reports.  New York: Crosscurrents Press Inc., 1961.


                                           Forty-Ninth Anniversary of the Great Socialist Revolu­tion: Report by Arreid Pelse, Member of the CPSU Central Commit­tee at a Meet­ing in the Palace of Con­gress in Moscow on November 6th, 1966.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, ca. 1966.


                                           Free Angela Davis.  Westchester Commit­tee, December 26, 1970.


                                           The Free Southern Theater Presents: Don't Start Me to Talking or I'll Tell Everything I Know; Sayings from the Life and Writings of Junebug Jabbo Jones.  n.d.


                                           Friendship Strengthened in Struggle: Speeches by Czechoslavak and Soviet Lead­ers at a Friendship Rally in the Kremlin Palace of Con­gress and the Joint Soviet-Czechoslovak Statement of October 27, 1969.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1968.


                                           From Sputnik to Salyut: 25 Years of the Space Age.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1982.


                                           The General Strike.  Chicago: Industrial Workers of the World, March 1972.


                                           Gerson, Simon W.  After Fifty Years Re­visiting the USSR.  New York: New World Review Publications, 1978.


                                           Gilchrist, Marie.  Writing Poetry: A Text for Beginners.  Cleveland, Oh.: Author, 1947.


                                           Goncharov, V.  What How and Why?  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Goylo, Vladimir.  Two Worlds, Two Ideolo­gies: Unemploy­ment and "Free" Enter­prise.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency.  n.d.


                                           Graves, Anna Melissa.  Africa: The Won­der and the Glory.  Baltimore, 1961.  Re­print.


                                           Hall, Gus.  Capitalism On The Skids to Oblivi­on: The People's Struggle For A New Beginning.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, April 1972.


                                           Hall, Gus.  For A Radical Change--The Commu­nist View: Report and Conclud­ing Remarks to the 18th National Conven­tion, Communist Party, U.S.A., June 22-26, 1966.  New York: New Outlook Pub­lishers, 1966.


                                           Hall, Gus.  The High Crimes and Misde­meanors of Monopoly Capi­tal­ism.  Unite!  Drive the Crooks Out of Washing­ton!  New York: New Outlook Publishers, January 1974.


                                           Hall, Gus.  Marxism-Leninism in the World Struggle Against Opportunism.  New York: Public Affairs, n.d.


                                           Hall, Gus.  The New Danger: Reaganism's Alliance With Ultra-Right and Fascist Forces.  New York: Hall-Davis Campaign '84, September 1984.


                                           Hall, Gus.  The Sakharov-Solzhenit­syn Fraud: What's Behind the Hue and Cry For "Intellectual Freedom."  New York: New Outlook Publishers, February 1974.


                                           Hall, Gus.  Steel and Metal Work­ers--It Takes a Fight to Win!  New York: New Outlook Publishers, September 1972.


                                           Hall, Gus.  The Struggle for De­tente.  New York: Political Affairs, n.d.


                                           Hall, Gus.  There is Still Time...To Save Our Country and the World From "The Day After."  New York: CPUSA, n.d.


                                           Hall, Gus.  Urgent Questions of the Day.  Reprint from Political Affairs, October 1983.


                                           Hall, Gus.  What the Reds Say To­day.  New York: New Outlook Publishers and Distrib­utors, December 1981.


                                           Hall, Gus.  Why You Should Join the Communist Party, U.S.A.  New York: Po­litical Affairs, n.d.


                                           Ham, F. Gerald, ed.  The Papers of Henry Demarest Lloyd: Guide to a Micro­film Edition.  Madison, Wis.: State Historical Society of Wisconsin.


                                           Handbook of Trade Union Methods.  New York: Inter­nation­al Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, n.d.


                                           Harris, Lement.  From Peasantry to Power Farming: The Story of Soviet Agricul­ture.  New York: International Publish­ers, April 1968.


                                           Hentoff, Nat.  On Bringing Democracy to Ameri­ca.  Reprint from Promoting Enduring Peace, 1969.  (4 cop­ies)


                                           Here's What Employees All Around Touro Are Saying About the Unions and the Elec­tion Coming Up On May 6-7.  n.d.


                                           Herst, Esther.  The "Criminal Code Reform Act of 1977."  Los Angeles, Ca."  Nation­al Committee Against Repressive Legisla­tion, n.d.


                                           Hibakusha.  Tokyo: Nihon Hidankyo (Japan Confeder­ation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations), n.d.


                                           Horlenho, Mykola.  Fake Patriots.  Odes­sa: Mayak Publishers, 1983.


                                           How to Conduct a Union Meeting.  Detroit, Mich.: International Union, United Auto­mobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Imple­ment Workers of America (UAWCIO), n.d.


                                           How to Speak at Union Meetings.  Detroit, Mich.: International Union, United Auto­mobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Imple­ment Workers of America, November 1943.


                                           Hunter, Beatrice Trum.  Gardening Without Poisons.  New York: Houghton Miffin Co., 1966.


                                           The Incomparable Bolshoi Ballet: A Statement of Concern Presented to the Bolshoi Troupe from the Community Rela­tions Committee of the New Orleans Jewish Welfare Federation.  June, 1975.


                                           Inoyatov, Kh.  Towards Freedom and Prog­ress (The Triumph of Soviet Power in Central Asia).  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                           Ivanov, Oleg.  Soviet-Chinese Relations: What Happened in the Sixties.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1979.


                                           Jackson, James E.  USSR: A Mighty Union of Nations.  New York: New Outlook Pub­lishers, February, 1973.


                                           Kailin, Clarence S.  Black Chronicle: An American History Textbook Supplement.  Madison, Wis.: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, 1974.


                                           Kalyadin, A.  Nuclear Energy and Interna­tional Security.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Katuntseva, Nina.  Training Specialists, Soviet Experi­ence.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House.


                                           Khromushin, Gennadi.  Lenin on Modern Capital­ism (Some Aspects of Lenin's Theo­ry of Imperialism As Applied to Today).  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Kim, G.  Leninism and the National Liber­ation Movement.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                           Koloshov, Boris.  The Soviet Union and China: Friendship or Alienation?  Mos­cow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1971.


                                           Konstantinov, Fyodov and Inna Krylova.  Har­bingers of a New Society: Centenary of the Paris Commune.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1971.


                                           Kozlov, Ivan.  Holiday Facilities in the USSR.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1967.


                                           Krasnakov, N.P.  The Fate of Christ--in Rus­sia.  Gravenhurst, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, 1972.


                                           Krasin, Y.A.  Leninism and Revolution: Reply to Critics.  Moscow: Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.  (2 copies)


                                           Kuroyedov, Vladimir.  Church and Religion in the USSR.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1979.


                                           La Liberation de Paris.  Paris, France: Le Comité de Tourisme de Paris, 1945.  (2 copies)


                                           Labor Research Association.  Arsenal of Facts.  New York: International Publish­ers, 1938.


                                           Lawrence, Jacob.  The Toussaint l'Ouverture Series.  New York: United Church Board for Homeland Ministries, 1982.


                                           Lawson, Elizabeth.  The Gentleman from Missis­sippi: Our First Negro Congress­man, Hiram R. Revels.  New York: Author, 1960.


                                           Lenin, V. I.  Letter to American Workers.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1970.


                                           Lenin's Party Doctrine and the Present Day.  Mos­cow: Novosti Press Agency Pub­lishing House, 1969.  (4 copies)


                                           Leninism and the Socialist Community.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1969.  (4 copies)


                                           Leninist Solution to the National Ques­tion in the USSR.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1969.  (4 copies)


                                           Levin, V.  Collective Security in Europe.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Lightfoot, Claude M.  The Effect of Edu­cation on Racism: The Two German States and the USA.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, December, 1973.


                                           Lovelace, Alice.  Dust in Your Eyes.  Fulton County Georgia: Fulton County Arts Council, 1984.


                                           Malukhin, A.  Militarism--Backbone of Maoism.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                           "The Martyrs" by Cook Glassgold.  New York: Wash­ington Square Church, 1981.


                                           Marx, Karl.  Wages, Price and Profit.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1947.  (2 copies)


                                           Meissak, Nikolai.  This Warm Siberia!  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1973.  (2 copies)


                                           The Methodist Federation for Social Ac­tion.  n.d.


                                           Moody, Reynolds A.  Pyramiding Echelons of Tens: A Plan for a Cooperative Eco­nomic Democracy and a Party to Promote the Plan.  Des Moines, Iowa: U.S. Farm News, n.d.


                                           Mujeres Tomemos La Noche.  New Orleans, 1980.


                                           Nagin, Rick.  Prisons Under the Capital­ist System.  New York: Daily World, ca. 1972.  (2 copies)


                                           National Alliance Against Racist & Polit­ical Re­pression.  We Can Fight Back and Win.  New York, n.d.  (2 copies)


                                           National Council of American-Soviet Friend­ship, Inc.  New York: ca. 1974.  (2 cop­ies)


                                           Nearing, Scott.  Cuba and Latin America: Eyewit­ness Report on the Continental Congress for Solidarity with Cuba.  New York: New Century Publishers, 1963.


                                           The Negro American...His Past Revisited: Annotated Booklist.  New Orleans: New Orleans Public Library, n.d.


                                           New Orleans Committee Against Apartheid.  Unity Meet Human Needs.  n.d.


                                           New Orleans Public Schools.  Facts and Financ­es, 1980-81.  New Orleans: NOPS, ca. 1981.


                                           1982 Friendship Tours for Young People.  New York: Voices of the Future, 1981.


                                           North, Joseph.  What Everyone Should Know About the USSR: An Eyewitness Report of a Three-Year Visit.  New York: New Out­look Publishers, August, 1976.


                                           Northern Neighbors Magazine.  "Whatever Hap­pened in China?"  Gravenhurst, Can.: Northern Book House, 1967.


                                           Northern Neighbors Magazine.  "Whatever Hap­pened in Czechoslovakia?"  Graven­hurst, Can.: Northern Book House, 1968.  (3 copies)


                                           Nuclear War Could Happen Any Day.  n.a., n.d.


                                           Nukhovitch, Edward.  No To Neocolonialist Diktat.  (A Study of Soviet Economic Cooperation with Developing Nations and Foes of this Cooperation).  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


            [1]Leaflets of interest to children have been placed under "Miscellanea."

Box 30                              Oparin, N.  Industrialization and Prog­ress.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Our Privileged Class.  n.a., n.d.


                                           Ovennikov, Richard.  Who Turned USA from Peace to War?  Gravenhurst, Can.: Northern Book Press, n.d.


                                           Parity: An American Farm Program That Works.  Hampton, Iowa: U.S. Farmers Association, n.d.


                                           Parsons, Howard L.  Soviet Philosophers Speak: Some Contemporary Views.  New York: American Institute for Marxist Studies, 1967.


                                           Perlo, Victor.  American Labor To­day.  New York: New Outlook Pub­lishers, May 1968.  (4 copies)


                                           Perlo, Victor.  High Prices and High Prof­its, How They Affect Your Wages and Living Costs.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, December 1973.


                                           Perlo, Victor.  Marines in Santo Do­mingo!  New York: New Outlook Publish­ers, June 1965.  (3 copies)


                                           Perlo, Victor.  The Vietnam Profiteers.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, Decem­ber 1966.


                                           Pittman, John.  Africa Calling: "Isolate the Racists!"  The Liberation Struggle in Southern Africa.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, December 1973.


                                           Political Profile of Chinese Splitters.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Ponomaryov, B. et al.  For Unity of All Anti-Impe­rialist Forces.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.


                                           Ponomaryov, B., et al.  The Revolutionary Lega­cy of the Paris Commune and the Present Day: The Report at the Grand Rally Held in Moscow on March 17, 1971.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1971.


                                           Popov, Sergei and Alexei Srebnitsky.  Soviet Sport Questions and Answers.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Pub­lishing House, 1979.


                                           Pritt, D. N.  At the Moscow Trial.  New York: Interna­tional Publishers, 1937.


                                           Prokhorov, Vasili.  Lenin and the Trade Un­ions.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           A Provocative Sally of Peking Au­thori­ties: Events on the Soviet-Chinese Bor­der.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Pub­lishing House, 1969.  (2 copies)


                                           Q: Which of These People Are Victims of Age Dis­crimina­tion?  A: All of Them.  Philadelphia: Gray Panthers Project Fund, n.d.


                                           Questions& Answers on the Soviet Threat and Na­tional Security.  Philadelphia: American Friends Service Committee, 1981.


                                           Rally for Peace, Jobs, Equality.  Cleve­land, Oh.: Dump Reagan Rally Committee, n.d.


                                           Ramsay, A. M.  Unions and Veterans.  Washing­ton, D.C.: U.S. Government, De­partment of Labor, 1946.


                                           Remennikov, B., and A. Medvedev.  Come to Study in the U.S.S.R.  Moscow: Progress Publishers, n.d.  (4 copies)


                                           Reuben, William A.  Footnote on an His­toric Case: In Re Alger Hiss, No. 78 Civ. 3433.  New York: Nation Insti­tute, 1983.


                                           Report of the National Advisory Commis­sion on Civil Disorders.  New York: Bantam Books, n.d.  Reprint.


                                           The Right to a Job.  New York: The Daily World, n.d.


                                           Romanova, Z.  Proving Ground for US Neo­colo­nialism: An Historical Out­­line of the Infiltration of Latin America by Monopoly Capital.  Mos­cow: Novosti Press Agency Publish­ing House, 1970.  (2 copies)


                                           Rosenberg, Daniel.  Swords into Plow­shares: Soviet Initiatives for Peace, Security & Disarmament, 1917-1982.  New York: National Council of Ameri­can-Sovi­et Friend­ship, 1982.


                                           Rosenberg, Stuart E., and David Monson.  Jews Against Israel.  Gravenhurst, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, n.d.


                                           Rubin, Daniel.  How a Communist Club Func­tions.  New York: New Outlook Pub­lishers, May 1971.


                                           Rustin, Bayard.  The Blacks and the Un­ions.  Minne­apolis Star & Tribune Co., 1971.  Reprint.


                                           Samarin, Viktor.  The "Forbidden City" Gives Them Visas; Or, China's New Found "Friends."  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1979.


                                           Segal, Edith.  Come With Me: Poems, Guessing Poems, Dance Poems For Young People.  Secaucus, N.J.: Citadel Press, 1963.


                                           Segal, Jeff.  Stops-1!, An Analysis of the Criminal Justice Codification, Revi­sion and Reform Act of 1975.  New York: Guardian News-Weekly, 1976.


                                           Shatitko, Pyotr.  The Crime Called Ra­cialism.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1973.


                                           Shields, Art.  The Class Struggle in Steel.  New York: Political Affairs, 1976.  (2 copies)


                                           Shields, Art.  The Miners Did It!  New York: Politi­cal Affairs, 1974.


                                           Shields, Art.  Provocateurs Against the People.  New York: New Outlook Pub­lish­ers, Febru­ary 1972.  (2 copies)


                                           Shiryaev, Y.  Effectiveness of Socialist Produc­tion.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agen­cy Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Smith, Edward C.  The Constitution of the United States.  New York: Barnes& No­ble, 1966.  (3 copies)


                                           Soviet Jews: Fact and Fiction.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1973.


                                           Soviet Jews Reject Zionist "Protection."  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1971.


                                           Soviet Space Research.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Soviet Union Today: U.S.S.R. Photo 70.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, ca. 1970.  (5 copies)


                                           The Soviet Union Today and Tomorrow: Standing Up for Nature.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1979.


                                           Spirkin, A.  Lenin on State and Democra­cy.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Pub­lishing House, n.d.


                                           State Museum of Ukrainian Fine Arts of the Ukraini­an SSR.  Derzhavnii Muzei Ukrainshogo Obrazotvorchogo Mistetsva URSR.


                                           Stavis, Barrie and Frank Harmon.  The Songs of Joe Hill.  New York: Oak Publi­cations, 1960.  (3 copies)


                                           Stover, Fred.  The Contest Between People and the Plunderers.  Hampton, Ia.: Iowa Farm Union, 1945.


                                           Suslov, M.  An Outstanding Revolu­tionary and Lenin­ist: In Com­mem­oration of the 90th Anni­versary of the Birth of George Dimetrov.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publish­ing House, 1972.  (2 copies)


                                           Tester, Jim.  Apprentice Training East Germany's Secret to Economic Success...A Lesson For Canada?  Toronto, Can.: Canada-GDR Committee, 1980.  (5 copies)


                                           Tester, Jim.  Never Again!: Socialist Germany, A Power for Peace In Europe.  Graven­hurst, Ont., Can.: Northern Book House, 1984.  (4 copies)


                                           Tester, Jim.  The Shaping of Sudbury--A Labour View.  Gravenhurst, Can.: Northern Book House, 1980.  (5 copies)


                                           Tester, Jim.  Two Trade Union Worlds.  Graven­hurst, Can.: Northern Book House, 1983.  (5 copies)


                                           Tckhvinsky, S.  Sun Yat-Sen: On the Occasion of the Centenary of His Birth (1866-1966).  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           This Country is Going to War in Central Ameri­ca: CISPES Is Trying to Stop It.  New Orleans: CISPES, n.d.


                                           To Everyone a Chance.  New York: Chris­topher News Notes, n.d.


                                           Toward Chicano Liberation: The Communist Party Position.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, May 1972.


                                           Towsen, A. N.  Urban Renewal on Staten Island.  n.p.: Author, 1969.


                                           Truth and Lies About the South Korean Airlin­er.  Gravenhurst, Can.: Northern Book House, n.d.


                                           Two Speeches by Malcolm X.  New York: Path­finder Press, 1981.


                                           United States.  Department of State.  Bulletin Reprint.  Con­ference on Security and Cooper­a­tion in Europe: Final Act, Helsinki, 1975.


                                           United States.  98th Congress, 1st Ses­sion, House Resolution 370.  November 10, 1983.


                                           USSR: Education.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publish­ing House, n.d.


                                           USSR: Housing, Construction.  Mos­cow: No­vosti Press Agency Publish­ing Hose, n.d.


                                           USSR Photo 70.  Moscow: Soviet Life, 1970.  Re­print.


                                           USSR: Power Industry.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, n.d.


                                           V. I. Lenin on Marxism.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1969.  (4 copies)


                                           Vladimir Mayakovsky: Selected Poetry.  Mos­cow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, n.d.


                                           Wald, George.  A Generation in Search of a Future.  Woodmont, Conn.: Promoting Enduring Peace, n.d.  (5 copies)


                                           West, Don.  Songs for Southern Workers: 1937 Songbook of the Kentucky Workers Alliance.  Huntington, West Va.: Appala­chian Movement Press.


                                           West, Don.  A Time for Anger.  Hunting­ton, W. Va.: Appalachian Move­ment Press, 1973.


                                           What the Maoist "Theory of Three Worlds" Means in Practice.  Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1979.


                                           Which Shall It Be for the Farmers Union?: Democracy from the Rank and File or Dic­tatorship from the Top Down.  Des Moines, Iowa: Farmers Union Defense Committee, n.d.


                                           Whitehead, Fred.  Steel Destiny: Poems.  Cambridge, Mass.: West End Press, 1979.


                                           Winston, Henry.  Build the Communist Party, The Party of the Working Class.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1969.


                                           Winston, Henry.  A Marxist Leninist Cri­tique of Roy Innis on Community Self-Determina­tion and Martin Kilson on Educa­tion.  New York: New Outlook Publishers, November 1973.


                                           Winston, Henry.  Fight Racism--For Unity and Progress!  New York: New Outlook Publishers, May 1971.


                                           Winston, Henry.  The Moynihan-Kissinger Doctrine and the "Third World."  New York: New Outlook Publishers, October 1975.  (2 copies)


                                           Woman, A Selective List of Books and Local Organi­zations.  New Orleans: New Orleans Public Library, n.d.


                                           The World Condemns USA Aggression: Peace­loving Forces Demand: Stop USA Interference in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.  n.d.


                                           You Do Have A Choice....  New York: Labor Commit­tee for Hall and Tyner, 1976.


Box 14           Lists, Address Books, Business Cards (3 folders).


                                    ACORN membership, n.d.

                                    Folder 1.


                                    Three address books; address file and loose list­ings.  n.d., 1974-1975.

                                    Folder 2. 


                                    Two book listings; busi­ness cards and a card file entitled "Trade Unions 1982."

                                    Folder 3.


                        "Loyola Forum on Soviet/American Friend­ship."

                               Included are handouts distributed at a meeting held on July 14, 1984.


                        Maps (2 folders)

                                    Included are maps of New Or­leans; direc­tional map to Highlander Cen­ter, Knoxville, Tenn.; University of New Orleans campus map and a handout of Gulf Coast deep water port facil­ities.  n.d., ca. 1945, 1972, 1973.

                                    Folder 1. 


                                    "Maps and Dates and a Summary of Barbara Tuchman's Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-1945" (New York: MacMillan, 1970).

                                    Folder 2. 


                        Mayor's Task Force on Human Service Needs.

                               Hand­outs provided at a meeting held September 17, 1979.


                        Miscellanea (11 folders).

                               The following folders are included in this catego­ry:


                                           Admission tickets to public gather­ings.  1983-1984.

                                           Folder 1. 


                                           Hat with the following desig­nation: Ralph Pacaccio 253, American Legion New Orleans, LA.

                                           Folder 2. 


                                           Badges, insig­nias, and match­boxes.

                                           Folder 3.  [Box 3]. 


                                           Calendars.  1976-1984.

                                           Folder 4. 


                                           Children's drawings and a puzzle.

                                           Folder 5. 


                                           Leaflets geared to children's inter­est.

                                           Folder 6. 


Box 15                              Leaflets geared to children's inter­est.

                                           Folder 7. 


                                           Mementos.  Included are two hand-made greeting cards and a ceramic decoration. 

                                           Folder 8. 


                                           Postal cards; unused Christmas cards; note paper from "Peru Soli­darity," and U.S. commem­orative stamps.  n.d.

                                           Folder 9. 


                                           Russian alphabet cards and work­book.

                                           Folder 10. 


Box 14                              Assorted stamp stencils.

                                           Folder 11.


Box 15           "Nazi"

                               Reference material on the Fascist move­ment in Germany.  n.d., 1984.


                        Newspaper Clippings (22 folders)

                               Included are articles of national and local inter­est which originated mainly in The Daily Worker.  n.d., 1946, 1957, 1965-1984.  (See also Chronological Files.)


                                    Folders 1-3.  n.d.


                                    Folder 4.  1946, 1957, 1965-1967.


                                    Folder 5.  1968.


                                    Folder 6.  1969.


                                    Folder 7.  1970.


                                    Folder 8.  1971.


                                    Folder 9.  1972.


                                    Folder 10.  1973.


                                    Folder 11.  1974.


                                    Folder 12.  1975.


                                    Folder 13.  1976.


                                    Folder 14.  1977-1978.


                                    Folder 15.  1979.


                                    Folder 16.  1980.


                                    Folder 17.  1981.


                                    Folder 18, 19.  1982.


                                    Folder 20.  1983.


                                    Folder 21.  1984.


                                    Folder 22.  "Newsclips Pertinent to Labor's Untold Story."


                        "Ninth Ward Nines"

                               A neighborhood association, located in the Ninth Ward area of New Orleans, formed to protect the property rights of its inhabitants.  Included are peti­tions, leaflets, and related material produced by the associa­tion.  n.d., 1973.


                        Ninetieth Birthday Party for Elizabeth Rogers. 

                               Invitation and press release from a gath­ering held at St. Mark's Commu­nity Center, New Orleans to cele­brate and honor Elizabeth Rogers.  April 11, 1982.



                               Reference information on Richard M. Nix­on.  Includ­ed are newspaper clip­pings and notes.  n.d., 1973.


                        Notes and Annotations preserved by Eliza­beth Rog­ers (5 folders).

                               Remarks, criticisms and information re­corded by Elizabeth Rogers on a variety of political and social issues.  n.d., 1969, 1970.


Box 16           "Notes on a Proposed Column for Distaff."

                               Included are copies of articles by Eliza­beth Rogers, serials and notes, n.d., 1973, 1980-1984.



                               Reference information.  1971, 1973.


                        "Operating Engineers, La. 406" [Interna­tional Union of Operating Engineers].

                               Correspondence, membership lists, refer­ence infor­mation.  n.d., 1954-1969.


                        "Our Wills" (2 folders).

                               Signed holographic will signed by William Rogers, September 16, 1957; signed holographic will by Elizabeth Rogers, September 16, 1957; photocopy of signed holographic will by William Rogers, September 24, 1977; photo­copy of signed holo­graphic will by Elizabeth Rogers, August 27, 1977.  Also included is a folder entitled "Matters concerning the Wills."



                               Two passports issued by the U.S. govern­ment; one to Elizabeth and Walter Rogers, June 25, 1971; the other to Elizabeth Rogers and her daughter Mary Ann Cousins, June 6, 1933.


                        People's Economic Conference

                               Memorandum issued on January 25, 1976 by the Steering Committee of December


                        Photographs (6 folders).


                                    Album entitled "Walter Rogers: Photos of his wife Elizabeth Schlosser Cousins Rogers.  Presented by her sister, Anne Selleck, January 26, 1966."  1897-1914.

                                    Album with newspaper clippings, loose photo­graphs, and including over 130 photo­graphs of Elizabeth and Walter Rogers.  n.d., ca. 1966-1980.

                                    Folder 1. 


                                    11 photographs of Eliza­beth Rogers.  n.d., 1978, 1982.

                                    Folder 2. 


                                    22 photographs of Eliza­beth and Walter Rogers, including 2 nega­tives.  n.d., 1970-1980.

                                    Folder 3.   


                                    22 snapshots of damage caused by Hurri­cane Betsy, including 13 nega­tives.  1966.

                                    Folder 4.   


                                    39 miscellaneous snapshots including 29 nega­tives.  Some have been identified as follows: "Ninth Ward Nines," "November 1969 Washington, D.C. demonstration," "ceremony marking anniversary of the beating of Walter Rogers by postal service guards," "Anne Selleck," "The Curse of Flori­da Ave." and "Ferdinand Child Care Center."

                                    Folder 5.   


                                    65 neighborhood snapshots in­cluding 98 nega­tives.  n.d., ca. 1970s.

                                    Folder 6.


                        "Plan for People's Center in 4 city lots owned by the City."

                               Outline of proposed undertaking and ref­erence informa­tion.  n.d., 1974.


                        Poetry composed by Elizabeth Rogers.

                               See "Writ­ings."


                        Poetry from varied sources (2 fold­ers).

                               Photocopies and typed copies of poetry written by various authors.  A second folder is listed as "Other people's poems that I love, ESCR."  n.d., 1953-1982.



                               Five broadsides from varied sources.



                               The Bolshoi Ballet at New Orleans Munici­pal Audito­rium, June, 1975 [?].


                        "RTW" (Right to Work)

                               Reference information.  n.d., 1960.


                        "Rank& File"

                               Correspondence, receipts, reference in­forma­tion from the National Rank-and-File Committee and other labor and trade organizations.  n.d., 1965-1970.


                        Reference Material (6 folders).


                                    "American Labor History."  n.d.

                                    Folder 1.   


                                    "Digest of Fdk. L. Schuman's Night Over Europe (1940) and Summary of Digest (facts for our book).  Also Churchill& Dardanelles in 1915."

                                    Folder 2.   


                                    "Miscellaneous."  Included are "Notes on Carey McWilliams' Brothers Under the Skin."

                                    Folder 3.   


                                    "Miscellaneous."  Included are nota­tions and newspaper clippings.

                                    Folder 4.   


                                    "Reminders and Scraps of Infor­ma­tion."

                                    Folder 5.   


                                    "Walter Rogers' favorite quotations."

                                    Folder 6.   


                        "Rogers Chile Letters"

                               Two serials containing information on politics in Chile.  ca. 1978.


                        "Rogers, Walter vs. U.S. Postal Service #7510-1023" (4 folders). 


                                    Correspondence; medical reports; insur­ance claims; pamphlets and refer­ence information.  n.d., 1975-1976.  See also Corre­spondence, 1976.

                                    Folder 1


                                    "Our Publications."  Press releases, mailers pre­pared by Eliz­a­beth Rogers concerning the U.S. Postal Service event.  n.d., 1975.

                                    Folder 2


                                    "Post Office File 1-18-75."  Mailing lists, notations and other relat­ed materi­al.  n.d., 1975.

                                    Folder 3


                                    "The Rogers Resolution."  Drafts and copies of a document drawn up by Eliza­beth Rogers.  1975.

                                    Folder 4


Box 17           SCEF

                               Correspondence and "...text of the reso­lution presented to the June, 1974, SCEF Board Meeting by the minority."  1974.


Box 18           Scrapbooks

                               "Work Record: Walter and Elizabeth Rog­ers; Pearl Harbor to 1975 (and plus?)--but much material before 1965 Betsy Hur­ricane Flood de­stroyed, and some we de­stroyed our­selves to keep it from Senator Eastland," contains 54 pages of corre­spondence, newspaper clippings and leaf­lets.  ca. 1940s-1970s.


                               "Turning Points of Louisiana Labor History 1942 to 1960* Selected from Documents Preserved by Walter Rogers of New Orleans for 30 Years a Member of Local 406 Oper­ating Engineers AFL-CIO."  Vols. 1 and 2.


Box 17           "Anne Selleck Estate 1969" (2 folders)

                               Will of/and related information concern­ing Anne Selleck, half-sister of Elizabeth Rogers.  Also included is an article by Elizabeth Rogers entitled "Family Tree" and inquiries concerning Mary Ann Cousins Sandiford's whereabouts.




Box 23                       The African Communist

                                           No. 38, Third Quarter 1969

                                           No. 41, Second Quarter 1970

                                           No. 44, First Quarter 1971



                                           Vol. 4, No. 6, March 17, 1969


                                    Akwesasne Notes

                                           Vol. 15, No. 5, Fall 1983

                                           Vol. 16, No. 5, Fall 1984


                                    The All New Blackbook: Internation­al Refer­ence Guide



                                    The Amicus Journal

                                           Summer 1981


                                    Amistad Log

                                           Vol. 1, No. 2, December 1983

                                           Vol. 1, No. 4, June 1984

                                           Vol. 2, No. 1, August 1984

                                           Vol. 2, No. 2, November 1984


                                    The Appeal

                                           Vol. 1, No. 12, ca. 1952


                                    Appeal to Reason

                                           Vol. 1, No. 2, 1983


                                    Bill of Rights Journal

                                           Vol. 13, December 1980

                                           Vol. 14, December 1981

                                           Vol. 16, December 1984


                                    Black New Orleans

                                           March/April 1982


                                    Campaign For Nuclear Dis­arma­ment Newslet­ter

                                           Vol. 1, No. 9, October 1984


                                    Central America News

                                           September 1982

                                           June-July, October, December 1983

                                           August, October 1984


                                    The Churchman

                                           January 1973


                                    Citizen Soldier

                                           No. 7, June 1984


                                    Collector's Exchange

                                           Vol. 1, No. 6, May/June 1972

                                           Vol. [?], No. 10, August 1976


                                    Community Development Comments

                                           Vol. 1, No. 1, December 1976


                                    The Commoner

                                           Vol. 1, No. 1 - No. 12, May 1938 - May 1939

                                           Vol. 2, No. 1 - No. 12, June 1939 - May 1940

                                           Vol. 4, No. 2, June 1940



                                           Vol. 9, No. 7, July 1971


                                    The Courier

                                           Vol. 11, No. 8, July 18-24, 1974

Daily World

                                           Vol. 6, No. 75, October 30, 1973

                                           Vol. 7, No. 41, September 11, 1974

                                           Vol. 7, No. 253, July 11, 1975

                                           Vol. 7, No. 189, April 9, 1976

                                           Vol. 9, No. 229, June 11, 1977

                                           Vol. 12, No. 38, September 7, 1979

                                           Vol. 12, No. 218, May 29, 1980

                                           Vol. 13, No. 132, January 24, 1981

                                           Vol. 13, No. 173, March 26, 1981

                                           Vol. 14, No. 110, December 22, 1981

                                           Vol. 14, No. 111, December 23, 1981

                                           Vol. 14, No. 140, February 4, 1982

                                           Vol. 15, No. 22, August 13, 1982

                                           Vol. 15, No. 57, October 2, 1982

                                           Vol. 15, No. 156, March 1, 1983

                                           Vol. 15, No. 166, March 15, 1983

                                           Vol. 15, No. 173, March 24, 1983

                                           Vol. 16, No. 149, February 17, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 152, February 23, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 162, March 8, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 171, March 21, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 173, March 23, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 177, March 29, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 201, May 2, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 203, May 4, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 226, June 12, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 227, June 13, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 230, June 16, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 233, June 20, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 234, June 21, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 235, June 22, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 236, June 23, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 241, June 30, 1984

                                           Vol. 16, No. 78, November 29, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 79, November 30, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 85, December 8, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 86, December 11, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 88, December 13, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 89, December 14, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 90, December 15, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 95, December 22, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 96, December 27, 1984

                                           Vol. 17, No. 98, December 29, 1984


                                    Daily World—World Magazine 

                                                A weekly magazine supplement of Daily World.

                                           June 17, 1978

                                           August 28, 1980

                                           September 4, 1980

                                           March 26, 1981

                                           January 29, 1983

                                           May 10, 1984

                                           December 15, 1984


                                    Democratic German Report

                                           Vol. 19, No. 20, October 21, 1970



                                           Vol. 2, No. 4, October 1982

                                           Vol. 2, No. 12, May 1983

                                           Vol. 2, No. 14, July 1983

                                           Vol. 3, No. 1, August 1983

                                           Vol. 3, No. 4, November 1983

                                           Vol. 4, No. 3, October 1984

                                           Vol. 4, No. 4, November 1984

                                           Vol. 4, No. 9, March 1985


                                    Dialogue--Progressive Community Calendar

                                                A listing published by the monthly news jour­nal. 

                                           October, November 1983


                                    Dialogue--New Orleans Progressive Direc­tory

                                                A listing compiled by the monthly news jour­nal, ca. 1983.


                                    Directory of Anti-Nuclear Orga­niza­tions

                                                A listing compiled by Louisiana Natu­ral Guard, New Or­leans, May 1980.



                                           Vol. 1, No. 5, June 1973

                                           Vol. 6, No. 7, August 1981


                                    The Drama Review

                                           Vol. 12, No. 4, Summer 1968



                                           Vol. 1, No. 3, October 1983

                                           Vol. 2, No. [?], December 1984


                                    Economic Education Bulletin

                                           Vol. 7, No. 1, February 1967


                                    Economic Notes

                                           Vol. 40, No. 12, December 1972

                                           Vol. 44, No. 10, October 1976

                                           Vol. 51, No. 5, May 1983


                                    The Eighties

                                           Vol. 4, No. 1, Winter 1984


                                    Engineers News

                                           Vol. 3, No. 5, October 1976

                                           Vol. 6, No. 1, August 1978

                                           Vol. 6, No. 7, June 1979

                                           Vol. 7, No. 5, February 1981


Box 24                       Far Eastern Affairs

                                           No. 1, 1976

                                           No. 4, 1976 - No. 1, 1977


                                    Farmers' Almanac



                                    Free University of New Orleans

                                           Spring 1977

                                           Fall 1979

                                           Fall 1980



                                           Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter 1966

                                           Vol. 7, No. 2, Spring 1967



                                           Vol. 3, No. 39, October 2-8, 1982


                                    GIPA News



                                    Highlander Reports

                                           September 1984


                                    Hispanic American Report

                                           Special Issue, n.d.


                                    Information Bulletin (World Marxist Re­view, Pub.)

                                           No. 103 (15), 1967

                                           No. 3-4 (139-140), 1969

                                           No. 12 (148), 1969

                                           Vol. 9, No. 18-19 (202-203), 1971

                                           Vol. 13, No. 2 (282), 1975

                                           Vol. 13, No. 14 (294), 1975

                                           Vol. 14, No. 10 (314), 1976

                                           Vol. 15, No. 11 (339), 1977

                                           Vol. 15, No. 12 (340), 1977

                                           Vol. 15, No. 19-20 (347-348), 1977

                                           Vol. 15, No. 21-22 (349-350), 1977

                                           Vol. 15, No. 23-24 (351-352), 1977

                                           Vol. 16, No. 1 (353), 1978

                                           Vol. 22, No. 9-10 (505-506), May 1984

                                           Vol. 22, No. 11-12 (507-508), June 1984

                                           Vol. 22, No. 16-17 (511-512), August 1984

                                           Vol. 22, No. 17-18 (513-514), September 1984


                                    Information Bulletin (Peace and Social­ism, Publish­er)

                                           Vol. 9, No. 7-8, 1971


                                    India News

                                           Vol. 9, No. 32, October 30, 1970

                                           Vol. 10, No. 37-40, December 10-31, 1971

                                           Vol. 10, No. 42, January 21, 1972

                                           Vol. [19?], No. 35, December 1, 1980


                                    It's About Times

                                           April - May 1983


                                    Korea Focus

                                           Vol. 1, No. 3, ca. 1972 [?]


                                    The Kudzu Vine

                                           Vol. 1, No. 2, April 1978


                                    Labor Fact Book 17: A People's Almanac.  New York: International Publishers, 1965.


                                    Labor Today

                                           Vol. 2, No. 9, December 1972

                                           Vol. [22?], No. [?], May 1982

                                           Vol. 22, No. 7, July 1982

                                           Vol. 23, No. 3, March 1984

                                           Vol. 23, No. 6, June 1984

                                           Vol. 23, No. 10, November 1984

                                           Vol. 23, No. 11, December 1984


                                    Les Amis: WWNO Listening Guide

                                           December 1984

                                           January, April 1985


                                    A Letter From Smith College

                                           Spring, Summer 1982

                                           Winter/Spring 1984


                                    Louisiana ACORN News

                                           Vol. 1, No. 7, March 1977


                                    Louisiana News

                                           ca. 1982


                                    The Louisiana Weekly

                                           April 23, 1983


                                    Louisiana Zip Code Direc­tory

                                           August 1979


                                    The Mobilizer

                                           Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 1983


                                    Mother Jones

                                           Vol. 7, No. 5, June 1982


                                    National Doll World

                                           Vol. 8, No. 6, November/December 1984


                                    National Geographic

                                           Vol. 53, No. 6, June 1978


                                    National Unemployed Organizer

                                           Vol. 1, No. 2, November 1983


                                    National Wildlife

                                           Vol. 7, No. 5, August/September 1969


                                    New World Review

                                           Vol. 35, No. 9, Fall 1967

                                           Vol. 36, No. 4, Fall/Winter 1968

                                           Vol. 37, No. 4, Fourth Quarter 1969

                                           Vol. 38, No. 1, Winter 1970

                                           Vol. 39, No. 1, Winter 1971

                                           Vol. 39, No. 3, Summer 1971

                                           Vol. 39, No. 4, Fall 1971

                                           Vol. 60, No. 2, Spring 1972

                                           Vol. 50, No. 4, July/August 1982

                                           Vol. 51, No. 2, March/April 1983

                                           Vol. 52, No. 2, March/April 1984


                                    News From Louisiana AFL-CIO

                                           Vol. 14, No. 4, May 1976

                                           Vol. 14, No. 5, May 21, 1976

                                           Vol. 16, No. 2, February/March 1978


                                    News From Ukraine

                                           No. 48 (526), November 1978

                                           No. 45 (679), November 1981

                                           No. 47 (681), November 1981

                                           No. 48 (682), November 1981

                                           No. 49 (683) - No. 52 (686), December 1981

                                           No. 1 (687) - No. 30 (716), January - July 1982

                                           No. 33 (719) - No. 48 (734), August - November 1982

                                           No. 50 (736) - No. 52 (738), December 1982

                                           No. 1 (739), January 1983

                                           No. 3 (741) - No. 24 (762), January - June 1983

                                           No. 26 (764) - No. 52 (790), June - December­ 1983

                                           No. 1 (791) - No. 8 (798), January - February 1984

                                           No. 10 (800) - No. 13 (803), March 1984

                                           No. 15 (805) - No. 16 (806), April 1984

                                           No. 18 (808) - No. 40 (830), October 1984

                                           No. 42 (832) - No. 51 (841), December 1984


                                    The Newspaper of New Orleans

                                           March 9, 1970


                                    Northern Neighbors

                                           Vol. 27, No. 1, January 1983

                                           Vol. 29, No. 6, June 1983

                                           Vol. 28, No. 8, September 1984

                                           Vol. 28, No. 10, November 1984

                                           Vol. 28, No. 11, December 1984




                                           Vol. 9, No. 3/1-15, March 1983


                                    People's Directory: New Orleans, Loui­siana

                                           Fall 1973


                                    People's World

                                           Vol. 44, No. 6, February 7, 1981

                                           Vol. 45, No. 7, February 13, 1982

                                           Vol. 47, No. 17, April 28, 1984

                                           Vol. 47, No. 43, December 8, 1984

                                           Vol. 47, No. 44, December 15, 1984

                                           Vol. 47, No. 45, December 22, 1984

                                           Vol. 47, No. 46, December 29, 1984


                                    Political Affairs

                                           Vol. 48, No. 9-10, September-October 1969 (with notations)

                                           Vol. 50, No. 11, March 14, 1971

                                           Vol. 62, Nos. 4-5, April-May 1983

                                           Vol. 63, No. 4, April 1984



                                           No. 8-9, 1981 - No. 14-15, 1983



                                           Vol. 7, No. 1, July 27, 1986



                                           Vol. 10,  No. 4, 5, November/December 1963

                                           Vol. 29, No. 1, March/April 1983


                                    Science Fiction of Today

                                           No. 1 (406), 1982

                                           No. 2 (431), 1984



                                           Vol. 6, No. 11/12, November/December 1972

                                           Vol. 11, Third Quarter 1977

                                           June 1982

                                           October 1982

                                           March 1984

                                           May-July 1984

                                           September-October 1984


                                    Second Line

                                           Vol. 1, No. 3, ca. 1980s


                                    Sing Out!

                                           Vol. 6, No. 4, Winter 1957

                                           Vol. 16, No. 3, July 1966

                                           Vol. 16, No. 4, September 1966


                                    Smith Alumnae Quarterly

                                           Vol. 71, No. 4, August 1980


                                    Smith College Bulletin

                                           Series 61, No. 5, November 1967

                                           Series 64, No. 5, November 1970


Box 26                       Southern Exposure

                                           Vol. 7, No. 2, Summer 1979

                                           Vol. 10, No. 2, March/April 1982

                                           Vol. 11,  No. 3, May/June 1983


                                    The Southern Patriot

                                           Vol. 31, No. 1, January 1973


                                    Soviet Life

                                           No. 3 (222), March 1975

                                           No. 5 (224), May 1975

                                           No. 7 (226), July 1975

                                           No. 12 (231), December 1975

                                           No. 8 (251), August 1977

                                           No. 12 (255), December 1977

                                           No. 3 (258), March 1978

                                           No. 10 (265), October 1978

                                           No. 8 (275), August 1979

                                           No. 1 (304), January 1982

                                           No. 3 (306), March 1982

                                           No. 4 (307) - No. 8 (311), August 1982

                                           No. 1 (316), January 1983

                                           No. 2 (317), February 1983

                                           No. 5 (320), May 1983

                                           No. 7 (322), July 1983

                                           No. 2 (329), February 1984

                                           No. 6 (333) - No. 9 (336), June - September 1984

                                           No. 11 (338), November 1984

                                           No. 1 (340), January 1985


Box 27                       Soviet Literature

                                           No. 5 (374), 1979

                                           No. 4 (385), 1980

                                           No. 9 (390), 1980

                                           No. 11 (392), 1980

                                           No. 1 (394), 1981

                                           No. 5 (398), 1981

                                           No. 7 (400) - No. 9 (402), 1981

                                           No. 11 (404), 1981

                                           No. 12 (405), 1981

                                           No. 2 (407) - No. 5 (410), 1982

                                           No. 8 (413), 1982

                                           No. 9 (426), 1983

                                           No. 3 (432) - No. 8 (437), 1984

                                           No. 10 (439) - No. 12 (441), 1984


                                    Stemming the Tide

                                           No. 8, June 1982

                                           No. 11, April 1983


                                    Talkin' Union

                                           No. 2, August 1981


                                    U.S. Department of Agriculture Home and Garden Bulletin

                                           No. 216, July 1976


                                    U.S. Farm News

                                           Vol. 19, No. 5, June 1971

                                           Vol. 20, No. 11, December 1972

                                           Vol. 30, No. 5, June 1981

                                           Vol. 31, No. 1, January 1982

                                           Vol. 31, No. 9, October 1982

                                           Vol. 31, No. 10, November 1982


                                    United States of ACORN

                                           Vol. 1, No. 4, November 1975


                                    University of Texas Publication

                                           No. 4143, November 15, 1941

                                           No. 4214, April 8, 1942



                                           October 1982


                                    Visti [i] Ukraini

                                           No. 47, 1983


Box 28                       The World Almanac And Book of Facts

                                           1967, 1974, 1976, 1982, 1984


                                    World Marxist Review

                                           Vol. 13, No. 1, January 1970

                                           Vol. 13, No. 8, supplement August­ 1970

                                           Vol. 14, No. 2, February 1971

                                           Vol. 19, No. 9, September 1976

                                           Vol. 20, No. 4, April 1977

                                           Vol. 20, No. 7, July 1977

                                           Vol. 20, No. 8, August 1977

                                           Vol. 21, No. 1, January 1978

                                           Vol. 21, No. 2, February 1978

                                           Vol. 27, No. 2-4, February-April 1984

                                           Vol. 27, No. 7-9, July-Sep­tember 1984


                                    The Wree-View

                                           Vol. 8, No. 1, January-February 1983


Box 17           "Sister Cities"

                               Reference information on a friend­ship concept between cities in Rus­sia and the United States.  n.d., 1984.


                        Songs composed by various individu­als.

                               Copies of songs composed by Pedro Pietri, n.d.; Violeta Parra, 1967; Eliot Kenin, 1983.


                        Songs composed by Elizabeth and Walter Rogers.

                               See "Writings."


                        Smith College Club of New Orleans.

                               Correspondence, membership list and nota­tions.  n.d., 1978-80.



                               Various pieces of stationery with differ­ent letter­heads.


                        Teaching aids, syllabi, out­lines of cour­ses taught or tak­en by Eliza­beth Rogers (6 fold­ers).

                                    "Interest-Rates-Teaching Mate­rials."  A course taught by Elizabeth Rogers, n.d.

                                    Folder 1.   


                                    Proposed course on Marx­ism-Leninism.  The program was apparently sponsored by Elizabeth Rogers.  n.d.

                                    Folder 2.   


                                    "The Romance and Manage­ment of Lan­guage: A course invented for Alma [Woodfork] by Elizabeth [Rogers] in 1981."

                                    Folder 3.   


                                    "Russian Language (Begin­ners) with Bill Kroetz at Free University of New Orleans."  A course taken by Elizabeth Rogers in 1980.

                                    Folder 4.   


                                    "Study Materials on So­cialism."  A course taught by Elizabeth and Wal­ter Rogers in 1975.

                                    Folder 5.   


                                    "Street& Labor Journalism in New Or­leans."  A course taught by Eliza­beth Rogers at New Orleans Public Library.  1979.

                                    Folder 6.   


                        U.S.S.R. (4 folders).

                               Miscellanea and a diary kept by Elizabeth Rogers recall­ing events from her 1971 trip to Russia.


                                    Miscellanea including postal cards, plane tickets.  1971.

                                    Folder 1.   


                                    "U.S.S.R.--First Impres­sions."  August-September 1971.

                                    Folder 2.   


                                    "U.S.S.R. Trip Notes 1971."  September 1971.

                                    Folder 3.   


                                    "Homecoming."  Also in­cluded are correspondence and press releases.  September 1971.

                                    Folder 4.   


                        "University Activities including Grape Boycott - See Vietnam Maroon - Hullabaloo Bills, Printed Matter 1966"

                               Included are programs, handbills and newspaper clippings.  1966.


                        Videotape Cassettes

                                    20-minute videotape of Elizabeth Rogers enti­tled, Peace Cries: Stop the Lies.  n.d.


Box 22                       30-minute videotape entitled, This Is Not an Ending, produced by Longevity Therapy and Louisiana Educa­tional Broadcasting Co.


                                    40-minute unedited videotaped inter­view with Eliza­beth Rogers produced by Longevity Therapy and Louisiana Educational Broadcasting Co., used in This Is Not an Ending.

Box 17           Victory Library (6 folders)

                                    Material relating to the mail-order book company owned by the Rogers.  Included are book orders and corre­spon­dence.  n.d., 1971-1985.


                                    "All Points of View..."  Corre­spon­dence and busi­ness transac­tions con­ducted be­tween Eliza­beth Rogers and the owner of a San Antonio, Texas mail order service.  n.d., 1971-1984.

                                    Folder 1.   


                                    Bank transactions, balance sheets, busi­ness license registration.  n.d., 1966-1974.

                                    Folder 2.


                                    "Book Orders."  Orders for books and re­lated corre­spon­dence.  n.d., 1966-1982.

                                    Folder 3.


                                    Miscellaneous handbills, lists, nota­tions.  n.d., 1974-1981.

                                    Folder 4.   


                                    "Re­cords of Sales of Our Books."

                                           In­forma­tion per­taining to orders received for books.

                                    Folder 5 - 8.


Box 19           "Wisconsin State Historical Society"

                               Correspondence and list of files donated to the institution by Eliza­beth and Wal­ter Rogers.  n.d., 1972-1974.


                        Woodfork, Alma

                               Resume and serial article on the co-founder of the Neighborhood Organi­zation, Treme-East (NOTE).  n.d.


                        "Word Game by Elizabeth"

                               Portions of a board game created by Eliz­abeth Rogers.  n.d.


                        Writings of Elizabeth and Walter Rogers.

                               Included are articles, press releas­es, poetry, skits, speeches and manuscripts.  Materials are primari­ly the work of Elizabeth Rogers unless otherwise indicated.  Writ­ings have been categorized as fol­lows: articles, press releases, speeches, skits; poetry; songs; manu­scripts, and have been arranged chronologically.  Some folders are voluminous containing drafts and related information pertaining to the writings, while others contain only a draft or the final ver­sion of the work.  n.d., 1955-1984.


                                    Articles, press releases, speeches, skits.


                                           Folder 1.

                                           Press release on Ku Klux Klan; "Dog Sto­ry"; "The FB and I by I"; "Sug­gestions for a skit for ACORN: 'The Phreeze on the Phreedom to Phone'"; "Dog Story Two."  n.d.


                                           Folder 2.

                                           "Talk at New Mobe, New Orleans (af­ter parade of 3,000) October 15, 1969," Elizabeth and Walter Rogers; "Ex-Marine Sees Atrocities in New Or­leans," 1970; "Excerpts from LA WISP," 1973; press release on Viet­nam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), 1973.


                                           Folder 3.

                                           "A Woman of World War One," 1974.


                                           Folder 4.

                                           "Statement on Peace Action Center Activi­ties, New Orleans, 1968-1972," Walter and Elizabeth Rogers, 1974; "Beware the Right-to-Work Trap," Walter and Elizabeth Rogers, 1975.


                                           Folder 5.

                                           "Can Brothers Help Broth­ers?"  Wal­ter and Elizabeth Rogers, 1975; "Louisiana Moguls Plot Right To Work," 1975.


                                           Folder 6.

                                           "Script for 'Our Ninth Ward' - Con­versa­tion between Olga Porter Jack­son and Elizabeth S. Cousins Rogers at the New Orleans Public Library," 1975; letter to the editor of Social Questions Bulletin, 1975; "We Are History: Women's Rights and Duties to Women's Progress," 1975.


                                           Folder 7.

                                           "How New Orleans Did Away with Jim Crow," 1976; "New Orleans Bicenten­nial Debt to the Ninth Ward," ca. 1976; "Once Again-the Open-Shoppers False 'Right to Work,'" 1976; "Let Us Know," Walter and Elizabeth Rogers, 1976.


                                           Folder 8.

                                           Letter to the editor of The Daily World, Walter and Elizabeth Rogers, 1978; press release on Muhammad Ali, 1978; press release on ACORN demon­stration protest­ing lack of summer jobs for youths in New Orleans, 1978; press release on Louisiana Black Political Assembly, 1978.


                                           Folder 9.

                                           "Batture, Betsy, Bridges--Ter­ror in New Or­leans," 1979; "15 Year Old Grievance re Tupelo/­Florida," 1979; Letter to the Editor, 1979.


                                           Folder 10.

                                           "Betty Friedan and the Colle­giate Mis­take," 1981; "Brief on Gray Pan­thers," 1981.


                                           Folder 11.

                                           "Address on Peace by Eliz­abeth Cous­ins Rogers, April 18, 1982"; "Cranky Old Lady," 1982; "Dear WREE and ANOTHER MOTHER FOR PEACE and PROMOT­ING ENDURING PEACE," 1982; letter to Gloria Steinem, 1982.


                                           Folder 12.

                                           "We Are All Giants," 1982.


                                           Folder 13.

                                           "Are We Dumb Bunnies!" 1983; "Talk at New Orleans Four," 1983.


                                           Folder 14.

                                           "Five Reasons for Peace with the USSR," 1984; "Old Lady Gets Around," 1984; "Old Lady Sees It Happening Here," 1984; "For Peace of Mind," 1984; "The Meeee Program," 1984.


                                           Folder 15.

                                           Portion of an article on labor un­ions origi­nally located in folder entitled "Miscellaneous Historical Material."


                                           Folder 16.

                                           Fragments of arti­cles, notes, refer­ence infor­mation and cartoons origi­nally located in folders entitled "Cartoons & Some Writing" and "Writing Paper and Nocturnal Writ­ings," and "Unfinished Notes."



                                    Autobiography of Elizabeth Rogers, From Right to Left in 90 Years.


                                           Folder 1.



                                           Folder 2.

                                           Chapter 1.  "Aurora, Cayu­ga County, New York, 1891-1897" (18 pp., work­sheet).


                                           Folder 3.

                                           Chapter 2.  "St. Peter, Minne­sota, 1899-1904" (16 pp., worksheet).


                                           Folder 4.

                                           Chapter 3.  "The Englewood Years, 1904-1909" (14 pp., worksheet).


                                           Folder 5.

                                           Chapter 4.  "The Smith College Years, 1909-1913" (18 pp., work­sheet).


                                           Folder 6.

                                           Chapter 5.  "After Col­lege---What?  1913-1918" (12 pp., 2 worksheets).


                                           Folder 7.

                                           Chapter 6.  "World War One, 1918-1919" (13 pp., worksheet).


                                           Folder 8.

                                           Chapter 7.  "After the War--What?  1920-1922" (21 pp.).


                                           Folder 9.

                                           Chapter 8.  "The Years in Pro­vence, 1923-1929" (24 pp., 8 worksheets).


                                           Folder 10.

                                           Chapter 9.  "I Dis­cover the Left Alive, 1929-1935" (26 pp.).


                                           Folder 11.

                                           Chapter 10.  "The Great Fight-Back-I Was There" (page 1 is missing, 25 pp.).


                                           Folder 12.

                                           Chapter 11, Part I.  "The Last Year of Common­wealth College, 1939-1940." Part II.  "Big wheels Rolled In Texas, 1940-1941" (a total of 38 pp.).


                                           Folder 13.

                                           Chapter 12, Part I.  "War­time New Orleans, 1941-1942" (2 copies; a complete copy, 30 pp., 1 worksheet; an incomplete copy, 28 pp., 1 work­sheet).


                                           Folder 14.

                                           Chapter 12, Part II.  "Heroes of the Pacific War: Carlson's Raiders, 1942-1946" (5 pp.); "Heroes of the Pacific War: Joseph W. Stilwell, 1863-1946" (12 pp., 7 worksheets).


                                           Folder 15.

                                           Chapter 12, Part III.  "We Thought the War Was Over, 1945" (19 pp., 4 work­sheets).


                                           Folder 16.

                                           Chapter 13, Part I.  "We Build a Home­stead 1951-1965" (13 pp., 9 work­sheets).  Part II.  "Uptown In­terlude, 1965-1971: Rosa Parks' Ride, 1955-- Death of Martin Luther King, 1968" (15 pp., 2 worksheets). See also Chronologi­cal Files, 1960s.


                                           Folder 17.

                                           Chapter 14.  No ti­tle listed (16 pp., 22 worksheets).


                                           Folder 18.

                                           "Duplicates of two school chap­ters sent to Kathy Kendall for sugges­tions -- in­corporate them when last chapter is fin­ished, ESCR."  Photocopies of Chap­ters 3 and 4.


                                           Folder 19.

                                           Duplicates of Chap­ter 1, 2, 8, 5 work­sheets.


                                           Folder 20.

                                           Fragments, drafts, notes con­cerned with From Right to Left in 90 Years.


                                           Folder 21.

                                           Comments, criticism, cor­respon­dence on the proposed autobiography.


Box 20                       Big Wheels Rolled in Texas by Walter and Elizabeth Rogers, published August, 1972  (20 folders, 2 boxes).


                                           Folders 1, 2.      

                                           Chapter One, 2 cop­ies.


                                           Folders 3, 4.      

                                           Chapter Two, 2 cop­ies.


                                           Folders 5, 6.      

                                           Chapter Three, 2 copies.


                                           Folders 7, 8.      

                                           Chapter Four, 2 copies.


                                           Folders 9, 10.    

                                           Chapter Five, 2 copies.


                                           Folders 11, 12.

                                           Chapter Six, 2 cop­ies.


                                           Folders 13, 14.

                                           Chapter Seven, 2 copies.


                                           Folders 15, 16.

                                           Chapter Eight, 2 copies.


                                           Folders 17, 18.

                                           Chapter Nine, 2 cop­ies.


                                           Folder 19.

                                           Miscellaneous.  In­cluded are notes, re­views, and a copy­right record for Big Wheels Rolled in Texas.


                                           Folder 20.

                                           "Texas, Univ. of at Arlington, Tex. re: Big Wheels Rolled in Texas."


                                           Folder 21 [Box 21].

                                           "Bibliography: Labor Fascism, U.S. Out­look, Big Wheels Rolled in Texas (Only part could be used in volume)--too extensive."  The bibliography is listed on reference cards which are arranged alphabeti­cally.


                                           Folder 22 [Box 22].

                                           "Big Wheels Bib­liog, unfin­ished."  The bibli­ography is listed on refer­ence cards which are arranged alpha­beti­cally.


                                    John Donar: Common Man by Wal­ter and Eliza­beth Roger, pub­lished in 1946.  List­ed under the head­ing "JDCM-Pro­motions '69" are publicity materi­als, book or­ders, correspon­dence and newspaper clip­pings.  n.d., 1945-1946.


                                    Laughter in Provence by Elizabeth Schlosser Cousins.  Two volumes: Chap­ters 10-14; Chap­ters 15-19.  Chapters 1 through 9 are missing.  ca. 1923-1929.


Box 22                       Partial Political History of the World, 1891-1981; In Ready Reference for my Memoirs by Elizabeth Rogers.  A 22-page outline of political events.  n.d.


                                           Revolution: Left Out of Schoolbooks by Walter and Eliz­abeth Rogers, a booklet pub­lished in 1970.  Listed under the heading "Left Out of School­books, 1970-1972" are cop­ies of the pamphlet, art­work, corre­spon­dence and book orders.  n.d., 1970-1972.  (See also Chrono­logical Files, 1968-1970 Miscellaneous.)


                                           Unidentified manuscript.  A 35-page manu­script fragment from unknown provenance.



                                           A total of 231 poems by Eliza­beth Rogers may be found in this cate­gory. 


                                           Folder 1. n.d.


                                           Folder 2. 1955-1975.


                                           Folder 3. 1976-1980.


                                           Folder 4. 1981-1984.


                                           Folder 5. Poems original­ly lo­cated    in folder en­ti­tled "Verse, Elizabeth     Cousins Rog­ers; Selections for Poetry Cir­cle," n.d., 1953-1985.


                                           "Songs" (4 folders).

                                           Lyrics composed by Elizabeth Rogers and adapt­ed to familiar folk music.  The new lyrics called atten­tion to prevailing current events.


                                           Folder 1.

                                           n.d., 1967-1982.


                                           Folder 2.

                                           "Songs& Chants: Walter & Elizabeth Rogers, 1942-1981, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A."  Included are the following: Elizabeth Rogers: Her Song Book; Songs New Orleans, 1966-1969; Songs, New Orleans and working drafts of songs.


                                           Folder 3,4.         

                                           Songs contained in Songs for the Sidewalk published by Elizabeth Rogers in 1981.

Index Terms


African Americans—Civil rights—History—20th century

Black Panther Party

Coalition to Save the Ninth Ward

Communist Party of the United States of America

Dombrowski, James A.

Gandhi, Indira

Garrison, Jim

Gorton, Ruthie

Hurricane Betsy, 1965

Hurricane Camille, 1969

Jackson, Henry

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Labor unions—United States

Labor—Louisiana—New Orleans--History

New Orleans ACORN (Organization)

Ninth Ward Nines


Politics—Louisiana—New Orleans

Powell, Robert

Provence, France

Race relations—Louisiana—New Orleans

Rogers, Elizabeth

Rogers, Walter

Selleck, Anne

Socialism—United States

Victory Library

Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975—United States

Woodfork, Alma