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MSS 208 - New Orleans University Collection: Inventory

New Orleans university COLLECTION

(Mss 208)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

December 1988





Size:                           30 items



locations:                             New Orleans, La.


Inclusive dates:      ca. late 1940s


Summary:                             A collection of miscellany relating to New Orleans University.  Includes commencement invitations, lists of rules, yearbook, student newspaper, photograph, etc.


Source:                     Purchase, July 1988; gift, October, December 1988


Access:                                 No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    New Orleans University Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans


Historical Note


            New Orleans University, chartered in 1873 as an educational institution for black students, traced its origins to the Union Normal School which had been organized in 1869, Thomson's Biblical Institute, and an academy on Bayou Teche.  First located  at 459 (old number) Camp Street (between Race and Orange streets), the campus was later moved to a four-acre site in what is today the 5300 block of St. Charles Avenue.  In 1930 it merged with Straight University to form Dillard University.

Container List


208-6              The Crescent (published semi-monthly by the students and under the direction of New  Orleans University.


                                    Vol. IV, No.1 (January 1, 1897), single sheet of front and second page only.


                                    Vol. VI, No. 10 (May 15, 1899), one complete issue and one partial issue.


                                    Vol. VI, no. 12 (September 1, 1899, complete issue.


                                    Vol. VI, no. 13 (October 1, 1899), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VI, no. 14 (October 15, 1899), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VI, no. 15 (November 1, 1899), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VI, no. 16 (November 15, 1899), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VI, no. 17 (December 1, 1899), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VI, no. 18 (December 15, 1899), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 1 (January 1, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 2 (January 15, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 3 (February 1, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 4 (February 15, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 5 (March 1, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 6 (March 15, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 7 (April 1, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 8 (April 15, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 9 (May 1, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 10 (May 15, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 11 (June 1, 1900), complete issue.


                                    Vol. VII, no. 13 (September 1, 1900), complete issue.


208-5              The Faculty and Graduating Classes of the Classical and Philosophical Departments of New Orleans University, request your presence Tues­day afternoon, May Twenty-ninth, Nineteen hundred, at two o’clock[.]  New Orleans University.  [n.p., 1900].


208-6              The Faculty and Senior Class of New Orleans University request the honor of your presence at their Graduating Exercises to be held in the Auditorium of the University[,] May ninth[,] One thousand nine hundred and thirteen at two o’clock p.m.  [n.p., 1913].  Visiting card of Lodee Carter, 140 Champagne St., Baton Rouge, laid in.


208-2              New Orleans University.  Rules.  [n.p., n.d.].  Handbill.


208-2              New Orleans University.  Rules.  Boarding Department.  [n.p., n.d.].  Handbill.


208-1              New Orleans University Singers.  A Colored Double Quartette.  Voices UnrivaledPronounced the best Troupe now before the public.  For Concerts Apply to W. D. Godman[,] Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.  J. H. Johnson, Printer and Stationer, No. 25 North Tenth Street, 1877.  [Photocopy of original in collection of Xavier University Library.  A photograph of the New Orleans University Singers in available in the Photographs Collection, no. P-157.]


208-4              Photoengraving of a five-story, brick building on the New Orleans University campus at 5318 St. Charles Avenue.  (Three copies)


208-7              Photograph, group portrait of students, New Orleans University, 5318 St. Charles Avenue.  Photographic print by Arthur Bedou.  Signed “Bedou. | N.O. | 08.” on lower right corner of mount board.  “[A]warded Gold Medal, James Town Exposition” stamped on reverse of mount board.


208-5              The Senior Preparatory Class of New Orleans University requests the honor of your presence at its Commencement Exercises, Tuesday afternoon, May 29th, 1900, at 2 o’clock.  New Orleans University.  [N.p., 1900].  (Two variant copies)


208-3              Year Book.  Twenty-Sixth Session of New Orleans University.  1898-99.  New Orleans University print, 5318 St. Charles Avenue, 1899.

Index Terms


Colleges and universities—Louisiana—New Orleans

Dillard University

New Orleans University