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MSS 220 - Charity Hospital School of Nursing Collection: Inventory

Charity Hospital School of Nursing COLLECTION

(Mss 220)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

April 1998





Size:                           21 linear feet



locations:                 New Orleans, La.


Inclusive dates:      1894-1990


Summary:                 Records of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  The collection includes annual, monthly, and miscellaneous reports; committee records; enrollment records; subject files; corre­spondence; rules and regulations; min­utes; diplomas and certificates; photo­graphs; clippings; questionnaires; maga­zines and books; alumni records; forms; and miscellany.



collections:              Edgar Hull Papers (Mss 291)


Source:                     Gift, 1991


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Charity Hospital School of Nursing Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans

Historical Note


On January 21, 1736, Jean Louis, a sailor who resided in New Orleans, died, leaving a will which provided funds to found a hospital in the city.  It was the beginning of the Charity Hospital of New Orleans, although the first legislation pertaining to Charity was not passed until 1808.  Three years later, the Louisiana Legislature enacted a charter.  The city directory of 1823 provides this description: “The Charity Hospital, situated No. 147 Canal Street, consists of two large buildings, containing one surgical hall, two large fever wards, one dysentery ward, one ward for chronic cases, one for females, one for con­va­les­cents, one bathing room, one apothecary store, and a number of other apartments for the fam­ilies of the residents, officers, etc.  The Hospital has lately undergone a complete repair and reform, and is at this time as clean, wholesome and well conducted as any institution of the kind in the Union.  During the last year, about 1,700 sick persons were admitted, 1,200 of whom were discharged well, and the remainder died, one-half of which, of Yellow Fever.”


            To the modern reader, conspicuously absent from this description is any mention of nurses.  Until 1834, nursing care was provided by African-American slaves and by con­vales­cing patients who had recovered enough to attend those who were sicker.  In that year, according to A. E. Fossier, “the Sisters of Charity [of St. Vincent de Paul] inaugurated their long period of devotion to the indigent sick.  These Sisters not only supervised, but did the nursing; their assistants were inadequate and incompetent, and were principally recruited from convalescent patients barely able to perform the lightest duties, and whose only remuneration was their meager board.  This unsatisfactory and inefficient nursing persisted until the inauguration of the Training School for Nurses” (p. 43).


            The first such school was established at St. Thomas Hospital, London, in 1860, but not until 1873 were nursing schools founded in the United States--at Bellevue, New Haven, and Massachusetts General hospitals.  Glowing reports from around the country encouraged the Board of Administrators of Charity Hospital in 1881 to consider inaugurating such a school.  Thirteen years later, the Charity Hospital School of Nursing was established, through the cooperative efforts of the hospital’s Board of Administrators and the Daughters of Charity.  Initially, eleven students enrolled in the two-year program, which held its first graduation on December 11, 1895.  During the first year of study, nurses were paid eight dollars; in the second year, twelve dollars.


            The present collection contains records, 1894-1900, of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing.



Source:      Fossier, A. E.  “The Charity Hospital of Louisiana.”  New Orleans:  Reprinted from New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal (May-October 1923).

Series, Subseries, and Descriptions



Series I.         Alumnae “Follow-up Program...” file (n.d. and 1948-1971)


                        Correspondence and informa­tion forms.


Series II.        Clippings (n.d. and 1904, 1913, 1949, 1964, 1967, 1979-1980, 1985)


Series III.       Course plans file (1967-1976)


                        Includes course descriptions, requirements, schedules, topical outlines, laboratory procedures, bibliographies, study and examination guides, evaluation forms; related memoranda and correspondence.


Series IV.      Graduation file (1936-1987)


                        Statistics on graduates, graduation budgets and cost statements, sample diplomas, directions for staging gradua­tions, miscellaneous related documents.


Series V.       History file (n.d. and 1926-1975)


                        Memoranda, forms, pamphlets, and correspondence on the origin and development of curricula and other aspects of nursing education at the Charity Hospital School of Nursing and in general.


Series VI.      Indices, (1937-1943, 1948-1973)


                        Indices of names in the minutes of the Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing, and of the Faculty Associa­tion’s Executive Committee and Promotion and Graduation Committee.


Series VII.     Manuals and handbooks (n.d. and 1936-1937, 1939, 1942, 1950-1970)


Series VIII.    Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing (1931, 1937-1943, 1945-1979)


                        Includes minutes of the Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing and of its various committees.


Series IX.      Student organizations of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing (1938-1940, 1943, 1967-1974)




Series X.       Executive Committee of the Nursing Service Depart­ment of Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans (December 1968-July 1975)




Series XI.      Directors of Louisiana Diploma Schools of Nursing


                        Minutes of meeting to revise A Manual for Accredited Schools of Nursing... Minimum Requirements... (1963, 1964; with related documents, 1955-1968)


Series XII.     Miscellaneous file (n.d. and 1932, 1940-1942, 1949-1974, 1979)


Series XIII.    Photographs (prints) (n.d. and 1896, 1907, 1913, 1928, 1929, 1935, 1937, 1945-1952, 1956, 1957, 1959)


Series XIV.    Publications and theses ([1923], 1937, 1947, 1962, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1975)


Series XV.     Scrapbooks (1923, 1943-1947, 1960-1962)


Series XVI.    Student fee and expense file (1957-1968)


                        Includes types, amounts, payment schedules, and related information; file arranged by year of class admission.


Series XVII.   Studies and reports (n.d. and 1874, 1877, 1879-1979, 1981-1990)


Series XVIII.Workshops (1963-1966)


                        Programs with lists of participants, topical seminars, schedules, bibliographies.


Series XIX.    World War II Nursing and Civil Defense records (1941-1948)

Container List



Series I.  Alumnae “Follow-up Program...” File


220-1              Correspondence and information forms, n.d. and 1948-1971.



Series II.  Clippings.


220-52            N.d. and 1904, 1913, 1949, 1964, 1967, 1979-1980, 1985. 


                        (See also Scrapbooks)



Series III.  Course plans file.


                        Includes course descriptions, require­ments, schedules, topical outlines, laboratory proce­dures, bibliographies, study and examination guides, evaluation forms; related memoranda and correspondence, 1967-1976.


220-63                        Anatomy and Physiology.

220-64                        Basic Math.

220-65                        Chemistry.

220-66                        Community Nursing.

220-67                        Dynamics of Growth and Behavior.

220-68                        Dynamics of Human Behavior.

220-69                        Elementary Pharmacology.

220-70                        Fundamentals of Nursing I and II.

220-71                        General Medical Nursing.

220-72                        General Mental Health Concepts.

220-73                        Growth and Development.

220-74                        History of Nursing.

220-75                        Microbiology.

220-76                        Nursing of Children.

220-77                        Orientation.

220-78                        Out Patient Nursing, Unit I Emergency and Disaster Nursing.

220-79                        Professional Relationships.

220-80                        Psychiatric Nursing.

220-81                        Psycho-Social.

220-82                        Senior Medical Surgical Nursing.

220-83                        Senior Seminar: Issues.

220-84                        Sociology.

220-85                        Surgical Nursing I.

220-86                        Surgical Nursing II.



Series IV.  Graduation file.


                        Statistics on graduates, graduation budgets and cost statements, sample diplomas, directions for staging graduations, miscellaneous related documents, 1936-1987.


220-93            “Graduating Classes by Names 1949 to 1958”: lists of students by year of gradua­tion; including IQ assessments, religious affiliation, withdrawals with reasons.


220-94            “Graduating Classes Summary 1936 to Now [1964]”: statistics on student enrollment, withdrawal, and graduation; includes reasons for with­drawals.


220-95            “Graduation: Acknowledgements”: correspondence thanking luminaries for their participation in graduation ceremonies, 1952-1983.


220-96            “Graduation Exercises - Budgets and Costs,” 1949-1976.


220-97            “Graduation Exercises - Diplomas”: information on design and cost of diplomas, pins, and rings, 1970-1987.


220-98            “Graduation Exercises Publicity”: clippings, correspondence, pamphlets, 1947-1973.


220-99            “Graduation Invitations 1952 to Present [1979].”


220-100         “Graduation: Letters of Approval”: requests from the Director of the School of Nursing to the Direc­tor of Charity Hospital seeking approval of gradua­tion plans and expenses, 1969-1977.


220-101         “Graduation: Letters of Invitation”: invitations to participate in ceremonies, 1973-1978.


220-102         “Grad[uation], Line Up & Stage Set Up”: documents concerned with the staging of graduation exercises.  1964-1977.


220-103         “Graduation: Miscellaneous”: notes, correspon­dence, clipping, 1960-1976.


220-104         “Graduation: Programs,” 1939-1984.


220-105         “Graduation[s]...”: documents concerned with graduations, including lists of graduates, direc­tions for staging ceremonies, press releases, and related correspondence and miscellany, 1983-1984.



Series V.  History file.


                        Memoranda, forms, pamphlets, and corre­spondence on the origin and development of curricula and other aspects of nursing education at the Charity Hospital School of Nursing and in general, n.d. and 1926-1975.


220-53            “Coordinating Committee Historical Development,” 1968.


220-54            “History: Affiliate, O.R.T. & Supplementary Cours­es,” n.d. and 1925, 1926, 1950, 1959, 1964.


220-55            “History of Charity Hospital School of Nursing.”  Pamphlet dated Feb. 11, 1973.


220-56            “History of Clin. (Ward) Teaching Program 1938-48.”


220-57            “History of Nursing Content in Schools of Nursing: A Nationwide Survey” by Beatrice J. Kalisch and Philip A. Kalisch, [1975].


220-58            “Promotion and Graduation Committee Historical Development,” 1968, 1971.



Series VI.  Indices.


                        Indices to names in the minutes of the Faculty Associa­tion of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing, and of the Faculty Association’s Executive Committee and Promotion and Graduation Committee, 1937-1943, 1948-1973.


220-59            Name index to minutes of the Faculty Association, 1937-1943, 1950, 1953, 1955-1973.


220-60            Name index to minutes of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Association, 1948-1960.


220-61            Name index to minutes of the Promotion and Graduation Committee of the Faculty Associa­tion, 1969-1972.



Series VII.  Manuals and handbooks. 


                        N.d. and 1936-1937, 1939, 1942, 1950-1970.


220-87            “Basic Nursing Procedures,” 1950-1962.


220-88            “Fundamentals of Nursing I,” 1969-1970.


220-106         “Nurses’ Orientation Manual - 1964”. 


220-107         “Nursing Service Policy Manual” file: correspon­dence concerning manual, but manual not present.


220-108         “Orthopedic Nursing Procedures, Physical Therapy Manual,” 1952.


220-44            “Pediatric Manual,” 1962.


220-45            “Rules and Regulations Governing the Student Nurses of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing.”  Mimeo­graph of typescript, n.d. but “1936-1937(?)” pencilled on cover.


220-46            Student Handbook, Charity Hospital School of Nurs­ing, New Orleans, Louisiana, Revised August, 1942.  [S.l., 1942].


220-47            Student Nurse’s Experience Record Book” file: booklets and related documents, n.d. and 1956-1970.


220-48            “Student Nurses’ Handbook Issued Before 1948 and After 1939.”  Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Mimeograph of typescript in clasp-binder.


220-106         “Subsidiary Workers Manual - 1939.”



Series VIII.  Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing.


                        Includes minutes of the Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing and of its various committees, 1931, 1937-1943, 1945-1979.


                        Subseries VIII.1: Faculty Association (1952-1970)


                                    Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Minutes, together with annual reports; attendance records; calendars of scheduled meet­ings; committee and subcommittee rosters, studies, and reports; communications; meeting agenda; relat­ed miscellany.  1952-1970.


                                    Clasp-bound minutes


220-31                                    1952-1960

220-35                                    1961-1962

220-33                                    1963

220-36                                    January 1964-August 1964

220-38                                    September 1964-July 1965

220-39                                    September 1965-July 1966

220-34                                    September 1966-July 1967

220-32                                    August 1968-July 1969

220-31                                    February-July 1970


                                    Buckram-bound minutes


220-23                                    Volume 1, 1937-1943

220-24                                    Volume 2, 1945-1949

220-25                                    Volume 3, 1950-1954

220-26                                    Volume 4, 1955-1959

220-27                                    Volume 5, 1960-1962

220-28                                    Volume 6, 1963-1965

220-29                                    Volume 7, 1966-1967

220-30                                    Volume 8, 1968-1969


                                    Note: Although considerable duplication exists in the two groups of minutes, each group con­tains material not found in the other.


                        Subseries VIII.2: Committees


                        Admissions Committee of the Faculty Association.


                                    Minutes, November 30, 1939, 1962-1970.


220-41                                    November 30, 1939

220-42                                    1962-1968

220-43                                    1967-1970


                        Committee on Affiliations of the Faculty Associa­tion.


                                    Minutes, 1941-1943, 1953, 1954, 1956-1959.


220-49                                    1941-1943

220-37                                    1953, 1954, 1956-1959


                        Committee on Case Histories of the Faculty Associa­tion.


220-50                        Minutes, 1940-1941.


                        Committee on Clinical Instruction of the Faculty Association and sub­committee of same.


220-51                  Minutes, 1931, 1939-1942.


                        Coordinating Committee of the Faculty Association, Nursing Service and Education.


220-113               Minutes, March 1969-March 1972.


                        Curriculum Committee of the Faculty Association.


220-114               Minutes, 1939-1943, 1968; with related material, n.d. and 1950-1954, 1963, 1965.


                        Education Committee of the Faculty Association.


220-115               Minutes, 1951-1953.



                        Evaluation Committee of the Faculty Association.


220-116                     Minutes, May 13, 1963-May 14, 1964 (clasp-bound volume).


                        Executive Committee of the Faculty Association.


                                    Minutes, 1948-1960.


220-89                                    Volume 1, 1948-1951

220-90                                    Volume 2, 1952-1955

220-91                                    Volume 3, 1956-1960

220-92                                    Loose material, January 10, 1961-May 30, 1961


                        In-service Education Committee (Faculty Development Committee) of the Faculty Association.


220-40                  Minutes, 1961-1968.


                        Liaison Committee of Faculty Association, Nursing Service and Education.


                              Minutes, 1961, 1963, 1964, 1968.


220-109                     1961, 1963, 1964 (clasp-bound volume).

220-113                     1968 (loose-leaf binder).


                        Library Committee of the Faculty Association.


220-37                  Minutes, 1951, 1953-1960.


                        Committee on Nursing School Records of the Faculty Association; Sub­committee on Efficiency Records; Subcommittee on Clinical Records.


220-117               Minutes, 1939-1942.


                        (See also Rules, Regulations, Records, and Reports Committee of the Faculty Association.  Minutes, 1956-1968)


                        Personnel Policies Committee of the Faculty Associ­ation.


220-37                  Minutes, 1951-1953.


                        Promotion and Graduation Committee of the Faculty Association.


                        This committee was created on May 12, 1961.  Its functions were to formulate and recom­mend requirements for promotion and graduation, and for professional and personal conduct; to review and evaluate student records; to decide on eligi­bility for promotion and graduation; to handle disciplinary cases not delegated to the Student Council.  The committee remained active until August 28-29, 1968, when a meeting of the Faculty Association “approved of promotion and gradua­tion work being handled through Faculty Association meetings....”  Subsequently, at a meeting on Novem­ber 18, 1968, the Faculty Association approved the dissolution of the Promotion and Graduation Commit­tee and the assumption of its duties by the Faculty Association.)


                                    Minutes with correspondence and other documents on actions by the committee, 1961-1974.


220-118                                 Volume 1 (buckram bound), 1961-1965.

220-119                                 Volume 2 (buckram bound), 1966-1968.

220-120                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1969-1970.

220-121                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1970-1974.


                                    Correspondence and other documents relevant to actions by the Promotion and Graduation Com­mittee, and, after August 28-29, 1968, ac­tions by Faculty Association concerning promo­tion and graduation matters, 1962-1970, 1972-1974.


220-122                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1962-1963.

220-123                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1964-1965.

220-124                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), January 1966-June. 1966.

220-125                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), July 1966-November 1966.

220-126                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), January 1967-April 1967.

220-127                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), July 1967-November 1967.

220-128                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), January 1968-July 1968.

220-129                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), July 1968-December 1968.

220-175                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1969.

220-130                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1970.

220-131                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1971-1972.

220-132                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1972-1973.

220-133                                 Volume (loose-leaf binder), 1973-1974.


                                    Psychiatry Committee of the Faculty Association.


220-37                                    Minutes, 1953.


                                          Revision of Nursing Procedures Committee of the Faculty Association.


220-37                                    Minutes, 1952-1954.


                                    Rules, Regulations, Records, and Reports Committee of the Faculty Association.


                                                Minutes, 1956-1968.


220-134                                             1956-1966.

220-135                                             1959-1966.

220-136                                             1962-1968.

220-137                                             1963-1968.

220-138                                             1968-1969.


  (See also Committee on Nursing School Records of the Faculty Association...Minutes, 1939-1942)


                                    Steering Committee of Coordinating Committee of the Faculty Association, Nursing Service and Education.


                                          Minutes, May 1969-March 1971.


220-113                                 May 1969-May 1970.

220-112                                 May 1969-March 1971.


                                    Student Health Committee (subcommittee of Student Personnel Services Committee of the Faculty Associ­ation).


                                          Minutes, 1938-1940, 1963-1979.


220-110                                 1938-1940.

220-111                                 1963-1979.


                                          Student Personnel Services Committee of the Faculty Association.


220-139                           Minutes, June 18, 1968.


                                    [Student] Residence Committee (subcommittee of Student Personnel Services Committee of the Faculty Association).


220-140                           Minutes, 1967-1969.


                                    [Student] Social Activities Committee (subcommittee of Student Personnel Services Committee of the Faculty Association).


220-141                           Minutes, 1967-1969, 1971, 1972.


                                    Student Welfare Committee (subcommittee of Student Personnel Services Committee of the Faculty Associ­ation).


                                          Minutes, October 1940-September 1943, 1962-1969.


220-142                                 October 1940-September 1943 (loose material)

220-143                                 1962-1969.



Series IX.  Student organizations of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing.


220-144         Catholic Student Organization.


                                    Minutes and related correspondence, 1943, 1968 (loose material).


220-145         Student Council.


                                    Minutes, 1938-1940 (clasp-bound volume).


220-146         Student Body.


                                    Minutes, 1967-1974 (clasp-bound volume).



Series X.  Executive Committee of the Nursing Service Department of the Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans.


                        Minutes, December 1968-July 1975.


220-112                     December 1968-December 1971 (loose-leaf binder).

220-18                        January 1972-July 1975 (loose-leaf binder).



Series XI.  Directors of Louisiana Diploma Schools of Nursing.


220-62            Minutes of meeting to revise A Manual for Accredited Schools of Nursing ...Minimum Requirements....  1963, 1964; with related documents, 1955-1968.


                        Minutes with related material of the Committee on Research of the Charity Hospital Nurses’ Alumnae Associa­tion.  See Apr. 20, 1961-Jan. 17, 1962 in Alumnae “Follow-up Program...” file....  n.d. and 1948-1971.



Series XII.  Miscellaneous file.


                        N.d. and 1932, 1940-1942, 1949-1974, 1979.


220-147         “Degree Program 1937-1957 C.H. S. N.,” n.d. and 1949-1971.


220-148         “Faculty-Philosophy,” 1973.


220-149         “Job Descriptions and Specifications” for adminis­trators and faculty of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing, 1962.


220-150         “LSBNE Law[s] Governing the Practice of Nursing,” 1942, 1950, 1960, 1966.


220-151         “Manich Marie Cassisa: Honorary Diploma,” 1972.


220-152         “May, Hattie Irene.  Corresp. about Will 1950 [- 1951].”


220-153         “Name Pin Information,” correspondence, notices, order forms, samples.  1941, 1965, 1969-1972.


220-154         “Nightingale Pledge Information.”  n.d.


220-155         “Organization Charts” for administrations of Chari­ty Hospital and Charity Hospital School of Nursing, n.d. and 1951-1967.


220-156         “Roll Calls of Faculty 1961-1965 [and] Job Descrip­tions - old” for Charity Hospital School of Nurs­ing, n.d. and 1940, 1952, 1954, 1960-1965.


220-157         “Schedules” for courses and lectures, Charity Hospital School of Nursing, 1972-1974.


220-158         “Speeches Charity Hospital School of Nursing,” 1966, 1969, 1974, 1979.


220-159         “Training School Committee 1932” for Charity Hospi­tal School of Nursing.


220-160         “VA Hospital Correspondence,” n.d. and 1965-1970.



Series XIII.  Photographs (prints).


                        N.d., 1896, 1907, 1913, 1928, 1929, 1935, 1937, 1945-1952, 1956, 1957, 1959.


220-161         Charity Hospital School of Nursing Homecoming: snapshot views of activities; including letter of transmittal by photographer, 1965.


220-162         National Leprosarium (U.S. Public Health Service Station No. 66), Carville, La.: snapshot views of buildings, patients, activities; including photocopy of scrapbook which originally held snapshots, ca. 1956


                        Nurses and student nurses, individual and group portraits, n.d.* and 1896, 1907*, 1913*, 1928, 1929, 1935, 1945-1952, 1956, 1957, 1959.


220-230               n.d. and 1896, 1925, 1928, 1929, 1935.

220-163               1945, 1946.

220-164               1947-1950.

220-165               1951, 1952, 1956, 1957, 1959.


                        *Note: severe damage to one undated photograph and to photographs dated 1907 and 1913.  Location of damaged photographs: 220-233.


220-231         Miscellaneous: views of Charity Hospital ambulance facilities, building and Tulane Avenue, operating room activities, 1937-ca. 1960.



Series XIV.    Publications and Theses.


220-166         CHNO newsletter, Charity Hospital New Orleans.  Vol. 1, no. 7 (July 18, 1969).


220-167         Charity Hospital School of Nursing Yesterday and Today, ed. by Ferrel Marie Lebowitz.  [S.l.], 1962.


220-168         Fossier, A. E.  “The Charity Hospital of Louisiana.”  Reprinted from the New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal (May-October 1923).  New Orleans, [1923].


220-169         Glenski, Zoe. “The Work of the Daughters of Charity in New Orleans: 1830-1900.”  M.A. the­sis, Xavier University, 1959.  Pri­vately published, 1975.


220-170         Guyot, Henrietta.  A Preliminary Study on the Status of Nursing Education in the State Universi­ty.  M.S. in Nursing Education thesis, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 1937.  Published by Catholic University of America in the series Studies in Nursing Education.


220-171         National League for Nursing, Department of Diploma Programs.  Policies and Procedures of Accreditation of the Department of Diploma Programs of the Na­tional League for Nursing.  New York, 1966.


220-172         National League for Nursing, Department of Diploma Programs.  The Report of Self-Evaluation and the Accreditation Procedure Including Directions for School Personnel to Follow in the Preparation of Their Report of Self-Evaluation.  New York, 1968.


220-173         O’Connor, Stella.  “Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans: An Administrative and Financial History, 1763-1941.”  M.A. thesis, Tulane University, New Orleans, 1947.  Two copies, one lacking title page.



Series XV.  Scrapbooks.


                        1923, 1943-1947, 1960-1962.


220-232         Scrapbook entitled “The Charity Hospital Chron­ical.”  January 9, 1960-November 9, 1962.


220-228         Scrapbook entitled “Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans.”  April 2, 1923-May 25, 1923.


220-229         Scrapbook entitled “Charity Hospital of Louisiana at New Orleans.”  December 1, 1943-February 4, 1947.



Series XVI.  Student fee and expense file.


                        Includes types, amounts, payment schedules, and related information; file arranged by year of class admission, 1957-1968.


220-179         Class of 1961 - Admitted 1958.

220-180         Class of 1962 - Admitted 1959.

220-181         Class of 1963 - Admitted 1960.

220-182         Class of 1964 - Admitted 1961.

220-183         Class of 1965 - Admitted 1962.

220-184         Class of 1966 - Admitted 1963.

220-185         Class of 1967 - Admitted 1964.

220-186         Class of 1968 - Admitted 1965.

220-187         Class of 1969 - Admitted 1966.

220-188         Class of 1970 - Admitted 1967.

220-189         Class of 1971 - Admitted 9-3-68.

220-190         “Schedule of Increase in Fees”, 1957-1965.



Series XVII.  Studies and Reports.


                        N.d. and 1874, 1877, 1879-1979, 1981-1990.


                        Annual reports of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing to the Board of Ad­min­is­trators of Charity Hospital of Louisiana, 1892-1895 (1949 typescripts of ex­cerpts only); 1895-1914; 1916-1918; 1920-1927; 1929-1932; 1962-1971.


220-6                          1892-1895 (1949 typescripts of excerpts only); 1895-1914; 1916-1918; 1920; 1921.


220-7                                1922-1927; 1929-1932.


220-8                          July 1, 1962-June 30, 1963; July 1, 1963-June 30, 1964; 1962-1965.


220-9                          July 1, 1966-June 30, 1967; July 1, 1967-June 30, 1968; July 1, 1968-June 30, 1969; July 1, 1969-June 30, 1970; July 1, 1970 -June 30, 1971.


220-15            Annual Reports of committees and subcommittees of the Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing for the year 1967-1968; 2 vols.


220-16            Charity Hospital of Louisiana, Accounting Depart­ment.  “Report...for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1961.”


                        Charity Hospital of Louisiana.  Report of the Board of Administrators of the Charity Hospital to the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, 1839-.  New Orleans (title varies).  Collection contains volumes for the years 1874; 1877; 1879-1901; 1903-1917; 1919-June 30, 1942; July 1, 1943-June 30, 1964.


220-19                                    1874; 1877; 1879-1901; 1903-1907.

220-20                                    1908-1917; 1919-1925.

220-21                                    1926-June 30, 1942; July 1, 1943-June 30, 1955.

220-22                                    July 1, 1955-June 30, 1964.


220-10            Charity Hospital School of Nursing, Admissions Committee.  “Status Report of the Class of 1972.”


220-2              Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  “Alumnae Survey Report 1895-1951”; including correspondence, survey forms, and typescript for Alumnae Associa­tion brochure, 1951-1959.


220-3              Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  “Cost Study Report to NLN...1961”; including related correspon­dence, n.d. and 1958-1964.


220-17            Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  “Final Prog­ress Report...Preparing Nursing Students to Become Teachers of Health as They Nurse...Time Period Covered by Report: July 1967-June 1972.”


220-198         Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Inservice Education Committee of the Faculty Association.  “Report of Faculty Survey on Evaluation of Total Inservice Education Program 1968-1969.”


220-11            Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  “Institutional Self-evaluation, Section III, Historical Survey of the Institution,” 1972.


220-176         Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  “Methods and Reports of Charity Hospital S[chool] of N[ursing] Evaluating Endeavors”: reports on workshops concerned with evaluation of various programs in nursing education; includes clippings, minutes, progress reports, studies, and related documenta­tion, 1959-1963.


220-12            [Charity Hospital School of Nursing].  “Narrative Report of the Educational Program in Nursing,” 1956.


220-13            Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Natural Science Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee of the Faculty Association.  “Evaluation of Science Cours­es.”  Blank form only, 1973.


220-178         Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Natural Science Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee of the Faculty Association.  “A Survey on Freshman Prepa­ration for Junior and Senior Courses,” 1968.


220-174         Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Mid-Term Deficiency Reports.  Fall 1982-Fall 1985, Fall 1986-Spring 1990.


220-177         Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Questionnaire reports to Committee on the Grading of Nursing Schools, New York City. January 1932-October 1932.


220-4              Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Questionnaire reports to miscellaneous inquiries, 1969-1972.


220-5              Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Questionnaire reports to National League for Nursing, 1935, 1939, 1943, 1945-1962, 1964-1972.


220-14            Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Records Commit­tee of the Faculty Association.  Report on study “to reduce content in folders of graduates...,” 1965.


                        Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  Reports to State Board of Nurse Examiners, 1946; 1948-1979; 1980-1981.


220-191                     Annual report, 1946.


220-191                     Annual report, 1948.

220-191                     Monthly reports, 1948.

220-191                     Inspection report, 1948.

220-191                     Correspondence, 1948.


220-191                     Annual report, 1949.

220-191                     Monthly reports, 1949.

220-191                     Inspection report, 1949.

220-191                     Correspondence, 1949.


220-191                     Annual report, 1950.

220-191                     Monthly reports, 1950.

220-191                     Inspection report, 1950.

220-191                     Correspondence, 1950.


220-191                     Annual report, 1951.

220-191                     Monthly reports, 1951.

220-191                     Inspection report, 1951.

220-191                     Correspondence, 1951.


220-191                     Annual report, 1952.

220-191                     Monthly reports, 1952.

220-191                     Inspection report, 1952.

220-191                     Correspondence, 1952.


220-191                     Annual report, 1953.

220-191                     Monthly reports, 1953.

220-191                     Inspection report, 1953.

220-191                     Correspondence, 1953.


220-192                     Annual report, 1954.

220-192                     Monthly reports, 1954.

220-192                     Inspection report, 1954.

220-192                     Correspondence, 1954.


220-192                     Annual report, 1955.

220-192                     Monthly reports, 1955.

220-192                     Inspection report, 1955.

220-192                     Correspondence, 1955.


220-192                     Annual report, 1956.

220-192                     Monthly reports, 1956.

220-192                     Inspection report, 1956.

220-192                     Correspondence, 1956.


220-192                     Annual report, 1957.

220-192                     Monthly reports, 1957.

220-192                     Inspection report, 1957.

220-192                     Correspondence, 1957.


220-192                     Annual report, 1958.

220-192                     Monthly reports, 1958.

220-192                     Inspection report, 1958 (empty folder).

220-192                     Correspondence, 1958.


220-192                     Annual report, 7-1-59 to 6-30-60.

220-192                     Monthly reports, 7-1-59 to 6-30-60.

220-192                     Correspondence, 7-1-59 to 6-30-60.


220-192                     Annual report, 7-1-60 to 6-30-61.

220-192                     Monthly reports, 7-1-60 to 6-30-61.

220-192                     Inspection report, 1961.

220-192                     Correspondence, 7-1-60 to 6-30-61.


220-193                     Annual report, 7-1-61 to 6-30-62.

220-193                     Monthly reports, 7-1-61 to 6-30-62.

220-193                     Correspondence, 7-1-61 to 6-30-62.


220-193                     Annual report, 7-1-62 to 6-30-63.

220-193                     Monthly reports, 7-1-62 to 6-30-63.

220-193                     Correspondence, 7-1-62 to 6-30-63.


220-193                     Annual report, 7-1-63 to 6-30-64.

220-193                     Monthly reports, 7-1-63 to 6-30-64.

220-193                     Correspondence, 7-1-63 to 6-30-64.


220-193                     Annual report, 7-1-64 to 6-30-65.

220-193                     Monthly reports, 7-1-64 to 6-30-65.

220-193                     Correspondence, 7-1-64.


220-193                     Annual report, 7-1-65 to 6-30-66.

220-193                     Monthly reports, 7-1-65 to 6-30-66.


220-193                     Annual report, 7-1-66 to 6-30-67.

220-193                     Monthly reports, 7-1-66 to 6-30-67.


220-193                     Annual report, 7-1-67 to 6-30-68.

220-193                     Monthly reports, 7-1-67 to 6-30-68.


220-193                     Visit report, 1969.

220-193                     Reports, 7-1-68 to 6-30-69.


220-193                     Visit report, 1970.

220-193                     Reports, 7-1-69 to 6-30-70.


220-193                     Visit report, 1971.

220-193                     Reports, 7-1-70 to 6-30-71.


220-193                     Visit report, 1972.

220-193                     Reports, 7-1-71 to 6-30-72.


220-193                     Visit report, 1973.

220-193                     Reports, 7-1-72 to 6-30-73.


220-193                     Reports, 7-1-73 to 6-30-74.


220-193                     Visit report, 1975.

220-193                     Reports, 7-1-74 to 6-30-75.


220-193                     Reports, 7-1-75 to 6-30-76.


220-194                     Reports, 7-1-76 to 6-30-77.


220-194                     Reports, 7-1-77 to 6-30-78.


220-194                     Visit report, 1979.

220-194                     Reports, 7-1-78 to 6-30-79.


220-194                     Reports, 7-1-80 to 6-30-81.


220-194                     Reports, 1981 to 1982.


220-203         Charity Hospital School of Nursing, Sigma Alpha Chi.  “Questionnaire for School Improvement,” 1966.


220-202         Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  “Student Final Record” report to Louisiana State Board of Nurse Examiners for class of 1966.


220-209         Charity Hospital School of Nursing.  “Value Study-Cards and Ranking Sheet”: study to determine level of student nurse satisfaction with various aspects of nursing, n.d.


220-210         Dalme, Frances C.  “A Curriculum Study of Charity Hospital School of Nursing.”  [S.l.], 1972.


220-211         Louisiana Coordinating Council for Higher Educa­tion.  Questionnaire “to obtain the pertinent facts necessary to a study of nursing education in Loui­siana...,” 1971-72.


220-212         Louisiana State Board of Nurse Examiners.  “Report of Official Visit to Charity Hospital School of Nursing...,” 1948.


220-213         National League of Nursing Education.  Committee on Accrediting.  “Report of Survey of the School of Nursing of the Charity Hospital...November 27-30, 1940” (two copies).


220-217         National League for Nursing.  Accrediting Service.  “Accreditation NLN Year 1956.”  3 folders and 4 clasp-binders.


220-218         National League for Nursing.  Accrediting Service.  “Accreditation NLN Year 1959.”  2 folders and 1 clasp binder.


220-195         National League for Nursing.  Accrediting Service.  “Accreditation NLN Year 1962.”  2 folders and 4 clasp binders.


220-216         National League for Nursing.  Department of Diploma Programs.  Questionnaire for study of “Transfer Policies and Practices in Diploma Schools of Nurs­ing,” 1966.


220-215         National League for Nursing.  Department of Diploma Programs.  “The Report of Self-evaluation and the Accreditation Procedures...,” February 2-6, 1976; with related documents.


220-224         National League for Nursing.  Department of Diploma and Associate Degree Programs.  Evaluation - The Whys and the Ways Report of the 1964 Regional Workshops of the Council of Member Agencies....  New York, 1965.  Filed with related material under heading “Criteria for Evaluation N.L.N.,” n.d. and 1950-1968.


                        National League for Nursing, Evaluation Service.  “Report of NLN Achieve­ment Tests.”

220-220               Class of 1964.

220-221               Class of 1967.


220-219         “Reference Material for Self-Evaluation NLN and for RRRR Committee.”  Includes “Evaluation Study of the Committee on Rules, Regulations, Records and Re­ports” and “Study of Objectives of Faculty Ass’n. by RRRR Committee 5-1-67,” with related documents, 1966-1968.


220-223         “Report of the evaluation study of the objectives of the written Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Association of the Charity Hospital School of Nursing,” June 1968.


220-222         Self-studies for the periods 1968-69 and 1969-70 by the Admissions Committee of the Faculty Associa­tion; self-study for period 1968-69 lacks page 2, but has five attachments of related material.


220-226         Self-studies for the period 1967-68 by the follow­ing committees of the Faculty Association: Faculty Welfare; Inservice Education; Library; Rules, Regulations, Records, and Reports; Student Person­nel Services; also including self-studies for the period 1967-68 for the following subcommittees of Student Personnel Services Committee:  Residence; Student Welfare.


220-227         Self-studies for the period 1968-69 by the follow­ing committees of the Faculty Association: Coordi­nating; Curriculum; Library; Rules, Regulations, Rec­ords, and Reports; Student Personnel Services; also including self-studies for the period 1968-69 for the following subcommittees of Student Person­nel Services Committee: Guidance; Health; Social Activities; Student Welfare; also including an evaluation of the Student Council for the period 1968-69.


220-197         Self-studies for the periods 1967-68, 1968-69, 1969-70 for the following subcommittees of the Student Personnel Services Committee of the Faculty Association: Financial Aid; Guidance; Health; Residence; Student Welfare; Social Activities.


220-199         “Study of 1967-68 Curriculum Design of Charity Hospital School of Nursing for First Year: Merits and Disadvantages,” n.d.


220-225         Study of “admission predictors associated with success at the Charity Hospital School of Nursing,” and “recommendations for change in policy based on this study” (March 17. 1969); “Report of Nursing Project HEW NPG 246-02 Preparing Students of Nurs­ing to Become Teachers of Health as They Nurse (April 1968-April 1969)”; “Follow-up Study of the Recommendations on the Criteria Relating to the Written Rules and Regulations of the Faculty Asso­ciation and its Committees Accord­ing to Criteria Published by the National League for Nursing, De­part­ment of Diploma and Associate Degree Pro­grams, 1961” (July 1969).


220-196         “Study on Student Motivation and Achievement.”  Charity Hospital School of Nursing, [n.d. but ca. 1959/60].


220-214         “Survey Questionnaire [for] (Brown Report) 3/10/49.”



Series XVIII.  Workshops.


                        Programs with lists of participants, topical seminars, schedules, bibliographies, 1963-1966.


220-200         Annual Faculty Workshops, 1964-1966.


220-201         Workshop on Drug Abuse for Professional Nurses, Selected Bibliography, 1963.



Series XIX.  World War II Nursing and Civil Defense records.




220-204         “Defense Program 1942.”  Clasp-bound volume of correspondence, memoranda, and pamphlets on civil defense procedures with specific information per­taining to New Orleans institutions and individuals engaged in such activities.


220-205         U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps (file): “Application for Funds...1946-1947”.


220-206         U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps (file): miscellaneous records on student participants, 1941-1948.


220-207         U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps (file): press releases, brochures, journals and journal reprints, broad­sides, bibliographies, mimeographed forms and information sheets relating to United States Cadet Nurse Corps training and activities, n.d. and 1942-1948.


220-208         U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps (file): correspondence, July 3, 1943-October 21, 1948.

Index Terms


Charity Hospital School of Nursing

