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MSS 231 - Ambrose / Nixon Tapes: Inventory


(Mss 231)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

April 2000





Size:                           Photocopies of 84 transcripts



locations:                 Washington, D.C.


Inclusive dates:      March 23, 1971 - June 4, 1973


Bulk dates:               1973


Summary:                 Transcripts of conversations recorded on White House tapes during the Nixon Administration (1969-1974), from Watergate Special Prosecu­tion Force File in the National Archives; used by Dr. Stephen E. Ambrose in research for his biography of President Richard M. Nixon.



collections:                          Ambrose/Nixon Collection (Mss 180); Ambrose/Nixon Collection, Addendum 1 (Mss 205)


Source:                     Gift, 1991


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Ambrose/Nixon Tapes Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans


Historical Note


            Watergate is the popular name for the political scandal and constitutional crisis that began with the arrest (June 17, 1972) of five burglars who broke into DEMOCRATIC National Committee headquarters at the Watergate office building in Washington, D.C.  It ended with the resignation (August 9, 1974) of President Richard M. Nixon.


            The burglars and two co‑plotters‑‑G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt‑‑were indicted (September 1972) on charges of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping.  Four months later, they were convicted and sentenced to prison terms by District Court Judge John J. Sirica, who was convinced that pertinent details had not been unveiled during the trial and proffered leniency in exchange for further information.  As it became increasingly evident that the Watergate burglars were tied closely to the Central Intelligence Agency and the Committee to Re‑elect the President (CRP), some of Nixon's aides began talking to federal prosecutors.


            The defection of aides such as Jeb Stuart Magruder, assistant to CRP director John N. Mitchell, quickly implicated others in Nixon's inner circle.  The Senate established (February 1973) an investigative committee headed by Sen.  Sam Ervin, Jr., to look into the growing scandal.  Amid increasing disclosures of White House involvement in the Watergate break‑in and its aftermath, Nixon announced the resignations of John Ehrlichman and H. R. Haldeman, two of his closest advisors, and the dismissal of his counsel John W. Dean III.


            Growing suspicion of presidential involvement in the scandal resulted in an intensification of the investigation.  Leaders in this inquiry included Judge Sirica, reporters for the Washington Post, the Ervin committee, and Archibald Cox, who was sworn in as special prosecutor in May 1973.  Dean told the Ervin committee in June that Nixon had known of the cover‑up.  A month later, former White House staff member Alexander Butterfield revealed that Nixon had secretly tape‑recorded conversations in his offices.  Both Cox and the Ervin committee began efforts to obtain selected tapes.  Nixon, citing executive privilege, refused to relinquish them and tried to have Cox fired.  On October 20, 1973, Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson, refusing to dismiss Cox, resigned in protest.  His deputy, William Ruckelshaus, also refused and was fired.  Nixon's solicitor general, Robert H. Bork, who was next in command, then fired Cox.  The "Saturday night massacre," as the events of that evening became known, heightened suspicions that Nixon had much to hide.


            Leon Jaworski, who replaced Cox as special prosecutor on November 1, continued to press for the tapes.  On March 1, 1974, a federal grand jury indicted seven men, including Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell, and White House special counsel Charles Colson, for conspiracy to obstruct justice.  At the same time, the House Judiciary Committee began investigating the Watergate affair and related matters.


            The president released (April 30) edited transcripts‑‑containing suspicious gaps‑‑of Watergate‑related Oval Office conversations.  Not satisfied, Judge Sirica subpoenaed additional tapes.  When Nixon refused, the case moved to the Supreme Court, which ruled (July 24) against him by an 8‑0 vote.  The Court conceded that a president could withhold national security material but insisted that Watergate was a criminal matter).


            On July 27‑30, the House Judiciary Committee, whose public hearings had disclosed evidence of illegal White House activities, recommended that Nixon be impeached on three charges: obstruction of justice, abuse of presidential powers, and trying to impede the impeachment process by defying committee subpoenas.  The committee rejected two other possible counts: Nixon's unauthorized, secret bombing of Cambodia in 1969 and his use of public funds to improve his private property.


            A beleaguered President Nixon released three tapes to the public on August 5, 1974.  One revealed that he had taken steps to thwart the FBI's inquiry into the Watergate burglary.  The tape made it clear that Nixon had been involved actively in the cover‑up from its beginnings.  These disclosures destroyed the president's remaining congressional support.  With House impeachment inevitable and Senate conviction probable, Richard Nixon became (August 9, 1974) the first U.S. chief executive to resign.


James T.  Patterson


For Further Reading


Bernstein, Carl, and Woodward, Bob.  All the President's Men (1974)

Drew, Elizabeth.  Washington Journal: The Events of 1973‑74 (1984)

Kutler, Stanley I.  The Wars of Watergate (1990)

Lukas, J.  Anthony.  Nightmare (1976)

Schell, Jonathan.  The Time of Illusion (1976)

Schudson, Michael.  Watergate in American Memory (1992)

Sirica, John.  To Set the Record Straight (1979)



Source:         Quoted verbatim from: Grolier Online.  "The American Presidency."  <>

Series, Subseries, and Descriptions



Series I.         Notes


            Explanatory notes which accompany the transcripts described below; commentary by Stephen E. Ambrose.


Series II.        Transcripts


            Transcripts of conversations recorded on White House tapes during the Nixon Administration, from Watergate Special Prosecu­tion Force File in the National Archives


Container List


Series I.         Notes


231-1              Explanatory notes issued by the Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, Office of Presidential Libraries, National Archives and Records Administration, to accompany the aforecited transcripts of Watergate tapes.


                        Photocopy of typescript by Stephen E. Ambrose, with autograph emendations, commenting on content of Watergate tapes in Special Prosecution Force File released by National Archives on June 3, 1991.  Apparently prepared for New York Times Book Review.



Series II.        Transcripts (see itemized list, following):


                        1971, March 23, 10:16-10:19 a.m, through 1973, February 27, 3:55-4:20 p.m.


231-2              Transcripts (see itemized list, following):


                        1973, February 28, 9:12-10:23 a.m, through 1973, April 14, 11:22-11:53 p.m.


231-3              Transcripts (see itemized list, following):


                        1973, April 15, 10:35-11:15 a.m, through 1973, April 25, 11:06 a.m.-1:55 p.m.


231-4              Transcripts (see itemized list, following):


                        1973, April 25, 4:40-5:30 p.m, (e.i. [sic] 5:35 p.m.) through 1973, June 4, 10:05-10:20 p.m.




                                                                  Itemized List





March 23, 10:16-10:19 a.m.                                                           participants: President Nixon, Stephen B. Bull


March 23, 10:35-11:25 a.m.                                                           participants: President Nixon, Clifford M. Hardin, J. Phil Campbell, Dairy Industry Representatives


March 23, 5:05-5:38 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, Clifford M. Hardin, J. Phil Campbell, George P. Schultz, John D. Ehrlichman, John C. Whitaker, Donald B. Rice, John B. Connally, William Fitz-Patrick


April 19, 3:03-3:34 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, George P. Schultz, Stephen B. Bull


April 19, 3:04-3:09 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, Richard G. Kleindeinst (telcon)


April 21, 4:18-6:13 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John N. Mitchell


May 5, 9:35-10:15 a.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


July 6, 11:47 a.m.-12:45 p.m.                                            participants: President Nixon, John N. Mitchell, John D. Ehrlichman, H. R. Haldeman


July 24, 12:36-12:48 p.m.                                                   participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Egil M. “Bud” Krogh, Jr.


October 8, 10:04-10:46 a.m.                                               participants: President Nixon, John N. Mitchell, John D. Ehrlichman, Stephen B. Bull


October 25, 12:35-2:05 p.m.                                               participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Stephen B. Bull, Alexander P. Butterfield





March 30, 11:50 a.m.-12:15 p.m.                                      participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


March 30, 1:30-2:30 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Charles W. Colson


June 20, 2:20-3:30 p.m.                                                      participants: President Nixon, Charles W. Colson


June 23, 10:04-11:39 a.m, (i.e., 10:39)                            participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Ronald L. Ziegler


June 23, 1:04-1:13 p.m.                                                      participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


June 23, 2:20-2:45 p.m.                                                      participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Ronald L. Ziegler


June 30, 12:57-2:10 p.m.                                                   participants: President Nixon, John N. Mitchell, H. R. Haldeman


September 15, 5:27-6:17 p.m.                                           participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John W. Dean III, Stephen B. Bull

[This portion is unknown between 4:49 and 6:17 p.m.]


September 15, 5:27-6:17 p.m.                                           participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John W. Dean III

[This portion is unknown between 5:38 and 6:17 p.m.]


November [unknown]                                                         participants: Charles W. Colson, E. Howard Hunt (telcon/DB)





January 4, [after 5:14-5:50 p.m.]                                       participants: President Nixon, Charles W. Colson


January 8, 4:05-5:34 p.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, Charles W. Colson


February 13, 9:48-10:52 p.m.                                            participants: President Nixon, Charles W. Colson


February 14, 10:13-10:49 a.m.                                          participants: President Nixon, Charles W. Colson, Stephen B. Bull, Manolo Sanchez


February 14, 5:34-6:00 p.m.                                               participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman


February 16, 9:08-9:38 a.m.                                               participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Louis Patrick Gray III


February 23, 9:35-10:05 a.m.                                            participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Stephen B. Bull


February 23, 10:08-10:52 p.m.                                          participants: President Nixon, Richard G. Kleindeinst


February 27, 3:55-4:20 p.m.                                               participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, Stephen B. Bull


February 28, 9:12-10:23 a.m.                                            participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, Stephen B. Bull


March 1, 9:18-9:46 a.m.                                                      participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, Manolo Sanchez


March 8, 9:51-9:54 a.m.                                                      participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III


March 13, 12:42-2:00 p.m.                                                 participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John W. Dean III, Manolo Sanchez


March 17, 1:25-2:10 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, H. R. Haldeman


March 20, 10:47 a.m.-12:10 p.m.                                      participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman

[i.e, unknown between 10:47 and 11:40 a.m.]


March 20, 6:00-7:10 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


March 20, 7:29-7:43 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, White House operator


March 21, 10:12-11:55 a.m.                                                           participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, H. R. Haldeman, Stephen B. Bull


March 21, 5:20-6:01 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman


March 21, 7:53-8:24 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, Charles Colson, White House operator (telcon)


March 22, 9:11-10:35 a.m.                                                 participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


March 22, 1:57-3:43 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, John D. Ehrlichman, H. R. Haldeman, John N. Mitchell


March 27, 11:10 a.m.-1:30 p.m.                                        participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Ronald L. Ziegler


March 30, 12:02-12:18 p.m.                                                           participants: President Nixon, Ronald L. Ziegler, John D. Ehrlichman


April 12, 7:31-7:48 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, Charles W. Colson


April 14, 8:55-11:31 a.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman


April 14, 1:55-3:55 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Ronald L. Ziegler, John D. Ehrlichman, Manolo Sanchez


April 14, 5:15-6:45 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman


April 14, 11:02-11:16 p.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


April 14, 11:22-11:53 p.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman


April 15, 10:35-11:15 a.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Manolo Sanchez


April 15, 3:27-3:44 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, White House operator (telcon)


April 16, 10:00-10:40 a.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Stephen B. Bull


April 16, 10:50-11:04 p.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman


April 16, 12:00-12:31 p.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


April 16, 3:27-4:04 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John Ehrlichman, Ronald L. Ziegler


April 16, 4:07-4:35 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III


April 17, 9:47-9:59 a.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Rose Mary Woods


April 17, 12:35-2:20 p.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Ronald L. Ziegler


April 17, 3:50-4:35 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Ronald L. Ziegler


April 17, 5:20-7:14 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, William P. Rogers, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Manolo Sanchez


April 18, 3:05-3:23 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman (2 copies)


April 19, 9:31-10:12 a.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman


April 19, 10:12-11:07 a.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, Henry A. Petersen


April 19, 1:03-1:30 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman


April 19, 3:45-5:00 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, Richard A. Moore


April 19, 4:50-? p.m.                                                                        participants: John D. Ehrlichman, Herbert W. Kalmbach (telcon/DB)


April 19, 5:15-5:45 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, Manolo Sanchez


April 19, 9:37-9:53 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, White House operator (telcon)


April 20, 8:15-8:39 a.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


April 20, 11:07-11:23 a.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


April 20, 12:16-12:34 p.m.                                                  participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman


April 25, 11:06 a.m.-1:55 p.m.                                           participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman


April 25, 4:40-5:30 p.m, (e.i,                                               participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, Thomas [sic] 5:35 p.m.)Hart


April 25, 6:57-7:14 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman (telcon)


April 25, 7:17-7:19 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman (telcon)


April 25, 7:25-7:39 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, White House operator (telcon)


April 25, 7:46-7:53 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, White House operator (telcon)


April 26, 8:55-10:24 a.m.                                                    participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman


April 26, 3:59-9:03 p.m.                                                       participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, John D. Ehrlichman, Ronald L. Ziegler, Stephen B. Bull, Manolo Sanchez


June 4, [unknown between 10:16 a.m, and 9:54 p.m.]            participants: President Nixon, John W. Dean III, Stephen B. Bull


June 4, 10:05-10:20 p.m.                                                   participants: President Nixon, H. R. Haldeman, White House operator (telcon)

Index Terms


Ambrose, Stephen E.

Nixon, Richard M.

United States—Politics and government—1945-

Watergate Affair, 1972-1974—Sources