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MSS 242 - Grevemberg/Carpenter Collection: Inventory

Grevemberg/Carpenter COLLECTION

(Mss 242)


Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

November 1992





Size:                           1 item



Locations:                New Orleans, La.


Inclusive Dates:      1956


Summary:                             Recorded interview of Francis C. Grevemberg by Albert E. Carpen­ter about Grevemberg's participation in the Battle of Anzio during World War II.  Original reel-to-reel magnetic recording tape of inter­view, April 1956; copy cassette of same, November 17, 1992.



Collections:             Francis C. Grevemberg Collection (Mss 211); Francis C. Grevemberg Collection, Addendum 1 (Mss 299)


Source:                     Gift, November 1992


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Grevemberg/Carpenter Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans


Biographical Note


            A descendant of an old Louisiana family, Francis C. Grevemberg was born June 4, 1914.  His father's business failure forced him to leave school and go to work for Security Bankers Management Corporation.  His military career began with his enlistment in 1932 in a National Guard cavalry unit.  Thereafter he rose through the non-commissioned ranks until January 1941 when he was commissioned as a lieutenant.  Shipped overseas to England in 1942 with an anti­aircraft unit, he saw combat in North Africa in November 1942, in Sicily in 1943, and at Anzio, Italy in 1944.  Later he took part in the invasion of Southern France and in the drive up through France and into Germany near Alsace-Lorraine.  By the end of World War II he had risen to the rank of colonel.


            Following the war Grevemberg was employed in the sale of real estate, insurance, stocks and bonds, and in the building of homes on speculation.  Appointed Superintendent of the State Police in 1952 by Governor Robert Kennon, Grevemberg's strict enforcement of state laws, in particular those prohibiting gambling, prostitution, and narcotics trafficking, quickly earned him a reputation for honesty.


            In 1956 Grevemberg ran as a Democrat for governor and lost.  Four years later, after switching his registration from Democrat to Republican in 1959, he again ran unsuccessfully for governor.

Container List


242-1                          Reel-to-reel magnetic recording tape, 1956; copy cassette of same, 1992.

Index Terms


Grevemberg, Francis C.

World War, 1939-1945—Personal narratives