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MSS 294 - Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 3: Inventory


(Mss 294)







Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

November 1998




Size:                          54 linear feet



locations:                 Southern Louisiana


Inclusive dates:      1974-1998


Bulk dates:              1980-1995


Summary:                Source materials collected by the National Park Service to document historical, cultural, and natural aspects of southern Louisiana as mandated by the enabling legislation of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve.


                                    Audiotapes and videotapes of interviews, and activities, with area residents about their social, economic, and cultural life; research documentation and the resultant publications; documents (originals and copies) pertaining to fortifications, and cultural studies; documents from park sponsored projects, including construction plans, exhibit plans, etc.



collections:              Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Collection (Mss 144); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Collection, Addendum 1 (Mss 171); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Collection, Addendum 2 (Mss 287)


Source:                     Deposit, August 1999


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve; Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 3, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans



Series, Subseries, and Descriptions


Series I.         Items from brown storage boxes in Resource Management storage


                        Subseries I.1:          Variety of topics.


                        Articles, correspondence, photo files, ethnohistories, and related documentation.


                        Subseries I.2:          Variety of topics.


                        Articles, correspondence, studies, ethnohistories, and related documentation.


                        Subseries I.3:          Variety of topics.


                        Articles, correspondence, studies, and related documentation.


                        Subseries I.4:          Chalmette research, cemetery research.


                        Subseries I.5:          Mississippi delta ethnographic overview, jazz, studies.


                        Subseries I.6:          Isleños video transcriptions, archeology.


Series II.        Items from the black horizontal file cabinet in Resource Management storage.


                        Subseries II.6:         Chalmette manuscripts, studies, archeology, water quality.


                        Subseries II.7:         World’s Fair log books, archeology, flora and fauna.


                        Subseries II.8:         Hamilton & Associates workbooks and reports.


                        Planning and construction for Acadian Unit, includes some correspondence.


                        Subseries II.9:         Acadian Unit reports, natural history reports.


Series III.       Items from the vertical file cabinets in Resource Management storage.


                        Subseries III.9:        Superintendent’s narratives, Vermillionville.


                        Subseries III.10:      Superintendent’s orders, DRPC, management documents.


                        Subseries III.11:      Barataria boundary study, natural history, miscellaneous.


                        Subseries III.12:      Barataria Preserve unit, Isleños, compliance.


Series IV.      Items from gray cabinet in Resource Management storage.


                        Subseries IV.13:     Black Pearl project, and audiotapes, assorted photographs.


Series V.       Items from within park headquarters library.


                        Subseries V.14:      Studies, archeology, cemetery, Acadian Unit.


Series VI.      Items from library filing cart.


                        Subseries VI:           Variety of topics.


                        Archeology, reports, Battle of New Orleans, 419 Decatur, archeology note cards.


• • •


Series I.         The New Orleans Campaign of 1814-15 in Relation to the Chalmette Battlefield, Jerome Greene.


                        Subseries I:             Research notes, maps, drawings, excerpts, letters (copies).


Series II.        Miscellaneous Folklife.


                        Subseries II:                        Prairie Acadian Cultural Center.


Series III.       Riverfront studies


                        Subseries III:           Reports, research, correspondence.


Series IV.      Isleños study.


                        Subseries IV:           Armistead, unpublished, Spanish language and Folk literature.


Series V.       Military topography and sites associated with 1814-1815 New Orleans campaign.


                        Subseries V:            Betsy Swanson, reports, correspondence.


Series VI.      Indian Ethnohistory.


                        Subseries VI:           Indians of North America, Louisiana, Michel Schene


                        Notes, correspondence, records, excerpts, articles.


Series VII.     Defenses of New Orleans.


                        Subseries VII:          Jerome Greene


                        Notes and basic research, note cards, organized by location and alphabetically, articles, excerpts, maps.


Series VIII.    Indians of North America.


                        Subseries VIII:         Indians of North America, southern states.


                        Language documents, reports, correspondence, articles, translations, research.


Series IX.      Rodriguez plantation house.


                        Subseries IX:           Records, documents, inventory.


Series X.       Miscellaneous information.


                        Subseries X:            Park management documents, interpretation, etc.


• • •


Series I.         Videotapes, 3/4” large and small format and 1/2” VHS format.


                        Subseries I.1:          Delacroix Island, Hurricane Juan, Museum days.


                        Subseries I.2:          Melerine reunion, Spanish speaking people of St. Bernard.


                        Subseries I.3:          Museum days 1985.


                        Subseries I.4:          Tapes 83, 84, 85; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.5:          Tapes 87, 88, 93, 94; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.6:          Tapes 95-97; interviews with Isleños, alligator fishing.


                        Subseries I.7:          Tapes 66-69; interviews with Isleños, blessing fleet.


                        Subseries I.8:          Tapes 70-77; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.9:          Tapes 79-82; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.10:        Tapes 50-53; interviews with Isleños, conversation.


                        Subseries I.11:        Tapes 54-57; interviews with Isleños, Reggio.


                        Subseries I.12:        Tapes 58-61; interviews with Isleños, Manuel Perez.


                        Subseries I.13:        Tapes 62-63; interviews with Isleños, farewell picnic.


                        Subseries I.14:        Tapes 64-65; interviews with Isleños, conversation.


                        Subseries I.15:        Tapes 30-35; interviews with Isleños, conversation.


                        Subseries I.16:        Tapes 36-41; interviews with Isleños, conversation.


                        Subseries I.17:        Tapes 42-47; interviews with Isleños, conversation.


                        Subseries I.18:        Tapes 2-5, 48-49; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.19:        Tapes 6-11; interviews with Isleños, repairing net.


                        Subseries I.20:        Tapes 12-17; interviews with Isleños, decimas.


                        Subseries I.21:        Tapes 18-19; interviews with Isleños, seine fishing.


                        Subseries I.22:        Tapes 20-21; interviews with Isleños, pirogues.


                        Subseries I.23:        Tapes 22-23; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.24:        Tapes 24-25; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.25:        Tapes 26-27; interviews with Isleños, younger days.


                        Subseries I.26:        Tapes 28-29; interviews with Isleños, making a crab trap.


                        Subseries I.27:        Tapes A-B; Hurricane Juan, Delacroix Island.


                        Subseries I.28:        Tapes C, A-C, A&B; Hurricane Juan, Delacroix.


                        Subseries I.29:        Tapes C, D; Museum Days 1986.


                        Subseries I.31:        Tapes: (52, 58 & 83), (27, 28 & 48), Mosquitos and High Water, Los Sabadeños 1, Los Sabadeños 2.


                        Duplicates. The numbered tapes were duplicated by copying several originals onto one tape, done in the early 1990s.


                        Subseries I.32:        Isleños interviews.


                        Subseries I.33:        11 VHS tapes, Isleños interviews.


                        Consolidated duplicates, several tapes copied onto one.


                        Subseries I.34:        4 VHS tapes, Isleños interviews.


                        Consolidated duplicates, several tapes copied onto one.


                        Subseries I.35:        Chalmette slide program, Mosquitos and High Water


                        Tapes 78 and 30, Isleños interviews, are bad tapes and cannot be viewed.


                        Subseries I.36:        Interviews with Isleños.


                        VHS and 3/4” tapes. The large format 3/4” are original. The 2 VHS tapes are dubbed from a dub.


                        Subseries I.37:        VHS tapes; interviews with Isleños, programs, reunion.


                        Luisiana Herencia, Folkloric, Tapes A, B, C, F, and Melerine reunion. Copies from 3/4” originals.


                        Subseries I.38:        VHS tapes; Tapes 1-11; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.39:        VHS tapes; Tapes 12-22; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.40:        VHS tapes; Tapes 23-32; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.41:        VHS tapes; Tapes 33-42; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.42:        VHS tapes; Tapes 43-52; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.43:        VHS tapes; Tapes 53-62; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.44:        VHS tapes; Tapes 63-72; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.45:        VHS tapes; Tapes 73-83; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.46:        VHS tapes; Tapes 84-93; interviews with Isleños.


                        Subseries I.47:        VHS tapes; Tapes 94-97; interviews.


                        Isleños, alligator fishing, copies from 3/4” originals.  Also history of Bucktown and oral histories, tape 5 and roll 6.


                        Subseries I.48:        Rolls 7-10, history of Bucktown, oral histories.


                        Subseries I.49:        Roll 11, Roll 12; history of Bucktown, oral histories.



Series II.        German-American Cultural Center oral histories.


                        Subseries II.1:         VHS tapes; Tapes 1-23 and two others.


                        Interviews with German-Americans, and growing up in Gretna, culture in crises.


                        Subseries II.2:         VHS tapes; interviews with German-Americans, 8 subjects.


                        Subseries II.3:         Audiotapes, tapes 1-22 and tapes without numbers.


                        Interviews with German-Americans, 18 subjects.


                        Subseries II.4:         Transcriptions, of recorded German-American interviews.


From Resource Management Storage Room

(Storage Boxes and File Cabinets)



New Orleans, Louisiana

August 1997





Size:                          13 brown boxes (12.5 x 15.5 inches)



locations:                 Southern Louisiana





Summary:                Source materials collected by National Park Service to document historical and cultural aspects of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (JELA).


                                    Though mainly of recent origin, materials pertain to period 1774 to 1982.


                                    Audiotapes and videotapes of interviews with area residents about their social, economic, and cultural life; documents (originals and copies) pertaining to fortifications and other sites.



collections:              Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection (Mss 144); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection Addendum 1 (Mss 171); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 2 (Mss 287)


Source:                     Deposit, August 1999


Access:                     No restrictions


Copyright:                Physical rights are retained by Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve; Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.


Citation:                    Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 3, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.

Container List


Series I.         Brown Storage Boxes, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Past Records


Box 1              Subseries I.1.


                        Acadian Cultural Centers (JELAF 4426)

                        Artifact Inventory (Jay Edwards), Recommendations for Exhibit: Acadian Vernacular Architecture (Jay Edwards), Recommendations for Organization of the Cajun Culture Centers (Jay Edwards), Acadian Center Orientation Theater Preliminary Storyline, Acadia Lives in America: Outline Overview, Acadian Cultural Center: Preliminary Storyline Lafayette Facility, Eunice Site (Ron Switzer), Thibodaux Site (Ron Switzer).


                        (Mike Strock’s) Scopes of Work (JELAF 4427)

                        The parameters for research projects funded by the National Park Service for Colonial French in Southern Louisiana; with special emphasis on New Orleans; Ethnohistory of Asian Peoples and Cultures in Southern Louisiana; Video Presentation on Chitimacha Indians; Edit, Update and Expand the Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview; Library Cataloging; Archival Record and Community Search: Resources Relating to Jazz and Jazz Musicians in the New Orleans Area; Voluntary Associations in New Orleans’ Black Communities; and Chalmette Handbook: Chalmette Unit.


                        Chalmette Report--Ted Birkedal (JELAC 3310)

                        2 packets including rough draft of portions of the report including, Chapter 4: “Auger Tests and Test Excavations,” and Chapter 7: “Revised Historical Geog­raphy of the Chalmette Battlefield,” excerpt from Wood Preserving News entitled “General Andrew Jackson’s famous Rampart Rebuilt at Chalmette Park” (February 1965).


                        St. Mary’s--Raceland (Louisiana Land Planners) (JELAF 4428)

                        Photo file. pictures with accompanying descriptions.


                        Acadia Lives in America (for Acadian Cultural Center)--8/88 (JELAF 4429)

                        Outline overview of potential storyline.


                        [Untitled]--illegible label (JELAF 4430)

                        Folder contains: pages on the Battle of New Orleans, Barataria, the French Quarter and Acadiana all of which seem to be written for and about JELA and NPS.  Possible text for a booklet or pamphlet.


                        [Interpretive Material] (JELAF 4431)

                        Folder contains: ranger guided canoe tours, various interpretive programs including Isleños, Barataria, French Quarter Unit, Chitimacha Unit.


                        The Soproco Spiritual Singers: A New Orleans Quartet Family Tree--Lynn Abbot (1983)--Original (JELAF 4432)

                        Original copy.


                        Historical and Archeological Investigations at the Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center Thibodaux, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana-Thurston H. G. Hahn, III (1992) (contract # CX8029-7-0004) (JELAF 4433)

                        Could be the original copy.


                        [Photofile] (JELAF 4434)

                        Photofile collection of photographs, negatives and slides (appears to be) taken and compiled by JELA staff.  The photographs, negatives and slides were placed in archival quality sleeves and into a binder.


                        Oral History Project--(JELAB 596)

                        Focuses on Barataria Preserve Unit, compiled by William C. Jackson; in­formation includes correspondence regarding the project as well as preliminary information about some subjects of the project.  May be a draft, 1984.


                        [Gospel] Quartet Photo Exhibit--Lynn Abbott (JELAF 4435)

                        Folder contains: a copy of a newspaper cutout from an African-American paper in New Orleans, a press release, an unidentifiable photograph, a business card and brochure from the Central City Multi-Media Center and a font sample booklet from Forstall Typographers.


                        Lynn Abott’s MS [Manuscript] (JELAF 4436)

                        Folder contains: a handwritten report on the Gospel Quartet Photo Exhibit from September 1983.  Original, handwritten document and copy enclosed, this may be the transcript for The Soproco Spiritual Singers: A New Orleans Quartet Family Tree, the planned text for the exhibit.


                        Filipinos (JELAF 4437)

                        Folder contains: Technical Data--Ethnohistory of the Filipinos of Southern Louisiana, A Proposal: Filipinos in Louisiana: An Ethnography by Marina E. Espina, Ethnohistory of the Filipinos of Southern Louisiana.


                        [Rhythm and] Blues (JELAF 4438)

                        Documenting New Orleans’ Blues Culture: A Proposal for Developing an Oral History Collection on Rhythm and Blues, including budget, letters of recommendation, lists of perspective interviewees, as well as resumes of the two principle interviewers, archive brochure, article about the archive, pub­lica­tions, acknowledgments, and partial list of media productions and profile of archive use.


                        Clippings (JELAF 4439)

                        Article about Betsy Swanson working on a book (possibly Historic Land use Study of a Portion of the... HQ-Lib-976.335 Swa)  The research focuses on the Barataria Preserve Unit of JELA and mentions oral histories being taken by Mike Strock, Park Historian.


                        Article, “The idea is to save this unique culture,” about Barataria, 1983, and “Humanity of the landscape: Lafitte National Park Focus” (all in one leaflet from the paper).


                        Article on Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (from Audubon Newsletter, 1982).


                        Article, “Emissary from Spain visits St. Bernard to renew old ties,” about the furthering of Spanish culture and the National Park Service.


                        Article, “Jefferson’s historic sites slip-sliding away,” about research done by R. Christopher Goodwin and Jill-Karen Yakubik.


                        Article, “Meeting raises chances for Cajun Cultural site,” about Acadian Unit of JELA.


                        Article, “National Park System Advisory Board;  History Areas Committee;  Meeting,” about the possibility of the Louisiana State Capital becoming a National Historic Landmark and more...


                        Destrehan (JELAF 4440)

                        Correspondence, Destrehan Exhibit Space: Preliminary Plan, Laws, Events and Other Factors that Influenced the Lifestyles and Slaves of Destrehan Manor: 1787-1825 by Irene Tastet for NPS.


                        Forts (JELAC 3311)

                        Correspondence between Jerry Greene, NPS, and Dale E. Floyd Historical Division (1980), and copy of War Department records entitled Historical Permanent Fortifications in the United States (1915).


                        Garden District (JELAF 4441)

                        Rough draft of “The Garden District: New Orleans, National Historic Landmark District Environmental Study” (conducted by JELA, 1982), also includes a memorandum of comments on the Garden District study.


                        Indian Ethnohistory (JELAF 4442)

                        Article about John Billiot, Tribal Chair for Houma Indians (which the govern­ment doesn’t recognize), Historic Houma Indians, A Culture in Transition (a proposal submitted to NPS) by Sharon I. Goad, a note card with John Billiot’s phone num­ber and title on it, listing of Indian tribes that were recognized by the government as of 1890, other research material, correspond­ence between Michael Schene, NPS--Denver and Mark W. Flynn, Collection Development Librarian at Loyola University, New Orleans, correspondence between Mr. Schene and numerous libraries and archives regarding the existence of information about Indians of Louisiana within their collection.  Focus of the study is limited to 5 Indian tribes, Attakapas, Chitimacha, Coushatta, Houma, Tunica-Biloxi, and related tribes from 1600-1950, manual from the Annual Conference of the Amer­i­can Society for Ethnohistory, Research Proposal: Translation of French Documents Relative to the History of the Indians in Louisiana by Robert R. Rathburn (1984).


                        Isleños [Gilbert C.] Din & [Samuel G.] Arm[i]stead (JELAF 4443)

                        Three Spanish Dialects in Louisiana by Samuel G. Armistead.


                        Correspondence from Armistead to Supt. Isenogle regarding audio tapes that he sent (a listing of the tapes is included, with reference as to content of each).


                        Booklet entitled Un Corrido De La Muerte De Madero Cantado en Luisiana by Samuel G. Armistead.


                        Paperwork regarding Gilbert C. Din’s research on the History of the Isleños in southern Louisiana (1980).


                        Correspondence from Din to Isenogle regarding the mailing of this report, “The Canary Islanders of Louisiana, A History to 1945” (in two volumes).


                        Correspondence to a member of the Delta Region Preservation Commission in January of 1983.


                        Isleños [Gilbert C.] Din & [Samuel G.] Arm[i]stead (continued)


                        Notes, handwritten, which appear to be regarding a draft manuscript that was sent.


                        Correspondence between Isenogle and Guillotte regarding when the final draft will arrive.


                        Proposal, Dr. Joseph V. Guillotte’s proposal to study the contemporary culture of the Isleños of southern Louisiana in collaboration with Armistead.


                        Review of Masters of the Marsh: An Introduction to the Ethnography of the Isleños of Lower St. Bernard Parish.


                        Correspondence between Din and Neusaenger (Chief, Division of Resource Man­agement) regarding the draft of first 5 chapters (wanting to do a better job than Guillotte in Masters of the Marsh).

Italians in New Orleans (JELAF 4444)

                        Italians in the Study Area, 1700-1970s (a call for contractors to study this subject), letter to Elemore Morgan, Jr. from Michael G. Schene regarding photographs that were sold to the National Parks Service, also included in folder, of unknown importance is a newspaper article regarding thesis research being done by Anna Paone Lundberg, UNO, assistant in the archives.


                        [Search for picture of Carolina]-History, Brochures, Etc. (JELAC 3312)

                        Correspondence regarding the availability of pictures of the Carolina, the ship involved in the Battle of New Orleans.  Inquiry was made by George M. Strock, Park Historian.


                        Printing--Publications-JELA (JELAF 4445)

                        Various printing proofs and finished publications for JELA.


                        Proposals--Various [The effect of the Oil Industry on the Ethnicity of Southern Louisiana] (JELAF 4446)

                        A proposal for a study of how the oil industry has effected the ethnicity of southern Louisianians, a basic resume, biography, of Marjorie Esman, researcher.


                        Research (old)--Names, etc. (JELAF 4447)

                        Lists of past researchers and their projects, as well as addresses and contract numbers.


                        Russians (JELAF 4448)

                        Two handwritten letters to Supt. Isenogle from Pat regarding Russians in New Orleans and possibly southern Louisiana, also contains the envelope as well as a computer produced transcription of the letters.


                        Vernacular Architecture (JELAF 4449)

                        Letter to Supt. James L. Isenogle or Barbara Holmes from Jay Edwards regard­ing a photocopy of the final report A Survey of Louisiana French Vernacular Architecture, contract number: J7530-0-0090, 1982, order for services form, requisition form, a rationale and methodology for the study, cor­respondence to Supt. Isenogle regarding the delivery of six copies of A Survey of Louisiana French Vernacular Architecture, in addition to possibilities of dis­counts on extra copies, a brochure containing other publications by the School of Geoscience, a letter regarding the final printing of the manuscript, and a brief letter from Supt. Isenogle to Jynx Marcel regarding some sort of request.


                        Research Design (JELAB 597)

                        Folder contains: memo to Barbara Holmes from Betsy Swanson regarding ethno­history research in Barataria, part of the Research Design (1984), two letters of correspondence regarding information found by Joe Sanchez at the Spanish Archives (1983), report on proposed Research Design for JELA, list of the format for proposals for research, hand written note regarding short comings of the report, memo from Will to Barbara regarding the Research Design and the possibility of Barbara reviewing research, hand written note to Barbara (illegible), several photocopies of sources of information and research strategies for project, and a rough draft copy of the Research Design for JELA, written by Barbara Holmes.


                        Miscellaneous Archeology (JELAB 598)

                        Draft, the “Archeological Overview of the Lower Mississippi Delta, Southern Louisiana” by Gary Cummins (1979), correspondence from Cummins to Mike Schene regarding the study having been completed, document with handwritten title “Louisiana Archeology” appears to be a report of all archeology done within JELA’s scope region, packet of information about drainage in the city of New Orleans, and a “History of Early Barataria” by Gerald Johnson.


                        Black and White Photos--Spitzer Study Black Creoles (JELAF 4450)

                        Photocopied photographs 125, for the Creole Study, the actual photocopied photographs are grouped by Work and Homelife, Benevolent Societies and Nightclubs, Zydeco musicians, Rituals and religion, and Mardi Gras.


                        Colonial Peoples and Cultures (JELAF 4451)

                        Statement of research priorities. for Kathleen McLeister’s paper “History and Analysis of Louisiana Patterns of Trade, Migrations and Cultural Exchange with Settlements in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico During the Colonial Period” (contract # PX 7530-4-0190, Dec, 1984, original), an essay entitled Populations of Colonial Louisiana, which seems to be produced by JELA, Fact Sheet: Overview of New Orleans Black History, appears to be produced by JELA, and correspondence between Michael Schene and Richard Greenleaf of Tulane Department of History regarding research proposals for Italians, Isleños and Blacks in the Mississippi Delta Region (October 1979).


                        Brochure Picture (JELAC 3313)

                        Photograph the Chalmette monument at Chalmette Battlefield.


                        Blacks in New Orleans (JELAF 4452)

                        Follow up information to the contributors toward Piano Players Rarely Ever Play Together by Stevenson J. Palfi (May 1983) including press packet, pros­pectus [proposal] by Christopher West for exhibit entitled Creoles of Color: A Vanishing Louisiana Legacy, technical data (call for proposals) by JELA for research on Ethnic Groups Among the Black Populations of French Heritage in Southern Louisiana, request for quotations from five individuals or institutions, research report by Claude F. Jacobs (October 1993) with citation of Churches and Voluntary Associations in the Chicago Negro Community by St. Clair Drake for the WPA, copy of St. Clair Drake’s report, draft of Solidarity, Power, and Ex­pressive Culture: Voluntary Associations in New Orleans Black Communi­ties by Dr. William R. Jankowiak and Elizabeth Oster Mozzillo, Claude F. Jacobs’ dissertation on “Strategies of Neighborhood Health-Care Among New Orleans Blacks: From Voluntary Association to Public Policy,” a proposal for a project “Concerning the Annual Parades of the Social Aide and Pleasure Clubs and Louis Armstrong Park City of New Orleans” by an unknown individual.


                        Albania (JELAF 4453)

                        Correspondence from Denver Service Center to regional director (1983) regarding the Albania Plantation Inspection Report written by Historical Architect Craig Frazier, Albania Plantation Inspection Report, memo regarding the trip to Albania Plantation including recommendations regarding it’s possible donation to NPS, draft copy of Albania Plantation Inspection Report, correspondence requesting professional services for the evaluation of Albania Plantation, correspondence requesting information from Preservation Services Division regarding work done in Louisiana for JELA and Supt. Isenogle, and memo from Isenogle to the regional director regarding possible donation of the Albania Plantation House.


                        Barataria--CO-OP Agreement (JELAB 599)

                        2nd and 3rd draft copies of proposed contract with JELA, Jefferson Historical Society of Louisiana and Betsy Swanson for an Historic Land Use Study of Barataria Unit and Its Environs.


                        Laurel Valley [Cooperative Agreement] (JELAF 4454)

                        Folder contains: brochure entitled Laurel Valley Village: A Rural Life Sugar Plantation Museum with handwritten notations on the back, routing slip requesting that a letter be prepared for Laurel Valley, correspondence from Associate Regional Director of  Park Operations to the Superintendent of JELA regarding the cooperative agreement and a copy of the cooperative agreement itself.


                        Folklife Exhibits (JELAF 4455)

                        Notes, handwritten group of notes critiquing an exhibit text, memo from Historian to Chief, Resource Management regarding exhibits and recommenda­tions, memo from Historian to French Quarter Unit Manager regarding exhibit text and ethnic groups, Instructions for Revamping Current JELA-FQ Contact Station Exhibit Signage for Use at Folklife Pavilion: Louisiana World Exposition ‘84 from Nick Spitzer of Louisiana Folklife Program, pieces of exhibit text including some categories as well as maps and pictures where available (may have been what was being critique in the handwritten notes), correspondence from Jane Grosby-Bergey to Mr. Bob McGeary of Presentation South Inc. regarding revisions to the JELA contact station exhibit, correspondence from (?) to Jane Grosby-Bergey regarding extra revisions to the original exhibit from the contact station of JELA, invoice statement of charges for the revisions and repairs of the exhibit, correspondence from Jane Grosby-Bergey to Mr. Bob McGeary regarding the revisions and payment information.


                        Folklife II (JELAF 4456)

                        Correspondence. copies, between Marc Savoy and Historian Mike Strock regarding the recent occurrences in Cajun country, minutes of meeting regarding a folklife festival, World’s Fair, etc., list of Eunice Committee (possibly contacts for the folklife festival), correspondence between the National Council for the Traditional Arts and Supt. Isenogle regarding a search for pictures of spiritual churches in New Orleans (some pictures are enclosed), two lists of Syndey Byrd’s photographs (probably included because of her pictures of Black Spiritual Churches) and correspondence from Louisiana Folklife Program to the LSU Press regarding the Ethnographic Overview series.


Box 2              Subseries I.2.


                        Gretna-German Heritage, Cultural and Genealogical Society (JELAF 4457)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Ronald R. Switzer, Acting Superintendent, to J. Bennett Johnston, U.S. Senator, in September 1987, the letter regards a cooperative agreement between the NPS and the German Heritage Culture and Genealogical Society, two newsletters from the German Heritage, Cultural and Genealogical Society of Louisiana (December 1987 and April 1988), correspond­ence from Billy Tauzin, U.S. Congressman, to Dr. Frederic Wagner, Chairman of Delta Region Preservation Commission of JELA regarding the German Cul­tural Center in Gretna (September 1987), correspondence from Fritz Windhorst, State Senator, to Dr. Frederick Wagner regarding the German Cul­tural Center and the NPS support of it (September 1987), correspondence from Sevilla Finley, Pres­ident of German Heritage, Cultural and Genealogical Society, to Dr. Wagner regarding the German Heritage and Cultural Center--its goal being to interpret the history, culture, and contributions of the German peoples throughout the Delta Region (August 1987), essay on “Rationale for a Cooperative Agreement to Es­tablish a German Heritage Interpretive Center in the City of Gretna” (July 1987).


                        Holy Cross District (JELAF 4458)

                        Folder includes: correspondence from Mary C. Adams to Supt. Isenogle regarding a meeting about the possibility of a historic park together with the “Nomination Packet for the Historic Places Inventory.”


                        Interpretation (JELAB 600)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Supt. Isenogle to Tim Radford at Harper’s Ferry Center regarding a film orientation to the life in the Barataria region, correspondence to Mr. Ron White who wrote with questions about Jean Lafitte, Historian Strock responded, correspondence from George Neusaenger, Chief, Re­source Management JELA to Patrick H. Martin, Commissioner of Con­servation (State of Louisiana), and a packet of interpretive information regarding all units of the park (May 1983).


                        Intertribal Council (JELAF 4459)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Daniel Darden, Chairman of Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana to Supt. Ann Belkov regarding additional assistance from cooperative agreement (April 1988) as well as resolution passed by the Chitimacha Council, copy of Chitimacha Tribal Community Center Dedication, address list of United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. Board of Directors as of 1987, correspondence from Supt. Isenogle to Inter-Tribal Council of Louisiana, Inc. (1985) regarding the research undertaken on Big Oak Island by Dr. Richard Schenkel, correspondence from Inter-Tribal Council to Supt. Isenogle regarding the appropriation of funds to JELA, correspondence from Supt. Isenogle to theInter-Tribal Council regarding the use of the appropriated funds.


                        Isleños Archaeological Site Survey--Barataria (JELAB 601)

                        Folder contains: memorandum regarding the “Survey of Spanish Colonial Archeological Sites in the Barataria Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve”, copy of Survey of Spanish Colonial Archeological Sites in the Barataria Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve by Michael Comardelle and Walter R. T. Witschey (December 1989).


                        Isleños and Related Matters (JELAF 4460)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the Isleños Center and how to improve Center’s attendance, copy of handwritten note (December 1984) regarding Din’s manuscript and who was going to review it, correspondence regarding Din’s manu­script and possible weaknesses, correspondence from G. Michael Strock, Historian, JELA, to Professor Din regarding the manuscript Canary Islanders of Louisiana--History to 1945 and specific revisions that should be made.


                        LA [Louisiana] Folklife Festival--Preliminary Recommendations (JELAF 4461)

                        Folder contains: Preliminary Recommendations for Louisiana Folklife Festival at LWE [Louisiana World Exposition] 6/16/83 (notation states not received until 8/10/84) by Richard Van Kleeck, memorandum regarding the preliminary draft of Working Plan for Folklife Program (September 1984) and the plan itself, memorandum regarding cultural resources protection compliance including drawings, copy of article from Times-Picayune Sunday, June 17, 1984, “Marines parade at Chalmette.”


                        D6215: Museum and Exhibit Activities: Planning, Maintenance, Preparation and Preservation (JELAF 4462)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding a traveling photography exhibit put on by the Louisiana Heritage Fund that the park was willing to assist in, Exhibit Proposal, Traditional South Louisiana Occupations by Don Allen, memo regarding the cleaning of a musket, correspondence from Supt. Isenogle to Susan Morrison from the Morrison-Woodward Gallery regarding a donation of photo­graphs relevant to the Barataria region.


                        Monument--Chalmette (JELAC 3314)

                        Folder contains: draft capability statement regarding the rehabilitation of the Chalmette Monument (June 1988), copy of correspondence to Mr. Hank Florence from Supt. Belkov regarding the preservation plan (April 1988), memo regarding wasp infestation at Chalmette Monument (January 1988), packet including information about Phase 1A of the preservation and rehabilitation of the Chal­mette Monument, memo regarding Chalmette Monument’s cyclic rehabilitation funds, results of a study of Vertebrate Fauna from Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Elizabeth J. Reitz (July 1983), memo regarding the Chalmette Monument and the Site Supervisor.


                        NPS--Diamond Anniversary--75th--1916-1991 (JELAF 4463)

                        Folder contains: memo in reference to the National Park Service Diamond Anniversary Celebration at JELA.


                        National Council for Traditional Arts (JELAF 4464)

                        Folder containers: memo in reference to a cooperative agreement between the NPS (JELA) and the National Council for Traditional Arts.


                        H34--National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings (NH Landmarks) (JELAF 4465)

                        Folder contains: letter to Ernest Morial from Supt. Isenogle regarding the possible “remodeling” of a tomb in Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 and its effect on National Register of Historic Places standing (October 1984), memo requesting a preservation maintenance survey, a preservation maintenance survey filled out by George Neusaenger (July 1984), memo regarding due date of preservation maintenance survey forms.

Police Precinct Building (JELAF 4466)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Bob Tartaglione to Mr. Ron Faucheaux, State Department of Commerce regarding the Second City Criminal Court Building at 410 Chartres as use as headquarters for JELA, correspondence from Samuel Wilson of Koch and Wilson Architects to Supt. Isenogle regarding survey work for perspective headquarters location, note regarding 1984 visit from Southwest Division, note to George from Supt. Isenogle asking that Barry Sulivan visit the Police Precinct Building, correspondence from Koch and Wilson Architects to Supt. Isenogle regarding survey work of the Chartres property and possible fee for such survey and subsequent report.


                        Suarez Tract--Barataria Unit (JELAB 602)

                        Folder contains: one map of site containing the proposal for limited testing.


                        Betsy Swanson Herself (JELAB 603)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Supt. Belkov to Betsy Swanson regarding the breakdown of the park’s units and its role in the mission of the park itself (June 1989), packet including letter from Betsy Swanson regarding the book on Jefferson Parish she is working on, she would like JELA to proof read the preamble by Msgr. Henry C. Bezou (May 1989), memo regarding Swanson letter, March 5, 1988, packet of letters sent or received by Swanson regarding a “brick slab” and including the letter of March 5, 1988 referred to above, correspondence from Supt. Belkov to the Jefferson Historical Society of Louisiana regarding the Historic Land Use Study of a Portion of the Barataria Unit by Betsy Swanson (January 1988), correspondence from Bennie C. Keel to Betsy Swanson regarding findings of “brick slab” and JELA’s actions (March 1988), corres­pond­ence from Betsy Swanson to Supt. Belkov regarding final payment for Study of the Military Topography and Sites Associated with the 1814-1815 New Orleans Campaign (December 1987), packet of correspondence from the National Park Service, Bethlyn McCloskey and others regarding the “brick slab” (August, September, and October, 1987), correspondence from Betsy Swanson to John Cook, Regional Director, NPS, regarding “brick slab” (September 1987), correspondence from Ronald Ice to Christopher Goodwin regarding the Phase I Big Woods Development Area survey at the Barataria Preserve Unit of JELA (August 1987), correspondence from Supt. Isenogle to Betsy Swanson containing three sets of recommendations and comments for the draft of The Historic Land Use Study of a Portion of the Barataria Unit (August 1987), correspondence from John Breaux, U.S. Senator, to Paul R. Holtz of the Department of the Interior regarding the letter sent by Betsy Swanson (August 1987), correspondence from William Penn Mott, Jr., Director of NPS, to John Breaux regarding the Swanson letter (September 1987), correspondence from Betsy Swanson to John Cook re­garding findings during the historical land use study (July 1987), correspondence from Marco J. Giardino, Ph.D., to John Cook regarding the work done by Christopher Goodwin and Associates (July 1987), correspondence from Betsy Swanson to Everette F. Gauthreaux regarding a letter dated December 29, 1986 (January 1987), correspondence from Betsy Swanson to Supt. Isenogle regarding the report on the Battle of New Orleans as well as the project in Barataria (November 1986), memo regarding the analysis of objects found during Betsy Swanson’s research in Barataria (May 1986) and accompanying forms, correspondence to Delta Regional Preservation Commission from Betsy Swanson regarding the interpretive prospectus of Chalmette Unit (April 1986), memo regarding Betsy Swanson’s proposed Christmas Plantation site in Barataria (March 1986), note regarding Betsy Swanson’s research in Barataria and accompanying notes from Betsy’s trip from W. Hyland (February 1986), program for what seems to be in reference to Betsy Swanson’s research on the Battle of New Orleans, correspondence from Betsy Swanson to Supt. Isenogle regarding a film Betsy Swanson Herself (JELAB 603) (continued)


                        for the visitor center at Chalmette (October 1985), correspondence from Betsy Swanson to Tim Radford regarding the filming and pictures that could be added to it (October 1985), memo regarding Jerry Green’s review comments on Betsy’s maps (July 1985), routing and transmittal slip regarding Greene’s maps and Betsy’s findings, correspondence from Betsy Swanson regarding photos for her project and the subsequent request for photos (August 1985), Proposal for Barataria Preserve Unit Study of Historic Land Use of the Area by Betsy Swanson (March 1984), correspondence from Betsy Swanson to Supt. Isenogle regarding the Battle of New Orleans Study as well as Inaccuracies at Chalmette, a paper by a park ranger (October 1985), memo regarding the pick-up of Betsy Swanson’s book (January 1988), stray piece of paper regarding meeting with State Archeologist as well as Dr. Guidroz, Preliminary Report on the Pablo Suarez Ruiz Land Grant in the Barataria Unit of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park--(Sections 3 and 38,T15S R23E, U.S.G.S. 7.5 minute quadrangles Bertrandville, LA and Lake Cataouatche East, LA) by Betsy Swanson (May 1987), map of Christmas Plantation Headquarters, correspondence from Betsy Swanson to Ronald R. Switzer, Acting Superintendent-JELA, regarding a letter sent to her by Supt. Isenogle, and Structures on the Christmas Plantation.


                        Technical Data--Various Studies (JELAF 4467)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Supt. Belkov to Michael Smith regarding Dr. Claude Jacobs’ Cultural Resource Study, proposal for study of Archival Record and Community Search Resources Relating to Jazz and Jazz Musicians in the New Orleans Area, requisition for funds for study of sites relating to Jazz 1989), proposal for Technical Data on Historic Site and Structure Survey: Resources Relating to Jazz and Jazz Musicians in the New Orleans Area.


                        N.O. Urban Folklife Alliance (JELAF 4468)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the board of directors and board of trustees, a letter from Michael P. Smith to John Scheurmann of the Musicians Union as well as a letter to Mike Early, lists of band line-up for brass band concerts to be held in Armstrong Park, the Articles of Incorporation for the New Orleans Urban Folklife Alliance (A Non-Profit Corporation), copy of money request from the Department of the Interior by JELA for concerts in Armstrong Park, working draft of proposal for development of Armstrong Park as a New Orleans Music and Cultural Heritage Park (4/22/86), working draft of proposal for Armstrong Park (4/14/86) with correspondence from Michael P. Smith to Supt. Isenogle and handwritten notes regarding the proposal.


                        Zydeco Film/Materials--Spitzer et al. (JELAF 4469)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Supt. Belkov to Commission Members (?) regarding Black/Creole cultural programs (March 1990), correspondence from Nicholas R. Spitzer to Supt. Isenogle regarding Ethnographic Overview publica­tion and Zydeco and the possibility of the Smithsonian producing a final film version, correspondence from Pat Rittiner to Supt. Isenogle regarding various topics with mention of the Ethnographic Overview and the new Barataria Section of the Park, correspondence from Nicholas Spitzer to Supt. Isenogle regarding the broadcast of Zydeco, the movie and reference to the Creole Study that he’s working on (December 1985), and a memo regarding the Zydeco film by Spitzer.


                        Visitor Facilities--Chalmette (JELAC 3315)

                        Folder contains: environmental assessment of the Chalmette Unit, packet includ­ing correspondence from the State of Louisiana: Department of Culture, Recrea­tion and Tourism to the Southwest Region of the NPS, completed Form for the National Register of Historic Places Inventory, nomination form for Chalmette, memo regarding the National Register nomination, a couple sets of maps, a Task Directive: Jean Lafitte National Historical Park--Chalmette Unit: Design, Con­struction Drawings and Specifications for Interpretive Center (Package # 114D) August 29, 1984, listing of plans to be done, cost and office responsible, trans­mittal form regarding a drilling permit application, correspondence regarding the soil testing at Chalmette, message record regarding the soil testing, correspond­ence from the department of Transportation and Development regarding the soil testing to the Board of Commissioners for the Lake Borgne Basin Levee District (November 1984), correspondence from the Army to the Commissioners for the Lake Borgne Basin Levee District(November 1984), message record regarding o.k. for soil testing (October 1984), Exhibit Plan for the Beauregard House (May 1986), correspondence regarding the placement of a 150-foot tower from Supt. Isenogle to the Coast Guard (October 1984), memo regarding building sites in Chalmette (July 1984), memo regarding meeting in September for the new visitor facilities, more memos (2) regarding the drilling in close proximity to the levee, correspondence regarding the specifications of the drilling for Chalmette (May 1982), suggested time frame for Chalmette Visitor Center, notes regarding the costs, more information regarding the time frame for construction of Chal­mette, memo regarding the interpretive facility at Chalmette and the time table for exhibit work as well as budget information, memo regarding permits, maps, and draft letter to the Corps, memo regarding Interpretive Facility Implementation Schedule for Chalmette Unit (June 1984), correspondence from NPS Southwest Region to Dr. Frederick Wagner of the School of Urban and Regional Studies, UNO, regarding the visitor center in Chalmette, memo regarding the Visitor Center as well as possible work on the Monument (September 1985), memo regarding a review of the Chalmette exhibit plan (January 1986).


                        Tunica (JELAF 4470)

                        Folder contains: “Lower Mississippi Survey: Trudeau an 18th Century Tunica Village” by Jeffrey P. Brain, published by Peabody Museum Harvard University, business card for Earl J. Barbry, Sr. from the Tunica-Biloxi Indians of Louisiana, Inc., a note requesting information about cooperative agreements with JELA and JELA’s mission statement, note with outline of article “Tunica loot elates tribal chief,” article “Discoverer miffed by return of burial artifacts to Indians.”


                        Acadian Cultural Center--Hamilton (JELAF 4471)

                        Folder contains: copy of the act that created the folk life centers in the Acadian unit to be operated as part of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (February 1988), correspondence regarding the National Register nomination of the Liberty Theater from the State Historic Preservation Officer to Mike Strock of the JELA-NPS (June 1988), memo regarding the funding for the Acadian Cultural Centers (April 1988), correspondence regarding additional and modifications conceptual plans for Acadian Cultural Centers (January 1988), correspondence from the National Park Service to Hamilton and Associates regarding negotiation meeting for Eunice and Thibodaux (January 1988), correspondence from Hamilton and Associates to the National Park Service regarding reports and information sent, Department of the Interior Release of Claims form for the Payment of Hamilton and Associates (January 1987), correspondence regarding acquisition of land for the Acadian Cultural Centers (November 1987), correspondence from NPS to Hamilton and Associates regard­ing approval of fee proposal and contract for work with NPS, correspondence from Hamilton and Associates to JELA regarding revisions of the costs, cost break down of printing of documents, invoice information, information on the Contracting Officer’s Representative, correspondence from the donors of the land in Thibodaux regarding certain concerns that they have, the rest is primarily planning information regarding the building and design of the Acadian Centers.


                        Acadian Folklife Centers--”Thibodaux” (JELAF 4472)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding compensated performers/Percy-Lobdell Complex, memo regarding the Thibodaux Culture Center, Percy-Lobdell Building restrictive covenants, correspondence regarding the eligibility of the Seale Building for the National Register of Historic Places (December 1987), memo regarding project manuals, correspondence regarding an equipment wish list for the Eunice Center (November 1987), memo regarding solicitor assistance, opinion relative to planned Acadian Folklife Centers (October 1987), information about the tract of land (109-09, 109-01, 109-02, 109-03, 109-05, 109-06, 109-07, 109-04) for the Thibodaux Center (February 1988), resolution regarding the development of the Percy-Lobdell property, Act of Lease for the Percy-Lobdell building.


                        Acadian Folklife Center--Eunice (JELAF 4473)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the National Register plaque to be put on the Liberty Theater in Eunice, memo regarding the Eunice Cultural Center of JELA and related property, correspondence regarding a backdrop for the Liberty Theater (April 1988).


                        Archeology--Schenkel (Barataria) (JELAB 604)

                        Folder contains: proposal for archeological excavation in certain areas of JELA- Barataria by Schenkel (professor at UNO) (June 1988), curriculum vita of Susan Hammerstein, application for federal permit, Research Proposal: Archeological Excavations in Certain Areas of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Marsh Unit [Barataria], Richard Schenkel’s resume.


                        Archeology--Chalmette (JELAC 3316)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding Phase II soil auguring (May 1988), Preliminary Report Supporting a Revised Location for the Rodriguez House, Chalmette Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Ted Birkedal, correspondence regarding soil auguring (May 1987).


                        Asians (JELAF 4474)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding a cultural resource study entitled The Asian Peoples of Southern Louisiana: An Ethnohistory by Dr. Edward J. Lazzerini (February 1990), request for money from reprogrammed money from the Wagner Bridge construction funds to go toward an ethnohistory of the Asian culture in the Mississippi Delta Region in Louisiana, including the cultures of Japan, China, the Philippines, Korea, Cambodia, India, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam (March 1989), correspondence from Supt. Belkov to Tony Teng of the Asian Pacific American Society regarding raising money for the Ethnohistory.


                        Audio-Visual--Barataria (JELAB 605)

                        Folder contains: script of the audiovisual at Barataria Preserve Unit of JELA (April 1988).


                        Audio-Visual--Chalmette (JELAC 3317)

                        Folder contains: application for permission to film for commercial purposes by Cox cable (December 1987), correspondence for permission to film on Chalmette Battlefield (November 1987), memo regarding audio-visual project for Chalmette “Battle of New Orleans” (July 1987), script of the audio-visual Battle of New Orleans for Chalmette National Historical Park (February 1987), memo regarding the purchase of a recorder (June 1984), memo regarding Chalmette script (March 1987), script of “Battle of New Orleans” (March 1987), memo regarding Chalmette script (February 1987), memo regarding Chalmette script corrections Audio-Visual--Chalmette (JELAC 3317) (continued)


                        (February 1987), memo regarding Chalmette Unit Handbook, Interpretive Prospectus Amendment and Wayside Exhibit Plan (January 1987), memo regarding Chalmette AV Program (November 1986), newspaper article “High water delays flood wall” is reference to Chalmette Unit, memo regarding Chalmette AV Program (May 1986), draft narration script for “Battle of New Orleans” (May, 1986), memo regarding the rough version of the AV for Chalmette from Tim Radford (April 1986), list of proposed revisions for the script (February 1986), memo regarding comments on interpretive exhibits in Chalmette, memo regarding interpretation of Chalmette, memo regarding archeological materials at Chalmette, memo regarding a fiber-optics map for Chalmette interpretive program (October 1984), Report--Finding of No Significant Impact for the Construction of the Visitor Use Facility--Chalmette.


                        Beauregard House--10-238 (JELAC 3318)

                        Folder contains: Development/Study Package Proposal: Preservation Guide: Beauregard House (March 1988).


                        Beauregard House Exhibits--Chalmette] (JELAC 3319)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding transparency for an exhibit at the Beau­regard House (September 1988), memo regarding proposed exhibits for first floor of Beauregard House (May 1988), proposed Text for Exhibit Plan, 16 parts.


                        Big Oak Island--UNO (JELAB 606)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the purchase of 12 acres of land to become Big Oak Island Archeological Site--JELA (June 1989), map of area, correspondence regarding Dr. Richard Schenkel’s research on Big Oak Island in letter from NPS to the Inter-Tribal Council of Louisiana (June 1985), special use permit for Dr. Schenkel, June 1985-August 1985 (April 1985), final copy of special use permit (April 1985), note regarding supervision of Schenkel (April 1985), four hand­written notes regarding the UNO dig on Big Oak Island (April 1985).


                        Cemetery History [Chalmette] (JELAC 3320)

                        Folder contains: script for a Walking Tour of Chalmette National Cemetery by Carl Gaines, Jr. (Spring 1986), Chalmette National Cemetery: An Administrative History Part Two of Three in a Series: A Freedmen’s Cemetery in New Orleans: It’s Establishment and Disappearance 1867-1876 by Carl Gaines, Jr. (Spring 1987).



                        Cemetery Wall Monitoring (JELAC 3321)

                        Folder contains: results of periodic monitoring of wall including the temperature, date and weather and what may need to be repaired section by section 6/87-10/89, memo regarding Chalmette Cemetery wall monitoring report (April 1988), Cemetery Wall Monitoring Report for Year 1987, diagram of cemetery wall and soil and foundation testing, note stating that first two sections of data for cemetery wall have been reversed (June 1987), handwritten note regarding measurements of both settlement and tilt of wall (November 1984), draft of subsequent letter, second page of letter regarding cemetery wall and a possible preservation guide, memo regarding structural monitoring of cemetery walls at Chalmette National Historical Park (November 1984), trip report concerning cemetery wall, police precinct building in French Quarter and Fort Proctor--St. Bernard Parish (November 1984), inspection worksheets from police precinct building (November 1984), diagram entitled Pit Plan, diagram entitled Wall Section near Pilaster E-28, Wall Section Near Pilasters W-101 & W- 102, Wall Section Near Pilaster W-26, handwritten scope of work statement regarding cemetery wall (July 1983), memo regarding construction dates on Chalmette Cemetery Wall (July 1983), memo regarding the cemetery wall monitoring program (May 1985), correspondence regarding the preliminary design to restore cemetery walls including diagrams of the site(Sept. 1983), memo regarding project compliance approval (July 1983), assessment of actions having effect on cultural resources form (June 1983), handwritten time line for cemetery by Carl Gaines, summary notes on history/construction of wall.


                        Chalmette Unit--”Pelican Flag” (JELAC 3556)

                        Folder contains: note regarding the gift [donation] of the “Pelican” Flag from the Daughters of 1812; and report, The “Pelican” Flag: The Standard of the “Jefferson Troop” Mississippi Volunteer Militia, on the significance of the flag to the region and the Battle of New Orleans.


                        Cemetery Management (JELAC 3322)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the management of historical cemetery as part of the National Park Service (March 1984).


                        Chalmette Battlefield (JELAC 3323)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the cultural landscape survey of Chalmette battlefield (March 1989), memo regarding Chalmette battlefield (March 1989), memo regarding revised geography plan--Chalmette battlefield (April 1989), memo regarding assistance of Dr. Ted Birkedal--completion of Chalmette battlefield archeological investigations (April 1989), notes regarding tree species in Chalmette, an effort to restore original swamp--includes diagram of swamp area (February 1989), memo regarding revised geography plan for Chalmette Chalmette Battlefield (JELAC 3323) (continued)


                        Battlefield (February 1989), memo of the revised geography plan for Chalmette battlefield (February 1989), memo regarding project compliance approval (June 1988), memo regarding decision paper, Chalmette Unit (May 1988), decision paper, correspondence regarding the location and status of the schooner Carolina (October 1984), topographic map of the British advanced battery area (November 1985). (Item moved to oversize box 93, #1).


                        Christopher Columbus Quincentennial: 1990 Budget Estimate (proposed) (JELAF 4475)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the Columbus Quincentennial (July 1990), list of proposed funding allocations nationwide including JELA (November 1988), memo regarding media improvements for the Columbus Quincentennial (March 1988).


                        Collections Management and Preservation (H20)( JELAC 3324)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding Chalmette exhibits created by Presen­ta­tions South (July 1987), correspondence regarding outdoor speaker system for Chalmette and map of the area (February 1987), correspondence regarding artifacts in the Isleños Center (October 1986), memo regarding the assistance of Bob Bradley for appraisal of artillery pieces and their carriages (July 1985), memo regarding the Review of Draft Guidance for Writing a Scope of Collection Statement (October 1984), memo regarding the management of the collection (or lack there of) (September 1984), memo regarding Indian artifacts (September 1984), memo regarding the review of Draft Bill Amending the Museum Act of 1955 (July 1984), memo regarding a proposed accession documentation form (March 1984), several memos regarding accessioning of museum collections (March 1984).


                        Construction and Preservation Programs Development/Study Package Proposals (D2215) (JELAF 4476)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding development/study package proposal for the Beauregard House(March 1988), packet of correspondence regarding construction budgets for the years 1988-1989 (June 1987), memo regarding cultural resource preservation (July 1986), package proposals for Historic Architecture Study: Chalmette Monument, Archeological Surveys: Chalmette Battlefield, Historic Appearance of Chalmette National Cemetery, Beauregard House: Exterior Study, Ethnographic Study: Bayou and Prairie Cajuns, Ethnohistory of Recent Immigrant Groups, Site Feasibility Study, Historic Structure Report: Chalmette Rampart, Historic Structure Report: Rodriguez Canal, memo regarding “Multi year programs for planning, development and professional services and for cyclic

                        Construction and Preservation Programs Development/Study Package Proposals (D2215) (JELAF 4476) (continued)


                        maintenance, rehabilitation/repair and health/safety” (February 1984), schedule of facilities for 1984 World Exposition, copies of Federal Register, Rules and Regulations (July 1982), memo regarding class “C” estimating only and attached guidelines (June 1984), correspondence regarding a footbridge for the Upper Kenta Canal (January 1984), memo regarding 1985 cultural resources preserva­tion program (October 1984), memo regarding 10.238’s [fire ant control?] (August 1984).


                        Cultural Resources Studies and Research: National Park Service Areas (H2215) (JELAC 3325)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding Chalmette Handbook text and enclosed draft manuscript (August 1988), memos regarding historical research survey and questionnaire (April 1988), memo regarding list of cultural research projects underway (November 1987), correspondence regarding trips to Grand Isle by boat (October 1984), correspondence regarding a paper proposal for American Society for Ethnohistory (July 1984), completed Southwest Region Preservation Maintenance Survey (July 1984).

Curation Regulation--Proposed (JELAF 4477)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the publication of proposed curation regulation (36 CFR Part 79) and a copy of the regulation (September 1987).


                        Decision Paper--Chalmette (JELAC 3326)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding a decision paper for Chalmette Unit and enclosed paper (May 1988), memo regarding a decision paper for Chalmette Unit and enclosed draft paper (September 1987).


                        De la Ronde Ruins (JELAC 3327)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding a possible cooperative agreement for the area (November 1986), correspondence regarding a possible cooperative agreement for the area (October 1986).


                        Eunice (Liberty Theater)--(H30) (JELAF 4478)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the ground breaking ceremony (September 1988), memo regarding preparation of Treatment-Specific Historic Structure Report for the Liberty Theater (June 1988), memo regarding preparation of Treatment--Specific Historic Structure Report for the Liberty Theater (May 1988).


                        Exhibits/American-Italian Museum (JELAF 4479)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding planning of American-Italian exhibitry, including exhibit comments and ideas (September 1990).


                        Flora--Chalmette (JELAC 3328)

                        Folder contains: Forbs/Graminoids list divided by species, status and zone by Norris (?) (May 1987), copy of thesis paper: “A Floral Analysis of Chalmette National Historical Park, Arabi, Louisiana” (May 1975).


                        Fort Livingston (JELAC 3329)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding a trip to Fort Livingston (December 1984), original and copy of memo regarding Fort Livingston (December 1984), assess­ment roll (list of owners) for Grand Terre Island notation (on back of pages) (1982), notes from day trip to Grand Terre, correspondence regarding assistance on Grand Terre by Wildlife and Fisheries (October 1984), nine letters of correspondence regarding the suggested protection of Fort Livingston (October 1984), note regarding building inspector on Grand Isle.


                        Fort Proctor (JELAC 3330)

                        Folder contains: article, “Breakwater may stop erosion at Fort Proctor,” memo and note regarding and including a proposed cooperative agreement between St. Bernard Parish Police Jury and JELA (January 1985), two notes regarding co­operative agreement (November and October 1984), memo regarding the appro­priation of money for Fort Proctor (February 1985), note regarding intent of preservation of fort (January 1985), memo regard­ing the Fort Proctor Cooperative Agreement (January 1985), note regarding fort, memo regarding fort, (December 1984), memo regarding Fort Proctor cooperative agreement (January 1985), three memos regarding Fort Proctor cooperative agreement (December 1984), revised copy of cooperative agreement (Jan­u­ary 1985), note on further revisions (February 1985), original of cooperative agreement, article, “St. Bernard prepares suit over Gulf Outlet,” correspondence regarding cooperative program planning coordinator (January 1985), coopera­tive agree­ment with nota­tions (October 1984), notes on cooperative agree­ment for Fort Proctor (January 1985), memo regarding Fort Mass (?) (October 1984), memo regarding Fort Proctor cooperative agreement (January 1985), corres­pond­ence regarding con­struction of breakwater (November 1984), copy of article, “Federal money is expected for Fort Proctor breakwater,” original and copy of article, “Money expected for Fort Proctor,” memo regarding trip report for Gulf Islands National Seashore, October 11, 1984 (October 1984), note about Fort Proctor (October 1984), memo regard­ing trip report, Jean Lafitte, June 6-9, 1983, Tower at Proc­tor’s Landing (“Fort Proctor”) (July 1983), memo regarding fort (December 1984).


                        Fort St. Phillip (JELAC 3331)

                        Folder contains: newspaper article from Times-Picayune, “River threatening to steal a forgotten historical jewel” (February 10, 1985), handwritten notes re­garding the ownership of the property, information about Fort Jackson (which has been restored and is across river from Fort St. Philip), further notes on the fort.


                        Secretary Advisory Board (JELAF 4480)

                        Folder contains: (1991-1993) minutes of meetings, memos regarding NPS Advisory Board, urban park issues, list of members (1992), EEO information, correspondence regarding Jazz committee, talk on Urban Parks, roster of attendees for meeting, agenda for NPS Advisory Board meeting (1991), NPS Advisory Board Meeting (1992), agenda for NPS Advisory Board meeting (1992), appointment of member of NPS Advisory Board (1991), contract for use of Creole Queen’s King’s Room (1992), NPS Advisory Board members (1991), charter of NPS Advisory Board (1991), contract review of agreement with Creole Queen (1991).


                        ‘92 Cyclic/Rehab (JELAF 4481)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding FY’92 Repair/Rehabilitation and Cyclic Maintenance request for JELA (February 1992), list of rehabilitation/repairs projects and list of cyclic maintenance parkwide (February 1992).


                        DSC [Denver Service Center] Quarterly Mtg. [Meeting]  3/17/92 (JELAF 4482)

                        Folder contains: agenda for Team Central: Southwest Region Work Session, packet of work session summary sheets for 1992 meeting, summary sheets for October 1991 meeting.


                        Padded Leghold Traps (JELAB 607)

                        Folder contains: information about trapping and how it affects the mission of the park, faxed literature from Wildlife and Fisheries regarding padded leghold traps.


                        NCRI [National Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute] (JELAB 608)

                        Folder contains: notes regarding NCRI and Seagrant, agenda for the National Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute, Regional Workshop (May 1992), three letters of correspondence regarding Supt. Belous’s presentation (April-May 1992), NCRI’s mission and focus statement, the legislation that brought NCRI into being, Coastal Tourism and Recreation: Request for Proposals--1992 Grants Program, fax of information about the workshop.


                        Decatur/Telephone & Computers (JELAF 4483)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding trip report for Telephone Switching Systems for JELA (April 1991), specs and diagrams of the building and wiring.


                        JELA Visitation (JELAF 4484)

                        Folder contains: visitation statistics, 1988-1991 (April).


                        Maritime (JELAC 3332)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the building of a replica of the American Flagship at the Battle of New Orleans(March 1991), information from the Flagship Niagara, the Gunboat Philadelphia, correspondence from the Department of the Navy including information about the Louisiana and the Carolina, both from the War of 1812/Battle of New Orleans era (March 1991), a couple of handwritten notes regarding other possible research.


                        Barataria Environmental Education Center (JELAB 609)

                        Folder contains: fax containing overall cost for building (May 1991), base bid plus alternates A-D (May 1991).


                        Tunica-Biloxi Indians of LA, Inc. (CA-7530-9-0002) (A4415) (JELAF 4485)

                        Folder contains: fax regarding the Tunica Treasure and its proper conservation and preservation and assistance with the Fete du Blé (June 1992), fax invoice of expected expenditures (June 1992), copy of article “LA tribes’ casino construction near” from The Advocate (September 10, 1992), notes from meeting regarding a defined role of the tribe and NPS (July 1991), copy of article “Raids may test tribal gambling” from the Times-Picayune (May 13, 1992), flier for Fete du Blé Indian Festival (July 1991), notes from phone conversation (June 1991), handout regarding the Tunica-Biloxi Regional Indian Center and Museum, correspondence regarding the Fete du Blé (May 1991), correspondence regarding Museum Assessment Program for the Tunica-Biloxi Museum (May 1991), information concerning the MAP visit, meeting regarding cooperative agreement as well as the Tunica Archeology and Treasure paper by Jeffrey Brain, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, and necessary job positions to gain accreditation and suggested salary (June 1992), cooperative agreement form dating to 1989 (May 1989), correspondence regarding the scope of the cooperative agreement (March 1991), correspondence regarding the opening of Tunica-Biloxi Museum (September 1989), correspondence regarding a copy of cooperative agreement (June 1989), correspondence regarding Goodwin and Associates work with the Tunica-Biloxi (May 1987), correspondence regarding proposed cooperative agreement (February 1989), original of the cooperative agreement (May 1989).


                        Thibodaux Clean-Up (JELAF 4486)

                        Folder contains: memo for trip report for Level I survey of JELA property (Thi­bodaux Culture Center, Tract 109-09) and Orientation to Big Thicket Oil and Gas Operations (February 1992), notes regarding Barataria, Thibodaux, and Eunice, memo regarding tank clean-up at Thibodaux, note regarding removal of tanks.


                        Thibodaux Playhouse, Inc. (JELAF 4487)

                        Folder contains: minutes of Thibodaux Playhouse meeting (April 1992), copy of cooperative agreement which expires 5/23/2000 (May 1990), faxed copy of act of donation from the Friends of the Library, Inc. Thibodaux Chapter to the U.S. with reference to the Playhouse (April 1992), list of contacts at the Playhouse, draft copy of sub-agreement (May 1991).


                        Thibodaux-Bayou Cajun Folk Festival (Fete Champietrie) (JELAF 4488)

                        Folder contains: 2 letters of correspondence regarding the potential donation of money from the disbanding Bayou Cajun Folk Festival to the NPS Acadian Cultural Center--Thibodaux (May 1992).


                        Thibodaux Contacts (JELAF 4489)

                        Folder contains: a list of contacts in Thibodaux from meeting 9/4/91.


                        Thibodaux Cooperative Agreements (JELAF 4490)

                        Folder contains: three sub-sections: Thibodaux Playhouse--Current, containing an Agreement Data Sheet for the Playhouse and the Cooperative Agreement, Friends of the Library--Expired 2/20/91, containing an Agreement Data Sheet and Cooperative Agreement, Lafourche Heritage Society (Boat building)--Expired 10/16/90, containing an Agreement Data Sheet and Cooperative Agreement.


Box 3              Subseries I.3.


                        Maine Acadian [Culture Preservation] Commission (JELAF 4491)

                        Folder contains: memos and correspondence regarding the commission’s trip to southern Louisiana (November 1993), handwritten note regarding possible itinerary including Eunice, Thibodaux and Lafayette, faxed draft of itinerary (September 1993), General Information--Acadian Unit--JELA (Draft), fax including the Charter: Maine Acadian Culture Preservation Commission, the act of Congress that instituted the Commission, and biographies of the Commission members; revised itinerary, faxed letter regarding trip, correspondence from JELA to Vermillionville regarding a tour (June 1993), draft itinerary with revisions and notes (September 1993), another itinerary revision as well as handwritten notes regarding itinerary.


                        Pontallba NHL [National Historical Landmark] (JELAF 4492)

                        Folder contains: two fax covers, 5 letters of correspondence regarding the preservation work being done on the Upper Pontalba Building(August-December 1993).


                        Afro-American Initiatives (JELAF 4493)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding a trip report to the African American Museums Association Conference (September 1993).


                        CIT Corp/Bara[taria] Lands Issue (JELAB 610)

                        Folder contains: memos and correspondence regarding the transfer of land from CIT Corp. and JELA to expand the Park Protection Zone (December 1993).


                        Coastal Zone Info (JELAB 611)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the Coastal Zone Boundaries of Louisiana as well as two maps, one of the Coastal Zone Boundaries and the other of the Lower Mississippi Valley (October 1993).


                        SCORP [Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan] (JELAB  612)

                        Folder contains: correspondence including the Louisiana Program Review of the Land and Water Conservation Fund program (October 1993).


                        [Untitled folder] (JELAF 4494)

                        Folder contains: miscellaneous memos, plans and correspondence including: a note stating, “This material may be of interest or needed for reference on current projects.  Nothing deadline or requiring response” (October 1992), a development concept plan for Guam (used as a guide) (June 1989), a draft Proposal for Marsh Management Modeling (June 1990), a map of Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge, correspondence regarding a JELA satellite location in Abbeville, LA (April 1992), memo regarding the Cane River Special Resource Study (June 1992), memo and review of draft Cane River Special Resource Study (September 1992), note and photos of Supt. Belous at the signing for the Lake Salvador/ Bayou Segnette Cooperative Agreement (May 1992), memo regarding the comple­tion of Phase I of the Battlefield Protection Program (May 1992), Status of Discretionary Funds (August 1992), memo regarding the Combined Federal Campaign Drive (September 1992).


                        Louisiana Folklife Festival 1992 (JELAF 4495)

                        Folder contains: draft agenda for the Louisiana Folklife Festival and a faxed brochure concerning sponsorship of the festival as well as the allocation of the monies raised.


                        [Untitled folder] (JELAF 4496)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding updated jazz information (January 1992), a report of the Subcommittee on Archives and Education to the National Park Service Jazz Advisory Commission (December 1991), a Position Paper of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation to the Preservation of Jazz Advisory Commission on the Founding of a Federally Funded National Jazz Park (December 1991), memo regarding Fiscal year 1994 Budget Call Information (June 1992).


                        NO Paddlewheels (JELAC 3333)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the handicapped accessibility of the boats docking at Chalmette National Historical Park (February-March 1990).


                        [Untitled folder] (JELAB 613)

                        Folder contains: correspondence and information regarding RecFIN (SE) (Recrea­tional Fisheries Information Network for the Southeast Region [August 1992]).


                        RTCA/LMDR [Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance/Lower Mississippi Delta Region] (JELAF 4497)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding copies of the work plan for the “Civil War in the Lower Mississippi Valley” study as well as a copy of the plan and other related correspondence (July 1995), memo regarding the Lower Mississippi Civil War Task Force (August 1995), correspondence from the Conservation Fund: Civil War Battlefield Campaign to Melinda Schwegmann (July 1995), memo regarding Civil War site preservation in the Lower Mississippi Valley (July 1995), Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program-NPS project information sheet, Louisiana RTCA Field Office Consultation (August 1995).


                        RTCA [Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance] (JELAF 4498)

                        Folder contains: Mississippi River Road Proposal: Louisiana Preservation Alliance Scenic Byways Task Force, business card and pamphlet for the Louisiana Rural Tourism Development Conference (September 1995), handwritten note regarding conference and office in general, draft of the Lower Mississippi Valley Civil War Task Force Work Plan, memo regarding Vicksburg Campaign Civil War meeting (July 1995), memo from Civil War Trust regarding Civil War Discovery Trail Update (April 1995), article entitled “Reliving the Turning Point of the Civil War” from 55 and Fine, fax regarding the listing of possible RTCA and some NPS projects for Delta Region (September 1995), Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance brochure from the Southeast Regional Office of the NPS, foldout chart/brochure for the RTCA program, RTCA program and external affairs chart, SERO-RTCA Projects for Fiscal years 1992-1994, proposed projects for FY95.


                        Civil War--Mississippi River Campaign (JELAF 4499)

                        Folder contains: list of Lower Mississippi Delta Counties and Parishes (September 1995), list, by state, of Lower Mississippi Valley Civil War Task Force, Lower Mississippi Delta Region Initiative, map entitled “A Guide to the Campaign and Siege of Vicksburg,” of correspondence regarding a Vicksburg Campaign Heritage Trail (including 4 states) (April 1985), correspondence regarding a multi-state Civil War Heritage Trail with a focus on a Seven State Lower Mississippi Valley Civil War Heritage Corridor (July 1995), background of the Lower Mississippi Delta Region Initiative, correspondence regarding the Conservation Fund’s involvement in the Lower Mississippi Delta Region Initiative (July 1995), correspondence from Melinda Schwegmann to the Blue and Gray Education Society, Association of the  Preservation of Civil War Sites, The Civil War Trust, and the United States Civil War Center (July-August 1995), Meeting of the National Park Service: Pickwick Landing, TN (September 1995), notes from meeting regarding Civil War Campaign from Baton Rouge (September 1995), correspondence regarding and including Vicksburg Campaign Preservation Conference Report (July-August 1995), copy of the act of congress that enacted the Lower Mississippi Delta Region Initiatives (July 1994).


                        Black Heritage (JELAC 3334)

                        Folder contains: an article from the St. Bernard Voice entitled “Role of Negro Soldiers in Battle of New Orleans is Subject of Booklet” (February 14, 1992), JELA handout for French Quarter Black History Month.

Cajun Music (JELAF 4500)

                        Folder contains: copy of an article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Acadian culture honored at center” (October 27, 1992), booklet from Dewey Balfa’s Tribute Celebration (May 17, 1992), copy of an article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Farewell to a fiddler” (May 23, 1992).


                        Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve [News Clippings] (JELAF 4501)

                        Folder contains: copy of article entitled “Saving Civil War Battlefields,” copy of article from Times-Picayune entitled “Interior secretary impressed by tour of Lafitte park unit” (September 12, 1991), copy of article from The Picayune entitled “Free men of color fought alongside Jackson, Lafitte” (February 23, 1992), copy of article from Times-Picayune entitled “Park wary of quick fixes” (Janu­ary 2, 1992), copy of article from Magazine (possibly the Advocate) entitled “Center gives taste of Cajun culture” (September 22, 1991), copy of article from Times-Picayune entitled “Jean Lafitte Park OK’s plan to trap 3,000 nutria” (No­vem­ber 1, 1990), copy of article from Times-Picayune entitled “Jean Lafitte Park chief leaving” (November 10, 1990), copy of article entitled “U.S. Park Service to run Italian museum,” copy of article from Times-Picayune entitled “Ranger: La. park to show it all” (September 11, 1991), copy of article from Times-Picayune en­ti­tled “Not everyone will like ride to national park” (June 12, 1991), copy of article from Times-Picayune entitled “Jeff author follows Barataria trail” (March 27, 1986).


                        Nationalities (JELAF 4502)

                        Folder contains: copy of article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Isleño heritage is rewarded in St. Bernard” (February 18, 1991).


                        Tourism (JELAF 4503)

                        Folder contains: copy of Lafayette Advertiser article entitled “Vermillion making push to boost parish tourism” (January 31, 1992).


                        Procurement--Research Contract (JELAF 4504)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding an unresponded to letter regarding the mind of Southern U.S. Slaveholders (May 1981), correspondence regarding fund­ing of a study of Southern Slaveholders (May 1981), packet of correspondence from researcher with a description of a study of the mind of a Southern U.S. slaveholder (April 1981), correspondence from R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates regarding contract # PX7530-4-0191--Ethnohistory of Filipinos in Southern Louisiana including a preliminary report (August 1985), correspondence regard­ing work progress on contract # PX7530-4-0190--Kathleen McLeister project (August 1985), memo regarding money for a report of the Battle of New Orleans (June 1985), memo regarding legal opinion on Publication and Copyright--(December 1984), memo regarding a request for Solicitor’s Opinion--Study of the Contemporary Culture of the Isleños of Southern Louisiana (November 1984), copy of the request for proposal Study of the Contemporary Culture of the Isleños of Southern Louisiana, correspondence regarding levee work at Chalmette Unit (August 1984), correspondence regarding the TVA and magnetometer work done at Chalmette Unit (October 1984), memo regarding RFP, Vernacular Architecture (April 1980), note regarding Shenkel’s proposal for archeological assessment of Oak Island Archeology, further note on Oak Island Archeology (April 1980), correspondence and study proposal for a study of Black People in the Mississippi Delta Region, ca. 1700-1803 (September 1979), memo regarding research con­tracting (May 1980), memo and requisition for proposed research on Afro-Amer­i­can culture (April 1980), correspondence regarding contract work by Tom Ireland on walking tour of French Quarter including invoice (November 1980), correspondence regarding a book Islands, Capes, and Sounds an Odyssey of the North Carolina Coast (June 1981), correspondence regarding a cultural assessment of the cultural resources of Grand Terre (May 1981), correspondence regarding membership in the Louisiana Historical Society (June 1981), correspondence regarding a crafts inventory project (June 1981), correspondence regarding a purchase order #PX J7530-1-0148 with Stevenson Palfi being canceled (July 1981), correspondence regarding payment of invoices (August 1981), correspond­ence regarding purchase order #7530-1-0081 dealing with the validity and value of cultural differences (July 1981), correspondence regarding membership in the Military Museums in America (July 1981), correspondence regarding a Floristic Study of Big and Little Oak Islands by the Louisiana Nature Center (July 1981), correspondence regarding the ordering of a copy of “Spanish Colonial Frontier Research” (June 1981), correspondence regarding order # PX 20001D67 on the Indians of 19th Century Louisiana by Emanuel J. Drechsel and T. Haunani Makuakane-Drechsel including a progress report (September 1981), corres­pond­ence regarding Drechsel research and how it should merge with re­search by Michael G. Schene and Dr. Gregory includes copy of the contract/work order (August 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # 7029-1-0064 (September 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # PX J7530-1-0135 (Septem­ber 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # PX J7530-1-0136 (September 1981), correspondence regarding the order of video documentation of the Creole Fiesta Society’s annual ball, 1981 by Stevenson Palfi including order form (July 1981), correspondence regarding an incorrect invoice for the CAC, including the invoice (June 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # PX J7530-1-0081 for the Children’s Art Council (September 1981), correspond­ence regarding purchase order # PX J7530-1-047 (September 1981), correspond­ence regarding purchase order # PX J7530-1-061 with the Louisiana Nature Center (September 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # J7530-1-046 with the Center for Anthropological Studies (September 1981), correspond­ence regarding purchase order # PX 7530-1-0177 with International Harvester (September 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # PS J7530-1-013 with A&M Pest Control (September 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # PX J7530-1-0155 with the Foundation for the Preservation of Historic St. Bernard (St. Bernard Parish, Museum Board) (September 1981), correspondence regarding purchase order # PX 7530-1-0170 with the Louisiana Sea Grant Devel­opment: Center for Wetlands Research (September 1981), correspondence regard­ing Jay Edwards research and the progress report on the study (October 1980), campus correspondence regarding an open meeting regarding papers potentially of interest to JELA from LSU’s College of Geography and Anthropol­ogy (October 1980), correspondence with Jay Edwards regarding an extension of deadline (October 1980), correspondence regarding purchase order # PX J7530-1-002 (September 1981), correspondence regarding The Ethnohistoric and Geographical Overview of the Vernacular Architecture of French Louisiana by Lawrence V. George, Jr. purchase order # PX J7530-0-0091 (November 1980), correspondence regarding the report on The Deaf Population of New Orleans purchase # PX J7530-0-0201 (February 1981), correspondence regarding work by Jay Edwards for purchase order #’s PX J530-0-0090 and PX J7530-0-0091 (January 1982), correspondence regarding non received of an invoice for program at Isleños Center PX # J7530-1-0085 (February 1981), correspondence regarding pesticides list (February 1981), two letters of correspondence regarding inquiry into funding of study of folklore and musical culture of Afro-Americans in southern Louisiana from Joyce M. Jackson (February 1981), correspondence regarding original GBL from Consolidated Freightways (February 1981), corres­pondence regarding parameter module for analysis (February 1981), quality assurance certificate for several pieces of office or archival storage furniture (July 1980), correspondence regarding original invoices needed from American Rent All, Inc. (February 1981), correspondence regarding two purchase orders for Stevenson Palfi (November 1980), correspondence regarding a Regional Ethno­history and pre­lim­inary scope of work (June 1980), correspondence regarding membership in the Lafitte Study Group and invoice (November 1980), corres­pondence regarding interim report for Ethnohistoric Overview (December 1980), memo regarding Afro-American Communities Study (December 1980), memo regarding a report on “Oak Island Archeology--Prehistoric Estuarine Adaptations in the Mississippi River Delta” (January 1981), correspondence regarding work by Mr. Lawrence V. George, Jr. being completed (December 1980), correspond­ence regarding information about payment for purchase order # PX J7530-0-0112 with UNO (November 1980), correspondence regarding the Ethnohistoric Over­view (August 1980), correspondence regarding proposal by J. L. Dillard for an Afro-American Communities Study (July 1980), corres­pond­ence from J. L. Dillard regarding the proposal (July 1980), copy of award/contract for Afro-American Communities Study which is not completely filled out accompanied by a copy of a study by Dillard (July 1980), correspondence regarding a proposal for the description of the geomorphological processes involved in the formation of the delta region (September 1980), correspondence regarding a proposal for the Study of the Con­temporary Culture of the Indians of Southern Louisiana by Coastal Environments, Inc. (August 1980), correspondence regarding a proposal for the Study of Con­temporary Culture of Indians of Southern Louisiana by G.G.S. Consultants, Ltd. (August 1980), memo regarding proposed research on contemporary Native American culture including requisition form and map of the proposed study area (April 1980), correspondence regarding the proposal for the Study of Contemporary Culture of Indians in Southern Louisiana by Heather Dew Oaksen and Assoc. (August 1980), correspondence from J. L. Dillard to JELA regarding the study proposal on Afro-American Communities (August 1980).


                        British Regiments: Information/Histories (JELAC 3335)

                        Folder contains: information packet regarding the 85th (Bucks Volunteers) Light Infantry by R. J. Marrion, packet on the Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire Regiment), packet on the (Princess Louise’s) Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, packet on the King’s Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment, packet on the King’s (Shropshire Light Infantry), packet on the Essex Regiment, packet on the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, packet on the Royal Scots Fusiliers, packet of information including memo from Lydia K. Randazzo to Supt. Lionel J. Bienvenu, Interpretation and Visitor Services listing regiments for which flags are being researched, correspondence from the New Orleans Public Library regarding flags used in the Battle of New Orleans (July, 1979), correspondence from the Library of Congress (August 1979), packet on the 93rd (Sutherland) Highland(ers) Regiment, packet on the West India Regiment, packet on the King’s Own Royal Regiment (Lancaster), packet on the 85th (Bucks Volunteers) (The King’s Light Infantry) Regiment, packet on the 43rd (Monmouthshire Light Infantry) Regiment, packet on the 44th (East Essex) Regiment of Foot, packet on the 93rd (Sutherland Highlanders) Regiment of Foot, packet on the 14th King’s Hussars, packet on the Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment), packet on the Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort’s Own), packet on the Royal Scots Fusiliers.


                        Exhibit Uniforms (JELAC 3336) (Info used to establish uniforms for new Chalmette Visitor Center)

                        Folder contains: information regarding the 7th Royal Fusiliers, 95th Rifle Brigade and 93rd Highlanders(British troops), Kentucky, U.S. Navy, Tennessee Mounted Gunmen, Beale’s Rifles (American troops), and sections from other texts with references to uniforms, memo regarding uniformed soldiers in the Chalmette exhibit (July 1986), memo regarding Chalmette uniforms (June 1986), hand­written page of notes, copies of 2 pages from Historical Memoirs (146-147).


                        Chalmette--Mural Data, AV and Exhibit Plans (JELAC 3337)

                        Folder contains: a packet regarding the AV program--”Chalmette--The Last Battle” includes script, visuals and effects), packet of Technical Data proposal for the Study of the “Jefferson Troop Flag” Associated with the Battle of Chalmette, trip report from trip to Baltimore, Maryland, copies of charts of wounded, killed and missing from the Battle of New Orleans (handwritten) and also handwritten notes (Primary sources!?!?!?), copies of History of the American Soldier text including Introduction to the War of 1812 and the War of 1812 segments, two copied pages of infantry laces from 1769, 3 more pages from Historical Memoir (148-153), exhibit outline and exhibit walkthrough for Chalmette Visitor Center, copy of handwritten AV Program--Chalmette--Notes, Chalmette handout including a battlefield tour.


                        Battle of New Orleans(Accounts and Notes) (H2215) (JELAC 3338)

                        Folder contains: copy of article from Clarion Ledger-Jackson Daily News entitled “Battle of New Orleans: Mississippians Were There at Famous Fray” (November 7, 1971), correspondence and return letter regarding one of the commanders at Battle of New Orleans (August 1971), correspondence regarding transcript material from a report of the Chief of the Historical Section of the Army War College dated October 18, 1926 (March 1967), correspondence regarding the donation of select volumes of American Heritage (April 1967), paper written by park historian Glenn L. Hinsdale entitled The Battle of New Orleans, ten pages in length and composed for use in “Shades of New Orleans” TV show (May 25, 1967), copy of article from the Times-Picayune entitled “N.O. Battle Site is Desecrated” (February 11, 1967), essay entitled “The meaning of the New Orleans campaign of 1814-1815” by J. Fred Roush (January 1955), essay/review of “The Louisiana Campaign” by Carson I. A. Richie and British Documents on the Louisiana Campaign, 1814-1815 edited by Carson I. A. Ritchie by Milton E. Thompson, Park Historian, eight pages, correspondence from Army Corps of Engineers to Chalmette National Historical Park regarding records transferred (March 1956), pages 25-54 of a paper on the Battle of New Orleans including corrections and information about the park, parts of paper chronicling the history of the Battles of New Orleans including bibliography (parts of this paper are typed on back of forms dating to 1944, yet the latest copyright date is cited as 1948, also the pages of this paper appear to be in reverse order), memo regarding Army Engineers Records on old forts being given to the State of Louisiana (May 1955), memo concerning the potential disposal of records regarding local history (May 1955), correspondence regarding historical records regarding fortifications (May 1955), paper on the “War of 1812” by Fred Roush, pages 3-20 (1956 version), handwritten notes/paper by Fred Roush regarding future areas of study for the Battle of New Orleans particularly as they relate to British sources, handwritten preliminary survey of the documents in the London Archives including introductory comments relative to the justification for study of the London Archives, typed essay on the events of the end of the War of 1812.


                        Cemetery Wayside Exhibits (D6215) (JELAC 3339)

                        Folder contains: a receiving report for a plaque and post for cemetery as well as a routing and transmittal slip and an invoice (August 1974), memo regarding Chalmette National Cemetery Wayside (May 1973), memo regarding Chalmette National Cemetery and photos of headstones of reinterred soldiers of War of 1812 (May 1973), memo regarding Chalmette National Cemetery and including proposed exhibit (May 1973), blueprint of fullsize aluminum interpretive marker (moved to oversize box 93, item #2, 3).


                        Chalmette National Battlefield Site: Inspection Report and Recommendations (JELAC 3340)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding visit to New Orleans (March 21, 1949), Chalmette National Battlefield Site: Inspection Report and Recommendations by Roy Edgar Appleman including photographs of the site (April 13, 1938).


                        Ø            photographs stapled to report pages with miniature staples, staples removed from pages, placed in acid free envelopes, referred to text on the envelope.


                        Battle of New Orleans: Bibliography--Wilshin (H2215) (JELAC 3341)

                        Folder contains: article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Flashbacks: Lightning strikes” regarding the Chalmette monument being struck by lightning (July 1987), Preliminary Study of the Battle of New Orleans by F. F. Wilshin, Junior Historian (a monthly narrative report) 22 pages plus 19 pages of bibliography (June 1938), memo regarding Chalmette Markers to Fred Roush, historian from Wilshin, historian (April 1953).


                        Battle of New Orleans: Kentuckians in the Battle (JELAC 3342)

                        Folder contains: copy of sections of The Battle of New Orleans by Zachary F. Smith.


                        Louisiana in the War of 1812 (JELAC 3343)

                        Folder contains: copy of book Louisiana in the War of 1812 by Powell A. Casey.


                        Peace Monument (D66) [Chalmette--Ursuline Nun Statue] (JELAC 3344)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding a meeting with Mrs. Martha G. Robinson, Battle of New Orleans Sesquicentennial Commission (July 1971), memo regarding a  meeting with Mrs. Martha G. Robinson, Battle of New Orleans Sesqui­centennial Commission (August1969), memo regarding a meeting with Mrs. Martha G. Robinson, Battle of New Orleans Sesquicentennial Commission (July 1969), follow-up slip regarding Martha Robinson’s visit to Washington, DC (April 1969), handwritten notes regarding the monument, correspondence regarding the monument (May 1967), correspondence regarding a protest of the monument (January 1967), correspondence regarding protest of monument (December 1966), correspondence regarding protest against monument (October 1966), correspondence regarding protest of the monument (August 1966), correspondence regarding the classification of the Battle of New Orleans (June 1966), correspondence regarding corrections to the baseplate on memorial monument (June 1966), correspondence regarding letters on the monument (May 1966), correspondence regarding the monument (May 1966), correspondence regarding the selection of monument (March 1966), correspondence explaining selection of monument (May 1966), correspondence regarding the protest associated with the monument (April 1966), correspondence regarding proposals for memorial monument prepared by the Philadelphia Service Center, “they may be of assistance to you in selecting a more satisfactory design” (May 1966), form regarding 3 sketches sent to the Superintendent in Chalmette (April 1966), memo regarding the monument sketches from Philadelphia (April 1966), correspondence regarding the monument, subsequent protest (April 1966), correspondence regarding the monument and protest (March 1966), correspondence regarding corrections to the baseplate of monument (April 1966), memo with copy of correspondence regarding the protest of monument (April 1966), memo regarding dissatisfaction with the current design for monument (April 1966), memo regarding a Times-Picayune article (letter to the Editor from Leonard V. Huber) from March 22 (April 1966), memo regarding the location of memorial monument (March 1966), memo regarding newsclipping (March 1966), memo regarding changing of location of the monument (March 1966), correspondence regarding the drawing Gen. Bres submitted (March 1966), correspondence regarding the contract, drawings, etc. regarding the monument (March 1966), contract for the monument, drawing of perspective monument, blueprint of base of perspective monument (Item moved to oversize box 93, #4), wording for perspective monument, memo regarding the monument (December 1965), memo expressing concern over religious nature of the proposed monument (December 1965), correspondence regarding the statue (September 1965), correspondence regarding monument (August 1965), correspondence regarding spending of non-federal money (August 1965), correspondence regarding monument (August 1965), memo regarding precise listing of the American forces at the Battle of New Orleans, January 8, 1815 (July 1965), memo regarding Louisiana in the War of 1812 (July 1965), correspondence regarding precise listing of American Forces at the Battle of New Orleans, January 8, 1815 (West Bank) (July 1965), essay by James Holland entitled “Additional Notes on American Forces Participating in the Battle of January 8 (East and West Banks) in the New Orleans Campaign” (July 1965), correspondence regarding verification of information for the monument’s plaque (July 1965), memo regarding correct listing of forces at the battle (July 1965), further memos, correspondence and information regarding the American Forces at the Battle of New Orleans (June-July 1965), preliminary notes on research regarding precise listing of American forces on Jackson’s Line at Chalmette, several letters of correspondence regarding the monument (January-February 1965), memo regarding monument to British and American Dead, Chal­mette (March 1964), memo regarding monument to British and American Dead, Chalmette (January 1964), memo regarding the sesquicentennial (August 1963).


                        Forts (H30) (JELAC 3345)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from Unit Manager W. Wilson Greene regarding the Westbank portion of the Chalmette Battlefield (July 1981), 2 letters of correspondence regarding Fort St. Phillip and Fort Jackson (May-June 1971), several letters of correspondence regarding Fort Jesup State Park and Museum becoming a NPS (July 1961-April 1971), correspondence regarding more news­letters regarding Louisiana Forts (August 1969), information from Jackson Barracks regarding Fort Villere and Bayou Bienvenu and others (April 1968), memo regarding dedication ceremonies at “English Turn” (May 1963), hand drawing of Battery Bienvenue.


                        [Untitled folder] (JELAC 3346)

                        Folder contains: report from the Acting Assistant Regional Director, Conservation, Interpretation and Use and Regional Historians on Past and Present historical research for Chalmette (October 1963), rough draft of “The Renee Beauregard House: Chalmette Park and Visitor Center” (February 1963), dedication of Chalmette Visitor Center (May 1958), order form for historical marker (May 1955), order form for historical marker (April 1955), correspond­ence from the St. Charles Hotel regarding the painting “The Night Battle of New Orleans” (January 1942), page of book with the act that established the Chalmette National Historical Park (1939), congressional bill providing for the Chalmette National Historical Park (March 1939), pamphlet for the celebration of the 124th anniversary of the Battle of New Orleans (January 8, 1939), essay A National Military Park for Old Hickory by Roy Edgar Appleman (September 1938).


                        Chalmette Miscellany (JELAC 3347)

                        Folder contains: 2 cards with pictures entitled “The Night Battle of New Orleans” and “The Battle of New Orleans” both by Sandor Bondo, packet of maps from various sources of the Battle, map of southern Louisiana including English Turn, excerpt from Life and Times of Gen. Sam. Dale: The Mississippi Partisan by J. F. H. Claiborne (1860), excerpt from The Southwest: By a Yankee (1835), excerpt from an article from the Louisiana Historical Quarterly entitled “The

                        Chalmette Miscellany (JELAC 3347) (continued)


                        Successors of Lafitte,” paper on the history and significance of the Beauregard House entitled “The Rene Beauregard House: Chalmette, Louisiana” by Samuel Wilson, Jr. (September 1956), memos regarding cannon tubes at Chalmette (April-May 1968), 7 page packet with quotes from a large number of sources (all cited) in reference to the Battle of New Orleans, lists of those buried at Chalmette National Cemetery grouped according to various categories, photograph of Chal­mette mud rampart near Rodriguez Canal, copy of excerpts from book containing correspondence referring to the Battle of New Orleans, large format copy of first floor plan of the Rene Beauregard house (original should be with NPS Buildings and Restoration, Branch of Plans and Design, part of the Historic American Buildings Survey, memo regarding troop movement maps at Chalmette (including some concerns), press release regarding Chalmette National Cemetery (November 1981), maps of troop and ship movement to the New Orleans/ Chalmette area, excerpt from Correspondence of Andrew Jackson regarding the Battle of New Or­leans (1927), essay entitled “The New Orleans Campaign” by Thomas E. DeVoe.


                        [Untitled] (JELAC 3348)

                        Folder contains: article from Preservation entitled “Tenneco saves de la Ronde Oaks” (March 1981), correspondence regarding the history of the Jefferson Troop flag (August 1987), list of classified structures within Chalmette National His­torical Park (August 1981), memo regarding paint color of the Beauregard House (June 1980), memo regarding the furnishing of the Beauregard house (May 1977).


                        Chalmette (JELAC 3349)

                        Folder contains: report on the History of the Preservation of Chalmette Battlefield, correspondence regarding the research of the Jefferson Troop flag (March 1983), copy of handwritten quote from Jackson and New Orleans by Alexander Walker, handwritten quote from Andrew Jackson’s Campaign Against the British, or the Mississippi Territory in the War of 1812 by Mrs. Dunbar Rowland, correspondence regarding copies of microfilms and information about Sam Houston and Andrew Jackson (August 1985), packet of research for Jeffer­son Troop flag (March 1982), article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Historian has some new ideas on 1814 battle” (January 6, 1985), article from Army Reserve Magazine “Solemn duty, useful training 630th QM Company Honors the Nation’s Dead” (Summer 1985), series of quotes by and about Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans, report entitled Interpretive Strategy for the Living History Program: Chalmette National Historical Park by John D. Stokley (February 1985), Living History for School Groups at Chalmette National Historical Park by John D. Stokley (March 1985).


                        Chalmette Battlefield (H14) (JELAC 3350)

                        Folder contains: article from the St. Bernard Voice entitled “Picture out of the past” (October 22, 1971), booklet entitled Facts about Chalmette Monument and Its Caretakers the LA. Society U.S.D. 1776 and 1812, essay on the “Chalmette Monument” by Iris R. Coumes, article (maybe from the St. Bernard Voice) entitled “Guest Speakers Announced for Monument Lighting Ceremonies on June 23” (June 23, 1968), article from unknown source entitled “History of the Chalmette Monument” (June 23, 1968), article from the St. Bernard Voice entitled “New Superintendent at Chalmette Park” (May 12, 1967), article from the States-Item entitled “New Chalmette Chief Due August 29” (August 17, 1965), press release for the National Park Service regarding new superintendent (September 1964), article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Park is Historic, Scenic” (June 2, 1968), article entitled “Hey! Wasn’t Andy Jackson Top Man at Chalmette Back in 1815?” (May 4, 1966), article entitled “2 close-to-home tours especially mapped for local motorists: (Either way you go, you can’t go wrong!)” (May 2, 1966), article from the New Orleans States entitled “Rubbish, Rundown Shacks Litter Famed Battleground Where Orleans Was Saved” (January 8, 1948), article from the New Orleans Item entitled “$2750 Price Per Acre Is Proposal” (February 5, 1948), 3 photographs of Chalmette National Historical Battlefield during a flood, article from the New Orleans Item entitled “U.S. Plans Original Glory for Old Beauregard House” (February 16, 1948), article from the New Orleans Item entitled “Chalmette Park Near Goal in Expansion Fight” (January 26, 1948), article from the New Orleans Item entitled “OK Chalmette Park Land” (February 11, 1948), article from the St. Bernard Voice entitled “Chalmette National Park to Absorb Burg: Two Locations are Under Consideration by Leaders” (July 22, 1939), pamphlet from the Chalmette National Monument, Lou­isiana, Hearing before the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys United States Senate, 74th Congress, 2nd Session on H.R. 5368 (March 1936), corres­pondence containing a brief history of the Chalmette National Monument (February 1935).


                        Cotton Bales (H22) (JELAC 3351)

                        Folder contains: copy 2 pages from DeBow’s Review including information about size of cotton bales (1856), handwritten notes about possible use of cotton bales as base for lines, notes from The New Orleans Delta (March 26, 1854), memo regarding cotton bales (April 1963), memo about cotton bales (April 1963).


                        [St. Bernard Assessment Roll 1937] (JELAC 3352)

                        Folder contains: copy of excerpt from the St. Bernard Assessment rolls, including land surrounding present Chalmette Monument site (1937).


                        Hist. Base Map Material (H2215) (JELAC 3353)

                        Folder contains: photograph of map from the Defense Department of the Battle of New Orleans, photograph of map of the Plan of Attack and Defense of the American Lines for January 8, 1815, map by Maj. A. Lacarriere Latour, hand drawn sketch of the Chalmette Battlefield (Bus Route) tour of the site.


                        Isham Lewis (H2215) [Possibly Chalmette’s Unknown Soldier] (JELAC 3354)

                        Folder contains: original correspondence regarding the facts surrounding Isham Lewis concerning his possible identity as the unknown Battle of New Orleans soldier buried in the cemetery (September-November 1966).


                        British Burials (H30) (JELAC 3355)

                        Folder contains: copious amounts of correspondence and research regarding the location of graves of the British dead on the battlefield, also includes article from the New Orleans States and Item entitled “Kaiser giving land to park: Spot Pakenham fell on new tract.”


                        Chalmette-Rodriguez House (JELAC 3356)

                        Folder contains: paper entitled “The Rodriguez House and the Chalmette Riverbank: A Historical Investigation and Analysis” by Barry Mackintosh (May 9, 1983), report entitled “Chalmette National Historical Park: A Remote Sensing Project” by Frances Joan Mathien, paper entitled “The Search for Jackson’s Mud Rampart” by Rex L. Wilson, notes regarding research, Diagrammatic Reconstruction of Land Tenure in the Study Area measuring 18 x 21½ inches, Diagrammatic Reconstruction of Land Tenure on the Chalmette Plantations measuring 24 x 42 ½ inches, report entitled “Analysis of Historic Remains from Two Archeological Test Units at Chalmette National Historic Park” by Christopher Goodwin and Jill-Karen Yakubik (May 1983).


                        Time Capsule (H18) (JELAC 3557)

                        Folder contains: article from the St. Bernard Voice entitled “1874 is Year Time-Capsule Was Placed in Monument” (March 2, 1956), three pages from memo regarding those present at the opening of the time capsule (February 29, 1956), article from the New Orleans Item entitled “About Pretty Nellie Grant” (March 1, 1956), article (maybe from States Item?) entitled “Articles from 1880 ‘Good as New’: Open Chalmette Cemetery Capsule,” list of suggestions for addition into the new time capsule, article from the St. Bernard Reporter entitled “Capsule Yields 19th Century Newspapers, Books, Money” (March 2, 1956), typed copy of article (from the time capsule) from the New Orleans Republican for the sale of the Beauregard House (May 20, 1874), copies of various other articles from the time capsule not related to the JELA as well as a sketch as to where the time capsule was placed and the new one was situated.


                        Historical Resource Studies (H2215) (JELAC 3510)

                        Folder contains: report entitled “Historical Resource Management: Chalmette National Historical Park,” memo regarding and including Resource Studies Proposals (History)--Chalmette (June 1965) for a park history and a history of the De la Ronde Plantation and other sites.


                        Andrew Jackson and the Continuing Battle of New Orleans (H22) (JELAC 3511)

                        Folder contains: report entitled “Andrew Jackson and the Continuing Battle of New Orleans” by Joseph Tregle, Jr.


                        Folklife I (JELAC 3512)

                        Folder contains: a folklife program position paper #3, abstract of the folklife exhibit, report entitled “A Report on the Caretaker’s House at the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park” by Jay Edwards, copy of newspaper article from the Louisiana Courier (May 1813) regarding the Rodriguez house being for sale (in French), notes from meeting regarding the World’s Fair (March 1984), report entitled “The National Park Services Role in the Ethnohistory of the Mississippi Delta Region.”


                        [Louisiana Folklife Festival] (JELAF 4505)

                        Folder contains: Louisiana Folklife Festival program with article about Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve entitled “Jean Lafitte Park portrays cultural diversity” (October 1988).


                        Gospel Music (JELAF 4506)

                        Folder contains: exhibit text write-up regarding an exhibit of gospel music quartets photographs by Lynn Abbott.


                        Proposal for ‘84 Worlds Fair: Folklife Program (JELAF 4507)

                        Folder contains: a proposal for folklife program at the Louisiana World Fair (Exposition).


                        Feasibility Report (JELAF 4508)

                        Folder contains: a report on “Louisiana-Gulf South Folklife Festival at the Louisiana World Exposition” written by Richard Van Kleeck (July 1983), also includes booklet from Folklife Festival from 1982 World’s Fair in Knoxville.


                        Folklife Program Development (JELAF 4509)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding cooperative agreement program in Eunice (February 1988), large format floor plan of the theater in Eunice, detailed memo regarding the development of the Cajun programming for the Folklife

                        Folklife Program Development (JELAF 4509) (continued)


                        Program at the Louisiana World’s Fair (July 1985).  (Item moved to oversize box 93, #5)


                        [Eunice--Center for Cajun Culture] (JELAF 4510)

                        Folder contains: agenda for presentation on Center for Cajun Culture, correspond­ence from some of the visiting dignitaries (March-May 1985), essay entitled “Cajun Music: An Effective Barometer of Louisiana--French Society” by Barry Ancelet, photocopies of two articles about the Cajun Center entitled “Cajun Center May Locate in Eunice” from unknown source and “Eunice considered site for Cajun culture center” from the Daily World (May 3, 1985), a resolution from the city government of Eunice (February 1985), House of Representatives resolution (1985), essay entitled “Eunice: Center of Cajun Culture,” map of the state locating the city of Eunice, agenda from the meeting of the Delta Region Preservation Commission (May 1985), 2 copies of blueprints for proposed Cajun Cultural Center in Eunice.


Box 4              Subseries I.4.


                        Box 4A: Chalmette Research (JELAC 3513)

                        Grey archival box contains: article from Louisiana History entitled “The New Orleans Riot of 1866, Reconsidered” by Donald E. Reynolds, excerpt from Daily Life in Louisiana, 1815-1830 by Liliane Crété, excerpt from A Guide to the Military Posts of the United States: 1789-1895 by Francis Paul Prucha, excerpt from Jean-Bernard Bossu’s Travels in the Interior of North America, 1751-1762, excerpt from Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America by Benson J. Lossing, excerpt from Historical Review of the Antilles entitled “Taking Possession of America” by Cavalier de la Salle (March 13 and April 9, 1682), Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi by Philip Pitman, excerpt from A History of Baton Rouge, 1699-1812 by Rose Meyers, article from the Louisiana Historical Quarterly entitled “Willing’s Expedition Down the Mississippi, 1778,” excerpts from Army Generals and Reconstruction by Joseph G. Dawson III, article from Louisiana History entitled “Militia in New Orleans, 1853-1861,” article from Louisiana History entitled “Military Events in Louisiana During the Civil War, 1861-1865,” segment from Frenchmen and French Ways in the Mississippi Valley entitled “Jerome Filipes, Comte de Pontchartrain, and the Establishment of Louisiana, 1696-1715,” article from Louisiana History entitled “The French and the Natchez Indians in Louisiana: 1700-1731,” article from Louisiana History entitled “The Seizure of the Forts and Public Property in Louisiana,” article from Louisiana History entitled “The Abortive Slave Revolt at Points Coupes, Louisiana 1795,” article from Louisiana History entitled “Military Roads in the Florida Parishes of Louisiana,” excerpt from Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in the Year 1802 by Berquin-Duvallon, excerpt from Louisiana Reconstructed, 1863-1877 by Joel Gray Taylor, excerpt from Occupied City: New Orleans Under the Federals, 1862-1865 by Gerald M. Capers, article from Louisiana Studies entitled “The confederate regulars in Louisiana,” article from the Louisiana Historical Quarterly entitled “The Natchez Rebellion of 1781 and its Aftermath,” article from Louisiana History entitled “The Administration of Indian Affairs in Louisiana, 1803-1820,” article from the Louisiana Historical Quarterly entitled “The interval of Military Government in West Florida,” article from the Louisiana Historical Quarterly entitled “The Natchez Massacre and Governor Perier,” excerpt from Bernardo de Galvez in Louisiana, 1776-1783 by John Walton Caughey, excerpt from Travels Through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida... by William Bartram, excerpt from Louisiana’s Ancients of Man: A Study of Changing Characteristics of Louisiana Indian Cultures by J. Ashley Sibley, Jr., excerpt from New Travels in North America 1770-1771 by Jean-Bernard Bossu, excerpt from Pictoral History of the Civil War in the United States of America by Benson J. Lossing, excerpt from The Civil War in Louisiana by John D. Winters, excerpt from The Indian Tribes of North America by John R. Swanton, article from Louisiana History entitled “The Engineers and the Mississippi,” excerpt from Louisiana by Alcee Fortier, excerpt from The Valley of the Mississippi Illustrated by Henry Lewis, excerpt from A History of Louisiana by Alcee Fortier.


                        Box 4B: Chalmette Research (JELAC 3514)

                        Grey archival box contains: copy of Baton Rouge Story: A Historical Sketch of Louisiana’s Capital City by Evelyn Martindale Thom, article from Louisiana Under the Rule of Spain, France and the United States, 1785-1807 entitled “Military Report on Louisiana and West Florida,” article from Louisiana History entitled “Maritime Frontier Engineering: The Defense of New Orleans,” excerpt from Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi Valley by John R. Swanton, excerpt from A History of Louisiana (Vol. 4) by Alcee Fortier, excerpt from A History of Louisiana (Vol. 2) by Alcee Fortier, excerpt from Louisiana: Its History as a French Colony by Charles Gayarre, excerpt from Spanish War Vessels on the Mississippi, 1792-1796 by Abraham P. Nasatir, article from Louisiana Studies entitled “Fort Baton Rouge,” excerpt from Louisiana: A Record of Expansion by Albert Phelps, excerpt from French-Indian Relations on the Southern Frontier, 1699-1762 by Patricia Dillon Woods.


                        Box 4B: Chalmette Research--(JELAC 3515)

                        Grey archival box contains: group of photos of maps, drawings and text regarding the city of New Orleans, article from Louisiana History entitled “The Fiasco at Head of Passes,” excerpt from Study of Early Maps of the Mississippi River by Captain Carl F. Palfrey, excerpts from Man and Nature at Port Hudson, 1863-1917 by Milledge L. Bonham, Jr., article from Louisiana History entitled “Protecting the ‘Barrera’: Spain’s Defenses in Louisiana, 1763-1779” by Gilbert C. Din, article from Louisiana History entitled “Negro Troops in Blue and Grey: The Louisiana Native Guards, 1861-1863,” excerpt from unknown source, entry is for “Wilkinson, David (January 5, 1771-February 3, 1852), excerpt from Travels in North America, 1822-1824 by Paul Willhelm, Duke of Wurttemberg, Jeffery P. Brain, article from Louisiana History entitled “Louisiana Bibliography, 1967,” article from Louisiana History entitled “Books and Articles relating to Louisiana, 1964-65,” excerpt from The Life of Andrew Jackson by John Reid and John Henry Eaton, folder containing: typed bibliography by Rose Lambert, unknown source for bibliography on the Battle of New Orleans, and 2 memos regarding a historic resource study of Chalmette (August 1983), copy of Life of Andrew Jackson (Vol. 2) by James Parton, folder entitled “Chalmette--Prints” containing: photocopy of plans for military cemetery in Chalmette from the city surveyor (March 19, 1872), and two pages of handwritten notes regarding HSP steel engraving prints.


                        Box 4C: Cemetery Research (JELAC 3516)

                        Grey archival box contains: copies of correspondence, maps, and plans with regard to the Chalmette National Cemetery as well as an aerial photo of the cemetery.


                        Ø            The folders are arbitrary separations of the papers contained within; they are there to keep the papers in order.

Box 5              Subseries I.5.


                        (JELAF 4511)

                        Set of blueprints for Wetlands Acadian Culture Center--Thibodaux including details of site demolition, existing conditions, construction plans and demolition details also includes sketch of retaining wall (May 1994).  (Item moved to oversize box 93, #6.)


                        Staff meeting minutes dating from 1981-1985.


                        [Black Social Aid...] (JELAF 4512)

                        Final copy of report entitled “Black Social Aid and Pleasure Clubs: Marching Associations in New Orleans” by William R. Jankowiak, Ph.D. (7/27/90).


                        [Jazz Related Sites...] (JELAF 4513)

                        Final (Master copy) report entitled “Jazz--Related Sites and Structures in the New Orleans Area” by Curtis Jerde, Jeffrey Treffinger, and edited by Jill-Karen Yakubik and Herschel A. Franks (contract # PX7530-9-0276) (May 1990) including original photos.


                        Jazz Biography Master (JELAF 4514)

                        Final copy of “A Biographical Listing of Selected Major Jazz/Blues Artists in New Orleans, Past and Present” by Curtis Dale Jerde (contract # PX7530-9-0275) (April 1990), map key, 2 computer disks (5¼-in. floppy disks) entitled Jazz Audio base disk 1 (and disk 2) (January 1990).


                        Jazz Archival Master (JELAF 4515)

                        Final copy of “Archival Record and Resources Related to Jazz in the New Orleans Area” by Curtis Dale Jerde (contract # PX7530-9-0275).


                        Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview-Master Copy--Section IA (JELAF 4516)

                        Master copy of “Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview” section IA by Joseph T. Wilson and Nicholas R. Spitzer (November 1979).


                        Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview-Master Copy--IB (JELAF 4516)

                        Master copy of “Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview” section IB by Janice Pierce.


                        Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview-Master Copy--Site Photos (JELAF 4516)

                        Master copy of “Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview” site photos.


                        Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview-Master Copy--Section IIB (JELAF 4516)

                        Master copy of “Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview” section IIB.


                        Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview-Master Copy--Section IIA (JELAF 4516)

                        Master copy of “Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview” section IIA.


                        Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview-Master Copy--Section IIC (JELAF 4516)

                        Master copy of “Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview” section IIC.


                        Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview-Master Copy--Section IID, III, IV (JELAF 4516)

                        Master copy of “Mississippi Delta Ethnographic Overview” sections IID, III, IV.


Box 6              Subseries I.6.


                        [Isleños Videotapes--Translation into English] (JELAF 4517)

                        Master copy of “English Translation of Videotaped Oral History Interviews and Ethnographic Documentation of Isleños Lifeways” from tapes 3-15, 18-30, 33-48 from 1982-85 by Jaan Ingle Troltenier (contract # PX7530-9-3302) (December 1995).


                        [Isleños Videotapes--Transcription into Spanish] (JELAF 4518)

                        Master copy of “Spanish Transcription of Videotaped Oral History Interviews and Ethnographic Documentation of Isleños Lifeways” from tapes 3-15, 18-30, 33-48 from 1982-1985 by Jaan Ingle Troltenier (contract # PX 7530-9-3302) (December 1995).


                        Archeological Survey on 65 Acres of Land Adjacent to Bayou Des Familles (JELAB 614)

                        A report by Herschel A. Franks, Ph.D., Jill-Karen Yakubik, and Marco J. Giardino, Ph.D. (1990).



Series II.        Black File Cabinet, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Past Records


Box 6              Subseries II.6.


                        Untitled (JELAB 615)

                        Proceedings: Eighth Annual Gulf of Mexico Information Transfer Meeting by the Minerals Management Service: Gulf of Mexico OCS Region (December 1987).


                        Untitled (JELAB 807)

                        A Brief History of Jean Lafitte and the Baratarians and An Identification of Historic Archeological Sites for Planners by Erwin Thompson, HP.


                        Chalmette Manuscripts, Pamphlets, etc. (JELAC 3517)

                        Folder contains: copy of unidentified aerial photograph, pamphlet entitled Battle of New Orleans: 173rd Anniversary Celebration--January 9 and 10, 1988, pamphlet entitled The Battle of New Orleans and its Monument by Leonard V. Huber (1983), Chalmette pamphlet (blue, 1973), Chalmette pamphlet (black with blue cannon, 1964, 1966), Chalmette pamphlet (with the monument pictured on the front, 1954), Chalmette pamphlet (with monument pictured on front as well as a drawing of the battle, 1950), Chalmette National Cemetery pamphlet (undated), translation and copy of original Inventory of Succession for Josephine Cantrell, Wife of Jose Alonzo Fernandez (May 1984), packet of information apparently relating to the monument and including copy of blueprint of Monument itself, explanation of the monument and a map of the Chalmette area in addition to the photocopy of an army officer and a few pages of text (February 1987), article from the Florida Anthropologist entitled “The Search for Jackson’s Mud Rampart” by Rex L. Wilson, excerpt from Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres or, Reminiscences of the Life of a Former Merchant by Vincent Nolte (from New Orleans, 1854), map of battle on the Westbank, copy of map of the British Army by A. La Carriere Latour (17½ x 24½ in.), copy of text from Harper’s Weekly regarding the Battle of New Orleans, blueprint of revised geography of the battle of New Orleans.  (Items moved to oversize box 93, #7, 8.)


                        Untitled (JELAF 4519)

                        “Nineteenth Century Creole Society of New Orleans: A Cultural Inventory of Aspects of That Society” by Kathleen McLeister (final report, February 1987).


                        Untitled (JELAB 808)

                        Ceramic Use in Late-Eighteenth-Century and Early-Nineteenth-Century Southeastern Louisiana by Jill-Karen Yakubik (April 1990).


                        Untitled (JELAF 4520)

                        A Survey of Louisiana French Vernacular Architecture, Vol. I by Jay D. Edwards (1985).


                        Water Management--Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (JELAB 809)

                        Preliminary Water Management Plan for Jean Lafitte National Park by Nancy C. Taylor, John W. Day, Jr., George Neusaenger, William H. Conner (August 1988).


                        Water Quality--Barataria Basin, Louisiana (JELAB 810)

                        Article from book entitled “Aquatic Productivity and Water Quality at the Upland-Estuary Interface in Barataria Basin” by Charles S. Hopkinson and John W. Day (1979).


                        Identifying Selected Waterways in the Barataria Unit, JELA (JELAB 811)

                        Study entitled Identifying Selected Waterways in the Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve by Steven Gorin, Ph.D. (July 1989).


                        Flotation Investigations at the Coquilles Site, On the Mississippi River Delta, Louisiana( JELAB 812)

                        Study entitled “Flotation Investigations at the Coquilles Site, On the Mis­sis­sippi River Delta, Louisiana” by Mollie S. Toll (July 1985).


Box 7              Subseries II.7.


                        Log Book # III (World’s Fair) (6/28/84-11/11/84) (JELAF 4521)


                        Log Book (un-numbered) (11/7/84-3/30/85).


                        Log Book (un-numbered) (2/26/81-1/12/82).


                        Log Book #II (1/13/82-9/30/82).


                        Log Book (un-numbered, actually an address book) (5/27/87-2/17/88).


                        Log Book (The “Cart” Era, Pt. IV (of IX) (6/14/86-10/28/86).


                        Log Book (The “Cart” Era, Pt. V) (The Folklife Era, Pt. I) (10/28/86-5/25/87).


                        Log Book (Tours A La Carte) (3/31/85-9/17/85).


                        Log Book #IV (8/12/83-5/25/84).


                        Log Book (un-numbered) (5/26/84-10/22/84).


                        Scrap Sheets(makeshift Log Book) (10/23/84-11/7/84).


                        Log Book (The “Cart” Era, Pt. III (of IX) (2/19/86-6/14/86).


                        Guest Book (JELAF 4522)

                        Public officials present at ground breaking for Wetlands Acadian Cultural Cen­ter, Thibodaux, including a program for the ceremony (February 17, 1989).


                        Big and Little Oak Islands (JELAB 813)

                        Folder contains: copy of Big Oak and Little Oak Islands: Prehistoric Indian Sites in New Orleans Parish, Louisiana by Sherwood M. Gagliano (July 1969), copy of article from Louisiana Archaeology entitled “Big Oak and Little Oak Islands: Excavations and Interpretations” by J. Richard Shenkel (1974), copy of article from Bulletin No. 18: Southeastern Archaeological Conference entitled “A Tchefuncte House” by J. Richard Shenkel and George Holley (October 1974).


                        Laboratory Simulation of Tchefuncte Period Ceramic Vessels from the Pontchartrain Basin (JELAB 814)

                        Article from Southeastern Archaeology 2.1 (Summer 1983) entitled “Laboratory Simulation of Tchefuncte Period Ceramic Vessels from the Pontchartrain Basin” by Doyle J. Gertjejansen and J. Richard Shenkel.


                        An Early Marksville Burial Component in Southeastern Louisiana (JELAB 815)

                        Copy from Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology (1984) entitled “An Early Marksville Burial Component in Southeastern Louisiana” by J. Richard Shenkel.


                        Plant Communities of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (JELAB 816)

                        Original, Plant Communities of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by David A. White and Leonard B. Thien (CX 70290016).


                        A Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (JELAB 817)

                        Copy of A Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Steven P. Darwin.


                        Final Report: Faunistic Inventory of the Core Area, Jean Lafitte National Historical Parks (JELAB 818)

                        Copy of Final Report: Faunistic Inventory of the Core Area, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Alfred E. Smalley.


                        Pages from Register of National Park Visitors (2/23/83-4/30/84 & 8/16/87-10/30/87) (JELAF 4523)


                        Chalmette Newsletter (JELAC 3518)

                        Anniversary issue--180th--vol. II, No. II (with regard to the reenactment of Battle of New Orleans).


                        Jean Lafitte General Management Plan (Notes) (JELAF 4524)

                        Books I-IV (1/22/79-2/10/83).


                        Visitor Contact and Basic Info. (JELAF 4525)

                        Notebook-like log books (5/22/84-7/13/84).


                        Folklife Log Book (JELAF 4526)

                        From the World’s Fair (6/3/84-7/7/84).


Box 8              Subseries II.8.


                        Acadian Culture Center Thibodaux, LA: Artifact Workbook (JELAF 4527)

                        Vol. 1 of 2 by Hamilton and Associates and Museum Design Resources (February 1990).


                        Acadian Culture Center Thibodaux, LA: Artifact Workbook

                        Vol. 2 of 2 by Hamilton and Associates and Museum Design Resources (February 1990).


                        Acadian Culture Center Eunice, LA: Artifact Workbook (JELAF 4528)

                        Vol. 1 of 3 by Hamilton and Associates and Institutional Services (November 1989).


                        Acadian Culture Center Eunice, LA: Artifact Workbook

                        Vol. 2 of 3 by Hamilton and Associates and Institutional Services (November 1989).


                        Acadian Culture Center Eunice, LA: Artifact Workbook

                        Vol. 3 of 3 by Hamilton and Associates and Institutional Services (November 1989).


                        Acadian Culture Center Eunice: Evaluation of Artifact Assemblage for the Prairie Culture Center (JELAF 4529)

                        by Jay D. Edwards (January 1990).


                        Acadian Culture Center Eunice, LA: Artifact/Visual Acquisition List Original Description Prairie (JELAF 4530)

                        by Hamilton and Associates and Institutional Services (November 1989).


                        Historic Structure Report: Chalmette--Beauregard House (JELAC 3519)

                        Alternate title is Historic Structure Report: Administrative, His­tor­ical, and Architectural Data and Historic Furnishings Study of the First Floor: Chalmette National Historical Park--Rene Beau­re­gard House, Louisiana by Louis Torres and Curtis Lester (April 1978).


                        Office Services and Site Visitation [Cemetery Walls] (JELAC 3520)

                        Work directive for an engineer for Chalmette (January 1984).


                        Battery No. 3 and Parapet Excavations: The Chalmette Unit, JELA (Final Report) (JELAC 3521)

                        by Christopher Goodwin and Associates (December 1991).


                        Architect/Engineer Contract: Hamilton and Associates (JELAF 4531)

                        (August 1989).


                        Geotechnical Engineering: Wetlands Culture Center, Thibodaux, LA (JELAF 4532)

                        by Louis J. Capozzoli and Associates, Inc. (July 1987).


                        [Assorted Loose Papers] (JELAF 4533)

                        Correspondence regarding Improvements to the Seale Building (May 1989), packet of master specs listed as basic (November 1985), construction cost estimate packet for Thibodaux Acadian Culture Center (October 1988), four packets of revisions of specs (October 1985), correspondence regarding the Prairie Culture Center, Eunice (August 1988), correspondence regarding fee proposals for work on Seale Building and Liberty Theater (September 1988), two packets of fee proposals for Seale Building and Liberty Theater (September 1988), copy of bidders mailing list.


Acadian Culture Center Prairie Unit--Eunice Exhibit Text (first draft) (JELAF 4534)

                        by Glen Pitre (April 1990).


                        Prairie Culture Center, Eunice, LA: Design Analysis (JELAF 4535)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (December 1988).


                        Environmental Assessment: Acadian Culture Center, Lafayette Parish, LA (JELAF 4536)

                        by Coastal Environments, Inc. (September 1990).


                        Demolition/Stabilization--Acadian Culture Center, Eunice (JELAF 4537)

                        by Hamilton and Associates.


                        Historic Architecture Report: Liberty Theater--Acadian Culture Center, Eunice, LA (JELAF 4538)

                        by Sid Gray and Hamilton and Associates (July 1988).


                        Project Manual: Improvements and Additions to the Seale Building--Acadian Culture Center, Eunice, LA (JELAF 4539)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (November 1988).


                        Project Manual: Improvements and Additions to the Liberty Theater--Acadian Culture Center Eunice, LA (JELAF 4540)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (January 1989).


                        Project Manual: Improvements and Additions to the Liberty  Theater--Acadian Culture Center Eunice, LA (JELAF 4541)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (June 1990).


                        Construction Cost Estimate: Improvements and Additions to the Liberty Theater--Eunice (JELAF 4542)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (June, 1990).


                        Exhibit Design Plans--Eunice (JELAF 4543)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (April 1989).


Box 9              Subseries II.9.


                        Project Manual: Improvements and Additions to the Lobdell Warehouse (Visitors Center) and New Performance Center--Thibodaux (JELAF 4544)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (March 1989).


                        Design Analysis: Wetlands Cultural Center--Thibodaux (JELAF 4545)

                        by Hamilton and Associates (March 1989).


                        Acadian Cultural Center: Artifact Workbook--Addendum to Workbook, Thibodaux, LA (JELAF 4546)

                        by Hamilton and Associates and Museum Design Resources (February 1990).


                        Acadian Cultural Center: Artifact Workbook--Addendum to Workbook, Eunice, LA (JELAF 4547)

                        by Hamilton and Associates and Museum Design Resources (February 1990).


                        Project Manual: Seale Building Remodeling (JELAF 4548)

                        Vol. II (January 1990).


                        Project Manual: Barataria Visitor Use Facilities--Phase II (JELAB 819)

                        (August 1988).


                        Suitability/Feasibility Study: Proposed Jean Lafitte National Cultural Park (JELAF 4549)



                        A Literature Survey of the Fishes of the Lower Coastal Plain of Louisiana (JELAB 820)

                        Possibly by Royal D. Suttkus, two subsections exist within this paper/report--A Plan to Study the Fishes of the Barataria Unit of the Jean Lafitte National Park and a list of Publications by Royal D. Suttkus (ca. 1983).


                        Deer Populations and Management; Furbearer Populations and Manage­ment; Alligator Populations and Management (JELAB 821)

                        by Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (January 1989).


                        A Study of the Effects of the Proposed Leveeing and Drainage of the Bayou Aux Carpes Swamp on the Adjacent Barataria Unit, JELA (JELAB 822)

                        by John W. Day, Jr. (November 1984).


                        Article (JELAB 823)

                        Article entitled “An Ecological Study of Modiolus Demissus Granossissimus Sowerby in Louisiana” by John W. Day, Jr. and Daniel Rodriguez-Ortega (1978).


                        A Floristic Study of Big and Little Oak Islands, Orleans Parish, Louisiana (JELAB 824)

                        by Lucile M. McCook (August 1981).


                        Inventory of the Amphibians, Reptiles and Mammals of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (JELAB 825)

                        by Douglas A. Rossman and James W. Demastes.


                        Historic Land Use Study of a Portion of the Barataria Unit (JELAB 826)

                        Part I and II by Betsy Swanson (Item moved to oversize box 93, #9, 10).


                        Salinity Monitoring Program: Barataria Unit (JELAB 827)

                        Includes the standards by which to test salinity and map of sites to be tested.



Series III.       Bank of File Cabinets, Jean Lafitte National Park Service Past Records


Box 9              Subseries III.9.


                        Superintendent’s Narrative--FY 1996 (JELAF 4550)

                        Folder contains: copy of the narrative.


                        1994 Superintendent’s Report (JELAF 4551)

                        Folder contains: copy of the narrative.


                        Superintendent’s Narrative--1995 (JELAF 4552)

                        Folder contains: copy of the narrative.


                        Superintendent’s Narrative--1993 (JELAF 4553)

                        Folder contains: copy of 1993 narrative and 1992 narrative.


                        Donaldsonville (JELAF 4554)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the establishment of a JELA unit in Donaldsonville in the Lemann building for interpretation of the Mississippi River history (March 1993-July 1994), Field Survey Report on the Cultural and Historical Resources of Donaldsonville, LA, handwritten notes on subject, special information packet on history of Donaldsonville, some of it’s attractions, memos from phone messages, notes from phone conversation (January 1993).


                        Vermillionville (JELAF 4555)

                        Folder contains: correspondence with J. Bennett Johnston regarding Vermillionville’s inclusion to JELA (November 1994), handwritten copy of note sent to J. Bennett Johnston’s office(November 1994), Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve: Vermillionville Report (as prepared for J. Bennett Johnston) (November 1994), memo including summary report on Vermillionville (April 1994), planning and focus of Vermillionville for Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities Planning Grant Narrative (January 1989), copy of Acadian Culture Centers Introduction, correspondence regarding the artifacts acquisition for Acadian Culture Centers, and Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve: Vermillionville Report (August 1994).


Box 10            Subseries III.10.     


                        Compendium (JELAF 4556)

                        Folder contains: Superintendent’s Orders for JELA (August 1996), Super­intendent’s Orders for JELA (May 1993), Superintendent’s Orders (November 1992), copy of Cooperative Agreement for Concurrent Legislative Jurisdiction at Areas of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park within the State of Louisiana (January 1982), Superintendent’s Orders for JELA (August 1993), explanation of rational for prohibition of pets on Barataria Trails.


                        DRPC--Members’ Resume (JELAB 828)

                        Folder contains: 11 resumes, members of Delta Region Preservation Commission.


                        DRPC--Miscellaneous Correspondence (JELAB 829)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding/containing the charter of DRPC (January 1995).


                        DRPC Member: Dr. Wagner, Frederick(Fritz)(A18) (JELAB 830)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding issues that the DRPC addressed (August 1982-March 1988), comments regarding the ground breaking ceremony for JELA-Barataria (February 1984), Vita for Frederick W. Wagner.


                        DRPC [Meeting Minutes]--August. 14, 1996 (JELAB 831)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (August 1996).


                        DRPC [Meeting Minutes]--January 17, 1996 (JELAB 832)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (January 1996).


                        DRPC--October 18, 1995 (JELAB 833)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (October 1995) and article from the St. Bernard Voice regarding the meeting (10/27/95).


                        DRPC Meeting--July 26, 1995 (JELAB 834)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (July 1995).


                        DRPC Meeting--April 12, 1995 (JELAB 835)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (April 1995).


                        DRPC Meeting--January 11, 1995 (JELAB 836)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (January 1995).


                        DRPC Meeting--November 9, 1994 (JELAB 837)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (November 1994).


                        DRPC Meeting--June 15, 1994 (JELAB 838)

                        Folder contains: amendment to the attendee list of the minutes, minutes for quarterly meeting (June 1994), memo regarding an update of the General Management Plan, and a note and copy of perspective cooperative agreement for German-American Center in Gretna.


                        DRPC Meeting--March 16, 1994 (JELAB 839)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (March 1994), and correspondence regarding nutria and alligators in the Barataria Unit and accompanying enclosures.


                        DRPC--GMP Meeting--July 6, 1994 (JELAB 840)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (July 1994), DRPC additions to the GMP update.


                        DRPC Minutes--December 15, 1993 (JELAB 841)

                        Folder contains: minutes for quarterly meeting (December 1993).


                        DRPC Minutes (JELAB 842)

                        Folder contains: packet containing agenda for the September 22, 1993 meet­ing as well as several newspaper articles regarding the Atchafalaya River Basin as possible inclusion into park service, minutes for meeting (June 16, 1993).


                        French Connections (JELAF 4557)

                        Folder contains: numerous letters of correspondence regarding the visit of a group of performers who perform traditional French music called French Connections, packet of press materials and program of performers.


                        [Marksville--Tunica-Biloxi] (JELAF 4558)

                        Folder contains: photographs of the museum repairs in progress, brochure for Grand Casino Tunica-Biloxi, information regarding cooperative agreements, packet of information regarding the repairs to the museum.


                        History of Percy Lobdell Bldg(Tract 109-02)--Thibodaux (JELAF 4559)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the buildings in Thibodaux, numerous contracts regarding the building.


                        Barataria--Misc. Info. (JELAB 843)

                        Folder contains: article on the architectural firm that designed the Environmental Education Center at Barataria, correspondence regarding the mitigation proposal for enhancement of Cypress and bottomland habitat in Barataria.


                        Barataria--Misc. Memos (JELAB 844)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding drainage of Bayou Dauphine, correspondence regarding airboats use in Park, correspondence regarding buried telephone cable.


                        [Loose Materials] (JELAB 845)

                        Folder contains: blue print map of Barataria Unit of JELA (27 x 24 1/3 in.), copy of General Management Plan/Development Concept Plan for JELA--(July 1989).


                        Tract 101-22 (L1425) (JELAB 846)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the land, copy of act of sale and lease.


                        Big Oak Island (JELAB 847)

                        Folder contains: article regarding the purchase of Big Oak Island, correspondence regarding Big Oak Island.


                        Malus-Beauregard (JELAC 3522)

                        Folder contains: Interpretive planning for the house, breakdown of cost of repairs--project list, Chalmette Boat Visitation Recommendations including New Orleans Paddlewheels role.


                        Chalmette--Misc. Memos (JELAC 3523)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the abandonment of a Louisiana Southern Railway spur line, copy of 180th Battle of New Orleans Celebration pamphlet, St. Bernard brochure which includes information about Chalmette National Historical Park.


                        Delta Queen--JELA 93-05 (JELAC 3524)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the possible docking of the Delta Queen at Chalmette Battlefield.


                        Asbestos Removal--Beauregard (JELAC 3525)

                        Folder contains: specifications for asbestos removal and supply order for work.


                        Recreation Corridor--Westwego to Harvey Canal( JELAC 3526)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Technical Assistance Study: Alternatives for Recreation Along the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Westwego to Harvey Canal Hurricane Protection Levee done by NPS (July 1993) and information regarding trip itinerary.


                        Chalmette Slip (JELAC 3527)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding work done on the Chalmette Slip.


                        Operations Evaluation--1989, 1991 (JELAF 4560)

                        Folder contains: operations evaluations for years 1989 and 1991.


                        1993 Operations Evaluation--Final Report (JELAF 4561)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the evaluation and several stages of the rough draft as well as the final evaluation.

Operations Evaluation--May 1993 (JELAF 4562)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the Operations Evaluation and several copies of rough drafts of the evaluation.


                        [Loose Materials] (JELAF 4563)

                        Includes final copy of Park Operations Evaluation for Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (March 1993, dated May 1993).


                        Task Directives--Exhibitry--Isleño, German American, Chitimacha (JELAF 4564)

                        Folder contains: Task Directive for Isleño Cultural Center (April 1996) and Task Directive for Beauregard House, Chitimacha Cultural Center and Isleño Cultural Center (June 1995).


                        [Loose Material] (JELAF 4565)

                        Folder contains: JELA 5 year Planning/Development Program (December 1994).


                        Statement for Management (JELAF 4566)

                        Folder contains: memo and packet including Land Uses/Trends and Existing Planning/Studies (June 1991), memo and a large portion of the Statement for Management (June 1991).


                        Statement for Management--General Guidelines (JELAF 4567)

                        Folder contains: facts and figures regarding the acquisition of land for JELA, list of official NPS plans, chart of park acreage (April 1994).


                        Statement for Management (JELAF 4568)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding public use, maps of Barataria.


                        Amendment GMP--Public Comments (JELAF 4569)

                        Folder contains: correspondence from various organizations regarding revisions being made to the GMP (November 1994-February 1995), Open House Minutes of Delta Region Preservation Commission Meeting (November 1994).


                        Amendment GMP--Mailing List (JELAF 4570)

                        Folder contains: correspondence to and from JELA regarding the draft of the General Management Plan Amendment and mailing lists.


                        [Loose Material] (JELAF 4571)

                        Folder contains: correspondence, memos and cc:mail regarding the GMP Amendment as well as a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), original (April 1990).


                        Amendment to the General Management Plan 1994(3 folders) (JELAF 4572)

                        Folder contains: cc:mail, correspondence and memos regarding the various drafts of the General Management Plan Amendments, FONSI form with regard to the Amendment, copies of maps of Barataria, copy of map of Chalmette, copy of map of southeastern Louisiana JELA units.


Box 11            Subseries III.11.


                        Atchafalaya Basin Special Resource Study (JELAB 848)

                        Folder contains: newsletter of that title, as well as response form (July 1993).


                        [Loose Material] (JELAB 849)

                        Folder contains: Boundary Study/Environmental Assessment: Barataria Preserve Unit, Jean Lafitte (October 1996), news release (March 1996), copy of letter regarding final public review draft (March 1996).


                        Mailing Lists (JELAB 850)

                        Folder contains: numerous sets of address lists some with titles and some without, the titles include, Isle Bonne Landowners=44 and Bayou Aux Carpes Study Area, correspondence regarding public and private meetings regarding the boundary study, some to specific people and some form letters, copy of (Incomplete) Draft Boundary Study (November 1994), a map of the study area, and copy of newspaper article entitled “It’s your call,” requesting public opinion regarding the expansion of the Barataria Preserve Unit (December 15, 1994).


                        Barataria Boundary (JELAB 851)

                        Folder contains: mailing list, correspondence regarding the inclusion of Isle Bonne and Crown Point into the Barataria Unit, including a list of petitioners, Barataria    Boundary (JELAB 851) (continued)


                        Barataria Preserve Boundary Study Public Comment Form (filled out) (11/94), Barataria Boundary Study List From Sign-up Sheet, Meeting October 22 including correspondence to Congressman Tauzin’s office, further mailing lists, hand and type written letter regarding a computer disk from which the sign-up sheet and mailing lists came, another list of addresses, more Barataria Preserve BoundaryStudy Public Comment Forms, letters of correspondence regarding responses to the initial mailing sent, Barataria Boundary Study List From Sign-up Sheet, Meeting October 12, 14,15, 22, and further Public Comment Forms.


                        [Loose Material] (JELAB 852)

                        Folder contains: Draft Bill of 104th Congress regarding the land expansion.


                        Site Investigation--Boundary Study (JELAB 853)

                        Folder contains: suggested additions to the review draft as well as memo (April 1994), memo regarding review draft from SWRO (May 1994), photocopy of map including zones in question.


                        [Loose Material] (JELAB 854)

                        Folder contains: final copy of the Barataria Unit Boundary Study Newsletter (October 1994).


                        Land Protection Plan(Draft) L1415 (JELAF 4573)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding change in acquisition posture for Barataria Pre­serve Unit Park Protection Zone as well as references to Acadian Units and Big Oak Island land protection plans (November 1989), memo regarding units slated for expansion of land (October 4), Land Protection Plan: Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, December 1989, memo regarding land protection plan (June 1989), appendix C-G of the Land Protection Plan . . ., Appendix A and D of Land Protection Plan . . ., map of the area in question (June 1982).


                        [Loose Material] (JELAB 855)

                        Folder contains: three cc:mail messages regarding the boundary study and possible effects as well as revisions.


                        Planning--Legislative Support Data (JELAB 856)

                        Folder contains: handwritten notes regarding cost, Existing Area Fact Sheet with regard to the Barataria Preserve Boundary Study, letter regarding request for information, U.S. Department of Interior Monthly Public Use Report (10/94), paper entitled “Legislative Support Data: Assignments.”


                        [Loose Material] (JELAB 857)

                        Folder contains: vicinity map of southeast Louisiana, cc:mail regarding the conclusion of the Barataria Boundary Study, packet of potential revisions to portions of the study, correspondence regarding potential changes to Amendment of the General Management Plan, correspondence regarding General Management Plan Amendment, changes made to the Boundary Study, Site Investigation for Potential Boundary Study: Barataria Preserve Unit: Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (June 1994), memo regarding the consideration of the Tunica-Biloxi for a Historic Preservation Fund Grant (March 1995), cc:mail regarding the Boundary Study, time table for Boundary Study (February 1995), correspondence, cc:mail and memos regarding Boundary Study, copy of map of Couba Island, packet entitled “Additional Review Material for Barataria Preserve Unit Draft Boundary Study” (January 1995), memo regarding Boundary Study.


                        Barataria NRPP (N1605) (JELAB 858)

                        Folder contains: draft of Inter-agency agreement between NPS, Southwest, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service--National Wetlands Research Center, a proposal entitled An Ecosystem Model and Analysis of Wetland Form, Function, and Distribution for Managing the Barataria Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve by Thomas W. Doyle and Christopher M. Swarzenski (April 7, 1993), memo containing a trip report (June 18, 1992), report entitled Preliminary Analysis of Water Quality of the Barataria Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by Jill Baron and Brian Newkirk (May, 1992), Scope of Work for this study, correspondence including Consensus Report of Technical Workshop on Surface Water Management Plan for JLNP (JELA) by T. W. Doyle (August 13, 1992).


                        Nutria (N1615) (JELAB 859)

                        Folder contains: maps of Barataria unit, copy of newspaper article entitled “Jean Lafitte Park OK’s plan to trap 3,000 nutria” from the Times-Picayune, agency decision regarding nutria, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and

                        Preserve--Barataria Preserve--Trapping Season Summary, 1991-1992, list of Additional Conditions Specific to Trapping, draft 1992-1993 Trapping Operational Plan--Barataria Preserve Unit: Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Decision Document: 1992-93 Nutria Management Program, draft of meeting minutes of Controlled Nutria Reduction Meeting (October 30, 1992), draft of Direct Reduction: Action Plan, photographs of nutria damage (October 1992), Decision Record and Finding of No Significant Impact for the Trapping Management Plan: Barataria Unit.


                        Vermillionville (H1417) (JELAF 4574)

                        Folder contains: copy of article from Abbeyville Meridional entitled “City eyed as site for Lafitte park” (March 15, 1992).


                        Eunice: Descriptive History (H2215) (JELAF 4575)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Eunice, Louisiana: Prairie Cajun Capital.


                        Chalmette (K1817) (JELAC 3528)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding documentation of de la Ronde ruins, includ­ing task directive (March 21, 1990), Interpretive Prospectus (August 1983).


                        Big Oak Island (L1425) (JELAB 860)

                        Folder contains: blueprint entitled “Big Oak Island with Proposed Buffer” (18 x 24 in.), photograph of small carved bead, report entitled Big Oak and Little Oak Islands: Archaeological Sites in Eastern Orleans Parish, Louisiana, correspond­ence and attached report entitled Amendment to a Proposal for Additional Archaeological Investigations at Big Oak Island, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, Sum­mer, 1985 by J. Richard Shenkel, article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Buy­ers line up for historic island” (April 6, 1992), Executive Summary of the Appli­cation for a Department of the Army Section 404 Permit, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District, South Point Inc. (October 1985) and photo­­graph, “Big Oak Island, Revisited” by J. Richard Shenkel (October 28, 1982).


                        Atchafalaya (H1417) (JELAF 4576)

                        Folder contains: articles from the Times-Picayune entitled “Atchafalaya may educate” and “Park plan is only natural” (August 3, 1993).


                        Atchafalaya Basin (L7423) (JELAF 4577)

                        Folder contains: trip report “Atchafalaya special resource study,” correspond­ence including “Revised Atchafalaya Study Contents” (November 21, 1994).

JELA (A2623) (JELAF 4578)

                        Folder contains: trip report regarding de la Ronde ruins, cemetery walls and French Quarter property (June 10, 1988), trip report regarding cemetery walls,police precinct building, Fort Proctor stabilization project (November 14, 1984), trip report regarding Chalmette swamp and Beauregard house (April 28, 1989), trip report regarding 419 Decatur Street (February 7, 1989).


                        Complaints (A3600) (JELAF 4579)

                        Folder contains:  editorial entitled “The value of the walking tours” from the Times-Picayune (June, 20, 1990), editorial entitled “Wildlife Federation honors Ehret” from the Times-Picayune (April 30, 1989), article entitled “New His­torical Park near New Orleans trying to fight off a tide of sewage” from the New York Times (December 13, 1982), article entitled “Ehret’s great tenacity finally rewarded” from the Alexandria Daily Town Talk (March 2, 1990).


                        Chalmette (D1800) (JELAC 3529)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding recommendations regarding the rehabilitation of the Chalmette Monument (June 1989).


                        Eunice (D1800) (JELAF 4580)

                        Folder contains: article entitled “Jean Lafitte construction funded” from an unknown source.


                        JELA (D1800) (JELAF 4581)

                        Folder contains: Jean Lafitte National Historical Park: Land Protection Plan (October 1984), Task Directive: General Management Plan Amendment (November 1990).


                        419 Decatur (D1803) (JELAF 4582)

                        Folder contains: trip report regarding the headquarters building (February 1989), Structural Assessment Report: The Headquarters Building, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park by J. F. Sato and Associates (June 1993).


                        GMP--Chalmette (D1810) (JELAC 3530)

                        Folder contains: Amendment to the General Management Plan: Development Concept Plan--Chalmette (original) (April 1990).


                        New Orleans Riverfront (D1815) (JELAF 4583)

                        Folder contains: trip report regarding New Orleans Riverfront Study (February 1987), booklet entitled The National Park Service and The New Orleans Riverfront (September 1988).


                        Thibodaux (D1820) (JELAF 4584)

                        Folder contains: Finding of No Significant Impact: Environmental and Cultural Assessment, and Compliance Statement--The Acadian Wetlands Culture Center JELA--Thibodaux, Louisiana (original) (June 1990).


                        Eunice (D1825) (JELAF 4585)

                        Folder contains: Finding of No Significant Impact: Environmental and Cultural Assessment, and Compliance Statement--The Acadian Prairie Culture Center JELA--Eunice, Louisiana (original) (June 1990).


                        Lafayette (D1830) (JELAF 4586)

                        Folder contains: trip report regarding the Acadian Cultural Center in Lafayette (March 1991).


                        Levee Corridor (D1840) (JELAB 861)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding the removal of trees on levee corridor near Westwego (May 15, 1995), correspondence regarding design recom­men­da­tions for recreational trail by Susan Hall (January 11, 1994), memo regarding the preliminary draft report of Boundary Study (January 25, 1995), memo of trip report to JELA and Barataria (October 6, 1994), calendar of events regarding the Boundary Study, September 1994-January 1995, Barataria Preserve Unit: Boun­dary Study, Site Investigation forPotential Boundary Study--Barataria Preserve Unit, JELA (June 1994), memo containing trip report regarding Barataria Hur­ri­cane Protection Levee Study (August 22, 1994), Barataria Recreational Corridor Study: Land Ownership/Hazardous Materials/ Rights of Way and Canals/Legal Authorities and Policies (August 12, 1994), packet entitled Westwego to Harvey Canal Fact sheet, Technical Assistance Report Recreational Corridor Analysis: Westwego to Harvey Canal Protection Levee (July 12, 1994), meeting notes from trip to SWRO with regard to Barataria projects (July 12, 1994), memo regarding the initiation of Boundary Study for Barataria Unit (November 1, 1993).


                        Asian Cultural Center (D2200) (JELAF 4587)

                        Folder contains: Building Program and Site Analysis: Asian Cultural Center--JELA.


                        Liberty Theater (D2425) (JELAF 4588)

                        Folder contains: cost construction estimate (June 12, 1992), Project Manual: Additions to the Liberty Theater--Eunice, Louisiana by Hamilton and Associates (June, 1992).


                        Landscape Maintenance Manual(D3220) (JELAF 4589)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding task Directive for Operation and Maintenance Documents (August 15, 1994), Task Directive: Operation and Maintenance Document--Landscape Management Plan for the Prairie Acadian Cultural Center at Eunice, the Acadian Cultural Center at Lafayette and the Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center at Thibodaux.


Box 12            Subseries III.12.


                        Barataria Education Building (D3405) (JELAB 862)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding bidding documents, including engineer’s estimate (July 1, 1991), Project Manual: Environmental Education Center, Barataria Unit, Vol. I (July 1, 1991), Project Manual: Environmental Education Center, Barataria Unit, Vol. II (July 1, 1991).


                        French Quarter (D3415) (JELAF 4590)

                        Folder contains: Project Manual: Headquarters Building, French Quarter (August 19, 1994).


                        Barataria (D5217) (JELAB 863)

                        Folder contains: correspondence entitled Letter of Substantial Completion (July 7, 1993).


                        Barataria Unit (JELAB 864)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Utility Trench along Christmas Plantation Road (April 7, 1989), information on Youth Fishing Rodeo held in JELA, article entitled “Club’s fishing rodeo draws 161 children” from the Westbank Guide (May 17, 1989), Scope of Work: Level II Archeological Survey Big Woods Development Area Environmental Education Center--Phase II Barataria Unit, Barataria Trail System Plan (June 10, 1985).


                        Barataria--Big Woods Area (JELAB 865)

                        Folder contains: Environmental Assessment: Environmental Education Facili­ties, Phase I, Barataria Unit (May 1987), Finding of No Significant Impact for the Environmental Education Facilities, Phase I, Barataria Unit (1987).


                        EPA--Bayou Au Carpes Swamp (Speech-Jim) (JELAB 866)

                        Folder contains: Statement of National Park Service at Public Meeting... Bayou aux Carpes Swamp (June 18, 1985).


                        Bill Jewell--Boundary Adjustment(1-25-94) (JELAB 867)

                        Folder contains: Letter of Justification: For Acquisition of All Tracts Within the Present Boundary North of Millaudon Canal.


                        Briefing Statements (JELAF 4591)

                        Folder contains: briefing statements including American-Italian Cooperative Agreement Site, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (February 9, 1993), Park Status--Information for Congressman Bob Livingston (February 11, 1991), Barataria Preserve Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Hurricane Protection Levee, Westwego to Harvey Canal, French Quarter Walking Tours, Wetland Erosion/Subsidence, Recreational Cor­ridor Study, Westwego to Harvey Canal Hurricane Protection Levee (April 8, 1993).


                        Camp Site Leases--Special Conditions (JELAB 868)

                        Folder contains: Special Use Permit Conditions for Recreational Camps in the Barataria Preserve Unit.


                        German Cultural Center--Artifact Acquisition (JELAF 4592)

                        Folder contains: German Cultural Center Chronology (December 3, 1990).


                        Interpretive Prospective (JELAF 4593)

                        Folder contains: Interpretive Prospectus: Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (August 1983).


                        Isleños Center (JELAF 4594)

                        Folder contains: photographs showing things in need of repair in the house.


                        [Loose Material] (JELAF 4595)

                        Folder contains: A Cultural Resources Survey of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Block 22, Eunice, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana prepared by Hamilton and Associates and Coastal Environments, Inc. (April 1989).


                        Management Reviews (R) (JELAC 3531)

                        Folder contains: Chalmette Management Review.


                        Superintendent’s Annual Report (JELAF 4596)

                        Folder contains: Superintendent’s Annual Narrative Report, 1990, Superintendent’s 1992 Annual Narrative Report.


                        Tourism (JELAF 4597)

                        Folder contains: French Quarter Interpretive Walking Tours Action Plan (September 1990).


                        Trapping and Hunting (JELAB 869)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding Hunting, Trapping and Fishing Activities (July 19, 1989), copy of article entitled “Trapping and hunting suit filed against park service” from the West Bank Guide (December 28, 1987), copy of article entitled “Suit seeks to halt park fur trapping” from unknown source, article entitled “Lafitte hunting studied” from the Times-Picayune (October 20, 1987).


                        1993 Resource Management Plan (D18) (JELAF 4598)

                        Folder contains: introduction and 1993 Resource Management Plan (outline), Priority Listing for Natural Resource Management Projects, FY 93.

General Management Plan--Amendment for Barataria Unit (D18) (JELA B870)

                        Folder contains: type and hand written proposals for changes in Barataria Preserve Unit.


                        Statement For Management (D18) (JELAF 4599)

                        Folder contains: Statement for Management (August 1994).


                        Sensitive Areas (D18) (JELAB 871)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Sensitive Areas.


                        Environmental Education--”Big Woods”(D18) (JELAB 872)

                        Folder contains: letter regarding brick from Barataria (September 19, 1988).


                        Compliance Documents for BARA Surface Water Management Plan (D3219) (JELAB 873)

                        Folder contains: Environmental Assessment Surface Water Management Plan, Barataria Unit (1987).


                        Compliance Documents for B. Coquille Dragline (D3219) (JELAB 874)

                        Folder contains: packet including, two applications for a department of the Army permit by JELA, maps, and Environmental Assesment--Clearing Obstruction--Bayou des Coquilles, First 500’.


                        Surface Water Management Plan Compliance Docs (D3219) (JELAB 875)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding the Surface Water Management Plan for JELA (August 17, 1989), Department of the Army Permit for Surface Water Manage­ment Plan Implementation (June 30, 1995), Statement of Findings for Flood Plain Compliance, Environmental Education Center, Barataria Unit.


                        Exhibit Review (419 Rue Decatur) (D62) (JELAF 4600)

                        Folder contains: Summary of Issues from the Minutes (Meeting October 26, 1993), Minutes: Media Concept Design Meeting (October 26, 1993), Minutes from Meeting (August 20, 1992).


                        Archaeology Research--Barataria (H2215) (JELAB 876)

                        Folder contains: correspondence regarding and original of A Proposal to Amend the National Historic District in the Barataria Unit of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (July, 27, 1992).


                        Historical Archaeological--Barataria (H2215) (JELAB 877)

                        Folder contains: Scope of Work: Archeological Surface Survey, Big Woods Development Area--Visitor Use Facilities, Barataria Unit, JELA (June 22, 1987), article entitled “Gold not the only bounty in the land of Jean Lafitte,” Topographic Map of the Eastern Portion of the Coquille Site (16JE37) by R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates, Inc. (January 31, 1985).


                        Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) (H30) (JELAF 4603)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding NAGPRA inventories (November 29, 1995), Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA): Southeast Archeological Center (inventory of skeletal and funerary remains found at JELA).


                        SUP 7530-84-0012 Kaiser, Access Use, Levee Road (L30) (JELAC 3532)

                        Folder contains: Environmental Assessment: Use of Federal Land (Chalmette Unit) for Access Road by Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation.


                        Gas and Oil (L3023) (JELAB 878)

                        Folder contains: memo regarding proposed geophysical exploration (April 22, 1986), packet including Plan of Operations for Geophysical Exploration: Barataria Unit, JELA by Don Guidry and Cajun Exploration Co., Inc., Environ­men­tal Review and Analysis on Plan of Operations for Geophysical Exploration Pro­posed by Cajun Exploration, Inc. in the Barataria Unit, JELA (August 21, 1986).


                        Levee Proposals (L7617) (JELAB 879)

                        Folder contains: photographs and negatives of Crown Point, Levee/water/ pumpstation, on the effects of the levee project (December 1991).


                        Orphaned Wells (JELAB 880)

                        Folder contains: photographs of the orphaned well sites in Barataria.


                        1995--Breeding Birds (Peter Dunn) (N1419) (JELAB 881)

                        Folder contains: pamphlet entitled “Barataria Trails” (brown, 4 pages).


                        1996 Butterfly Count (N1429) (JELAB 882)

                        Folder contains: research report entitled 1996 Butterfly Inventory for the Barataria Preserve.


                        Butterfly Count (1997) (N1429) (JELAB 883)

                        Folder contains: official count form report (6/24/97), article entitled “Counters search La. woods for national butterfly census” from the Times-Picayune (June 25, 1997).


                        Insects (N1429) (JELAB 884)

                        Folder contains: report entitled The Arachnids of Jean Lafitte National Park, Barataria Unit: Preliminary Report by Margaret E. Seale.


                        Dr. A. Welden--BARA Fungi (N1433) (JELAB 885)

                        Folder contains: computer print out entitled “Lafitte Fungi,” research report entitled Mycological Inventory, 1996, research report entitled Mycological Inventory of the Barataria Preserve, 1995.


                        Surface Water Management Plan (N16) (JELAB 886)

                        Folder contains: Geotechnical Investigation Jean Lafitte National Park, Low-Level Sheetpile Weir, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana by Eustis Engineering (September 26, 1990).


                        Salvador Shoreline Protection Project (N16) (JELAB 887)

                        Folder contains: Assessment of Nutrient Utilization by Marsh Vegetation, photographs marked Fall/Winter 1994, Environmental Assessment: Lake Salvador Shoreline Protection Project.


                        [Untitled] (JELAB 888)

                        Folder contains: photos entitled February 11, 1992.


                        Nutria (JELAB 889)

                        Folder contains: photos of targets for Aerial Photos (May 1992) and photos of Barataria Canal at the Southwest tip of pipeline (May 1992).


                        Photos (JELAB 890)

                        Folder contains: photos of nutria trapping, alligator capture--1989, Barataria camps, Barataria--11/91, Barataria--2/92, and pictures of nutria vegetative damage, March 1990.


                        Nutria Report (Linscombe) (JELAB 891)

                        Folder contains: Final Report on Control Alternatives for Muskrat and Nutria.


                        Nutria Eat Outs (JELAB 892)

                        Folder contains: photos of nutria damage inside the park.


                        Trapping Statistics (JELAB 893)

                        Folder contains: Non-Native Species Management Addendum, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (June 8, 1990).


                        Trapping Management Plan--Completed FONSI (JELAB 894)

                        Folder contains: Proposed Trapping Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for Barataria Preserve Unit, JELA (August 1990).


                        Nutria Management--Barataria Unit (JELAB 895)

                        Folder contains: article from the Times-Picayune entitled “Biologist questions methods in Lafitte park trapping study” (October 13, 1989).


                        Press/News (JELAB 896)

                        Folder contains: article entitled “Nutria gnawing holes in vanishing wetlands” from the Times-Picayune (January 28, 1990), news release regarding “Final Trap­ping Management Plan” (October 22, 1990), article entitled “Park holds hunter data from panel” (July 6, 1988), article entitled “Trapping of raccoons, minks banned in Lafitte Park accord” from the Times-Picayune (November 26, 1988), article entitled “Trapping suit plaintiffs lose park panel posts” from the Times-Picayune (January 24, 1989), article entitled “Banish all traps, Lafitte Park urged” from the Times-Picayune (January 19, 1989).


                        Surface Water Management (N1619) (JELAB 897)

                        Folder contains: Surface Water Management Plan, JELA, 1989.


                        Recovery Plan for Bald Eagle (N1621)(JELA 898)

                        Folder contains: Recovery Plan for the Southeastern States Bald Eagle.


                        Research Programs--Studies (N22) (JELAB 899)

                        Folder contains: original of A Study of  the Effects on the Barataria Unit, JELA, of the Illegal Canals and Levees of the Bayou Des Familles Corp. Within the Park Protection Zone by John W. Day, Jr., William H. Conner, and Wayne R. Slater (November 1, 1984).


                        Report--(JELAB 900)

                        Synergism of Side Looking Airborne Radar and Landsat Thematic Mapper for Wetland Habitat Discrimination in Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, Louisiana by Jerri Lynn Saso-Ostendorf (December 1993).

Waterways Study--Identifying Selected Waterways in Barataria--Steven Gorin, UNO (JELAB 901)

                        Folder contains: final report entitled Identifying Selected Waterways in the Barataria Unit, JELA by Steven Gorin (July 20, 1989).


                        Trace Metals in Sediments, Soils and Water of JELA--Dr. H. Mielke (N3617) (JELAB 902)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Trace Metals in Sediments, Soils, and Water of Urban Bayou St. John and Rural Jean Lafitte National Park Louisiana by Howard W. Mielke (March 17, 1997).


                        U.S.G.S. Water Quality (N3617) (JELAB 903)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Water Quality of the Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, Louisiana (April 1981-March 1982) by the United States Geological Survey and the NPS (1982).


                        Water Quality Including USGS Report (N3617) (JELAB 904)

                        Folder contains: article entitled “Harvey Canal toxins worry state officials.”


                        Water Control Structures (N36) (JELAB 905)

                        Folder contains: article entitled “Corps plans to rebuild some of Lafitte marsh.”


                        Misc. Water Quality Sampling (JELAB 906)

                        Folder contains: paper entitled The Regulation of the Discharge of Brine and Associated Waste Waters from Oil and Gas Operations Under Federal and State Law by Jack M. Wilhelm.


                        Hazard Tree Management (Lafayette) (Y1815) (JELAF 4604)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Hazard Tree Inventory: JELA, Acadian Cultural Center, Lafayette (April 1997) by Sandra Dingman.


                        Hazard Tree Plan (General) (Y1815) (JELAF 4605)

                        Folder contains: report entitled Hazard Tree Management Plan, JELA (October 27, 1990).



Series IV.      Grey Storage Cabinet--Jean Lafitte National Park Service Past Records


Box 13            Subseries IV.13.


                        Report--(JELAF 4606)

                        African Americans in New Orleans Before the Civil War by Raphael Cassimere, Jr. (1995).


                        [“Black Pearl” Neighborhood] (JELAF 4607)

                        Folder contains: correspondence (March 27, 1984-July 2, 1996), paperwork regarding the “Black Pearl” oral history project (June 25, 1996), explanation of the “Black Pearl” Historical Project, copy of article on the “Black Pearl” from the Times-Picayune (July 12, 1984), Oral History Activity Log, Oral History Interview Logs for all the participants.


                        Tape--(JELAF 4608)

                        Miss [Mrs.] Emma Brown 90-1A.


                        Tape--(JELAF 4609)

                        Miss [Mrs.] Emma Brown 90-1B.


                        Tape--(JELAF 4610)

                        [Miss Dorothy] Harper/[Mrs. Rosemary] Robinson 91-1 (March 2, 1991), Part 1; [Miss Dorothy] Harper 91-2 (April 15, 1991), Part 2.


                        Tape--(JELAF 4611)

                        [Mr.] Carbert [Francis] 91-2 (April 15, 1991).


                        Tape--(JELAF 4612)

                        [Mr.] Allen Clark 91-3 (August 25, 1991), Part 1; [Mr.] Allen Clark 91-3 (August 25, 1991), Part 2.


                        Tape--(JELAF 4613)

                        [Mr.] Lolis Elie 94-1 (March 14, 1994), Part 1; [Mr.] Lolis Elie 1-94 [94-1] (March 14, 1994), Part 2.


                        Tape--(JELAF 4614)

                        Mrs. Florence Larose 94-2 (April 10, 1994).


                        Tape--(JELAF 4615)

                        [Mr.] Norman Signal 94-3 (April 30, 1994).


                        Tape--(JELAF 4616)

                        Patricia Elie Boudreaux 94-4 (May 28, 1994).


                        Miscellaneous Photographs--Strock (JELAF 4617)

                        Folder contains: photographs by J. Middleton Huger of a fair in Southwest Louisiana (rural, possibly Eunice?).


                        Assorted Photographs (Allison Pena’s Collection) (JELAF 4618)

                        Contains photographs of:

                        Chalmette Cemetery

                        Jazz and Heritage Festival

                        Chalmette Battlefield (Beauregard House(from a distance) and Jackson’s Line)

                        Louisiana Folklife Festival

                        Acadiana Trip (B&W)

                        Jazz and Heritage Festival

                        Isleños--Museum Days

                        Acadiana Trip (color)

                        Barataria Swamp

                        [Unidentified open water]

                        Photo-negative of Barataria

                        Pontalba [Location]--1980 (including negatives)

                        [French Quarter] (including negatives)

                        Folklife Program--Baton Rouge--1987

                        Barataria Swamp (including negatives)

                        [Barataria Unit]

                        [River Photos] Winter--1983-1984

                        Pontalba Tours (includes negatives)

                        Barataria Garbage and Archaeology (includes negatives)

                        Neusanger--Alligator (in plastic) (includes negatives)

                        Barataria Overflight--1992 Spring (includes negatives)

                        Jefferson Parish Christmas Tree Program (negatives only)

                                    Ø         notation that pictures are in file??

                        Helicopter Overflight--11/91--Water, Nutria recom, Airboat Traffic (includes negatives)

                        Two Contributors to the “Black Pearl” Oral History Project--Allen Clark and Emma Brown

                        Loose Material



                        A Cypress Swamp National Monument (JELAF ?)

                        April 1939 by Willis King and V. H. Cahalane.


                        Ø         contains 8 small photographs which need to be placed in proper storage.


                        Preliminary Report on The Singer Property, Tallulah, LA (JELAF ?)

                        April 9, 1940 by Wilbur L. Savage, Associate Forester.


                        Ø         contains 2 large format hand-drawn maps as well as 31 small photographs (ideal storage would be photographic folders or envelopes, not plastic cases).


From Headquarters Library

(In the Stacks)



New Orleans, Louisiana

March 1998





Size:                          6 boxes (brown)



Locations:                Southern Louisiana





Summary:                Source materials collected by Jerome Greene in his research for “The New Orleans Campaign of 1814-1815 in Relation to the Chalmette Battle­field,” Miscellaneous Folklife Materials (primarily relating to the Cajun Units of the Jean Lafitte National Park), Jean Lafitte National Park--Riverfront Studies, Armistad’s Original Draft of the Isleños research.



Collections:             Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection (Mss 144); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 1 (Mss 171); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 2 (Mss 287)


Source:                     Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve


Access:                     No restrictions




Citation:                    Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 3, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans

Container List



Series V.       Archival Records Within Library Collection


Box 14            Subseries V.14 (?).


                        Prophecy, Healing and Power: The Afro-American Spiritual Churches of New Orleans (JELAF 4619)

                        by Castle, Andrew J., Ph.D. (Principal Investigator); Jacobs, Claude, Ph.D. (Research Associate) (1981).


                        Chalmette NHP--Master Plan (JELAC 3533)

                        National Park Service (August 1968).


                        Road Inventory and Needs Study for Chalmette (JELAC 3534)



                        [Project Statements] (JELAF 4620)



                        Suitability/Feasibility Study--Proposed JELA Park (JELAF 4621)

                        National Park Service.


                        Land and Water Conservation Fund: A Conservation Alternative (JELAB 907)

                        (April 1982).


                        Surface Water Management Plan--JELA-B (JELAB 908)



                        Louisiana Coastal Area, Louisiana Freshwater Diversion to Barataria and Breton Sound Basins Feasibility Study, Vol. 3 (JELAB 909)

                        U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N.O. District (June 1984), Part I and II.


                        Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources U.S. Senate 95th Congress--2nd sessions, 1829 (JELAF 4622)



                        Providing for the Establishment of JELA in State of Louisiana and for Other Purposes: 95th Congress: 2nd session: Report #95-1544--Dissenting Views (JELAF 4623)



                        Hearings before the Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Interior and Insular affairs U.S. Senate 94th Congress-2nd sessions, 3546 (JELAF 4624)



                        The Deaf Community in the New Orleans Metropolitan Area (JELAF 4625)

                        Smith-Stark, Thomas.


                        Black Children’s Folklore: New Orleans Cultural Resource Management Study (JELAF 4626)

                        Soileau, Jeanne (Researcher); Cooke, John (Principal Investigator); Parts I-III.


                        Geological Survey: Water Quality of the Barataria Unit, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park (JELAB 910)

                        Garrison, Charles R. (April 1981-March 1982).


                        Documentation of Eight Ethnic Groups Within the Delta Region of South Louisiana (JELAF 4627)

                        Magnaghi, Russell M.; Poplin, Carol J.; Goodwin, Christopher (1987).


                        Effects of Canals on Wetland Functions: A Field Study (JELAB 911)

                        Wang, Dr. Flora Chu (1985).


                        Report of Geotechnical Investigation: JELA--Crown Point, Louisiana (JELAB 912)

                        Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (July 1983).


                        Social Impact Assessment of Proposed Marina at Bucktown (JELAF 4628)

                        Rogers, Claudia, Ph.D., Part I and II (1979).


                        French Architecture--Part 1 and 2: Survey of Louisiana French Vernacular Architecture, Vol. II (JELAF 4629)

                        Edwards, Jay D. (Museum of Geoscience), Parts 1-4 (1982).


Box 15            Subseries V.14 (?).


                        Bird Motifs on Marksville Ceramics: Their Origin and Meaning (JELAB 913)

                        Stanislawski, Michael B. (January 1987).


                        Preliminary Report on the Prehistory of Barataria (JELAB 914)

                        Ha(o)lley, George R.


                        Communities and Voluntary Associations: A Preliminary Study of Afro-American Communities in Southern Louisiana (JELAF 4630)

                        Young, Alma (Principal Investigator); Dupont, Robert (Research Associate).


                        History of the Isleños in Southern Louisiana to 1945 (JELAF 4631)

                        Din, Gilbert C.


                        Ethnohistory of 19th Century Louisiana Indians (JELAF 4632)

                        Drechsel, Emanuel J.; Makiakane-Drechsel, T. Haunani (1982).


                        Evaluation of Archeological Collections from the Mississippi Delta Area (JELAB 915)

                        Davis, Dave D. (Principal Investigator); Giardino, Marco J.


                        An Essay on Lower Louisiana: An Ethnohistory of 12,000 Years of Life on the Brink (JELAF 4633)

                        Duplantier, Stephen (1981).


                        Road to Recognition, A Study of Louisiana Indians 1880-Present (JELAF 4634)

                        Gregory, Hiram F., (1981).


                        History and Analysis of Louisiana Patterns of Trade, Migrations and Cultural Exchange with Settlements in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico During Colonial Period (JELAF 4635)

                        by McLeister, Kathleen; 2 folders (August 1985).


                        An Ethnohistory of Yugoslavs in Louisiana (JELAF 4636)

                        R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates, Inc. (January 1988).


                        Archeological Overview of the Lower Mississippi Delta, Southern Louisiana (JELAB 916)

                        Cummins, Gary, Senior Archeologist (1980).


                        A Study of the Effects of the Proposed Leveeing and Drainage of the Bayou Aux Carpes Swamp on the Adjacent Barataria Unit, JELA (JELAB 917)

                        Day, John W. (November 1984).


                        Environmental Assessment, Environmental Educational Facilities, Phase I, Barataria Unit (JELAB 918)

                        May 1987.


                        Expanded Background Paper for General Management Planning for JELA (JELAF 4637)

                        Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (July 1980).


                        A Cultural Resources Survey of the Proposed Barataria Trail System, JELA (JELAB 919)

                        R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates Inc. (May 1985, March 1987).


                        Historic Resource Study--JELA--Chalmette (JELAC 3535)

                        Greene, Jerome (1985).


                        Vieux Carre Ethnographic Overview (JELAF 4638)

                        Ireland, Tom (ca. 1979).


                        General Management Plan; Development Concept Plan (JELAF 4639)

                        Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (July 1982).


                        Nineteenth Century Creole Society of New Orleans: A Cultural Inventory of Aspects of that Society (JELAF 4640)

                        McLeister, Kathleen; final Short Report--February 1987, final Long Report in Black File Cabinet (February 1987).


                        Design Services (JELAF 4641)

                        Aboussie, T. A. (April 1983).


                        Alternatives for Management and Development/Environmental Assessment JELA (JELAF 4642)

                        National Park Service (March 1981).


                        Interpretive Prospectus--JELA (JELAF 4643)

                        National Park Service (August 1983).

                        Interpretive Prospectus--Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve: French Quarter: Folklife/Visitor Center (JELAF 4644)

                        National Park Service (1989).


                        Resource Protection Case Study (JELAB 920)

                        National Park Service (June 1982).


                        Chalmette Interpretive Rules, Regulations and Education Binder (JELAC 3536)



                        Preservation Plan for the Chalmette Monument (JELAC 3537)

                        Cizek, Eugene D.; Del Cid, Donald (April 1988).


                        Annotated Archival Source Listing Relevant to the Archaeological, Architectural and Historical Interpretation of the Rodriguez Plantation Buildings, Chalmette Unit, JELA (JELAC 3538)

                        Swanson, Betsy, correspondence, Part I: and documentary?; 2 folders (September 1984).


Box 16            Subseries V.14 (?).


                        Analysis of the Rodriguez Plantation House: Chalmette Battlefield (JELAC 3539)

                        by Swanson, Betsy; 2 folders (May 1984).


                        Analysis of Historic Remains from Archeological Testing at the Site of the Rodriguez House, Chalmette, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (JELAC 3540)

                        Yakubik, Jill-Karen (December 1983).


                        Rehabilitation of the National Cemetery Walls at Chalmette--Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (JELAC 3541)

                        Carter, Abby H.


                        Wetlands Cultural Center Project Manual Conceptual Phase (JELAF 4645)

                        Hamilton and Associates (July 1987).


                        Historical Report: The Percy Lobdell Building--Thibodaux, LA (JELAF 4646)

                        Hamilton and Associates (July 1987).


                        Masters of the Marsh: An Introduction to the Ethnography of the Isleños of Lower St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana (JELAF 4647)

                        Guillotte, Joseph Valsin, III (ca. 1982).


                        Historical Report: The Liberty Theater--Eunice, LA (JELAF 4648)

                        Hamilton and Associates (July 1987).


                        Prairie Culture Center--Eunice, LA (JELAF 4649)

                        Hamilton and Associates (July 1987).


                        Acadian Cultural Center Project Manual for Interpretive Center (JELAF 4650)

                        Hamilton and Associates (July 1987).



Series VI.      Library-Filing Cart


Box 16            Archeological and Historical Investigations of the Wetlands Acadian Cultural Center Addition, Thibodaux, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana (JELAF 4651)



                        Lafayette: JELA Design Philosophy (JELAF 4652)

                        Hamilton, Sam (April 1989).


                        JELA Acadian Culture Center: Lafayette Interpretive Center, Lafayette, Louisiana: Design Analysis (JELAF 4653)

                        (September 4, 1990).


                        JELA: Additions to the Liberty Theater, Eunice, Louisiana: Project Manual (JELAF 4654)

                        Hamilton and Associates (June 1992).


                        Project Manual: Construction Document Phase, Improvements to JELA H.Q. Decatur (JELAF 4655)

                        Hamilton and Associates (January 1992).


                        Historic Architecture Report: Percy Lobdell Building, Thibodaux, Louisiana (JELAF 4656)

                        Hamilton and Associates (July 1988).


                        Project Manual: Construction Document Phase, JELA HQ Building, 419 Decatur (JELAF 4657)

                        Hamilton and Associates (June 1990).


Box 17            Acadian Culture Center: Title I Design Development Phase Thibodaux Wetlands Culture Center, Project Manual, Improvements and Additions to the Lobdell Warehouse(Visitors Center) and New Performance Center (JELAF 4658)

                        Hamilton and Associates (March 1989).


                        Acadian Culture Center: Title I Design Development Phase, Eunice Prairie Culture Center Project Manual, Improvements and Additions to the Liberty Theater (JELAF 4659)

                        Hamilton and Associates (January 1989).


                        Acadian Culture Center: Wetlands Unit--Thibodaux, Exhibit Text, Preliminary Rough Draft (JELAF 4660)

                        Pitre, Glen (writer and consultant) (April 1, 1990).


                        Acadian Culture Center, Interpretive Center, Lafayette, Louisiana (JELAF 4661)

                        Hamilton and Associates.

Oil and Gas Well Plug and Abandonment Report for JELA (JELAB  921)

                        Boucher, Kean (August 21, 1990).


                        Greater New Orleans Area Asian Cultural Center Building Program and Site Analysis for JELA (JELAF 4662)

                        Davis, Arthur Q., FAIA, and Partners (January 15, 1990).


                        Park Operations Evaluation--JELA (JELAF 4663)

                        Southwest Regional Office (March 1993).


                        Chalmette: National Historical Park (JELAC 3542)

                        Roush, J. Fred (1961).


                        Interpretive Prospectus: Chalmette (JELAC 3543)

                        Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, National Park Service, Denver Service Center (1971).


                        JELA Barataria Visitor Use Facilities--Phase II: Project Manual (JELAB 922)

                        National Park Service, Denver Service Center (August 3, 1988).


                        JELA: Draft Land Protection Plan (JELAF 4664)



                        Stabilization of the Beauregard House, 1979-1980 (JELAC 3544)

                        Battle, David G.


                        The Asian Peoples of Southern Louisiana: An Ethnohistory (JELAF 4665)

                        The Center for the Pacific Rim and Lazzerini, Edward J. (January 1990).


                        Strategic Plan (JELAF 4666)

                        Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (October 1, 1998).


                        National Park Service Acadian Cultural Center--Lafayette, Louisiana Design Analysis (JELAF 4667)

                        Hamilton and Associates (June 1989).


                        Environmental and Cultural Assessment and Compliance Statement: Prairie Cultural Center, Eunice, Louisiana (JELAF 4668)

                        Hamilton and Associates (November 1988).


                        Lafayette: Acadian Cultural Centers: Exhibit Concept Sketches (JELAF 4669)

                        Institutional Services.


                        Acadian Culture Center: Title I Design Services Eunice Prairie Culture Center, Project Manual, Additions to the Liberty Theater (JELAF 4670)

                        Hamilton and Associates (March 1992).


                        Historic Resource Study: Barataria Unit of JELA (JELAB 923)

                        Holmes, Barbara.


                        Identification and Analysis of Artifacts from Thirteen Sites In and Adjacent to the Barataria Unit of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana (JELAB 924)

                        Fuller, Richard S.


Box 18            Louisiana at the Battle of New Orleans (JELAC 3545)

                        Casey, Powell A. (1987).


                        The Battle of New Orleans: Sea Power and the Battle of New Orleans (JELAC 3546)

                        Eller, Admiral E. M.; Dr. W. J. Morgan; and Lieut. R. M. Basoco (1965).


                        The Battle of New Orleans: New Orleans as It Was in 1814-1815 (JELAC 3547)

                        Huber, Leonard V. (1965).


                        The Battle of New Orleans: Major-General Sir Edward M. Packenham (JELAC 3548)

                        Valerie McNair Scott, Lady Pakenham (1965).


                        The Battle of New Orleans: Tennessee at the Battle of New Orleans (JELAC 3549)

                        Watson, Elbert L. (1965).


                        The Battle of New Orleans: The Weapons of the Battle of New Orleans (JELAC 3550)

                        Meuse, William A. (1965).


                        The Battle of New Orleans: The Battle on the West Bank (JELAC 3551)

                        Dixon, Richard Remy (1965).


                        The Battle of New Orleans: Negro Soldiers in the Battle of New Orleans (JELAC 3552)

                        Christian, Marcus (2 copies, 1965 and 1991).


                        Cooperative Agreement: Isle Brevelle Ethnographic Project (JELAF 4671)

                        National Park Service (September 21, 1994).


                        Breeding Bird Distribution in Contiguous Forest and Forest Patches in the Vicinity of an Urban/Park Interface, Barataria Preserve Unit, Final Report (JELAB 925)

                        Yaukey, Peter H.


                        Acadian Cultural Centers Revised Exhibits Action/Outline, Interpretive Center, Lafayette, LA (JELAF 4672)

                        Hamilton and Associates (June 20, 1988).


                        An Architectural History of the Property at 417-419 Decatur Street, in New Orleans (JELAF 4673)

                        Edwards, Jay (April 1990).


                        Project Manual: Design Development Phase, Headquarters Building, 419 Decatur Street (JELAF 4674)

                        Hamilton and Associates (May 15, 1990).


                        A Cultural Resources Survey of a Portion of the Wetlands Cultural Center, Thibodaux, Lafourche Parish, Louisiana (JELAF 4675)

                        Hahn, Thornton H. G., III, for Hamilton and Associates (August 1989).


                        Thibodaux: Acadian Cultural Centers Exhibit Storyline with Exhibit Description (JELAF 4676)

                        Institutional Services.


                        Thibodaux: Acadian Cultural Centers Exhibit Concept Sketches (JELAF 4677)

                        Institutional Services.


                        Eunice: Acadian Cultural Centers Exhibit Storyline with Exhibit Description (JELAF 4678)

                        Institutional Services.


                        Eunice: Acadian Cultural Centers Exhibit Concept Sketches (JELAF 4679)

                        Institutional Services.


                        Acadian Prairie Cultural Center: Eunice, LA Exhibit Final Design (JELAF 4680)

                        One of 3 (others not found), Hamilton and Associates (May 1990).


                        Lafayette: Acadian Cultural Centers Exhibit Storyline with Exhibit Description (JELAF 4681)

                        Institutional Services.


                        A Cultural Resource Survey of a Portion of Beaver Park, Lafayette Parish, Louisiana (JELAF 4682)

                        Hahn, Thornton H. G., III, for Hamilton and Associates (March 1989).


                        Acadian Cultural Centers: Design Philosophy--Thibodaux (JELAF 4683)

                        Hamilton and Associates (April 28, 1989).

Box 19            Notecards for Archeological Sites of Lower Mississippi Delta Region.  Obtained from State Archeologist’s Office.


                        Jefferson Parish (JELAB 926)

                        73 cards.


                        Terrebone Parish (JELAB 927)

                        114 cards.


                        St. James Parish (JELAB 928)

                        17 cards.


                        St. Martin Parish (JELAB 929)

                        46 cards.


                        Lafourche Parish (JELAB 930)

                        76 cards.


                        Plaquemine Parish (JELAB 931)

                        59 cards, cards 1-60, missing card 53.


                        Orleans Parish (JELAB 932)

                        61 cards.


Box 20            St. Bernard Parish (JELAB 933)

                        94 cards.


                        Iberville Parish (JELAB 934)

                        27 cards.


                        St. Tammany Parish (JELAB 935)

                        101 cards.


                        Iberia Parish (JELAB 936)

                        62 cards.


                        Ascension Parish (JELAB 937)

                        24 cards.


                        Tangipahoa Parish (JELAB 938)

                        60 cards.


                        St. John the Baptist Parish (JELAB 939)

                        13 cards.


                        Vermillion Parish (JELAB 940)

                        41 cards.


Box 21            Livingston Parish (JELAB 941)

                        47 cards.


                        Assumption Parish (JELAB 942)

                        30 cards.


                        St. Charles Parish (JELAB 943)

                        22 cards.


                        St. Mary Parish (JELAB 944)

                        110 cards.


                        Lafayette Parish (JELAB 945)

                        27 cards.



From Headquarters Library

(Found in Grey Archival Boxes and Brown Storage Boxes)



New Orleans, Louisiana

March 1998




Size:                          13 boxes, 11.5 in. boxes and 2-2.5 in. boxes (grey), 5.417 feet



locations:                 Southern Louisiana





Summary:                Source materials collected by Jerome Greene in his research for “The New Orleans Campaign of 1814-1815 in Relation to the Chalmette Battle­field,” Miscellaneous Folklife Materials (primarily relating to the Cajun Units of the Jean Lafitte National Park), Jean Lafitte National Park--Riverfront Studies, Armistad’s Original Draft of the Isleños research.



Collections:             Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection (Mss 144); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 1 (Mss 171); Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 2 (Mss 287)


Source:                     Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve


Access:                     No restrictions




Citation:                    Jean Lafitte National Historical Park Collection, Addendum 3, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans

Container List


Series I.    “The New Orleans Campaign of 1814-15 in Relation to the Chalmette Battlefield”--Jerome Greene (JELAC 3553)

                        Jerome Greene’s intensive study with regards to Chalmette Battlefield (location of a portion of the Battle of New Orleans).  This collection includes all research notes accumulated while researching the study of “The New Orleans Campaign of 1814-15 in Relation to the Chalmette Battlefield” and of “The Defense of New Orleans, 1718-1900.”


Box 23            Box includes copies of primary sources used in study as well as maps, drawings, letter and diary entries.


                        Maps of the December 23 and January 8 battles in the War of 1812, Battle of New Orleans.


                        Map entitled “Plan of a Part of New Orleans”--including the fortifications in the city of New Orleans (ca. 1813-1814).


                        Letter from Charles T. Harlan to Julia LeGrande regarding the Battle of New Orleans; he was an American soldier (July 19, 1846).


                        Letter from Thad. Mayhew to Susan regarding the Battle of New Orleans; he was an American soldier (January 26, 1815).


                        Letter, illegible, from New Orleans, probably regarding the Battle of New Orleans, was mailed to Natchez, Mississippi (1815).


                        Letter from W. C. C. Claiborne to Gov. Shelby of Kentucky, regarding the Battle of New Orleans (January 9, 1815).


                        Map of the Battle of Lake Borgne, including numerous notations by JELA (January 1985).


                        Map of the State of Louisiana with Part of the Mississippi Territory from the Actual Survey, by William Darby; portion of whole map (1816).


                        Map, Survey of the Battlefield Embraced in the Engagements fought December 23, 1814 and January 8, 1815...


                        Maps with text regarding the Battle of January 8, 1815.


                        Excerpt from the Lower Mississippi River Delta: Reports on the Geology of Plaquemines and St. Bernard Parishes (1936).


                        Excerpt from the Operations in W. Florida, South Alabama, South Mississippi and Louisiana.


                        Memo regarding “Comments on Revised Troop Movement Maps for Chalmette Battlefield.”


                        Excerpt from The Naval History of Great Britain from the Declaration of War by France in 1793, to the Accession of George IV by William James (1837).


                        Excerpt from Pictoral History of the Civil War in the United States of America Benson J. Lossing (1874).


                        Excerpt from The Gulf and Inland Waters: The Navy in the Civil War by Alfred T. Mahor (1883).


                        Excerpt from The Naval History of the Civil War by David D. Porter (1886).


                        Excerpt from Louisiana History, “Robert Ross’ Plan for an English Invasion of Louisiana in 1782” by Jack D. L. Holmes (1964).


                        Excerpt from Trimble’s Account of the Battle of New Orleans.


                        Excerpt from Letters by Major Norman Pringle, Late of the 21st Royal Scots Fusileers . . . by Norman Pringle (1833).


                        Diary entry of Samuel Mordecai regarding a visit to Fort St. Philip (April 10, 1815).


                        Excerpt from Zimpel Map, map of area involved in the Battle of New Orleans (Item moved to oversize box 27, #1).


                        Map, “Sketch of the Position of the British and American troops near New Orleans” (Item moved to oversize box 27, # 2).


                        Map, “Encounter of December 28, 1814, New Orleans Campaign 1814-1815, Troop Movement” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #3) (August 1985).


                        Map, “Artillery Engagement of January 1, 1815” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #4) (August 1985).


                        Map, “British Attack on the West Bank, January 8, 1815” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #5) (August 1985).


                        Map, “Night Battle of December 23, 1814” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #6) (August 1985).


                        Map, “Battle of Lake Borgne, December 14, 1814” (August 1985).


                        Map, “The Seat of War” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #7) (August 1985).


                        Map, “Regional Overview” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #8) (August 1985).


                        Map, “Bombardment of Fort St. Philip, January 9-17, 1815” (January 1985).


                        Map, “Historical Base Map” (August 1985).


                        Map, “The Seat of War” (Item moved to oversize box 28, #1) (January 1985).


                        Map, lists the forts and fortifications in S.E. Louisiana; includes hand written corrections.


                        Map of Gulf Coast (Item moved to oversize box 28, #2).


                        Map, “Regional Overview” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #9) (January 1985).


                        Map, “Regional Overview” Complete with corrections and additions (Item moved to oversize box 27,#10) (January 1985).


                        Map of Chalmette Battlefield, including corrections to locations and movements.


                        Map, “Revised Battle Features, Chalmette Unit” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #11).


                        Map, “British Attack on the West Bank, January 8, 1815,” includes corrections and additions (Item moved to oversize box 27, #12) (November 1984).


                        Map, “British Attack on the West Bank, January 8, 1815,” includes revisions and changes (Item moved to oversize box 27, #13) (November 1984).


                        Map, “Night Battle of December 23, 1814,” includes revisions and corrections (Item moved to oversize box 27, #14, 15) (November 1984).


                        Maps, “Encounter of December 28, 1814,” includes handwritten changes (Items moved to oversize box 27, #16, 17) (November 1984).


                        Maps, “Artillery Engagement of January 1, 1815,” includes handwritten changes (Items moved to oversize box 27, #18, 19) (November 1984).


                        Maps, “Engagement of January 8, 1815,” includes handwritten changes (Item moved to oversize box 27, #20, 21) (November 1984).


                        Map, “U.S.G.S. Quad 1893,” area surrounding Grand Island Pass.


                        Map, “Engagement of January 8, 1815” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #22) (November 1984).


                        Map, “Artillery Engagement of January 1, 1815” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #23) (November 1984).


                        Map, “Encounter of December 28, 1814” (Item moved to oversize box 27, #24) (November 1984).


                        Map, “Plan of the Attack and Defense of the American lines Below New Orleans on January 8, 1815,” by Major A. Lacarriere Latour (Item moved to oversize box 27, #25).


                        Map of the banks of Mississippi River near New Orleans and Chalmette (Item moved to oversize box 27, #26, 27).


                        Maps, “The World’s Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition, New Orleans,” 1884; “The Picayune’s Map of New Orleans,” 1906; “New Orleans Association of Commerce,” 1931; “Topographical Drainage Map of New Orleans and Surroundings,” 1878; “Carte Particuliere du Fleuve St. Louis dix lieues au dessus et au dessons de la Nouvelle Orleans” and “British at the Gates.”


                        Numerous maps of the site of the Battle of New Orleans (Items moved to oversize box 27, #28-32) (November 1939-February 1946).


                        Maps, British Attack on the West Bank, January 8, 1815 and Night Battle of December 23, 1814 (Items moved to oversize box 27, #33, 34) (November 1984).


                        Map, Plan of the City and Environs of New Orleans taken from actual Survey by B. Lafon (Item moved to oversize box 27, #35) (1816).


                        Photograph, portion of map (possibly of portion of Chalmette Battlefield) from the Historic New Orleans Collection.


                        Maps of Mobile Point and English Turn.


                        Map, Chalmette Historic District (Item moved to oversize box 27, #36).


                        Negative film, McCarty Plantation Survey (Item moved to oversize box 27, #37).


                        Map, sketch of an attack made by Maj. General Jackson, on a division of the British Army... on the Evening of December 23, 1814 (Item moved to oversize box 27, #38).


                        Negatives of maps, “Sketch of the Attack Made by Major General Jackson on a division of the British Army,” 1814; and “Revised Battle Features, Chalmette Unit...”


                        Maps, “British at the Gates,” map of battlefields of December 23, 1814-January 8, 1815; “Plan of the Battlefield, Battle of New Orleans 1815.”


                        Maps of the Battle of New Orleans, 1815 (Items moved to oversize box 27, #39, 40).


                        Letter, illegible (March 23, 1813).


                        Photographs of Chalmette Battlefield including listing of plantations on the site of the Battle of New Orleans and their present status.


                        Newspaper article, “River Now Flows at Points Where Part of Jackson’s Troops Took their Stand,” Times-Picayune (April 12, 1936).


                        Blueprint, copy, Fazendeville layout including land owners or renters.


                        Report, “A Descriptive Account of the Map of the Battle of New Orleans and Adjacent Territory Developed and Drawn from Actual Survey . . .” (1936).


                        Excerpt from book, The Battle of New Orleans: A British View: The Journal of Major C. R. Forrest, Asst. QM General, 34th Regiment of Foot, by Charles R. Forrest (1961).


                        Excerpt from periodical, Niles Weekly Register (February 4, 1815).


                        Excerpt from letter or journal, “Defense of Kentucky Troops in War of 1812,” by Thomas Joyes from Louisville.


                        Excerpt from letter or journal, “Account of Service in War of 1812,” by Thomas Joyes.


                        Excerpt from letter or journal, “Kentucky Militia,” by Thomas Joyes.


                        Excerpt from book, “Notes and Comments upon the Subject of a Yankee Song entitled “The Retreat of the English,” by Abraham Redwood Ellery (1815).


                        Excerpt from letter, Hector M. Organ to Samuel Mordecai (January 19, 1815).


                        Map of southeast Louisiana with notations regarding fortifications (Item moved to oversize box 27, #41) (1815).


                        Draft of report on the Battle of New Orleans.


                        Excerpt from book, Side Lights on the Battle of New Orleans, Stuart O. Landry (1965).


                        Article from periodical, “Letters by John Palfrey and His Sons,” by Frank Otto Gatell.  Louisiana Historical Quarterly (January-April 1961).


                        Article from periodical, “Jean Lafitte and the British Offer of 1814,” by John Sugden, from Louisiana History (Spring 1979).


                        Letter from Latour to Jackson (early 1814).


                        Excerpt from book, Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form, by Alcee Fortier (1914).


                        Extract from journal, handwritten copy, illegible.


                        Report, Recommendations for Follow-up work on military topography and sites related to the Battle of New Orleans, by Betsy Swanson (June 1985).


                        Article from periodical, “British Command Decisions Relative to the Battle of New Orleans,” by John K. Mahon, from Louisiana History (Winter 1965).


                        Excerpt from book, The Weapons of the Battle of New Orleans, by William Meuse (1965).


                        Excerpt from book, Travels Through North America, During the Years 1825 and 1826, by Duke of Saxe-Weimar Eisenach Bernard (1828).


                        Excerpt from book, Correspondence of Andrew Jackson, by Andrew Jackson (1926-1935).


                        Letters or journal entries John Coffee Papers (January 19-25, 1815).


                        Essay, “Artillery in the Battle of New Orleans,” J. Fair Hardin Collection.


                        Excerpt from book, The Lost Panoramas of the Mississippi, by John Francis McDermott (1958).


                        Excerpt from book, The Picayune’s Guide to New Orleans (1894).


                        Excerpt from book, “Ginning and Bailing Cotton, from 1798-1898,” by George A. Lowry, book from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.


                        Excerpt from book, A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana, The Southern Part of the State of Mississippi and Territory of Alabama . . ., by William Darby (1817).


                        Excerpt from periodical, “Historical Documents: A Letter from the Battle of New Orleans,” by John A. Fort, from Louisiana Historical Quarterly (January 1949, letter from January 28, 1815)


                        Excerpt from periodical, “The Louisiana Campaign,” by Carson I. A. Ritchie, from Louisiana Historical Quarterly (January-April 1961).


                        Letter to Jerry Greene from Edwin Olmstead regarding a Congreve Rocket (June 21, 1985).


                        Papers, Andrew Jackson Papers, volumes F-K, Reel 62. 


                        Letter from John Campbell to brother, written in Richmond (January 21, 1815).


                        Letter from Frances Smith to Mary Owen, written in Berry Hill (February 8, 1815).


Box 24            Box includes copies of primary sources used in study as well as maps, drawings, letter and diary entries.


                        Article from Sunday Dispatch, found in B. J. Lossing Papers (February 19, 1877).


                        Article from Courier-Journal: Louisville, letters from Samuel Weller, MSS. (February 5, 1888).


                        Excerpt from book, Louisiana and the Trans-Mississippi: Correspondence, etc. Union, O.R., Series I, Vol. 48, Part 2.


                        Index to Louisiana place names mentioned in The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, edited by Dennis A. Gibson (1975).


                        Map, proposed Chalmette National Park, from Scrapbook 70, p 58, Louisiana State Museum.


                        Excerpt from book, Old Families of Louisiana, by Stanley Clisby Arthur (1971).


                        Handwritten notes, modern, regarding the vulnerable points and means of defense at New Orleans, January 26, 1813, source Document not clear.


                        Letter to (?) A. Browder Esq. in St. Francisville, LA (1815).


                        Letter from Rufus King to unidentified recipient (February 11, 1815).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson from James Monroe, Secretary of War (December 10, 1814).


                        Letter from Andrew Jackson to David B. Morgan, Brig. Genl. (January 8, 1815).


                        Letter regarding the capture of Belize and preparations at Ft. St. Philip, December 1814.


                        Orders by John Reed to Latour (January 24, 1815).


                        Orders for the commanders of posts and pickets at the Bayou St. John, from Camp Bayou St. John (December 19, 1814).


                        Letter regarding how men were armed.


                        Sketches and note regarding interpretation of notes for Battery 3, a section of Chapter 4 in the final publication to Jerry Greene from Ted Birkedal.


                        Excerpt from book, They Lived at Chalmette, by Isabel Marshall French, Ph.D. (1978).


                        Article from Rocky Mountain News, seemingly unrelated and out of place (January 13, 1985).


                        Letters relating to the Battle of New Orleans.


                        Letters from Capt. James Kempe (Item moved to oversize box 27, #42) (January 9, 1815).


                        Letter, portions of a letter regarding the Battle of New Orleans.


                        Letter, written in French.


                        Letter, written by Maria Campbell to her cousin (January 20, 1815).


                        Letters, regarding the Battle Of New Orleans.


                        Excerpt from book, Twenty-Five Years in the Rifle Brigade (1973).


                        Excerpt from book, A Narrative of the Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, under Generals Ross, Pakenham and Lambert, in the Years 1814 and 1815 with some account of the Countries Visited (1826).


                        Notes, handwritten, from the Cincinnati Historical Society.


                        Letter from Edward Nichols to Lafitte (August 31, 1814).


                        Notes, handwritten, regarding the Battle of New Orleans.


                        Excerpt from book, Andrew Jackson and the Course of American Empires, 1767-1821, by Robert V. Remini (1977).


                        Photographs, 5 aerial photos of Chalmette Battlefield.


                        Folder, includes basic information about Chalmette Battlefield.


                        Research document, “Macarty’s Plantation: Division of Property” (March 16, 1936).


                        Excerpt from book, A Second Visit to the United States of North America, vol. II, by Charles Lyell (1849).


                        Excerpt from typescript, “The Invasion of Louisiana (?) History, Gathered from Contemporaneous Sources,” by Henry C. Castellanos.


                        Letter regarding request for research material (March 27, 1984).


                        Excerpt from book, The Southwest: by a Yankee, by Joseph Holt Ingraham (1835).


                        Excerpt from book, Soil Survey of the New Orleans Area, Louisiana, by Thomas D. Rice and Lewis Griswold (1904).


                        Excerpt from book, New Orleans Guide, by James S. Zacharie (1893).


                        Article, The Times-Democrat (October 16, 1905).


                        Excerpt from book, Norman’s New Orleans and Environs: Containing a Brief Historical Sketch of the Territory and State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans, by B. M. Norman (1845).


                        Article, The Daily Picayune (January 18, 1891).


                        Book, Plantation Houses on the Battlefield of New Orleans, by Samuel Wilson, Jr. (1965).


                        Excerpt from book, Memoir of the Life of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington (1873).


                        Letters, one from Andrew Jackson and one of unknown origin, both obtained from the Duke Library.


                        Excerpt from book, Jacques Phillippe Villere, First Native-Born Governor of Louisiana, 1816-1820, by Sidney L. Villere (1981).


                        Letter regarding the aftermath of the Battle of New Orleans (late January 1815).


                        Excerpt from book, The Battle of New Orleans, by Zachary F. Smith (1904).


Letter to David Campbell from John Campbell (July 4, 1815).


                        Letter regarding the Battle of New Orleans (January 27, 1815).


                        Excerpt from periodical, Florida Historical Quarterly, “A British Report on West Florida and Louisiana, Nov, 1812,” by Richard K. Murdoch (July 1964).


                        Excerpt from book, Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812, by Alfred T. Mahan (1969).


                        Report, “Preliminary Report of Cannon and Carriages at Chalmette, 1815,” by J. Fred Roush, Park Historian (June 1955).


                        Excerpt from book, Recollections of an Artillery Officer: Including Scenes and Adventures in Ireland, America, Flanders, and France, by Benson Earle Hill (1836).


                        Excerpt from typescript, Order Book Louisiana Militia, January 28, 1815 to February 27, 1827.


                        Letters from Andrew Jackson (December 10-24, 1814).


                        Letter and research proposal to Jerry Greene from Betsy Swanson, Betsy Swanson’s research proposal to conduct a study of the sites associated with the 1814-1815 New Orleans Campaign.


                        Excerpts from handwritten book with headings such as “General Carroll’s Expedition” and “Occurrences during the Siege,” from Tulane Library.


                        Excerpt from book, New Orleans as It Is, by W. E. Pedrick (1885).


                        Excerpt from periodical, the Louisiana Historical Quarterly, “The Man Who Won the Battle of New Orleans,” by Dagmar Renshaw Lebreton (July 1955).


                        Excerpt from book, Practical Treatise on Strengthening and Defending Outposts, Villages, House, Bridges, Etc. in Reference to the Duties of Officers in Command of Picquets as laid down in the Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army, by J. Jebb (1848).


                        Excerpt from book, A Complete Treatise on Field Fortifications, with the General Outlines of the Principles Regulating the Arrangement, the Attack and the Defense of Permanent Works, by Dennis Hart Mahan (1836).


                        Letter from John Lambert (January 10, 1915).


                        Reports, Return of Casualties Report, after the Battle of New Orleans.


                        Letter, written from Kingston, Jamaica (November 8, 1814).


                        Letter, written from an English camp on the left bank of the Mississippi, 9 miles from New Orleans (December 26, 1814).


                        Letter, written from the right bank of the Mississippi (January 8, 1815).


                        Letters (ca. December 1914).


                        Excerpt from book, Practical Treatise on Strengthening and Defending Outposts by Jebb.


                        Excerpt from book, Life of Andrew Jackson, vol. 3, by James Parton (1860).


                        Letter to David Campbell from John Campbell (January 21, 1814).


Box 25            Box includes copies of primary sources used in study as well as maps, drawings, letter and diary entries.


                        Map of Engagement of January 8, 1815 (item moved to oversize box 27, item #43) (August 1985).


                        Letter, written from Andrew Jackson (February 4, 1815).


                        Excerpt from book, Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Orleans and Environs (1885).


                        Excerpt from book, The Campaigns of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, by G. R. Gleig (1827).


                        Article from The Catholic News, “On a Historic Battle: The truth about the great fight at New Orleans” (January 5, 1898).


                        Excerpt from book, Andrew Jackson, by Robert V. Remini (1966).


                        Excerpt from book, Operations in W. Florida, S. Alabama, S. Mississippi and Louisiana.


                        Excerpt from diary, “Aitchison Diary,” from the Historic New Orleans Collection.


                        Notes regarding military terminology (10/10/85).


                        Excerpt from book, Impressions Respecting New Orleans: Diary and Sketches, 1818-1820, by Benjamin Henry Boneval Latrobe, edited by Samuel Wilson, Jr. (1951).


                        Letters to Jacques Philippe Villere from various individuals (January 4-10, 1815).


                        Excerpt from book, Correspondence of Andrew Jackson, volume 3, edited by John Spencer Bassett (1926-1935).


                        Excerpt from book, Correspondence of Andrew Jackson, volume 5, edited by John Spencer Bassett (1926-1935).


                        Excerpt from book, The Naval War of 1812, or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great Britain, to Which is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans, by Theodore Roosevelt (1882).


                        Letter from William C. Claiborne to (?Andrew Jackson?) (January 14, 1815).


                        Letter from (?) Morgan possibly to Andrew Jackson (January 13, 1815).


                        Letters from David Morgan and one from W. C. C. Claiborne (January 12-13, 1815).


                        Letter from Fort St. John (January 13, 1815).


                        Letter from Camp New Orleans (January 11, 1815).


                        Letter to General Andrew Jackson (January 10, 1815).


                        Letter (December 24, 1814).


                        Court Martial of J. Bosque (? 12, 1814).


                        Letter from H. Chotard ordering a member of Capt. Simpson’s Company to report to New Orleans immediately (January 1, 1815).


                        Letter to W. C. C. Claiborne (written in French) (January 7, 1813).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson from (?) Newman (December 21, 1814).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson (December 20, 1814).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson from Francis Newman (?) (December 20, 1814).


                        Letter, addressed, New Orleans (February 27, 1813).


                        Appendix, handwritten notes regarding the officers and men serving at the batteries and the names of those killed January 16, 1815.


                        Excerpt from book, The History of the Royal Scots Fusiliers (1678-1918), by John Buchan (1925).


                        Excerpt from book, Correspondence of Andrew Jackson, Vol. VI, edited by John Spencer Bassett (1926-1935).


                        Autobiography, Lieutenant G. G. McDonald (ca. 1832).


                        Letter from C. Snow to Mrs. Elizabeth Snow (mother) (January 7, 1827).


                        Excerpt from journal, from William Trousdale Papers.


                        Letter to General John Coffee from Col. Delaronde (June 6, 1816).


                        Letter from E. Clement (January 10, 1815).


                        Letter, completely illegible.


                        Orders from Andrew Jackson to Troops on the Right Bank of the Mississippi (January 18, 1815).


                        Letter from off the Chandelieur Islands (June 20, 1814).


                        Letter to John Lambert, Esq., member of the Senate from (?) Lambert, New Orleans (January 20, 1815).


                        Letter from Andrew Jackson to Senator James Brown (January 26, 1815).


                        Letter from Philip Johnson to Elijah F. Picardy (December 21, 1847).


                        Letter from W. C. C. Claiborne to the Secretary of the Senate (February 10, 1815).


                        Document, charges and specifications (?) against Captain Reuben Lac (?) from James A. Gordon (February 9, 1815).


                        Letters, two to Andrew Jackson (February 1-5, 1815).


                        Letter, difficult to read.


                        Letter from Captain Collins at Look out point, Chef Menteur (January 27, 1815).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson (January 26, 1815).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson, New Orleans (January 22, 1815).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson from David Morgan (January 14, 1815).


                        Letter to Andrew Jackson from John McKre (?) (January 14, 1815).


                        Note cards, bibliographical note cards from Greene.


                        Index, original appendix, list of officers and men . . . at the batteries. . . .


                        Excerpt from book, The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies (1886).


                        Transcription of letter to Col. Dejean from H. Chotard (December 29, 1814).


                        Excerpt from book, Record of Court of Inquiry of M. G., Mansfield Lovell, “Report of Facts” (1863).


                        Transcription of letter from James Stirling to Lord Viscount Melville (March 17, 1813).


                        Excerpt from periodical, Louisiana History, “British Spy Along the Mississippi: Thomas Hutchins and the Defenses of New Orleans, 1773,” by Joseph Tregle, Jr. (Fall 1967).


                        Note cards, made by Greene from various sources.


                        Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith Bart (British soldier), Chapter 22.


                        Excerpt from periodical, the Louisiana Historical Quarterly, “A Massachusetts Volunteer at the Battle Of New Orleans” (January 1926).


                        Excerpt from book, Reflections on the Campaign of General Andrew Jackson in Louisiana in 1814-1815, by Bernard Marigny (1848).


                        Letter, very difficult to read (December 26, 1814).


                        Excerpt from book, Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, by David Lindsey (1973).


                        Notes, handwritten notes regarding research.


                        Notes, handwritten and pieced together notes with the title “Maps.”


                        Map, “New Plan of the City and Environs of New Orleans, Jefferson and Carrollton” (1867).


                        Excerpt from book, The History of the First West India Regiment, by Major A. B. Ellis (1885).


                        Excerpt from book, Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, Major General in the Army of the United States: and Commander-in-Chief of the Division of the South, by S. Putnam Waldo (1818).


                        Miscellaneous folder, complete with a draft of the final manuscript, notes, news articles...


                        Draft, portion of draft of manuscript.


                        Excerpt from book, Renato Beluche: Smuggler, Privateer and Patriot, 1780-1860, by Jane Lucas DeGrummond (1983).


                        Bibliography, seemingly for the Chalmette Military Study.


                        Maps, 10 maps of St. Helena, Louisiana (item moved to oversize box 27, item #44, 10 pieces) (1831, 1832).


                        Excerpt from book, Private Elisha Stockwell, Jr. Sees the Civil War, edited by Byron R. Abernathy (1958).


                        Maps and transparency, 2 maps and one transparency of one of the maps to overlay on the other, one map shows troop movement, the other is of the present terrain (Item moved to oversize box 27, item #45).


                        Map, “Plan of the Attack and Defense of the American Lines below New Orleans, on the 8th of January, 1815,” by Major A. Lacarriere Latour.


Box 26            Box includes copies of primary sources used in study as well as maps, drawings, letter and diary entries.


                        Letter to Jerome Greene from Betsy Swanson (August 8, 1985).


                        Draft of manuscript, rough draft of Chalmette Military Study, Chapter 6.


                        Excerpt from book, History of Andrew Jackson[: Pioneer, Patriot, Soldier, Politician, President], Vol. II, [by Augustus C. Buell], pages 1-53.


                        Excerpt from book, History of Andrew Jackson: Pioneer, Patriot, Soldier, Politician, President, Vol. I, by Augustus C. Buell, pages 372-432.


                        Excerpt from book, Andrew Jackson, The Border Captain, by Marquis James, pages 202-271 (1933).


                        Excerpt from book, The Journal of Jean Laffite: The Privateer Patriot’s Own Story, by Jean Laffite (1958).


                        Excerpt from journal, by Sir John Maxwell Tylden (1814-1815).


                        Letter, written and sent from New Orleans (February 27, 1813).


                        Excerpt from book, Essays on Field Fortification, by Lt. Horace Fenwick (1833).


                        Article from newspaper, Niles Weekly Register, “New Orleans” (May 13, 1815).


                        Article from newspaper, Niles Weekly Register (July 15, 1815).


                        Maps, 5 maps of St. Helena, Louisiana, 1831-32 (Item moved to oversize box 27, item #46).


                        Excerpt from book, Jackson and New Orleans, by Alexander Walker (1856).


                        Excerpt from book, A Practical Treatise on the Attack of Military Posts, Villages, Entrenchments, Etc., by J. Jebb, pages 70-99 (1848).


                        Notes, possible rough draft.


                        Article from newspaper, Niles’ Weekly Register (February 11, 1815).


                        Excerpt from book, Studies Military and Diplomatic, 1775-1865, by Charles Francis Adams (1911).



Series II.        Miscellaneous Folklife (JELAF 4684)


                        All contents refer to the Prairie Acadian Cultural Center in Eunice, LA, a part of the Acadian Unit of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve.


Box 29            Box includes folklife, riverfront studies, and Armistead draft.


                        Invitation to ground breaking ceremony for Prairie Acadian Cultural Center, Eunice, LA.


                        Poster for entertainment at the Liberty Center in Eunice, LA (Item moved to oversize box 27, item # 47).


                        Program entitled “The French World meets Cajun Country,” Liberty Theater, Eunice (July 4, 1987).


Series III.       Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve Riverfront Studies.


Box 29            Study done by NPS in search of a location for the French Quarter Cultural Center and Administrative Headquarters.


                        Riverfront (JELAF 4685)

                        Envelopes contain: 2 contain negatives, 5 contain a composite photograph all of the French Quarter Riverfront (May 19, 1987).


                        “JELA 140 Building Analysis” (JELAF 4686)


                        A rating of buildings in the French Quarter area for possible locations of the French Quarter Unit and Headquarters.


                        The National Park Service and The New Orleans Riverfront: Addendum 2: Historical Overview of the French Quarter and the Riverfront (JELAF 4687)

                        by John Paige.


                        The National Park Service and The New Orleans Riverfront: Addendum 1: Evaluation of Alternative Development Sites for NPS Cultural Center/Admin­istrative Facility and Park Headquarters (JELAF 4688)


                        The National Park Service and the New Orleans Riverfront (JELAF 4689)

                        A publication.



Series IV.      Isleños Study--Samuel G. Armistead (JELAF 4690)


Box 29     Unpublished work by Armistead, an examination of genres of oral tradition.  Research Material is also available elsewhere.


                        Draft, Spanish Language and Folkliterature of the Isleños of St. Bernard Parish (Louisiana), by Samuel G. Armistead with musical transcriptions and analysis by Israel J. Katz, includes Introduction, Chapters 1-11, Conclusion, Index, Musical Transcription and Analysis (5 folders total) (1986).



Series V.       “Study of the Military Topography and Sites Associated with the 1814-1815 New Orleans Campaign”--Betsy Swanson (JELAC 3554)


Box 30            Box includes Betsy Swanson’s research and correspondence.


                        Memo from Jeff LaRock to David Muth regarding Betsy Swanson’s letters (April 11, 1995).


                        Letters, series of letters as well as notes to and from Jim Isenogle and Betsy Swanson, letters are in reference to proposed map production and recommendations (July 1986).


                        Memo regarding the usefulness of certain maps including Betsy Swanson’s.


                        Maps, 5 large format maps, Engagement of January 8, 1815, Encounter of December 28, 1814, Artillery Engagement of January 1, 1815, Night Battle of December 23, 1814, and British Attack on the West Bank, January 8, 1815; these are full of notations, presumably made by Betsy Swanson (Item moved to oversize box 27, item #48) (August 1985).


                        Request for quotations.  Betsy Swanson’s filled out request for the National Park Service (August 4, 1984).


                        Technical data for the “Study of Sites Associated with the 1814-1815 New Orleans Campaign” from Betsy Swanson.


                        Report, “Recommendations for follow-up work on military topography and sites related to the Battle of New Orleans,” by Betsy Swanson (June 1985).


                        Letter to Betsy Swanson from James Isenogle (copy), regarding revisions to draft of report (December 12, 1985).


                        Letter to James Isenogle from Betsy Swanson, regarding revisions to draft of report (January 10, 1986).


                        Revisions, handwritten revisions to draft report (copy) (January 21, 1986).


                        Letter to Jerome Greene from Betsy Swanson regarding specifics of both of their studies (copy) (August 8, 1985).


                        Maps, including: Overlay for “Reconnaissance in Force on December 28 and Subsequent Actions Until December 31,” “Overlay for Night Battle of December 23 and Subsequent Actions Until December 27, 1814,” and “Plantation Base Map for 4 Overlays of the 4 Battles.”


                        Map, Latour’s Map of the Battle of January 8 Adjusted to Actual Features (Item moved to oversize box 27, item # 49).


                        Map, copy of Latour’s map and copy of actual battlefield features map.


                        Maps, copies of several of Betsy’s “Overlay Maps.”


                        Draft, copy of Betsy Swanson’s draft including numerous illustrations.



Series VI.      Indian Ethnohistory--Indians of North America--Louisiana History by Michael Schene (JELAF 4691)


Box 31            Box includes Michael Schene’s research notes.


                        Records, Spanish language records from Notre Dame Archives, with notes of translation into English from microfilm.


                        Records, Arret du Conseil de Marine sur une Lettre La Mothe-Cadillac, from microfilm (no date) (August 29, 1716).


                        Notes, opinion of Bienville or (?) of hostilities between the French, Choctaw and Chickasaws (in French) from microfilm (December 1, 1724).


                        Notes, Boisbriant to Dulac and Orleans (in French) from microfilm (October 4, 1727).


                        Notes, Deliberation and Council of War (in French) from microfilm (December 12, 1724).


                        Miscellaneous records, from microfilm.


                        Correspondence regarding the research of microfilmed documents (August 25, 1980-July 12, 1981).


                        Records, from microfilm, including an inventory of records copied.


                        Correspondence, regarding research of microfilmed documents (October 8, 1980-December 6, 1980).


                        List, detailed list of items from Holmes Collection.


                        Holmes collection: three sets of oversized copies of microfilm documents, first one 10 pages, second one 6 pages, third one 9 pages (Item moved to oversize box 27, item # 50).


                        Manuscripts, copies of microfilm manuscripts from Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris.


                        Article, copy of “Natchez and Chitimacha Clans and Kinship Terminology” by Mary R. Haas, American Anthropologist, pages 597-610 (October-December 1939).


                        Maps, Melissa Green “Map Locational Study” series of maps including one oversized map (item moved to oversize box 27, item #51).


                        Microfilm, copies of John Thomas letters in Thomas Gage Papers from William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1769-1772).


                        Letters, copies of letters of John Thomas in Thomas Gage Papers (1771-1772).


                        Microfiche, 2 envelopes of microfiche, part of the Schene Study.


                        Maps, various maps of the eastern United States and Louisiana.


                        Excerpt from Colonial Captivities, Marches and Journeys, by Isabel M. Calder (1967).


                        Essay, handwritten essay entitled, “An Essay on the Language on (of) the Indians of Lower Louisiana.”


                        Maps of the southeastern United States and of Louisiana, showing the Native Indian names and populations (Item moved to oversize box 27, item #52).


                        Note cards regarding unknown maps.


                        Excerpt from The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State: In the Light of the Researches of Lewis H. Morgan, by Frederick Engels (1942).


                        Excerpt from Louisiana Collection Series of Books and Documents on Colonial Louisiana III: Louisiana in 1776 A Memoria of Francisco Bouligny, translated and edited by Gilbert C. Din.


                        Excerpt from Gayoso: The Life of a Spanish Governor in the Mississippi Valley, 1789-1799, by Jack D. L. Holmes.


                        Excerpt from Louisiana’s Black Heritage, by Robert R. MacDonald, John R. Kemp, and Edward F. Haas.


                        Article entitled “Some French Engineers in Spanish Louisiana,” by Jack D. L. Holmes, from the book entitled The French in the Mississippi Valley, edited by John Francis McDermott (1965).


                        Excerpt from Alluvial Empire I, A Study of State and Local Efforts Toward Land Development in the Alluvial Valley of the Lower Mississippi River, Including Flood Control, Land Drainage, Land Clearing, Land Forming, by Robert Harrison (1961).


                        Excerpt from Revolt in Louisiana: The Spanish Occupation, 1766-1770, by John Preston Moore.


                        Excerpt from periodical, Ethnohistory, entitled “Ethnohistory and its Problems,” by William N. Fenton (Winter 1962).


                        Map of Spanish Louisiana and West Florida, 1792-1797, compiled by Mary O’Callaghan (Item moved to oversize box 27, item #53) (1941).


                        Excerpt from The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution, by Julian H. Steward (1955).


                        Essay entitled “A Social Reconnaissance of the Creole Houma Indian Trappers of the Louisiana Bayous,” by Frank G. Speck, correspondence regarding that essay, Houston Archeological Society Newsletter, April 1979, further correspondence, an excerpt from “The Indian Problem in the Third Provincial Council of Mexico,” a dissertation by C. M. Poole (1961).



Series VI.


Box 32            Box includes Michael Schene’s research notes


                        Maps, two folders of maps of Louisiana and the surrounding area.


                        Excerpt from article, Alabama Review, entitled “Iberville and the Southern Indians,” by Richebourg Gaillard McWilliams (October 1967).


                        Excerpt from The American Indian Frontier, by William Christie MacLeod (1928).


                        Excerpt from Indian Slavery in Colonial Times Within the Present Limits of the United States, by Almon Wheeler Lauber (1970).


                        Excerpt from Four Centuries of Southern Indians, edited by Charles M. Hudson.


                        Excerpt from Bolton and the Spanish Borderlands, by John Francis Bannon.


                        Book, Customs of the American Indian Compared with the Customs of Primitive Times, volume I, by Father Joseph Francois Lafitau.


                        Article, “A Brief Abstract of Title on the Property of New Orleans Terminal Company,” prepared for Watts K. Leverich by Schoneberger Abstract Company.


                        Article, the Louisiana Historical Quarterly, “Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in Louisiana,” by Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, WPA.


                        Letter, “Francois de Montigny, S.J. to the Compte de Pontchartrain” (1699).


                        Article, “Special Files of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1807-1904.”


                        Article, “Letters Sent by the Indian Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 1849-1903.”


                        Article, Reviews in American History, “The Problem of Slavery in Cherokee Culture,” by James H. Merrell.


                        Article, Ethnohistory, “Ethnohistory: An Historian’s Viewpoint,” by James Axtell.


                        Letter, bibliography of 18th century maps and essay entitled, “Guide to Use of Louisiana Maps on Indian Migration,” by Patricia Woods.


                        Bibliography of undetermined source or subject matter.


                        Article, “Evolution and Ecology: Essays on Social Transformation,” by Julian H. Steward.



Series VII.     Defenses of New Orleans, Notes and Basic Research by Jerome Greene (JELAC 3555)


Box 33            Box includes Jerome Greene research for defenses of New Orleans.


                        Hog Point Research.  “History of Pointe Coupee Parish and Its Families,” edited by Judy Riffel; notecards; excerpt from Historic Names and Places on the Lower Mississippi River, by Marion Bragg.


                        Bridge City Research.  Maps; “Diagram Showing the Inundated District--Sauve’s Crevasse, May 3, 1849,” R. U. Goode, Geographer, 1890; “ Department of the Gulf, Map No. 5, Approaches to New Orleans Prepared by order of Major General N. P. Banks, Feb. 14, 1863”; and 4 unlabeled maps.


                        Bertrandville Research.  Reference to Linwood Plantation, Greenwood Plantation, Palazzo Grocery, Promised Land and Buena Vista (?), numerous sets of Plaquemines Parish Conveyance Records (some in French); transcribed interviews with Morris Leblanc, Irma Robinson, Mrs. Manichia, Hobson Riley, Mrs. Frazier; list of landowners involved in Bertrandville Levee Setback; 3 maps of the River around Bertrandville and photocopies of negatives of pictures of Bertrandville; handwritten note; map, “Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey” of Bertrandville and surrounding quadrangle (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #3); map and data sheets on shipwrecks in the Mississippi River between Greenwood and Jesuit Bend; site survey of Promised Land Plantation; 2--Historic Standing Structure Surveys for Palazzo’s Grocery Store in Braithwaite, LA; 2--Site Record Forms for Greenwood Plantation Site; Historic Standing Structure Survey for Promised Land Plantation House; another handwritten note.


                        Belair Research.  Reference to Myrtle Grove Plantation, Belair Plantation (Belle Air) and Fanny Plantation.  State Site Record Form for Fanny Plantation Site; State Site Record Form for Belair Plantation Site; biography of Dr. Joseph Biddle Wilkinson, owned Myrtle Grove and incudes reference to Belair Plantation; excerpt from The Diocese of Louisiana: Some of its History, 1838-1888, Also some of the History of its Parishes and Missions, 1805-1888, by Rev. Herman Cope Duncan, M.A.; excerpt from Down Among the Sugar Cane: The Story of Louisiana Sugar Plantations and their Railroads, by W. E. Butler.


                        Myrtle Grove--Junior Research.  Biography of Maunsel White, map entitled “Hydrographic Survey 1893-1975 (Item moved to oversize box 27, item #54); map with same title but with shipwreck information on it (Item moved to oversize box 27, item #55); and shipwreck data sheets; newspaper article, “Faded Woodland Plantation Hasn’t Lost Her Graciousness” by Stella Pitts; site survey of Woodland Plantation (Junior); essay, “Woodland Plantation (Junior) Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana” by Trammell; Saturday paper (unknown title) article about the Junior Crevasse (at Junior Plantation); three maps of the river appearing to show how the bank of the Mississippi has migrated.


                        Ormond Plantation Research.  An Archeological Survey of Proposed LaPlace-Destrehan Levee Enlargement (M-133.1 to 121.1-L), St John the Baptist and St. Charles Parishes, Louisiana, by David R. Stuart and Jerome A. Greene; “Prelim­inary Archaeological Reconnaissance and Assessment of Destrehan (Ormond) Plan­tation, St. Charles Parish Louisiana,” by Teresia R. Lamb; Ribbon map--coast directory (1847) showing Faulkner Lake and Ormond Plantation; essay, “Ormond Plantation: Louisiana Architecture” by Philip Morehead; article, “Envision Life for Old Ormond” (January 28, 1973); article from Times-Picayune, “Ormond Plantation Ready” (August 24, 1975); article from Times-Picayune, “Near Subdivision, Old Plantation Home Being Restored” (October 22, 1978); excerpt from White Pillars: Early Life and Architecture of the Lower Mississippi Valley Country by J. Frazer Smith; Old Louisiana Plantation Homes and Family Trees by Herman De Bachelle Seebold, M.D.; Louisiana: A Guide to the State; Louisiana: Sketches of Historical Homes and Sights by Mrs. Drew Nelson Hays (Mattie Sue Martin); Transit Riders Digest (January 22, 1973), “Did You Know?” (about Destrehan Plantation); History of the Destrehan Plantation by the River Road Historical Society, (June 1975); Brochure for Destrehan Plantation; Baton Rouge Advocate, “Moving Toward Restoration” (November 5, 1972); several volumes of “River Road Historical Society Newsletter” (no date), (August 1974, August 1975, April 1976, June 1976, December 1975, January 1976, October 1975, April 1975, June 1975, February 1975); Daily Record, “Destrehan Manor a Thing of the Past” (June 10, 1973); catalog cards for Ormond and Magnolia Plantations; Metairie: A Tongue of Land to Pasture; state site record form for Ormond Plantation; article from Times-Picayune, “Envision Life for Old Ormond” (January 28, 1973); article from the Times-Picayune, “New Life for Plantation” (October 20, 1974); Magazine of Art (October 1948), “Louisiana Plantation Houses” by Clarence John Laughlin.


                        Notes, bibliography cards and notes from research.


                        Note cards, from research regarding subjects like exploration, settlement, trade, European-Indian relations, Baton Rouge.


                        Note cards, primitive alphabetical card catalog of a very heterogeneous collection or maybe bibliography cards.


                        Note cards, bibliographical cards from research.


                        Note cards, regarding plantations (mostly).



Series VII.


Box 34            Jerome Green’s research notes for defenses of New Orleans (JELAC 3555)


                        A-C research folder

                        Folder contains: Land Settlement Policies and Practices in Spanish Louisiana by C. Richard Arena; Louisiana History, “Philadelphia-Spanish New Orleans Trade in the 1790’s” by C. Richard Arena; “Philadelphia-Spanish New Orleans Trade, 1789-1803,” dissertation by Carmelo Richard Arena; The Mississippi Valley in British Politics: A Study of the Trade, Land, Speculation, and Experiments in Im­perialism Culminating in the American Revolution by Clarence Walsworth Al­vard; Our Pride: Point Coupee by Bernard Curet; The West Florida Controversy, 1798-1813: A Study in American Diplomacy by Isaac Joshua Cox; Plantation Life on the Mississippi by William Edwards Clement and Stuart Omer Landry; Econ­omic Survival of the Plantations System within the Feliciana Parishes, 1865-1880 by Floyd M. Clay; Louisiana History, “New Orleans: Its First Century of Economic Development” by John G. Clark; West Florida and Its Relation to the His­torical Cartography of the United States by Henry E. Chambers; Mississippi Valley Beginnings: an Outline of the Early History of the Earlier West by Henry E. Chambers; Louisiana Historical Quarterly, “Early Commercial Prestige of New Orleans: with some account of the development of commerce-carriers on the Western waterways” by Henry E. Chambers; “Carte Particuliere du Fleuve St. Louis (Specific Map of the flow of the Mississippi); University of Missouri Business and Economic Review, “Trade Development on the Mississippi” by Walter C. Carey; West Feliciana: A Glimpse of Its History by Louise Butler; Port Hud­son: A Study in Historical Geography by Henry Bates Brown, Jr.; A Com­parative View of French Louisiana, 1699-1762: The Journals of Pierre Le Moyne d’Iber­ville and Jean Jacques-Blaise d’Abbadie, edited by Carl A. Brasseaux; Proceed­ings of the Historical Society of East and West Baton Rouge by Milledge L. Bonham, Jr.; The Louisiana Economy by Thomas R. Beard; The Spaniards inthe Mississippi Valley: An Introduction by John Francis Bannon, S.J.; The Story of the West Florida Rebellion by Stanley Clisby Arthur.


                        Agriculture folder

                        Folder contains: Note cards with facts about the state; 2 pages of reading notes on legal paper; copy of Amos Stoddard’s Sketches, Historical Descriptive of Louisiana; copy from  J. P. Montgomery’s Agriculture Statistics for Louisiana, 1909-1957; copy of photograph of a cane shed at Belair Plantation from the Historic New Orleans Collection; Alcee Boucheneau’s Louisiana Sugar Report, 1900-1901; Francois-Xavier Martin’s History of Louisiana from the Earliest Period; Mark Schmitz’s Economic Analysis of Antebellum Sugar Plantations in Louisiana; copy of photograph from the Historic New Orleans Collection.


                        River Improvements folder

                        Folder contains: Note cards; History of the New Orleans Board of Trade Limited, 1880-1930 by H. I. Herring; Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana by Major Amos Stoddard; map, Plan of New Orleans: The Capital of Louisiana; with the disposition of its Quarters and Canals as they have been traced by Mr. de la Tour, 1720; Map of “The Chapitoulas,” land granted to Bienville at New Orleans, 1719 printed in 1934; stray page copied from a book; This is Algiers by Richard R. Dixon; Francois-Xavier Martin’s History of Louisiana from the Earliest Period; Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in the Year, 1802. . . by Berquin-Duvallon; Mississippi Valley Beginnings, An outline of the Early History of the Earlier West by Henry E. Chambers; Plaquemines: The Empire Parish by J. Ben Meyer; Flood Control in the Lower Mississippi River Valley by the Mississippi River Commission and the U.S. Army Engineer Division; Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions and Persons Arranged in Cyclopedic Form by Alcee Fortier; Louisiana, Its Land and People by Fred B. Kniffen; Louisiana History, “The Engineers and the Mississippi” by Walter M. Lowrey; The Delta Engineers: A History of the United States Army Corps of Engineers In the New Orleans District by Albert E. Cowdrey; Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana by Major Amos Stoddard; Gould’s History of River Navigation; Sugar Country: The Cane Sugar Industry in the South, 1753-1950 by J. Carlyle Sitterson; Floods in the Valley of the Mississippi, A National Calamity: What should be done about it by J. P. Kemper, C.E.; Louisiana Almanac, 1973-1974; Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of New Orleans, LA to the Senate, 1873; Report of the Light-House Board of the United States, 1873; Annual Report of the Light House Board of the United States to the Secretary of the Treasure for the Third Year Ending June 30, 1874.


                        Untitled folder

                        Folder contains: Proceedings of the Louisiana Engineering Society, “Maintenance of the Huey P. Long Bridge Over the Mississippi River at New Orleans, Louisi­ana” by V. J. Bedell; One Hundred Great Years by Thomas Ewing Dabney; “Preliminary Report on the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad” by the Public Belt Rail­road Commission; This is Algiers by Richard R. Dixon; Lower Mississippi Valley by Richard H. Kesel, Sam B. Hilliard, and William G. Haag; Pintado Papers Book XI “S” 1809-1817 . . . by WPA; Blueprints of Municipal Docks, Baton Rouge, LA; “Proceedings of the Louisiana Engineering Society, April 1939”; Louisiana Historical Quarterly, “The Origin and Early Settlement of Baton Rouge, Louisiana” by Andrew C. Albrecht; Proceedings of the Louisiana Engineering Society, October 1947; “Louisiana Sugar Report, 1903-1904 by Alcee Bouchereau; Statement of the Sugar Crop made in Louisiana in 1861-62 by Pierre Champomier; Statement of the Sugar Crop made in Louisiana in 1860-61 by Pierre Champomier; Louisiana: A Guide to the State, edited by Harry Hansen; Rural Life in the Lower Mississippi Valley about 1803 by William O. Scruggs; U.S. Geological Survey: Gonzales, LA; New Orleans Price Current Yearly Report of the Sugar and Rice Crops of Louisiana, Crop Year 1875-1876 by Louis J. Bright; The Catholic Church in Louisiana by Roger Baudier; Plantation Life on the Mississippi by Stuart Omer Landry and William Edwards Clement; First Progress Report State of Louisiana Department of Public Works, 1940-1941 by Louisiana Public Works; Statement of the Sugar Crop Made in Louisiana in 1859-1860 by Pierre A. Champomier; Statement of the Sugar Crop Made in Louisiana in 1858-1859 by Pierre A. Champomier; New Orleans City Guide, Federal Writers Project; “History on the Rebound in Catfish Town”; Riverside Develop­ment Study, City-Parish Planning Commission; “Proceedings of the Louisiana En­gineering Society, June 1945”; Floods in the Valley of the Mississippi: A National Calamity, What should be done about it by James Parkerson Kemper; Statement of the Sugar Crop Made in Louisiana in 1845-1846 by Pierre Champomier; State­ment of the Sugar Crop Made in Louisiana in 1850-1851 by Pierre Champomier; Louisiana, Vol. I, by Alcee Fortier; Historical Collection of Louisiana Embracing Many Rare and Valuable Documents Relating to the Na­tural, Civil and Political History of that State by Benjamin Franklin French; Lou­isiana, Vol. II, by Alcee Fortier; Louisiana Historical Quarterly, “Lou­i­si­ana Land Titles Derived from Indian Tribes,” by Henry P. Dart; Louisiana His­tory, “Lieutenant Colonel Francisco Bouligny and the Malagueno Settlement at New Iberia, 1779,” by Gilbert C. Din; Louisiana Review, “Spanish Immigration to a French Land,” by Ernest C. Downs; Louisiana History, “Lumber and Trade in the Lower Mississippi Valley and New Orleans, 1800-1860,” by John A. Esterhold; Louisiana History, “Proposals and Plans for Colonization in Spanish Louisiana, 1787-1790,” by Gilbert C. Din; New Orleans Genesis, “Plaquemines Parish Census of 1810,” by Hewitt L. Forsyth; Louisiana, Vol. II, by Alcee Fortier.


                        S-T folder

                        Folder contains: Father Mississippi by Lyle Saxon; “Economic Analysis of Ante­bellum Sugar Plantations in Louisiana,” by Mark Schmitz; Early Trade and Travel in the Lower Mississippi Valley by William O. Scroggs; photocopies of documents in the Archives of the Indies; Smithsonian Explorations, 1926, “Smith­sonian Miscellaneous Collections”; Louisiana History, “New Orleans at War: A Merchant’s View,” by Dale A. Somers; Plantation Society, “Southern Expansion­ism: Urban Interests in the Cuban Filibusters,” by Richard Tansey; Baton Rouge Story: An Historical Sketch of Louisiana’s Capital City by Evelyn Martindale Thom; Riparian Lands of the Mississippi River, Past-Present-Prospective by Frank H. Tompkins; “Mississippi Valley Pioneers” by Neil J. Toups; Ohio and Mississippi River Transportation by Hacter Erik Trisco; Louisiana History, “The Mississippi River Trade, 1784-1788,” by Bruce Tyler.


                        N-R folder

                        Folder contains: Louisiana History, “Forty Acres and a Mule: Louisiana and the Southern Homestead Act,” by Claude F. Oubre; Mississippi Steamboating: A History of Steamboating on the Mississippi and Its Tributaries by Herbert and Edward Quick; Public Cotton Warehouse, Grain Elevator and Terminal of the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans by T. Prevost; Louisiana History, “The Administration of Indian Affairs in Louisiana, 1803-1820,” by Mary Joyce Purser; Louisiana History, “Redcoats and Redskins on the Lower Mississippi, 1763-1776: The Career of Lt. John Thomas,” by Robert R. Rea; The Felicianas of Louisiana by Miriam Reeves; Louisiana Sugar Plantations during the Civil War by Charles P. Roland.


                        G-J folder

                        Folder contains: Historical Sketches of Louisiana; Golden Jubilee of the New Orleans Board of Trade Limited, 1880-1930 by H. S. Herring; Louisiana during Re­construction by William Edward Highsmith; James’ River Guide: Containing Descriptions of All the Towns and Principal Objects of Interest on the Rivers of

                        the Mississippi Valley.


                        Industry folder

                        Folder contains: Citrus: 16,200 Acres for Industry, Living and Recreation; Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas in the Year 1802 . . . by Berquin-Duvallon; reading notes; Louisiana: Its Land and People by Fred B. Kniffen; History of New Orleans by John S. Kendall; reading notes; Louisiana: Its Land and People by Fred B. Kniffen; Chronicles of West Baton Rouge by Elizabeth Kellough and Leona Mayeux; Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana by Amos Stoddard; A Field Guidebook for Louisiana by Richard H. Kesel and Robert A. Sauder; A History of Louisiana, Vol. II, by Alcee Fortier; The History of Louisiana from its Earliest Period by Francois-Xavier Martin.


                        K-M folder

                        Folder contains: History of Louisiana by Francois-Xavier Martin; Louisiana History, “New Orleans and the Panama Canal, 1900-1914” by Burton Kaufman; Report of the Board of State Engineers of the State of Louisiana to His Excellency Murphy J. Foster, Governor of Louisiana from April 20, 1896, to April 20, 1898; Report of the Board of State Engineers of the State of Louisiana to His Excellency Oscar K. Allen, Governor of Louisiana from April 1, 1932 to April 1, 1934; The Spanish Commandant of Baton Rouge, 1779-1795 by Wilbert James Miller; The Large Slaveholders of Louisiana--1860 by Joseph Karl Menn, M.A.; History of Louisiana by Francois-Xavier Martin; History of Louisiana, from the Earliest Period by Francois-Xavier Martin.


                        Folder with reference to Diamond, Junior (plantations?), Magnolia Planta­tion, Woodland Plantation, West Pointe a la Hache, Point Celeste, Junior, Deer Range

                        Folder contains: State of Louisiana Site Record Form for Magnolia Plantation Site; copy of note card for Magnolia Plantation House; National (?, not state form) Historic Site Survey for Magnolia Plantation Site; Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, LA, Season of 1885-1886; Second Report by Guilford L. Spencer; Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, LA, Season of 1888-1889 by Guilford Spencer; Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form, edited by Alcee Fortier; Cane River Country Louisiana, edited by Carol Wells; Louisiana Plantation Homes by W. Darrell Overdyke; Sketchbook: The Lower Coast, its Resources, Institutions and Splendid Prospects; States, “Fine Old Louisiana Mansions; Magnolia on River in Plaquemines: Now is Owned by Ex. Gov. Warmoth”; map of Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey Pointe A La Hache Quadrangle (shows plantations sites for Junior Plantation, Point Celeste Plantation, Woodland Plantation, and Magnolia Plantation) (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #4); Louisiana: A Guide to the State, edited by Harry Hansen; Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, LA, Season of 1886-1887; Third Report by Guilford L. Spencer; Times-Picayune, “Old House is Dying: Magnolia Plantation Home is Now ‘Haunting Ruin’” by Stella Pitts, 1974; map of Baton Rouge (?) with several notations; biography of Henry Clay Warmoth; Report of Experiments in the Manufacture of Sugar at Magnolia Station, Lawrence, LA, Season of 1885-1886; Second Report by Guilford L. Spencer; biography of John Dymond from The Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer, 1922; map, Hydrographic Survey 1973-1975, Black Hawk, LA to Head of Passes, LA., Sheet 62 (Item moved to oversize box 35, item #1); A Pictorial History of Old Algiers . . . with a view of the contemporary scene by Richard Remy Dixon; map entitled “Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey 1973-1975” with notations regarding shipwrecks in the area and two subsequent Shipwreck Data Forms (Items moved to oversize box 35, item #2); Historic Standing Structure Survey for Woodland Plantation House; Louisiana Plantation Homes section on Woodland Plantation by W. Darrell Overdyke; map of Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey, 1973-1975 with notations regarding shipwrecks in the area and three subsequent Shipwreck Data Forms (Items moved to oversize box 35, item #3); map from old USGS topographic map; map of Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey, 1973-1975 with notations regarding shipwrecks in the area and five subsequent Shipwreck Data Forms (Items moved to oversize box 35, item #4); Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey 1973-1975 with notation regarding Junior Plantation, Quad. 61 (Item moved to oversize box 35, item #5); blueprints (2 pages) of Point Celeste Plantation and Junior Plantation (Items moved to oversize box 28, item #5).


Box 36            Jerome Greene’s Research Notes for Defenses of New Orleans (JELAC 3555)


                        Pointe Coupee Research.  Brochure entitled “Pointe Coupee Parish: A Land of History, A Land of Attractions;” program from Mass at St. Ann’s Church (Episcopal) in Morganza, Louisiana, December 12, 1982; Mississippi River archaeological surveys, Baton Rouge West, LA 1980 (notation regarding Beaure­gard Town, July 22, 1806 and the layout of that “village”) (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #6); Beautiful Pointe Coupee and her Prominent Citizens by J. I. Sanford; Map of the Parishes of Pointe Coupee, West Baton Rouge and Iberville by William J.McCulloch, 1859; map from the Papers of Vincent S. Pintado, Library of Congress (Item moved to oversize box 35, item #6); map, “Foundation for Historic Louisiana Heritage Tour Pointe Coupee Parish, May 10, 1980”; hand drawn map; brochure entitled “The Rural Workers Fellowship”; Crossroads: Continuing the Rural Messenger newsletter; Beautiful Pointe Coupee and her Prominent Citizens by J. I. Sanford.


                        LA. Phase I--C.R. (Cultural Resources) Maps Research.  Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for New Orleans East [bank] Quadrangle; Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for Carville, LA; Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for Convent Quadrangle; Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for Donaldsonville; Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for Laplace Quadrangle; Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for Luling Quadrangle; Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for St. Francisville Quadrangle (Items moved [7 total] to oversize box 28, item #7); listing of new sites identified during the Cultural Resources Site Inventory for river parishes from Plaquemines to West Feliciana; Appendix D, listing of Cultural Resource Sites Correlated to River Mileage; letter addressed to Mr. Cletis R. Wagahoff regarding the Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey.


                        Port Allen Research.  Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey for Baton Rouge West (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #8).


                        Port Hudson Research.  Photographs of sign for “Le Petit Versailles” and a photo of the plantation property itself; note, handwritten regarding the need for archaeological forms for three sites; map entitled “Plan of Fort Butler: Near Donaldsonville” by C. D. Elliot, November 25, 1863 (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #9); “Office Chief Eng. Dept. of the Gulf: Fort Butler at Donaldsonville,” January 20, 1865” (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #10); Cultural Resources Survey Building Form for Welham; Consolidated Site Record Louisiana Archaeological Survey of the Little Red Church (St. Charles Borromeo Church); 8 pictures of what used to be Fort Butler including 2 of an informant named August Bradford, Fire Chief; write up regarding the Seige of Port Hudson, 1863 and a Fort Butler Site Record Form; Site Record Form for McCall Plantation, a.k.a. Evan Hall Plantation; Consolidated Site Record LA Archaeo­logical Survey of the Tassin House Site, a.k.a. Suski; Consolidated Site Record LA Archaeological Survey of Wallace Community; survey of Zeringue Barn, Wallace, LA; Consolidated Site Record LA. Archaeological Survey for Zeringue House; Consolidated Site Record LA. Archaeological Survey for Willow Grove Store; Consolidated Site Record LA. Archaeological Survey for Schexnayder House; Statement of Significance for the Welcome Site, Con­soli­dated Site Record Louisiana Archaeological Survey of Welcome Plantation Site; recommendation for Welcome Site’s inclusion into the National Register; Con­solidated Site Record LA. Archaeological Survey of Romeville Revetment Site.


                        St. Gabriel Research.  Map of St. Gabriel, Point Pleasant area (Item moved to oversize box 35, item #7); U.S.G.S. Topographic Map of Iberville Parish; map of St. Gabriel and Monticello Plantation (handwritten), 2 maps from Mississippi River Commission Survey of the River chart 67 in 1879-80 and 1921; Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey, Plaquemine, LA Quadrangle (Item moved to oversize box 28, item # 11); Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey #31, Point Pleasant area (Item moved to oversize box 35, item #8); Mississippi River Archaeological Surveys, Plaquemine, LA Quadrangle (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #12); Mississippi River Cultural Resources Survey, White Castle Quadrangle (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #13); R. E. Chandler, “End of an Odyssey: Acadians Arrive in St. Gabriel, LA” Louisiana History (Winter 1973); National Register of Historic Places Inventory--Nomination Form for St. Gabriel Roman Catholic Church; note with name and phone number of an inform­ant regarding the St. Gabriel area; inventory of the Capital Region Iberville Parish.


                        East Baton Rouge (information transferred) Research.  National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for the Tessier Buildings, a.k.a. Lafayette Buildings; A Self-Guided Tour of Baton Rouge by John P. and Jellian C. King; hand drawn map of Baton Rouge; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for the Heidelberg Hotel, a.k.a. Capitol House; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for St. James Episcopal Church; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Old Capitol (Veterans’ Memorial Building) a.k.a. Louisiana State Capitol, 1849-1862 and 1882-1932;  National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for the Old Post Office, a.k.a. Baton Rouge City Club; Consolidated Site Record, Louisiana Archaeological Survey, UNO for Mississippi River Lite 217.3 L; Consolidated Site Record Louisiana Archaeo­logical Survey for Scallan; note regarding Ebenezer Baptist Church and Creole House by Longwood; note card; brochure from Magnolia Mound Plantation House; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Magnolia Mound Plantation House dependency; Consolidated Site Record Louisiana Archaeological Survey for Magnolia Mound; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Magnolia Mound Plantation House; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Florence Coffee House; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Louisiana State Capitol, a.k.a. “new” capitol; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Southern University Archives Building; Consolidated Site Record Louisiana Archaeological Survey of Longwood East Plantation; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Pentagon Barracks, a.k.a. United States Barracks; note cards for Monte Sano Bayou and Fort Baton Rouge; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Spanish Town; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for the Baton Rouge Water Works Company Standpipe; note card for State Capitol.


                        West Feliciana Parish Research.  The True Democrat, St. Francisville’s Newspaper (March 11, 1976) (Item moved to oversize box 35, item #9); Audubon Pilgrimages, written by West Feliciana Historical Society, 1972-1982; flier, “Enjoy Historic West Feliciana”; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Trudeau or Tunica Village, a.k.a. Trudeau Landing; Consolidated Site Record Louisiana Archaeological Survey for Trudeau; report on “The Trudeau House,” Tunica, LA, May 10, 1982; Consolidated Site Record Louisiana Archaeological Survey for Beakel; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Grace Episcopal Church; National Register of Historic Places Inventory Nomination Form for Propinquity.


                        English Turn Research.  Sugar Country: The Cane Sugar Industry in the South, 1753-1950 by J. Carlyle Sitterson; “Sugar king Morgan built plantation home” (Orange Grove); “... Of Kind Found in Louisiana Sectors” Progress (August 11, 1939) by Albert Proctor about Orange Grove; “Demolition by Neglect,” Times-Picayune/States-Item (October 18, 1982) by Betsy Swanson; “The Coast of West Florida and Louisiana” by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to His Majesty, 1794; same map only larger (Item moved to oversize box 35, item #10); note card from book Plaquemines: The Empire Parish; “Mississippi River Louisiana from Stella Plantation to Powder House including English Turn” by C. P. Patterson, 3 pieces (Items moved to oversize box 28, item #14); “A Great Louisiana Plantation of the French Colonial Period, 1737-1738” by Henry P. Dart, Louisiana Historical Quarterly (October 1925), also from this issue are articles entitled “Documents Concerning Sale of Chaouachas Plantation in Louisiana, 1737-1738;” “Colonial Forts of Louisiana” from Louisiana Historical Quarterly (July 1943); “Green Fields: Two Hundred Years of Louisiana Sugar”; “Walls of Air: Plantations That No Longer Exist,” Historic New Orleans Collection exhibit outline and list of plan­tations included in exhibit; “Mary House Lives Again at English Turn,” Times-Picayune (Sunday, March 28, 1982) by Alex Martin; “Friendship, Devotion Thrive at Mary Plantation House” Times-Picayune (February 11, 1979) by Stella Pitts; Plantation Homes by L. A. Overdyke; notes with the title “Sugar Status”; five different maps of Fort St. Mary; Report of the Board of State En­gineers of the State of Louisiana, to His Excellency Francis T. Nicholls, Governor of Louisiana from April 20, 1890 to April 20, 1892; Historic Standing Structure Survey of St. Lukes Baptist Church in Braithwaite, LA; State of Louisiana Site Record Form for Monplasir Plantation Site; map and site record form for and of St. Clair Plantation Site; form for Orange Grove (Braithwaite, LA); article entitled “Orange Grove—-Some Factors Recommending its Preserva­tion”; catalog cards from a library regarding Orange Grove and Mary Plantations; My Recol­lec­tions of Orange Grove and What My Mother Has Told Me About the Old Planta­tion by Harriet M. P. Massey; Plantation Homes of the Lafourche Country by Paul R. Stahls, Jr.; Ghosts Along the Mississippi by Clarence John Laughlin (1951); Louisiana Plantation Homes: Colonial and Ante Bellum by W. Darrell Overdyke; “Fire destroys plantation, ends restoration dreams” by Frank Donze (probably from Times-Picayune); “Another landmark to fall?” from States-Item by John R. Kemp and John Pope; “Plantation Post-Mortem: Grand Home of Another Era is Dead: Indifference Killed It,” Times-Picayune (June 16, 1974) by Stella Pitts; State of Louisiana Site Record Form for Orange Grove Plantation Site; Orange Grove History; Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey, 1973-1975, of English Turn, 2 parts (Items moved to oversize box 35, item #11); Consoli­dated Site Record Louisiana Archaeological Survey for Fort St. Leon; Map and Shipwreck Data Forms for the Emma, Invincible, Maud M. Fish, Post Boy, and Thomas McDaniel (all at English Turn); map and Shipwreck Data Forms for the John A. Wood, Louis B, Magen’s Bay, PBC-161, U-705, U-706, and U-708; map and Shipwreck Data Forms for the William H. Webb, Case Number: 32594, Case Number: 32631, and Case Number: 43288; map from old U.S.G.S. Topo. of English Turn; notes; form regarding unknown building; Old Louisiana Plan­ta­tion Homes and Family Trees by H. Seebold; Historic Standing Structure Survey for Stella Plantation Home; Historic Standing Structure Survey for Mary Planta­tion; Historic Standing Structure Survey for Promised Land Plantation House; note cards; maps of Mississippi River Hydrographic Survey, 1973-1975, sheet 55 and 56 (Items moved to oversize box 35, item #12); two maps of Ft. St. Mary.


                        East Baton Rouge Parish Research.  House of Representatives Report regarding land Claims and East Baton Rouge (April 20, 1836).


                        East Feliciana Parish Research.  East Feliciana, Past and Present.


                        Iberville Parish Research.  The Bayou Goula Site, Iberville Parish, Louisiana by George I. Quimby; map of Iberville Parish land holdings along the Mississippi River; four maps of the Mississippi River in Iberville Parish; “Oakley Plantation: A Post-Civil War Venture in Sugar Cane” by Richard J. Amundson from Louisi­ana History; Plantation Homes of Louisiana, edited by Nancy Harris Calhoun and James Calhoun; note; seven maps of the Mississippi River and Iberville Parish as it surrounds the river.


                        West Baton Rouge Parish Research.  West Baton Rouge Homes Tour (May 2, 1976) (Item moved to oversize box 28, item #15); listing of homes to visit in West Baton Rouge Parish; Standing Structure Survey of Cinclare Plantation Home, a.k.a. Marengo; six note cards; Glenn R. Timmons’s business card, affili­ated with Cinclare Plantation; brochure entitled “Baton Rouge: Plantation Coun­try”; photocopies of unknown plantation home; Standing Structure Survey of Homestead Plantation; National Register of Historic Places Inventory— Nomination Form for Monte Vista Plantation Home; Standing Structures Survey for Poplar Grove Plantation; listing of points of interest in the West Baton Rouge area; one note card.


                        Architectural Survey of Plantations and Fortifications by Labouisse and Graeber.  19 sheets of slides, pictures of plantations and fortifications.



Series VIII.    Indians of North America—-Southern States—-Language Documents (JELAF 4601)


Box 36     Items taken from box entitled “Documents Indian Language II.”


                        Report, The Indians of Texas by Roy Nash, Special Commissioner (March 1931).


                        Correspondence.  Subject, education program (June 1937-September 1938).


                        Correspondence.  Subject, general services (December 1925-February 1934).


                        Correspondence.  Subject, education (schooling), language, health care (March-April 1935).


                        Correspondence.  Subject, education in Terrebonne Parish and Houma for the Indian population (August 1931-January 1942).


                        Article, copy of John Swanton’s work entitled “A Sketch of the Chitimacha Language.”


                        Article, “The Grievance of Chitimacha Indians”--specifically those living near Charenton, St. Mary’s Parish, LA (June 15, 1908).


                        Photocopies, numerous photocopies of Chitimacha Basketry, a Choctaw Indian’s picture, Swanton’s listing of negatives from ethnological prints, the prints from the earlier list.


                        List, listing of names in Chitimacha and in English, photographs of both Choctaw and Chitimacha Indians, research--Koasati linguistic material, notebook entitled Koasati Materials Collected, July 23-August 1, 1930 from Jackson Liangley, three more sets of handwritten notes, transcribed copy of Census of the Alibamo and Koasati in Polk Co., Texas including their Kiasati name.


Box 37            Items taken from box entitled, Documents Indian Language III (JELAF 4601)


                        Text, “First series” of Koasati texts with interlinear English translation, by John R. Swanton (1912-1920).


                        Translations, copies of what appears to be Koasati vocabulary and English translations, handwritten from a notebook.


                        File, tribal file for the Coushattas from National Congress of American Indians from the years 1959-1971.


                        Photocopies and collection information regarding Indian artifacts.


                        Research attributed to James Owen Dorsey, “Sketch of the Biloxi Tribe,” Biloxi Kinship Groups,” “Biloxi Myths” and pictures of parts of the Choctaw tribe.


                        Correspondence regarding Louisiana Indians and research entitled “Indians of Louisiana” (the Coushattas) by Roy Nash, Special Commissioner (May 23, 1935-March 11, 1936).


                        Report, “Report on a visit to Indian groups in Louisiana, October 15-25, 1938,” by Ruth M. Underhill, Associate Director Indian Education, 21 pages.


                        Correspondence regarding a new school for Indian children (August 12, 1932-January 29, 1940).


                        Correspondence regarding schooling for Coushatta Indians around Jena, Louisiana (January 1932-January 1942).


                        Correspondence regarding land and schooling for the Houma Indians of Lower Terrebonne Parish (the Naquin family).


                        Items taken from box entitled, Documents Indian Language I (JELAF 4601)


                        Pages IX-XLVIII of an Indian story (in an Indian language) translated into English, possibly work by John Swanton on Chitimacha language/vocabulary.


                        Correspondence regarding further land issues for the Naquin family of Houma Indians of Terrebonne Parish.


                        Notebook, work by John Swanton, copy of notebook containing Chitimacha vo­cabulary, ethnographic notes and myths, and  extracts from American State Pa­pers, Documents in Relation to Public Lands (March 4, 1789 to June 15, 1834).


                        Report, “Report on a visit to Indian groups in Louisiana, October 15-25, 1938” by Ruth M. Underhill, Associate Director Indian Education, 27 p., other correspondence.


                        Notes, work by John Swanton, Chitimacha vocabulary and notes.


                        Research by Albert S. Gatschet, “Texts of the Shetimasha Language, Spoken in Charenton, St. Mary’s Parish, LA with interlinear English translation Dec. 1881 and Jan. 1882;” “Words and Sentences of the Biloxi Language, Lecompte, Rapides Parish, LA. Oct.-Nov., 1886;” “Words, phrases and sentences in the Cha’hta language.’  Collected in Oct. 1886, at Trout Creek, Catahoula Parish, LA.”


                        Correspondence and records regarding the Tunica Indian Reservation; Albert Gatschet’s “Report on Kataba, Cha’ta and Shetimasha Indians and their languages visited and studied in Dec. 1881.”


                        Research by John R. Swanton, “Chitimacha Vocabulary, texts and notes, Charenton, LA, 1930.”


                        Research by John R. Swanton, “Copy of A.S. Gatschet’s Tunica Texts’ and Swanton’s Tunica Texts (Summer 1930); Myths of: The Flood, The Tunica, Origin of the Tunica, The Twin Brothers, Corn, An Owl Story, A Gambler, Crossing the Ocean, Tunica, Chitimacha: The Eagle Story; research by John R. Swanton, “Copy of Gatschet’s texts with changes in orthography and in the inter­linear English” Chitimacha; research by John R. Swanton, “Ethnographic and kinship notes, Charenton, LA from Charles Billiot,” subjects such as native dyes, tanning and names of Chitimacha Families; research by John R. Swanton, “‘Second Series’ of Koasati texts with interlinear English translation; Kinder, LA from Jackson and Salin Langley.”


Series IX.      Rodriguez Plantation House—Chalmette, LA—Documents (JELAC 3570)


Box 38            Rodriguez House Documents


                        Records of the transfer of the property from Antonio Ramis to Beuato Beluche and the succession of Beuato Beluche; information from the New Orleans Notarial Archives and the Louisiana State Museum, 1783-1788.


                        Census of 1731, the inhabitants along the river with numbers of slaves, livestock, family members, children . . . census is in French.


                        Document, old handwritten document written in Spanish.


                        Document, old handwritten document written in French and Spanish.


                        Inventory, written in Spanish (1790).


                        List of inhabitants near the river who lived in and near New Orleans including the German Coast (poor translation) “Estat des habitants Establie sur Le Fleuve, Au Dessons de la Nouvelle Orleans, et au dessus Jusque et compris le quartier des Allemands a 10 Lieues de cette ville.”


                        Document, March 7, 1774-June 15, 1774, Curator’s Plea for collection of plantation rent, Guilome Boissau was curator bonis to the minors Pedro Dutillet and Maria Maret de la Tour versus Augusterin Macarty, synopsis of which can be found in Louisiana Historical Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2 (April 1927).


                        Land record, in French.


                        Decree regarding real estate purchases by Sieur de Noyan (October 2, 1756).


                        Document, written in French, transcribed on October 1, 1756, a succession inventory of the late Sieur Maret (February 1759).


                        Document, written in Spanish, very difficult to read.


                        Documents, written in Spanish, some very difficult to read.



Series X.       Miscellaneous information found in boxes labeled “Manuscripts for Special Collections Research Studies.”


Box 38            Engineering Services: Various Parks, Southeast and Southwest Regions (JELAF 4602)


                        Working Draft: Statement for Management, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (JELAF 2324)


                        Resource Management Plan 1987 (JELAF 2327)


                        Management, Operations and Internal Controls Evaluation, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park, March 16-20, 1987 (JELAF 2330)


                        Rene Beauregard House, Chalmette, LA (JELAC 3588)


                        “Afro-Carribean Influences in Old New Orleans” (JELAF 2332)

                         French Quarter Unit Tour du Jour by seasonal ranger Bruce Lombardo.


                        Visitor Services Project, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve (JELAF 2333)

                        by Margaret Littlejohn (October 1991).



From Headquarters Offices

(Found in Curator’s Office and in Other Headquarters Offices)



New Orleans, Louisiana

March 1998


Container List


Series I.    Videotapes, 3/4” Large and Small Format and 1/2” VHS Format


Box 39            Subseries I.1.


                        (JELAF 2349)

                        Tape A--Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan, October 1985, Part 1 of 3.


                        Tape B--Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan, Part 2 of 3, October 1985.


                        Tape C--Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan, October 1985, Part 3 of 3.


                        (JELAF 2350)

                        Tape F--April 17, 1986, Museum Days, Jerry Alfonso demo, differences in traps, the molds used in drying pelts, reason for walking stick, wringer, Vic Molero demo, furs, palmetto hut.


Box 40            Subseries I.2.


                        (JELAF 2352)

                        The Spanish Speaking People of St. Bernard, “Los Isleños de Luisiana; Hernecia Que Easta” 3/4 inch video tape, 1976 (Large format).


                        (JELAF 2354)

                        Melerine Reunion 1 of 3, October 1984.


                        Melerine Reunion 2 of 3, October 1984.


                        Melerine Reunion 3 of 3, October 1984.


Box 41            Subseries I.3.


                        (JELAF 2374)

                        Tape 89--April 17, 1985, Museum Days, Part 1.


                        Tape 90--April 18, 1985, Museum Days, Part 2.


                        Tape 91--April 20, 1985, Museum Days, Part 3.


                        Tape 92--April 17, 1985, Museum Days, Part 4.


Box 42            Subseries I.4.


                        (JELAF 2377)

                        Tape 83--January 11, 1985, Skinning nutria, Delacroix Island, Forrest Russell, Part I.


                        Tape 84--January 11, 1985, Skinning nutria, Delacroix Island, Ann and James Evans, Arnold Rodriguez, Emile Evans.


                        (JELAF 2406)

                        Tape 85--March 8, 1985, Discussing decimas, Frank Fernandez, Frank (Neeko) Melerine, Irvan Perez, Isleños way of reflecting through history, Part 1.


                        Tape 86--March 8, 1985, continued from Tape 85, Decimas (Part 2).


Box 43            Subseries I.5.


                        (JELAF 2407)

                        Tape 87--August 4, 1985, Delacroix Island Boat Blessing, Part 1.


                        Tape 88--Delacroix Boat Blessing (Building also written once), Part 2.


                        (JELAF 2408)

                        Tape 93--Mass at St. Pedro’s Pecador Church Celebrating the Feast of St. Bernard, Part 1, August 18, 1985.


                        Tape 94--Reception following mass celebrating the feast day of Saint Bernard, August 18, 1986 (85?), Part 2.


Box 44            Subseries I.6.


                        (JELAF 2409)

                        Tape 95--tape 1 of 3, Jerry Alfonso, alligator fishing with Herman Gonzales and NPS Tom Tankersly.


                        Tape 96--tape 2 of 3, Jerry Alfonso, alligator fishing with Herman Gonzales and NPS Tom Tankersly.


                        Tape 97--tape 3 of 3, alligator fishing (cleaning and skinning) Jerry Alfonso, Herman Gonzales, Tom Tankersly.


Box 45            Subseries I.7.


                        (JELAF 2410)

                        Tape 66--continued from tape 65, June 14, 1984, Herman and Gerald Gonzales fishing rod and reel waiting for night to fall to start night rigging.


                        (JELAF 2411)

                        Tape 67--June 29, 1984, Part 1, Blessing of the shrimp fleet in Yscloskey, NPS crew is on Wilson Aseraldo who graciously had us as his guest.


                        Tape 68--June 29, 1984, Part 2, Blessing of shrimp fleet in Yscloskey, filming crew were guest on the Mitzi Lynn, owner Mr. Wilson Asevado.


                        (JELAF 2414)

                        Tape 69--August 5, 1984, Blessing of shrimp fleet in Delacroix Island, Part 1.


Box 46            Subseries I.8.


                        (JELAF 2414) (continued)

                        Tape 70--August 5, 1984, Blessing of shrimp fleet in Delacroix Island, Part 2.


                        (JELAF 2434)

                        Tape 71--August 19, 1984, Celebration of Mass honoring the feast day of Saint Bernard, Part 1.


                        Tape 72--August 19, 1984, Celebration of Mass honoring the feast day of Saint Bernard, Part 2.


                        (JELAF 2435)

                        Tape 73--August 19, 1984, luncheon at San Pedro Church after the celebration of the mass honoring the feast day of St. Bernard (copied).


Box 47            Subseries I.8.


                        (JELAF 2436)

                        Tape 74--August 26, 1984, folk life building.


                        (JELAF 2437)

                        Tape 75--Folklife II.


                        (JELAF 2438)

                        Tape 76--August 26, 1985, Louisiana World’s Fair, Isleño cooking, arts, crafts, Bayou Boys, entertainment.


                        (JELAF 2439)

                        Tape 77--October 29, 1985, Emile Perez--retired conservationist, Irvan Perez, F. Fernandez, Mrs. Emile Perez (Margaret Bordelon).


Box 48            Subseries I.9.


                        (JELAF 2439) (continued)

                        Tape 79--Emile Perez.


                        Tape 80--Emile Perez, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 2440)

                        Tape 81--November 2, 1984, Irvan Fabra, Rojelio Lopez, Frank Fernandez


                        Tape 82--November 2, 1984, Irvan Fabra, Rojelio Lopez, Frank Fernandez


Box 49            Subseries I.10.


                        (JELAF 2441)

                        Tape 50--April 18, 1984, Leontin Melerine (Campo), Chelito Campo, Richard Campo, Frank Fernandez, Irvan Perez, standing is Mr. Miguel Garcia (Puerto Rico) singing and composing.


                        (JELAF 2489)

                        Tape 51--April 18, 1984, Max Melerine, Da Dan Nunez, Tony Nunez, Miguel Garcia, Frank Fernandez, conversation.


                        (JELAF 2490)

                        Tape 52--May 9, 1984, Frank Melerine, Martin Molero, Marciel Nunez 86 years old, Frank Fernandez, conversation about old times (copied).


                        Tape 53--May 9, 1984, Continued from 52, Conversation about old times.


Box 50            Subseries I.11.


                        Tape 54--May 9, 1984, Da Dan Nunez, Tony Nunez, Miguel (Marcial) Nunez, Frank Fernandez, speaking of old timers from Reggio.


                        Tape 55--May 9, 1984, Da Dan Nunez, Tony Nunez, Frank Fernandez, speaking of the elderly from Reggio and also the type of dances.


                        (JELAF 2491)

                        Tape 56--May 16, 1984, Carl Nunez, Herman (Duts) Alfonso, Frank Fernandez, showing picture and story of Alec Nunez.


                        Tape 57--May 16, 1984, Carl Nunez, Rojelio Lopez, Frank Fernandez, Alec Nunez’s picture and voice on tape.


Box 51            Subseries I.12.


                        (JELAF 2492)

                        Tape 58--May 23, 1984, Manuel Perez, Herman (Duts) Alfonso, Frank Fernandez (copied).


                        Tape 59--May 23, 1984, Manuel Perez.


                        Tape 60--May 23, 1984, Manuel Perez.


                        Tape 61--May 23, 1984, Manuel Perez, Herman (Duts) Alfonso, Frank (Neeko) Melerine, Rojelio Lopez (copied).


Box 52            Subseries I.13.


                        (JELAF 2493)

                        Tape 62--May 27, 1984, farewell picnic in honor of Consul General of Spain, Isleño Clubs officers and members.


                        (JELAF 2494)

                        Tape 63--June 6, 1984, Da Dan Nunez, Anthony (Tony) Nunez, Frank Fernandez, pictures of the late Alex Nunez.


Box 53            Subseries I.14.


                        Tape 64--June 6, 1984, Anthony Nunez, Da Dan Nunez, late Alec Nunez, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 2495)

                        Tape 65--June 14, 1984, Gerald Gonzales, Herman Gonzales Sr., demonstrating the operation of wing nets in Delacroix Island.


Box 54            Subseries I.15.


                        (JELAF 2496)

                        Tape 30--March 21, 1984, conversations--crabbing, decimas, Irvan Perez, Alfred Perez (cousins), Herman Rabin, Frank Fernandez.


                        Tape 31--March 21, 1984, continued from 30, conversation with Alfred Perez, Herman Rabin, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, Frank (Neeko) Melerine.


                        Tape 32--March 21, 1984, Herman Rabin, Morris Morales, Louis (Glen) Menesses, Irvan Perez.


                        (JELAF 2497)

                        Tape 33--March 28, 1984, Anthony (Tony) Nunez, Adam (Da-Dan) Nunez (brothers from Reggio), Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, conversation!! Da Dan a true comedian.


                        (JELAF 2501)

                        Tape 34--March 28, 1984, Maria Asevado (Campo) age 90, Carmelita (Bebé) Alfonso age 80, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, conversation.


                        Tape 35--March 28, 1984, Carmelita (Bebé) Alfonso, Maria Asevado, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, superstitions-religious beliefs.

Box 55            Subseries I.16.


                        (JELAF 2502)

                        Tape 36--March 28, 1984, Chelito Campo, Jack Stevens (Sheriff), Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, conversation.


                        (JELAF 2503)

                        Tape 37--March 28, 1984, Consul General of Spain (Henrique Isanzo), Rojelio Lopez, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, Joining (Carina Isanzo) Consul’s wife, Chelito Campo.


                        (JELAF 2504)

                        Tape 38--March 28, 1984, 1st part--Eva Latapie (Gonzales) 71 years old, Morris Morales, 2nd part--Da Dan and Tony Nunez.


                        (JELAF 2506)

                        Tape 39--April 4, 1984, Celestino Gonzales (88 years, nickname Doctor), Josephine Melerine (Pepita), Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, conversation, Celestino is godfather to Frank and Pepita, why Titino was called Dr. Remedies.


                        Tape 40--April 4,1984, continued, Celestino Gonzales, Josephine Melerine, Frank Fernandez, Irvan Perez, Titino believes in warnings: he is one who senses tragedies


                        (JELAF 2507)

                        Tape 41--April 4, 1984, Rojelio Lopez, Louis (Glen) Menesses, Herman (Duts) Alfonso, Frank Fernandez, conversation with comedian Rojelio.


Box 56            Subseries I.17.


                        (JELAF 2519)

                        Tape 42--April 4, 1984, Irvan Perez, Celestino Gonzales, Leon Roberts, Frank Fernandez, conversation: methods of fishing for fish, trawling for shrimp and old methods of preserving them.


                        (JELAF 2520)

                        Tape 43--April 11, 1984, Louis Alfonso, Anita and Nick Hodges, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 2521)

                        Tape 44--April 11, 1984, Mabel Campo, Francis, Morris Morales (sisters and brother), Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 2522)

                        Tape 45--April 11, 1984, Irvan Perez, Anthony and Adam Nunez, nephews of Matilda, Frank Fernandez, conversation.


                        (JELAF 2548)

                        Tape 46--Joe Gonzales, Adam (Da Dan) Nunez, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, Max Melerine (Macko), Neeko Melerine.


                        (JELAF 2549)

                        Tape 47--April 11, 1984, Irvan Perez, Alfred Menesses (Poonie), Antonia Melerine (Campo), Frank Fernandez.


Box 57            Subseries I.18.


                        (JELAF 2550)

                        Tape 48--April 19, 1984, Rojelio Lopez, Frank Fernandez, under water artifacts (copied).


                        (JELAF 2551)

                        Tape 49--April 18, 1984, Miguel Garcia de Puerto Rico residing in Violet, Frank Melerine, Frank Fernandez, Max Melerine, Mr. Garcia is 97 years young, conversation.


                        (JELAF 2552)

                        Tape 2--February 8, 1984, narrated by Frank Fernandez and Antonia Gonzales (Martinez) (NPS), the continuation of Irvan Perez having the sun taken out by Marie Martinez.


                        February 15, 1984, Victoria (Vickie) Molero, Carmelita (Bebé) Alfonso, Encanicion (Shawn) Morales, Leontina (Tina) Rabin, Marie Martinez, Antonia Gonzales, Irvan Perez (copied).


                        (JELAF 2553)

                        Tape 3--February 15, 1984, interviewed: Carmelita Alfonso (Molero), Victoria Molero, Melita Guerna, Leontina Rabin, Frank Fernandez, Irvan Perez, Antonia Gonzales, Olden Days, times of witches, 1 song by Antonia and Mother Marie.


                        (JELAF 2558)

                        Tape 4--February 15, 1984, Frank Fernandez, Irvan Perez, Shawn Morales, Melita Guerra, Pooko Perez (Irvan), talk of witches, warnings.


                        (JELAF 2559)

                        Tape 5--February 22, 1984, cooking cubillon (fish, potatoes) by Herman (Duts) Alfonso.


Box 58            Subseries I.19.


                        (JELAF 2587)

                        Tape 6--February  22, 1984, Frank (Neeko) Melerine (Delacroix), Martin Molero (born in Reggio) Yscloskey.


                        Tape 7--continued from tape 6.


                        (JELAF 2588)

                        Tape 8--February 22, 1984, Frank and Chelito Campo (Joseph), picture of Manuel Molero.


                        (JELAF 2589)

                        Tape 9--February 22, 1984, 1st part of Rojelio Lopez, Frank Fernandez, Chelito Campo with net.


                        Tape 10--February 22, 1984, 2nd part of tape 9, repairing net, walk in Martin Molero.


                        (JELAF 2590)

                        Tape 11--February 22, 1984, Rojelio Lopez (Jokes), Frank Fernandez, religious artifacts.


Box 59            Subseries I.20.


                        (JELAF 2591)

                        Tape 12--February 29, 1984, Marie Louise Molero O’Toole, Mabel Molero Quatroy, Frank Fernandez, NPS Antonia Gonzales, Father Manuel in background talking of site of Isleño Center and mother Camila Severa.


                        (JELAF 2592)

                        Tape 13--February 29, 1984, Cecile (Chele) Alfonso (Perez), Martin Alfonso, playing harmonica, lifestyle by hunting alligators, trapping, his wife Cecile always at his side, to the extent of trapping with or without him if necessary.


                        (JELAF 2593)

                        Tape 14--February 29, 1984, Edna Rabin, Theophile (Philito) Rabin, Irvan Perez singing decima, (Oh Li Lo La) composed by Seaphine Perez, his father.


                        (JELAF 2595)

                        Tape 15--February 29, 1984, Father and Son: Martin and Jerry Alfonso playing harmonica, Jerry says he learned from his father, Mr. Martin sings decima: composed by his father-in-law Paul Perez, Irvan Perez and Frank Fernandez go into detail about the livelihood in all kinds of weather, when rats mate and come out of nest (copied).


                        (JELAF 2599)

                        Tape 16--February 29, 1984, skinning of animals caught by trapping, demo by Dennis Treitler, a friend of Casimere Gonzales and Jerry Alfonso, also demo of opening traps (copied).


                        Tape 17--February 29, 1984, continued from tape 16, grading of pelts by Arnold Rodriguez, present are John Lopez, Richard Gonzales (Cayo), Rojelio Lopez, Casimere Gonzales (Casi), Frank Fernandez (copied).


Box 60            Subseries I.21.


                        (JELAF 2600)

                        Tape 18--February 29, 1984, seine fishing by Casi, aggravated by crab trap, making donuts by Rojelio.


                        Tape 19--February 29, 1984, continued from tape 18, Casimere Gonzales, Richard Gonzales (Cayo), Johnny and Rojelio Lopez, Jerry Alfonso, Frank Fernandez, Irvan Perez, self hypnosis, Casi talking about crabbing, jokes by Rojelio.


Box 61            Subseries I.22.


                        (JELAF 2606)

                        Tape 20--March 7, 1984, Anthony (Tony) Nunez from Reggio, Martin Molero (born Reggio), Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, discussing (moss) 2 kinds cypress and oak pirogues, picking okra, decima (?).


                        (JELAF 2607)

                        Tape 21--March 7, 1984, Joseph (Jr.) Rabin, Joseph (Shine) Alfonso, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, discussing carnival dances, crab fishing with a line bait that was used.


Box 62            Subseries I.23.


                        (JELAF 2608)

                        Tape 22--March 7, 1984, 1st part, everyone enjoying food prepared by Chef Fernandez, food: Paella, 2nd part, Josephine Serigne discussing her knitting with Irvan Perez and Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 2609)

                        Tape 23--March 7, 1984, outside, Irvan Perez carving ducks, Martin Molero, Joseph Alfonso, Frank Melerine, Anthony Nunez, Glen Menesses, Frank Fernandez (copied).


Box 63            Subseries I.24.


                        (JELAF 2610)

                        Tape 24--March 14, 1984, Camila Serignea, Augustina Fabia (Teeya), Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, weddings, tornados, hurricane 1915, finding the body of cousin after 2 years.


                        Tape 25--March 14, 1984, continued from tape 24, Camila Serigne, Augustina (Teeya) Fabia, Irvan Perez and Frank Fernandez, social gatherings, Miss Teeya speaks of warnings, decimas by Irvan Perez, Adocha y tio Gomez.


Box 64            Subseries I.25.


                        (JELAF 2665)

                        Tape 26--March 14, 1984, August (Wink) Nunez, Frank (Neeko) Melerine, Irvan Perez, and Frank Fernandez, Mr. Wink knitting a crab net, speak of younger days when he lived at the island and later moved to Shell Beach.


                        (JELAF 2666)

                        Tape 27--March 14, 1984, Henry Martinez, Frank Fernandez, Rojelio Lopez, Irvan Perez, Wink Nunez, Joseph (Shine) Alfonso and Frank (Neeko) Melerine joining later, Henry is haning (?) a trawl or sewing it to the rope, the group is watching, they are discussing ways of fishing and trawling (copied).


Box 65            Subseries I.26.


                        (JELAF 2667)

                        Tape 28--March 21, 1984, Amelia (Melita) Guerra, Carmelita (Bebé) Alfonso, Cecilia Guerra, Frank Fernandez, “Ojos Negros” by Cecilia, Harmonica by Cecilia, Anne Borden and Mary Proctor join the group (copied).


                        (JELAF 2668)

                        Tape 29--March 21, 1984, Thomas and Lazarus Gonzales demonstrating the making of a crab trap, Irvan Perez and Frank Fernandez present.


Box 66            Subseries I.27.


                        (JELAF 2669)

                        Tape A--October 1985, Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan, 1 of 3 (duplicate).


                        Tape B--October 1985, Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan, 2 of 3 (duplicate).


Box 67            Subseries I.28.


                        Tape C--October 1985, Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan, 3 of 3 (duplicate).


                        Tape A-C--October 1985, Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan, Parts 1-3 (duplicate).


                        Tape A & B--Hurricane Juan Delacroix Island, Melerine family reunion tapes 1-3 (duplicate).


Box 68            Subseries I.29.


                        (JELAF 2670)

                        Tape D--April 17, 1986, Museum Days.


                        Tape E--April 17, 1986, Museum Days.


Box 69            Subseries I.30.


                        Tape F--April 17, 1986, Museum Days (duplicate).


                        Tape G--April 17, 1986, Museum Days.


                        Tapes C, D, E, F, G--Hurricane Juan, 1985/Museum Days 4/17/1986 (duplicate).


                        2 tapes--Museum Days 1989 (duplicates).


                        (JELAF 2671)

                        Tape 1: Cooking caldo by Melita Guerra, Tape 2: Irvan Perez: having the sun taken out of..., Tape 61: Manuel Perez May 23, 1984, (duplicate) (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 2672)

                        Tape 12: Marie Louise Molero O’Toole (Isleño Center) and Mother Camila Severa, Tape 13: Cecile (Chele) Alfonso (Perez) Martin A. Alfonso hunting and trapping alligators, Tape 15: father and son, Martin and Jerry Alfonso, (duplicate) (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 2673)

                        Tape 84: Skinning nutria Part II (duplicates) (2 tapes).


Box 70            Subseries I.31.


                        (JELAF 2674)

                        Tape 52: Frank Melerine, old timers, Tape 58: Manuel Perez, Tape 83: skinning nutria Part I (duplicates) (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 2675)

                        Tape 27: Henry Martinez: ways of hunting and fishing (fishing and trawling), Tape 28: Amelia Guerra: “Ojos Negros” by Cecilia, Tape 48: Rajelio Lopez: underwater artifacts (duplicates) (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 2677)

                        Mosquitos and High Water 1983, Isleños Center Copy (duplicate) (2 copies).


                        (JELAF 2692)

                        Tape 1--May 1989, Los Sabadeños--auditorium/arrival at Isleños Center.


                        Tape 2--May 1989, Los Sabadeños--Isleño Center performance.


                        Sabadeños at Isleño Center and Delacroix Island, May 1989 (duplicates) (2 tapes).


                        Los Sabadeños at auditorium by Toni, Friday May 5, 1989 (duplicate).


Box 71            Subseries I.32.


                        (JELAF 2700)

                        VP Canary Islands by Helen, Alvarez, VP of Canary Islands luncheon, program, Chelito Campo--February  17, 1991 (duplicate) (1 of 2).


                        Vice President of the Canary Islands Visit to St. Bernard--2/17/91 by Helen (duplicate) (2 of 2).


                        February 17, 1991--V. P. Canary Islands visit to St. Bernard by Toni.


                        Vice President of the Gov. of the Canary Islands visit to St. Bernard--2/17/91 by Helen.


                        (JELAF 2701)

                        Violet Harbor during Hurricane Gilbert, November 1988, Sola Alphonso (Lopez).


                        Violet Harbor during Hurricane Gilbert, November 1988 (duplicate).


                        (JELAF 2702)

                        Tape 1--Canary Island Folkloric “Rogue Nublo” (duplicates) (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 2703)

                        Shrimp Trawls: design and performance (commercial film) N.M.F.S. Pascagoula, MS.


                        (JELAF 2704)

                        The Spanish Speaking People of St. Bernard “Los Isleños de Luisiana; Herencia Que Easta” 1976 (duplicate).




                        (JELAF 2719)

                        Tape 3: old days, Tape 4: dances, Tape 5: cooking cubillon, Tapes 6-7: Frank Melerine, Martin Molero (duplicate) (1 tape).


Box 72            Subseries I.33.


                        (JELAF 2720)

                        Tape 8: Manuel Molero, Tapes 9-10: net fishing, Tape 11: Rojelio Lopez, jokes, religion, Tape 14: E. and T. Rabin, decima (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2721)

                        Tapes 18 and 19: jokes, crab traps, Tape 20: moss, Tape 21: carnival dances, Tape 22: food, knitting (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2769)

                        Tape 24: Camila Serignea, Tape 25: continued from 24, Tape 26: Wink Nunez, Tape 27: trawl, Tape 28: Melita Guerra, Tape 29: crab trap, Tapes 30-31: crabbing, Tape 32: H. Rabin (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2770)

                        Tape 33: Da Dan and Anthony Nunez, Tape 34-35: Maria Asevado, Bebe Alfonso, Tape 36: Jack Stevens (Sheriff), Chelito Campo, Tape 37: Consul General of Spain (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2771)

                        Tape 38: Eva Latapie, Tape 39: Celestino Gonzales, Tape 40: continued from 39, Tape 41: Rojelio Lopez, Tape 42: fishing, shrimp (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2772)

                        Tapes 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50: L. Alfonso, Camias, Da Dan, conversation (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2773)

                        Tape 50: Garcia decima, Tape 51: conversation, Tape 53: hunting, old times, Tape 54: old times in Reggio, Tape 55: Navarro from Spain (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2774)

                        Tapes 56-57: Alec Nunez, Tapes 59-60: Manuel Perez, Tape 62: Consul General of Spain (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2775)

                        Tapes 63-64: Late Alex Nunez, Tapes 65-66: catching shrimp at night, Tape 67: blessing of the shrimp fleet (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2776)

                        Tapes 68-70: blessing of the fleet, Tapes 71-72: celebration feast Day of St. Bernard (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2777)

                        Tape 73: Mass Feast Day of St. Bernard, Tapes 74-76: LA World’s Fair, Tape 77: Emile Perez (duplicate) (1 tape).


Box 73            Subseries I.34.


                        (JELAF 2810)

                        Tape 78-80: Emile Perez, Tapes 81-82: I. Fabra/R. Lopez, Tapes 85-86: decimas (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2811)

                        Tapes 87-88: August 4, 1985, Delacroix boat blessing, Tapes 89-91: April 17, 1986, Museum Days (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2812)

                        Tape 92: April 17, 1986, Museum Day, Tapes 93-94: Mass Feast Day St. Bernard, Tapes 95-96: alligator hunting (duplicate) (1 tape).


                        (JELAF 2813)

                        Tape entitled Sabandeños, Friday May 5, 1989 at auditorium by Toni (broken, tape is twisted and creased).


                        3/4” Tapes, small format


                        (JELAF 2814)

                        Shrimp Trawls: design and performance, NMFS Pascagoula, MS (duplicate) (2 tapes).


Box 74            Subseries I.35.


                        (JELAF 2815)

                        Chalmette slide program.


                        (JELAF 2816)

                        Tape 78: Emile Perez (bad tape, could not dub, can see 3 people but goes in and out, horizontal, and static, per KAL).


                        (JELAF 2817)

                        Tape 30: March 21, 1984, Irvan Perez, Alfred Perez, Herman Robin, Frank Fernandez (bad tape, not able to dub, all static, no picture or sound, per KAL).


                        3/4” Tapes, large format


                        (JELAF 2822)

                        “Mosquitoes and High Water”(El Mosco y el Agua Alta), produced by Louis Alvarez and Andrew Kolker, WYES Dub. Isleños Copy.


Box 75            Subseries I.36.


                        VHS Tapes-1/2”


                        (JELAF 2823)

                        Tape 30, 30, 31, dubbed from 1/2” dub.


                        (JELAF 2868)

                        Tape 78: Emile Perez, dubbed from 1/2” dub (10/3/96).


                        3/4” Tape--Small Format


                        (JELAF 2869)

                        Tape 1: February 8, 1984, narration (Historian Frank Fernandez), cooking caldo by Melita Guerra (Yscloskey) Park Service (Antonia Gonzales Martinez), interviewing--Julia Schiel (Melerine) Lilita Melerine (sisters), Marie Martinez (Molero) cousins to Julia and Lilita, Irvan Perez (decima singer and duck carver), remedy, Marie Taking sun our of Irvan.


                        3/4” Tape--Large Format


                        (JELAF 2870)

                        Tape 1: October 7, 1982, Canary Island Folkloric Group at the Auditorium, “Rogue Nublo” (part 1).


                        October 7, 1982, 2nd part of the group (Folkloric) Rogue Nublo from Canary Islands performing at Cultural Center.


Box 76            Subseries I.37.


                        VHS tapes


                        (JELAF 2871)

                        Los Isleños de Luisiana Herencia Que Esta’ Despareciendo.


                        (JELAF 2872)

                        Canary Island Folklore, “Rouge Nublo” tape 1 (part 1 and 2) (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 2873)

                        Tape A: Delacroix Island during Hurricane Juan.


                        Tape B: continued.


                        Tape C: continued.


                        (JELAF 2882)

                        Tape F: More Museum Days.


                        (JELAF 2883)

                        Melerine reunion (tapes 1, 2 and 3 of 3) (3 tapes).


Box 77            Subseries I.38.


                        (JELAF 2884)

                        Tape 1: Lillita, Julia, Maria, Puco (Caldo Lita).


                        (JELAF 2924)

                        Tape 2: February 8, 1984, consisting of I. Perez, February 15, 1984, Victoria Molero, Carmelito Alfonso.


                        (JELAF 2925)

                        Tape 3: February 15, 1984, olden days, times of witches--song by Antonia and Mother.


                        (JELAF 2926)

                        Tape 4: February 15, 1984, talk of witches, warnings, Shawn Morales, Melita Guerra, Pooko Perez, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 2933)

                        Tape 5: February 22, 1984, cooking cubillon by Herman Alfonso.


                        (JELAF 2934)

                        Tape 6: Frank Melerine--Martin Molero.


                        Tape 7: continued from tape 6, Neeko Melerine, Martin Molero.


                        (JELAF 2935)

                        Tape 8: Frank and Chelito Campo, picture of Manuel Molero.


                        (JELAF 2944)

                        Tape 9: Part 1, Rojelio Lopez, Chelito Campo, F. Fernandez.


                        Tape 10: Rojelio Lopez, Chelito Campo repairing net part II.


                        (JELAF 2946)

                        Tape 11: Rojelio Lopez (Jokes), religious artifacts.


Box 78            Subseries I.39.


                        (JELAF 2947)

                        Tape 12: Louise O’Toole, Mabel Quatroy talking about the site, Isleños Center.


                        (JELAF 2949)

                        Tape 13: Cecile Alfonso, Martin Alfonso.


                        (JELAF 2954)

                        Tape 14: Edna Rabin, Theophile Rabin, Irvin Perez singing decima.


                        (JELAF 2955)

                        Tape 15: father and son: Martin and Jerry Alfonso playing harmonica, Mr. Martin sings decima. Irvin and Frank Fernandez speak.


                        (JELAF 2959)

                        Tape 16: The skinning of animals by Dennis Treitler, friend of Casmier Gonzalas and Jerry Alfonso; demo of opening traps.


                        Tape 17: Grading of pelts, Arnold Rodriguez, also John Lopez, Richard Gonzalas (Cayo) and others.


                        (JELAF 2960)

                        Tape 18: seine fishing by Casi aggravated by crab trap; making donuts by Rojelio.


                        (JELAF 2961)

                        Tape 19: Casimere Gonzalas, R. Gonzalas, and others, self hypnosis, crabbing, jokes.


                        (JELAF 2965)

                        Tape 20: Tony Nunez, Martin Molero and others discuss cypress, oaks and oak pirogues.


                        (JELAF 2966)

                        Tape 21: Carnival dances, crab fishing with a line bait that was used, Joseph (Jr.) Rabin, Joseph (Shine) and others.


                        (JELAF 2969)

                        Tape 22: Enjoying food prepared by Chef Paella, Josephine Serigne discussing knitting.


Box 79            Subseries I.40.


                        (JELAF 2970)

                        Tape 23: Carving ducks.


                        (JELAF 2971)

                        Tape 24: Weddings, tornados, Hurricane 1915, finding the body of a cousin after 2 years.


                        (JELAF 2974)

                        Tape 25: Decimas by Iran Perez, “Adocha y tio Gomes,” Miss Trey speaks of warnings, social gatherings.


                        (JELAF 2975)

                        Tape 26: August (Wink) Nunez, Frank (Neeko) Melerine, Irvan Perez and other speak of younger days.


                        (JELAF 2976)

                        Tape 27: Henry Martnez and others hang a trawl and ways of fishing.


                        (JELAF 2977)

                        Tape 28: Amelia (Melita) Guerra, Carmelita (Bebe) Alfonso, Cecillia Guerra, Frank Fernandez “Ojos Negros.”


                        (JELAF 2980)

                        Tape 29: Thomas and Lazaru Gonzalas making crab traps.


                        (JELAF 2981)

                        Tape 30: Conversations, crabbing, decimas.


                        Tape 31: Perez, Rabin, Irvan Perez and others.


                        (JELAF 2990)

                        Tape 32: Herman Rabin, Morris Morales, Louis (Glen) Menesses.


Box 80            Subseries I.41.


                        (JELAF 2991)

                        Tape 33: Tony Nunez, Adam (Da Dan) Nunez, a true comedian.


                        (JELAF 2994)

                        Tape 34: Maria Aserado (Campo) age 90, Carmelita (Bebe) Alfonso, age 80, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez.


                        Tape 35: Continued from Tape 34, superstitions, religious beliefs.


                        (JELAF 2995)

                        Tape 36: Chelito Campo, Jack Stevens (Sheriff) Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez conversation.


                        (JELAF 2996)

                        Tape 37: Consul General of Spain (Henrique Isanzo) and others.


                        (JELAF 2997)

                        Tape 38: 1st part Eva Latapie (Gonzalas) 71 years old, Morris Morales, 2nd part, Da Dan and Tony Nunez.


                        (JELAF 3000)

                        Tape 39: Celestino Gonzalas (age 88), why Titino was called Dr. Remedies.


                        Tape 40: Continued from tape 39, Celestino Gonzalas, others, Titino believes in warnings, he’s the one who senses tragedies.


                        (JELAF 3001)

                        Tape 41: Rojelio Lopez, Louis (Glen) Menesses and others.


                        Tape 42: Rojelio Lopez, Louis (Glen) Menesses and others.


Box 81            Subseries I.42.


                        (JELAF 3002)

                        Tape 43: Louis Alfonso, Anita and Mick Hodges, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 3004)

                        Tape 44: Mabel Campo, Francis, Morris Morales and others.


                        (JELAF 3008)

                        Tape 45: Irvan Perez, Anthony and Adam Nunez, various nephews.


                        (JELAF 3015)

                        Tape 46: Joe Gonzales, Adam (Da Dan) Nunez, Irvan Perez.


                        (JELAF 3021)

                        Tape 47: Irvan Perez, Alfred Menesses and others.


                        (JELAF 3022)

                        Tape 48: Underwater artifacts with Rojelio Lopez, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 3023)

                        Tape 49: Miguel Garcia de Puerto Rico residing in Violet and others.


                        (JELAF 3024)

                        Tape 50: Leontine Melerine (Campo), Chelito Campo and Others


                        (JELAF 3036)

                        Tape 51: Max Melerine, Da Dan, Tony Nunez and others.


                        (JELAF 3037)

                        Tape 52: Frank Melerine, Martin Molero, Marcel Nunz (sic) “old times.”


Box 82            Subseries I.43.


                        Tape 53: (cont.) conversation about “Old Times.”


                        (JELAF 3038)

                        Tape 54: Da Dan Nunez and others “Old Times from Reggio.”


                        (JELAF 3039)

                        Tape 55: Da Dan Nunez, Tony Nunez, etc. speak about the elderly from Reggio and types of dances.


                        (JELAF 3040)

                        Tape 56: Carl Nunez/Herman Alfonso “The Story of Alec Nunez.”


                        (JELAF 3041)

                        Tape 57: Carl Nunez, Rojlo Lopez Frank Fernandez, Alex Nunez “picture and voice.”


                        (JELAF 3044)

                        Tape 58: Manuel Perez, Herman (Duts) Alfonso, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 3045)

                        Tape 59: Manuel Perez.


                        Tape 60: Manuel Perez, continued.


                        (JELAF 3046)

                        Tape 61: Manuel Perez, Herman (Duts) Alfonso, Frank (Neeko) Melerine.


                        (JELAF 3047)

                        Tape 62: Farewell picnic in honor of the Consul General of Spain.


Box 83            Subseries I.44.


                        (JELAF 3050)

                        Tape 63: Da Dan Nunez, Tony Nunez, pictures of the late Alex Nunez.


                        Tape 64: continuation from tape 63.


                        (JELAF 3055)

                        Tape 65: Gerald Gonzalas, Herman Gonzalas Sr., wing nets on Delacroix Island.


                        Tape 66: (Continued from Tape 65) Herman and Gerald Gonzalas fishing, waiting for night fall.


                        (JELAF 3056)

                        Tape 67: Part I (Blessing of Fleet in Yscloskey) NPS crew, etc.


                        Tape 68: (continued from Tape 67).


                        (JELAF 3057)

                        Tape 69: Blessing of shrimp fleet in Delacroix, Part I.


                        Tape 70: Blessing of the Fleet, Part II.


                        (JELAF 3061)

                        Tape 71: Celebration of the Mass honoring the Feast of St. Bernard.


                        Tape 72: Part II, “St. Bernard Feast Day.”


Box 84            Subseries I.45.


                        (JELAF 3064)

                        Tape 73: A luncheon at San Perdo Church.


                        (JELAF 3065)

                        Tape 74: The Folk Building.


                        (JELAF 3066)

                        Tape 75: Folk Life Part II.


                        (JELAF 3071)

                        Tape 76: Louisiana World’s Fair, Isleño cooking, arts, etc.


                        (JELAF 3072)

                        Tape 77: Emile Perez, Frank Fernandez, Irvan Perez and others.


                        (JELAF 3073)

                        Tape 79: Emile Perex(z), Part II.


                        (JELAF 3074)

                        Tape 80: Emile Perez, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez.


                        Tape 81: Emile Perez, Irvan Perez, Frank Fernandez, Part II.


                        (JELAF 3075)

                        Tape 82: Irvan Fabra, Rojelio Lopez, Frank Fernandez.


                        (JELAF 3083)

                        Tape 83: Skinning nutria on Delacroix Island.


Box 85            Subseries I.46.


                        Tape 84: continued from Tape 83.


                        (JELAF 3084)

                        Tape 85: Discussing decimas.


                        Tape 86: Continued from Tape 85, decimas.


                        (JELAF 3085)

                        Tape 87: Delacroix Island boat blessing.


                        (JELAF 3096)

                        Tape 88: Boat building


                        (JELAF 3097)

                        Tape 89: Museum Days.


                        Tape 90: Museum Days.


                        Tape 91: Museum Days.


                        Tape 92: Museum Days.


                        (JELAF 3098)

                        Tape 93: Mass at St. Pedro’s.


Box 86            Subseries I.47.


                        (JELAF 3100)

                        Tape 94: Reception for St. Bernard.


                        (JELAF 3101)

                        Tape 95: Jerry Alfonso: alligator fishing.


                        (JELAF 3102)

                        Tape 96: Alligator fishing.


                        Tape 97: Alligator fishing (continued).


                        3/4” large format video tapes


                        (JELAF 3109)

                        Tape 5--Bucktown oral history.


                        Roll 6--History of Bucktown.


Box 87            Subseries I.48.


                        Roll 7--History of Bucktown (oral history).


                        Roll 8, Roll 9, Roll 10.


Box 88            Subseries I.49.


                        Roll 11, Roll 12 (5 tapes).


Series II.        German-American Cultural Center Oral Histories




Box 89            Subseries II.1.


                        (JELAF 3110)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Ms. Bartels, Tape 1-3, 9/24/97.


                        (JELAF 3111)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Mr. Harry Weyer, Tapes 5-7, 9/25/97.


                        (JELAF 3112)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Ms. Sevilla White Finley, Tapes 9-10, 9/25/97.


                        (JELAF 3113)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Mr. John Leinhardt, Tapes 11-12, 10/2/97.


                        (JELAF 3115)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Mrs. Lili Schlessinger, Tapes 13-14, 10/2/97.


                        (JELAF 3120)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Mrs. Inge Elsas, tapes 14-16, 10/2/97.


                        (JELAF 3121)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Mr. Frank Ehret, tapes 16-18, 10/3/97.


                        (JELAF 3123)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Dr. Andrew Thalheim, tapes 19-20, 10/3/97.


                        (JELAF 3156)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Mrs. Carolyn Gelbke Thalheim, Tape 21, 10/3/97.


                        (JELAF 3158)

                        Growing up in Gretna/culture in crisis, interview with Mr. Henry S. Wilty, Jr., Tape 22-23, 10/3/97.


                        (JELAF 3163)

                        Interview with Henrietta Didier for German-American Center, 3/24/98.


                        (JELAF 3164)

                        Interview with Harry Weyer for German-American Center, 3/23/98 (2 tapes).


Box 90            Subseries II.2.


                        (JELAF 3241)

                        Interview with Marietta Schleh Herr for German-American Center, 3/23/98.


                        (JELAF 3323)

                        Interview with Josie Thevis for German-American Center, 3/24/98.


                        (JELAF 3324)

                        Interview with James Gegenheimer for German-American Center, 3/23/98.


                        (JELAF 3325)

                        Interview with Frank Beier for German-American Center, 3/23/98.


                        (JELAF 3326)

                        Interview with George Sartis for German-American Center, 3/23/98.


                        (JELAF 3327)

                        Interview with Sevilla Finley for German-American Center, 3/23/98


                        (JELAF 3328)

                        Interview with Richard Zaunbrecher for German-American Center, 3/24/98.


                        (JELAF 3329)

                        Interview with Clara M. Habetz for German-American Center, 3/24/98.


                        Audiotapes--German-American Cultural Center Oral Histories


Box 91            Subseries II.3.


                        (JELAF 3330)

                        Interview with Inge Elsas.


                        Interview with Inge Elsas, Tape 16, 17 of Frank Ehret.


                        Interview of Frank Ehret tape 18.


                        (JELAF 3331)

                        Interview of Mrs. Carolyn Gelbke Thalheim, Tape 21, 10/03/97.


                        (JELAF 3332)

                        German-American Cultural Center, Tape 1-3, 9/11/97, interview of DeDe Bartels, 9/24/97.


                        (JELAF 3905)

                        Interview with Lili Schlessinger, Tapes 13-14, 10/2/97.


                        (JELAF 3906)

                        Interview with Harry Weyer, Tape 5-7, 9/24/97.


                        (JELAF 3907)

                        Interview with Sevilla Finley, Tape 9-10, 9/25/97.


                        (JELAF 3908)

                        Interview with Dr. Andrew Thalheim, Tape 19, 10/3/97.


                        (JELAF 3909)

                        Interview with Henry S. Wilty, Jr., Tape 22, 10/3/97.


                        (JELAF 3910)

                        Interview with John Leinhardt, Tape 11-12, 10/2/97.


                        (JELAF 3912)

                        Interview with Frank Beier, Gretna, LA, 3/23/98.


                        (JELAF 4033)

                        Interview with George Sartis, Gretna, LA 3/23/98.


                        (JELAF 4034)

                        Interview with Harry Weyer, Gretna, LA (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 4036)

                        Interview with James Gegenheimer, 3/23/98, Gretna, LA (2 tapes).


                        (JELAF 4037)

                        Interview with Richard A. Zaunbrecher, Roberts Cove, LA, 3/24/98.


                        (JELAF 4042)

                        Interview with Marietta Herr, Gretna, LA, 3/24/98.


                        (JELAF 4044)

                        Interview with Josie Thevis, Roberts Cove, LA, 3/24/98.


                        (JELAF 4045)

                        Interview with Sevilla Finley, Gretna, LA, 3/23/98.


                        (JELAF 4046)

                        Interview with Henrietta Didier, Roberts Cove, LA, 3/24/98.


                        (JELAF 4047)

                        Interview with Clara Habetz, Roberts Cove, LA, 3/24/98


                        Transcriptions of German-American Cultural Center Interviews


Box 92            Subseries II.4.


                        (JELAF 4095)

                        John Leinhardt, National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 12, 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4232)

                        Lili Schlessinger, National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4234)

                        Henry S. Wilty, Jr., National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4235)

                        Mrs. Carolyn Gelbke Thalheim, National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4236)

                        Dr. Andrew Thalheim, National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4238)

                        Harry Weyer, National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 11, 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4239)

                        Inge Elsas (Part I), National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        Inge Elsas (Part 2) and Frank Ehret (Part 1), National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        Frank Ehret (Part 2), National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4240)

                        Sevilla Finley, National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 11, 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4241)

                        DeDe Bartels, National Park Service, German-American Cultural Center interviews, Gretna, LA, September 11, 1997, Pro-Typists, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4243)

                        George Sartis, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Gretna, LA, March 23, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4245)

                        Frank Beier, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Gretna, LA, March 23, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4249)

                        Clara Habetz, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Roberts Cove, LA, March 24, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4250)

                        Sevilla Finley, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Gretna, LA, March 23, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4251)

                        Richard Zaunbrecheh, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Roberts Cove, LA, March 24, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Prof. Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4255)

                        Henrietta Dicher, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Roberts Cove, LA, March 24, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4256)

                        Josie Thevis, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Roberts Cove, LA, March 24, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4257)

                        Marietta Herr, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Gretna, LA, March 24, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4258)

                        James Gegenheimer, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Gretna, LA, March 23, 1998, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


                        (JELAF 4259)

                        Harry Weyer, National Park Service, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Gretna, LA, Pro-Typist, Inc. Professional Transcription Service.


Oversize Boxes



Box 27           Oversize items


                                    New Orleans Campaign of 1814-15, Greene (JELAC 3553): Items 1-46


                                    Miscellaneous Folklife (JELAF 4684): Item 47


                                    Study of Military Topography, Swanson (JELAC 3554): Items 48-49


                                    Indian Ethnohistory, Schene (JELAF 4691): Items 50-53


                                    Defenses of New Orleans, Greene (JELAC 3555): Items 54-55


Box 28           Oversize items


                                    New Orleans Campaign of 1814-15, Greene (JELAC 3553): Items 1-2


                                    Defenses of New Orleans, Greene (JELAC 3555): Items 3-15


Box 35           Oversize items


                                    Defenses of New Orleans, Greene (JELAC 3555): Items 1-12


Box 93           Oversize items


                                    Chalmette Battlefield (JELAC 3323): Item 1


                                    Cemetery Wayside Exhibits (JELAC 3339): Items 2-3


                                    Peace Monument (JELAC: 3344): Item 4


                                    Folklife Program Development (JELAF 4509): Item 5


                                    Thibodaux Site Demolition (JELAF 4511): Item 6


                                    Chalmette Manuscripts, Pamphlets (JELAC 3517): Items 7-8


                                    Historic Land Use Study (JELAB 826): Items 9-10



JELAF 4434




12 square negatives swamp scenes


1 sheet                       contact sheet, color, view from craft on water


24 square negatives water scenes


6 sheets                     35mm negatives, color, Courir de Mardi Gras (107 shots)


1 print                         color, indigo kettle


23 prints                     black and white, crawfish


13 sheets                   35mm negatives, color, outdoors, harvester, ceremony, Chitimacha


64 prints                     color, from above negatives?


10 negatives              black and white, outdoors


3 prints                       color


38 prints                     black and white, aquatic vegetation (brown tint)


56 prints                     color, from above negs?


5 prints                       black and white, 5 x 7, canal


1 print                         color, 5 x 7, aerial view


2 prints                       color, 5 x 7, aerial view



JELAF 4434




14 prints                     color, fence damage, Equitable Petroleum, A/B COE & Proctor


1 sheets                     color, 35mm negatives, above prints, and more


3 sheets                     black and white, 35mm negatives, swamp scenes


5 prints                       color, swamp area, men working, measuring


13 prints                     black and white, hunting camp?


1 sheet                       black and white, 35mm negatives, for above 13 prints


17 prints                     black and white, swamp scene, bird


1 sheet                       black and white, 35mm negatives, for above 17 prints


21 prints                     black and white, rig, aerial views of BARA and CHAL


2 sheets                     color, 35mm negatives, hurricane Juan


4 sheets                     black and white, 35mm negatives, alligator, swamp, kettle, ceremony


2 sheets                     color, 35mm negatives, canal


12 negatives              color, square, canal


1 sheet                       color, 35mm negatives, swamp


1 sheet                       black and white, 35mm negatives, construction


2 sheets                     color, 35mm negatives, swamp


40 prints                     color and black and white, from above negatives


12 negatives              color, square, structure (Fort at Ship Island?)


12 prints                     color, from above square negatives


4 slides                       color, of above fort

45 prints                     color, various, made from negatives in this binder



JELAF 4434




30 prints                     color, BARA, camp, machinery


6 prints                       black and white, hunting camp, Marrero Gun and Rod Club


6 prints                       color, structure remains


3 prints                       black and white, structure remains


3 strips                       color, 35mm negatives, structure remains


10 prints                     color, bricks, BARA


17 prints                     black and white, fort


2 sheets                     black and white, 35mm negatives, fort


5 prints                       color, Bayou des Familles



JELAF 4434




28 prints                     color, BARA diorama, by R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates


2 sheets                     color, 35mm negatives, 1 page of diorama, other structure


21 prints                     black and white, deer, BARA


1 sheet                       black and white, 35mm negatives, above deer and BARA


19 prints                     color, road construction, BARA


1 sheet                       color, 35mm negatives, road construction, BARA


13 prints                     black and white, alligator


2 sheets                     black and white, 35mm negatives, ceremony, BARA VC


23 prints                     black and white, BARA, canals


1 sheet                       black and white, 35mm negatives, BARA, canals


28 prints                     color, fencing in canal


3 sheets                     color, 35mm negatives, BARA


4 prints                       color, Polaroid, French Quarter VC


4 prints                       black and white, rig


13 prints                     color and black and white, Kenta canal


10 prints                     color, square, CHAL, fort


10 negatives              color, square, CHAL, fort


48 prints                     color and black and white, animal damage, etc.


1 strip                         black and white, 35mm negative, BARA


4 prints                       black and white, cemetery, fence


12 prints                     color, canal, HQ


2 prints                       black and white, 5 x 7, Lafitte


1 sheet                       black and white, 35mm negatives, crawfish, cemetery


19 prints                     black and white, shoreline erosion


1 sheet                       black and white, 35mm negatives, shoreline erosion


15 sheets                   color, slides (272), Eunice, BARA


1 print                         color, 5 x 7, 1991 Treme Street Fest


2 prints                       color, Oakley House



JELAF 4434




31 prints                     black and white, BARA, canals


46 prints                     color, Mardi Gras Indians


89 prints                     color, Courir de Mardi Gras


72 prints                     black and white, trails, alligator, canal



Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve

Cataloged Archival Material

JELAF 4434









BOX 1:

                                    JELAB            596, 597, 598, 599


                                    JELAC           3310, 3311, 3312, 3313


                                    JELAF            4426, 4427, 4428, 4429, 4430, 4431, 4432, 4433, 4434, 4435, 4436, 4437, 4438, 4439, 4440, 4441, 4442, 4443, 4444, 4445, 4446, 4447, 4448, 4449, 4450, 4451, 4452, 4453, 4454, 4455, 4456


BOX 2:

                                    JELAB            600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609


                                    JELAC           3314, 3315, 3316, 3317, 3318, 3319, 3320, 3321, 3322, 3323, 3324, 3325, 3326, 3327, 3328, 3329, 3330, 3331, 3332, 3556


                                    JELAF            4457, 4458, 4459, 4460, 4461, 4462, 4463, 4464, 4465, 4466, 4467, 4468, 4469, 4470, 4471, 4472, 4473, 4474, 4475, 4476, 4477, 4478, 4479, 4480, 4484, 4485, 4486, 4487, 4488, 4489, 4490


BOX 3:

                                    JELAB            610, 611, 612, 613


                                    JELAC           3333, 3334, 3335, 3336, 3337, 3338, 3339, 3340, 3341, 3342, 3343, 3344, 3345, 3346, 3347, 3348, 3349, 3350, 3351, 3352, 3353, 3354, 3355, 3356, 3510, 3511, 3512


                                    JELAF            4491, 4492, 4493, 4494, 4495, 4496, 4497, 4498, 4499, 4500, 4501, 4502, 4503, 4504, 4505, 4506, 4507, 4508, 4509, 4510


BOX 4:

                                    JELAC           3513, 3514, 3515, 3516



BOX 5:

                                    JELAF            4511, 4512, 4513, 4514, 4515, 4516


BOX 6:

                                    JELAB            614, 615, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812


                                    JELAC           3517


                                    JELAF            4517, 4519, 4520


BOX 7:

                                    JELAB            813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 818


                                    JELAC           3518


                                    JELAF            4521, 4522, 4523, 4524, 4525, 4526


BOX 8:

                                    JELAC           3519, 3520, 3521


                                    JELAF            4527, 4528, 4529, 4530, 4531, 4532, 4533, 4534, 4535, 4536, 4537, 4538, 4539, 4540, 4541, 4542, 4543


BOX 9:

                                    JELAB            819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 827


                                    JELAF            4544, 4545, 4546, 4547, 4548, 4549, 4550, 4551, 4552, 4553, 4554, 4555


BOX 10:

                                    JELAB            828, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847


                                    JELAC           3522, 3523, 3524, 3525, 3526, 3527


                                    JELAF            4556, 4557, 4558, 4559, 4560, 4561, 4562, 4563, 4564, 4565, 4566, 4567, 4568, 4569, 4570, 4571, 4572



BOX 11:

                                    JELAB            848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 856, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861


                                    JELAC           3528, 3529, 3530


                                    JELAF            4573, 4574, 4575, 4576, 4577, 4578, 4579, 4580, 4581, 4582, 4583, 4584, 4585, 4586, 4587, 4588, 4589

BOX 12:

                                    JELAB            862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 867, 868, 869, 870, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 878, 879, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885, 886, 887, 888, 889, 890, 891, 892, 893, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906


                                    JELAC           3531, 3532


                                    JELAF            4590, 4591, 4592, 4593, 4594, 4595, 4596, 4597, 4598, 4599, 4600, 4603, 4604, 4605


BOX 13:

                                    JELAF            4606, 4607, 4608, 4609, 4610, 4611, 4612, 4613, 4614, 4615, 4616, 4617, 4618


BOX 14:

                                    JELAB            907, 908, 909, 910, 911, 912


                                    JELAC           3533, 3534


                                    JELAF            4619, 4620, 4621, 4622, 4623, 4624, 4625, 4626, 4627, 4628, 4629


BOX 15:

                                    JELAB            913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 920


                                    JELAC           3535, 3536, 3537, 3538


                                    JELAF            4630, 4631, 4632, 4633, 4634, 4635, 4636, 4637, 4638, 4639, 4640, 4641, 4642, 4643, 4644


BOX 16:

                                    JELAC           3539, 3540, 3541


                                    JELAF            4645, 4646, 4647, 4648, 4649, 4650, 4651, 4652, 4653, 4654, 4655, 4656, 4657


BOX 17:

                                    JELAB            921, 922, 923, 924


                                    JELAC           3542, 3543, 3544


                                    JELAF            4658, 4659, 4660, 4661, 4662, 4663, 4664, 4665, 4666, 4667, 4668, 4669, 4670


BOX 18:

                                    JELAB            925


                                    JELAC           3545, 3546, 3547, 3548, 3549, 3550, 3551, 3552


                                    JELAF            4671, 4672, 4673, 4674, 4675, 4676, 4677, 4678, 4679, 4680, 4681, 4682, 4683


BOX 19:

                                    JELAB            926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932


BOX 20:

                                    JELAB            933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940


BOX 21:

                                    JELAB            941, 942, 943, 944, 945


BOX 22:

                                    BOX #22 WAS NEVER ASSIGNED


BOX 23:

                                    JELAC           3553


BOX 24:

                                    JELAC           3553


BOX 25:

                                    JELAC           3553


BOX 26:

                                    JELAC           3553


BOX 27:

                                    JELAC           3553


BOX 28:

                                    JELAC           3553


BOX 29:

                                    JELAF            4684, 4685, 4686, 4687, 4688, 4689, 4690


BOX 30:

                                    JELAC           3554


BOX 31:

                                    JELAF            4691


BOX 32:

                                    JELAF            4691


BOX 33:

                                    JELAC           3555


BOX 34:

                                    JELAC           3555


BOX 35:

                                    JELAC           3555


BOX 36:

                                    JELAC           3555


                                    JELAF            4601


BOX 37:

                                    JELAF            4601


BOX 38:

                                    JELAC           3570, 3588


                                    JELAF            4602, 2324, 2327, 2330, 2332


BOX 39:

                                    JELAF            2349, 2350


BOX 40:

                                    JELAF            2352, 2354


BOX 41:

                                    JELAF            2374


BOX 42:

                                    JELAF            2377, 2406


BOX 43:

                                    JELAF            2407, 2408


BOX 44:

                                    JELAF            2409


BOX 45:

                                    JELAF            2410, 2411, 2414


BOX 46:

                                    JELAF            2414, 2434, 2435


BOX 47:

                                    JELAF            2436, 2437, 2438, 2439


BOX 48:

                                    JELAF            2439, 2440


BOX 49:

                                    JELAF            2441, 2489, 2490


BOX 50:

                                    JELAF            2490, 2491


BOX 51:

                                    JELAF            2492


BOX 52:

                                    JELAF            2493, 2494


BOX 53:

                                    JELAF            2494, 2495


BOX 54:

                                    JELAF            2496, 2497, 2501


BOX 55:

                                    JELAF            2502, 2503, 2504, 2506, 2507


BOX 56:

                                    JELAF            2519, 2520, 2521, 2522, 2548, 2549


BOX 57:

                                    JELAF            2550, 2551, 2552, 2553, 2558, 2559


BOX 58:

                                    JELAF            2587, 2588, 2589, 2590


BOX 59:

                                    JELAF            2591, 2592, 2593, 2595, 2599


BOX 60:

                                    JELAF            2600


BOX 61:

                                    JELAF            2606, 2607


BOX 62:

                                    JELAF            2608, 2609


BOX 63:

                                    JELAF            2610


BOX 64:

                                    JELAF            2665, 2666


BOX 65:

                                    JELAF            2667, 2668


BOX 66:

                                    JELAF            2669



BOX 67:

                                    JELAF            2669


BOX 68:

                                    JELAF            2670


BOX 69:

                                    JELAF            2670, 2671, 2672, 2673


BOX 70:

                                    JELAF            2674, 2675, 2677, 2692


BOX 71:

                                    JELAF            2700, 2701, 2702, 2703, 2704, 2719


BOX 72:

                                    JELAF            2720, 2721, 2769, 2770, 2771, 2772, 2773, 2774, 2775, 2776


BOX 73:

                                    JELAF            2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2814


BOX 74:

                                    JELAF            2815, 2816, 2817, 2822


BOX 75:

                                    JELAF            2823, 2868, 2869, 2870


BOX 76:

                                    JELAF            2871, 2872, 2873, 2882, 2883


BOX 77:

                                    JELAF            2884, 2924, 2925, 2926, 2933, 2934, 2935, 2944, 2946


BOX 78:

                                    JELAF            2947, 2949, 2954, 2955, 2959, 2960, 2961, 2965, 2966, 2969


BOX 79:

                                    JELAF            2970, 2971, 2974, 2975, 2976, 2977, 2980, 2981, 2990


BOX 80:

                                    JELAF            2991, 2994, 2995, 2996, 2997, 3000, 30001


BOX 81:

                                    JELAF            3002, 3004, 3008, 3015, 3021, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3036, 3037


BOX 82:

                                    JELAF            3037, 3038, 3039, 3040, 3041, 3044, 3045, 3046, 3047


BOX 83:

                                    JELAF            3050, 3055, 3056, 3057, 3061


BOX 84:

                                    JELAF            3064, 3066, 3071, 3072, 3073, 3074, 3075, 3083


BOX 85:

                                    JELAF            3083, 3084, 3085, 3096, 3097, 3098


BOX 86:

                                    JELAF            3100, 3101, 3102, 3109


BOX 87:

                                    JELAF            3109


BOX 88:

                                    JELAF            3109


BOX 89:

                                    JELAF            3110, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3115, 3120, 3121, 3123, 3156, 3158, 3163, 3164


BOX 90:

                                    JELAF            3241, 3323, 3324, 3325, 3326, 3327, 3328, 3329


BOX 91:

                                    JELAF            3330, 3331, 3332, 3905, 3906, 3907, 3908, 3909, 3910, 3912, 4033, 4034, 4036, 4037, 4042, 4044, 4045, 4046, 4047


BOX 92:

                                    JELAF            4095, 4232, 4234, 4235, 4236, 4238, 4239, 4240, 4241, 4243, 4245, 4249, 4250, 4251, 4255, 4256, 4257, 4258, 4259



BOX 93:

                                    JELAB            826


                                    JELAC           3323, 3339, 3344, 3517


                                    JELAF            4509, 4511




Index Terms





Greene, Jerome A.


Jean Lafitte National Historical Park



New Orleans, Battle of, 1815

St. Bernard Parish, La.
