Elizabeth Casellas COLLECTION
of Music Manuscripts
(Mss 301
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
June 2002
Size: 1 linear foot
locations: United States
Inclusive dates: 1946-1962
Summary: Manuscripts of original musical compositions by Elizabeth “Betty” Brannon Casellas (1925-1984), including instrumental works and songs, some of the latter for children.
Source: Gift, 2001, 2002
Access: No restrictions
Copyright: Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.
Citation: Elizabeth Casellas Collection of Music Manuscripts, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans
Biographical Note
Elizabeth Reed Brannon Casellas was born in New Orleans on January 7, 1925. She received a bachelor of arts degree from Tulane University, a master of arts degree from the Chicago Musical College (1948), and a master of science degree in library science from Columbia University (1964). In addition, she studied at the University of Paris (Sorbonne).
After earning her degree in library science, Casellas worked as a librarian. At the time of her death in 1984, she was director of the Norman Mayer Library at Tulane University in New Orleans. She was married first to D. R. Brannon of Memphis and, from March 16, 1964, until her death, to Joachim Casellas of New Orleans. Casellas was a frequent contributor to journals in the fields of librarianship and engineering.
Source: Personalities of the South (Raleigh, N.C.: American Biographical Institute, 1970).
Series, Subseries, and Descriptions
Subseries I.1. Dated compositions (arranged chronologically)
Subseries I.2. Undated pieces (for general audiences)
Subseries I.3. Undated pieces (for children)
Series II. Compositions of other composers
Series III. Miscellaneous materials associated with Elizabeth “Betty” Brannon Casellas
Container List
Series I. Compositions of Elizabeth “Betty” Brannon Casellas
Subseries I.1. Dated compositions (arranged chronologically)
301-1 Hawes, Betty Brannon. “On Michigan Avenue.” [Op. 1]. For piano. July 1946. 1 item.
301-2 Brannon, Betty. “A Long Song.” Op. 2. For piano and voice. August 1946. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-3 Brannon, Betty. “‘Of Picasso’: The mood of (The Guitar Player).” [Op. 3]. For piano. August-November 1946. 3 copies. 3 items.
301-4 Brannon, Betty. “Thoughts of Tomorrow.” Dedicated To Max Wald [composition instructor at Chicago Musical College] whose talk inspired this--.” For voice and piano. Nov. 8, 1946. 1 item.
301-5 Brannon, Betty. “Piano Sonata No. 3.” 1947. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-6 Brannon, Betty. “Sonata.” Op. 7. For piano. July 1947. Unfinished (movements I and III only). 2 items.
301-7 Brannon, Betty. “Contrapuntal Piece for Violin and Cello.” Op. 8. November 25, 1947. 1 item.
301-8 Brannon, Betty. “She Walks in Beauty”—Byron. Op. 9. For voice (tenor), viola, cello, and piano. December 1947. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-9 [Brannon, Betty]. “Piano Sonata No. 2.” [ca. 1948]. Accompanied by letter from Eleanor MacKinlay to Betty [Brannon], February 18, 1949, regarding comments (not present) of Mr. Wald concerning the composition. 2 items.
301-10 Brannon, Betty. “Piano Sonata No. 3.” March 1949. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-11 Brannon, B. “Summer Rain (Fragment No. 1).” For piano. 1950. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-12 Brannon, Betty. “Three Songs for Contralto: ‘The Night,’ ‘Sorrow’ [i.e. ‘Heartbreak’], ‘Movement.’” For voice and piano. Lyrics of ‘The Night’ by Eleanor Farjeon; lyrics of ‘Heartbreak’ and ‘Movement’ by Jack Winsor. 1950. 3 items.
301-13 Brannon, Betty. “Heart-Break.” Lyrics by Jack Winsor. For voice and piano. [1950]. 1 item.
301-14 Brannon, Betty. “The Night.” Lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon. For voice and piano. [1950]. 1 item.
301-15 Brannon, Betty. “Rhapsody for Piano and Oboe.” New York City, 1951. Piano part, oboe part, and 3 copies of conductor’s score. 5 items.
301-16 Brannon, Betty. “Suite for Piano.” Dedicated “To Rose Raymond, whose fine musicianship I admire. Betty Brannon, March 12, 1952, New York City.” 2 copies. 2 items. Contents: “Bacchanalia,” “Full Moon,” “Toccato.”
301-17 Brannon, Betty. “Winter and Spring.” Composition for chamber orchrestra, dedicated “To Dorothea Schumacher.” New York City, 1952. Conductor’s score (2 copies), violin I (“Winter”), violin I (“Spring”), bassoon, flute, oboe, clarinet in Bb. 8 items.
301-18 Brannon, Elizabeth Reed. “Sappho: A Trio for Flute, Clarinet and Piano.” New York City, 1953. Flute part, Bb clarinet part, and piano part. Copy 1. 3 items.
301-19 Brannon, Elizabeth Reed. “Sappho: A Trio for Flute, Clarinet and Piano.” New York City, 1953. Flute part, Bb clarinet part, and piano part. Copy 2. 3 items.
301-20 Brannon, Elizabeth Reed. “Sappho.” 1953. Bb clarinet part and piano part. Copy 3. 2 items.
301-21 Brannon, Elizabeth Reed. “Sonate pour violon et piano.” Paris, France, 1953-54. Violin part and 2 copies of piano part. 3 items.
301-22 Brannon, Elizabeth. “Lullaby.” For voice and piano. 1962. 1 item.
Subseries I.2. Undated pieces (for general audiences)
301-23 [Brannon, Betty]. “Catalonian Rhapsody.” For unidentified bass instrument and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-24 Brannon, Betty. “Fantasy.” For harp, oboe, and string trio. [19--]. 2 copies each of conductor’s score and oboe, violin, viola, and cello parts. 10 items.
301-25 [Brannon, Betty]. “Fantasy.” For [violin?] and piano. [19--]. Apparently unfinished. 1 item.
301-26 [Brannon, Betty]. “Fantasy for piano and violin.” [19--]. 1 item.
301-27 Brannon, Betty. “Five Part Form.” For piano and Bb clarinet. [19--]. 3 copies of part for both instruments and 4 copies of part for Bb clarinet. 7 items.
301-28 [Brannon, Betty]. “Ode to an Ancient Chinese Bronze.” For flute, Bb clarinet, and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-29 [Brannon, Betty]. “Odes to a Beautiful Woman.” For voice (dramatic soprano) and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-30 Brannon, Anoymous [sic; i.e., Betty]. “A Poem to be Said on Hearing the Birds Sing.” For 3 voices (soprano, alto, baritone) and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-31 [Brannon, Betty]. “Rhapsody for Clarinet and Piano.” [19--]. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-32 [Brannon, Betty]. “Scherzo.” Apparently a fragment for unidentified bass instrument or left-hand piano; on verso of untitled piece for [cello?] and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-33 Brannon, Betty. “Sunlight.” For piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-34 Brannon, Betty. Untitled piece for piano with right hand and both elbows. [19--]. 1 item.
301-35 [Brannon, Betty]. Untitled piece for violin and oboe. [19--]. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-36 [Brannon, Betty]. Untitled piece for [violin?] and piano. [19--]. 2 copies. 2 items.
301-37 Brannon, Elizabeth Reed. Untitled piece for unidentified bass instrument and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-38 [Brannon, Betty]. Untitled piece for unidentified bass instrument and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-39 [Brannon, Betty]. Untitled piece for unidentified bass instrument and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-40 [Brannon, Betty]. “Violin & Piano Sonata.” [19--]. Apparently unfinished. 1 item.
301-41 Brannon, Betty. “Words from St. Francis of Assisi.” For voice and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-42 [Brannon, Betty]. Unidentified fragments. [19--]. 4 items.
Subseries I.3. Undated pieces (for children)
301-43 Brannon, Betty. “Three Animal Sketches.” Children’s songs for voice and piano. [19--]. 3 copies. 2 items. Contents: “A Baby Lion Sleeps,” “Silly Monkeys,” “Flipper, the Sad-Eyed Spaniel.” On one copy, cancel slips have replaced the composer’s name with “Dallie Reed.”
301-44 Brannon, Betty. “A Baby Lion Sleeps.” Children’s song for voice and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-45 Brannon, Betty. “Flip, the Big Fat Dog.” Children’s song for voice and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-46 Brannon, B. “Flip, the Big Fat Dog” and “Poor Little Kitty.” Children’s songs for voice and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-47 Brannon, Betty. “Flipper, the Sad-Eyed Spaniel.” Children’s song for voice and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-48 Brannon, Betty. “Silly Monkeys.” Children’s song for voice and piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-49 Brannon, B. “Timmy the Trout.” Children’s song for voice and piano. [19--]. 2 copies. 2 items.
Series II. Compositions of other composers
301-50 Center, C. B. “Lullaby – 4 Variations for Opus #2.” For piano. [19--]. 1 item.
301-51 Kozuch, Thaddeus. “Lullaby.” For piano. May 1940. 1 item.
301-52 “Two Forms of Fingering for Double Thirds.” [19--]. 1 item.
301-53 Szymanowski, Karol. “Fantaisie pour piano.” Cracow: A. Piwarski & Co., 1911. Microfilm. 1 item.
Syzmanowksi, Karol. “Präludium und Fugue.” Leipzig: Verlag der “Signale für die musikalische Welt,” 1910. Microfilm. 1 item.
Series III. Miscellaneous materials associated with Elizabeth “Betty” Brannon Casellas
301-54 “Works—Betty Brannon.” List of compositions and courses taken (and not taken), apparently prepared in conjunction with application for graduate study in composition and piano. 1 item.
Chicago Musical College, transcript of college record of Betty Brannon, covering 1941-1948. 1948. 1 item.
Index Terms
Casellas, Elizabeth Brannon
Piano music