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Scholarly Communication: Home

The Earl K. Long Library is a proponent of Open Access Scholarly Communication Initiatives to promote awareness, advocacy, and implementation of information-sharing endeavors, including the development of a our institutional repository, ScholarWorks@UNO, a showcase for the scholarly and creative output of faculty and students. 

ScholarWorks@UNO enhances the visibility and accessibility of the university’s intellectual work and serves as a platform for publishing faculty and student research, institutionally managed e-journals, conferences, and other content.

The open digital repository, ScholarWorks@UNO was established in 2011.  This entailed licensing the Bepress, digital commons platform, developing the custom UNO interface, and holding a information sessions to publicize the initiative and to acquaint the university community with it.

In the second and subsequent years, the focus has been on funding the subscription renewals, formalizing agreements with colleges to contribute scholarly materials, continuing publicity, and ongoing training.

The scholarly and creative work of the University is well-received around the world. At the end of 2015 and in its fourth year, ScholarWorks@UNO reached a milestone of one million downloads. This is quite an accomplishment in that other repositories generally take six years or more to have this level of interest and success.

Today, ScholarWorks@UNO continues to grow with over 7,000 articles, the journal, Ellipses, and data sets generated by UNO research available for researchers around the world to access freely.



“The library is one of the stellar components of the university.  It has been absolutely essential to my research, teaching, and writing for upwards of four decades.” – Faculty, Liberal Arts

For more information about helping with the Center for Scholarly Communication Initiatives, contact Library Administration at (504) 280-6556 or print out and mail your donation using the General Enhancement Fund form