- February-April 2012 - Subject Librarians will gather usage data for titles in assigned subject areas and calculate cost per use, and will develop proposed cancellations lists to form the basis of discussions with faculty. Titles will be evaluated on criteria below and possible cancellations will be identified.
Criteria for cancellation:
· No use or high cost-per-use: over $40 (more economical to borrow via ILL)
· Duplicated in other resources/databases
· Doesn’t support current curriculum
- Cuts will not be across the board; there are no target amounts by fund code or college. All titles that meet the criteria will be considered for cancellation. Librarians will revisit lists until target amount is reached.
- (no later than) May 1, 2012 - Lists will be shared with faculty
- June 1, 2012 – Deadline for feedback from faculty
- May-July 2012 – Adjustments to list made, based on feedback and budget information. Final decisions are made by the subject librarians and the Dean of the Library
- (no later than) August 1, 2012 – final cancellation list posted to libguides
- August – begin renewals/cancellations
- January 2013 - (most) cancellations take effect