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BIOL 6091--Rees: Welcome/WoS


Welcome! In our session today, we are going to explore some ideas about information, doing research, and make friends with the library website. I will guide you through and am happy to answer questions now and in the future. Find me at or 504-280-6548. 


To begin, please check out this page with links and descriptions for services to UNO Graduate Students: Services for UNO Graduate Students

The Tip of the Iceberg

Requesting Accounts/PINs and Passwords


In order to use databases from off network or off campus, you will need a 'library PIN' to authenticate your access through the proxy server. Get one using this link: Instructions - Off-Campus (Proxy Server) Access


In order to get the most from using Web of Science, it is strongly recommended that you make an account in order to save your searches, create search result alerts, et al: Clarivate


For most other databases, using them as a 'guest' is easy and fast. No need to create logins for most, but another I would recommend making yourself an account with is EBSCO. With that login, you will be able to use e-books on their platform when you're offline. 

Web of Science

One of the most useful databases ever created, it serves as a careful repository of citations to the scholarly literature. Very expensive to access and somewhat finicky, it offers a highly refined and reliable picture of scholarship, particularly in the sciences. My PowerPoint intro is below and I highly recommend the training videos and literature that Clarivate, the Web of Science' publisher offers and and the Web of Science YouTube channel


Brief Intro to Web of Science

Citation Chaining

One of Web of Science's primary strengths is the ability to use it for citation chaining, also called 'forward citation searching' and 'backward citation searching'. 

What are these mysterious, but useful concepts? In a nutshell, it's scholarship viewed as conversation between scholars revealing influence and scientific progress

Forward citation searching--Finding out whether a work has been cited after its publication will help you assess the importance of that work and how it has shaped subsequent research and scholarship.


Backward citation searching--Looking at the works cited by an author is called backward citation searching. The author's bibliography gives you a snapshot of the thinking and research available at the time of publication. It tells you what ideas or theories have influenced the author.


WoS was the first database to offer it, but now there are a few other sources--Google Scholar, and some of the EBSCO databases (PlumX). Neither of those sources is as complete as WoS. 

A Last Word

Should you have questions, the library has answers for you! You can contact me at my coordinates above, you can call the Services desk at 504-280-6355  or chat with librarians online here:

Help is available. Don't waste your time being frustrated about not finding what you need or want in the library. We can help answer questions and get  you going in the right direction! 

Please take my Class Survey. Much appreciated! 

Information Literacy Librarian

Profile Photo
Hannah White
Earl K. Long Library
Room 432

Tools You Can Use to Search

Research Consultations

Research consultations are available to every student by appointment with a  librarian.

Previous to your appointment,  your librarian will ask for  a description of your project, due date, and what you hope to gain from the session. We tailor the session to your immediate research needs and offer follow-up appointments, as necessary.  Please use this form to request a research consultation.