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Anthropology: Print Indexes

Resources for the study of Anthropology

Why Bother with Print?

Most topics can be researched without consulting these print indexes.  These are included for completeness because the online indexes often do not cover articles as far back as the print. 

Print Indexes

  • Abstracts in Anthropology (GN 1.A15 Periodicals)
    Years: 1970-present
    Coverage: indexes and provides abstracts for journal articles in archaeology, cultural and physical anthropology, and linguistics.   Also available online from 2001-present Abstracts in Anthropology.

  •  Anthropological Index (GN 36.G7R69 Periodicals)
    Years: 1974-1994
    Continued by Anthropological Index Online. Coverage: indexes articles from journals received by the Anthropology at the British Museum Library (incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute Library). Covers subjects of archaeology, cultural anthopology and ethnography, demography, human ecology, linguistics, and physical anthropology.

  •  C.R.I.S. The Combined Retrospective Index to Journals in Sociology 1895-1974
    (HM 1.C6 Periodicals)
    Coverage: This multi-volume set, published in 1978, indexes English language periodicals in all periods and areas of sociology. It includes anthropology.

  •  Humanities Index (AI 3.H85 Periodicals)
    Years: 1974-1995
    Coverage: indexes articles and book reviews in about 400 English language periodicals in the subject areas of archaeology and classical studies, area studies, folklore, history, language and literature, performing arts, philosophy, religion and theology, and related subjects.

  • Social Sciences Index (AI 3.S62 Periodicals)
    Years: 1974-1995
    Coverage: indexes articles and book reviews in about 400 English language periodicals in the subject areas of anthropology, area studies, community health and medical care, criminal justice and criminology, economics, family studies, geography, gerontology, international relations, law, minority studies, planning and public administration, policy sciences, political science, psychiatry, psychology, social work and public welfare, sociology, urban studies, women's studies, and related subjects.

Subject Librarian

Profile Photo
Connie Phelps
Earl K. Long Library

Room 205A
