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English Research Guide: Other Specialized Research Tools

MLA Literary Research Guide
The Literary Research Guide is a selective, annotated guide to reference sources essential to the study of British literature, literatures of the United States, other literatures in English, and related topics. This version of the Literary Research Guide is based on the sixth edition, pubished by the Modern Language Association in 2014. The most recent print edition (5th edition) is available on the 3rd floor at PR83 .Z99 H37 2008.

Oxford English Dictionary
This historical dictionary covers words from across the English-speaking world, providing etymological analysis, listings of variant spellings, pronunciation, and tracing usage in a wide array of English-language sources. This web-based version contains the complete contents of the 20-volume print Second Edition and the 3 volumes of Additions. It also contains quarterly updates and revisions, as part of an ongoing effort to revise the entire publication.

 MLA Directory of Periodicals
This publication provides information about 1500 periodical and serial publications in the humanities. Entries include contact information, rules for manuscript submission, availability, descriptions of scope, subscription prices, and more.

Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory & Criticism (2nd ed.)
This encyclopedia includes 226 entries on individual theorists and theoretical schools and movements.  Each entry includes a selective primary and secondary bibliography.  Location:  Library Book Shelves (3rd floor) PN81 .J554 2005

Shakespeare Concordances

Harvard Concordance to Shakespeare (PR2892 .S63).

See also these online concordances:

Subject Guide

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Jeanne Pavy
Room 205

Earl K. Long Library

University of New Orleans

New Orleans, LA 70148
