If a patron reports a building problem to you (ex: an animal in the building, overflowing toilet, broken furniture, burned out lights) you should report these issues to Library Administration (280-6556).
If a patron comes to you with a complaint about service you should refer the patron first to your supervisor. If supervisor is unavailable, contact the on-call librarian (M-F 8am-4:30pm). After 4:30 M-F or on weekends, contact the staff member at the Circulation Desk. In a situation in which a patron is agitated or insistent, do not hesitate to ask the closest staff member for assistance.
Out of order computers should be labeled with our orange "out of order" signs or the green "not printing" signs depending on the problem.
Email libtech@uno.edu with the following information:
W#, the Service Tag, or the UNO Property control number of the out of order computer
The location of the computer. (Example: Close to the group study rooms in the middle of the LC.)
Problems with the printers that require a service call should be emailed to Lora, lamsberr@uno.edu.
Multiple print jams in the same printer even if you are able to get it unjammed, or any problem that occurs regularly should be addressed. Email Lora about these issues as well.
Problems with microforms or listening or viewing equipment should be reported to Sonnet Ireland (280-7276 sebrown3@uno.edu).
If a patron reports an access problem for a journal (ex: when they click on the link for a particular journal we are supposed to subcribe to electronically and it gives them an error message or prompts them to login or pay), this should be referred to the Library Serials Department.
Contact the librarian on call. The librarian on call should have a sign on the desk with their phone number, or you can check the reference weekly schedule to find out who is on call during your shift. The staff directory may come in handy. Introduce yourself when you call, and explain briefly the research topic. If the topic is sensitive, or if you are unsure how to briefly describe it, just explain that you have a research referral. The librarian may choose to come to the desk, or ask that you send the patron to their office. Be prepared to show the patron how to get to the librarian's office, or offer to go with them. (Office numbers are also on that staff directory.) Use a map if you need to!
If you cannot reach the librarian on call in their office, use their cell phone number. (Remember, these phone numbers are never to be given out!)
After on-call hours, encourage patrons to set up a research consultation. Consult the subject specialist chart to locate the appropriate subject librarian for the research topic. Librarian's business cards can be found at the Circulation Desk. There is also a Research Consultation Form to which you can refer patrons.