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Information Literacy Instruction Program

What You Can Expect

The fundamental goal of a library instruction session is to develop your students' competence in finding, selecting, and using the information resources needed for a specific assignment. We will tailor the content of the instruction session based on your course assignment, the ability level of your students, and the amount of time available for instruction. Students benefit most from library instruction if they can immediately utilize what they have learned.  We invite you to schedule library instruction at the point in the semester when students need to begin their research process. As a rule of thumb, 3-6 in advance of the due date is best.   Hands-on instruction is highly preferred and will be offered as much as possible, space and technology permitting.

There are three tracks from which you may choose when you request information literacy instruction. For any instruction session, you may choose up to two (2) of the options below. Please be aware that due to time restraints, the instructor will choose the topics from each selection that best fit the writing or research assignment. If you prefer, or you need Specialized Research Instruction, you may click "Other" and specify your research instruction needs in the space provided. 


When you contact us to schedule a session, please expect that we will follow up on your initial request within 48 hours and request the following information from you to assist in preparation: your course syllabus, the assignment sheet/project description, and any information about the research skills you have observed in this class. We do offer a pre-test for research skills to be distributed before the session. It is not required except for scheduling instruction for ENGL 1157/1158, but may be very useful for other courses.


The options: 

1. Information Has Value & Authority is Constructed and Contextual (Citation, Plagiarism, Knowledge Management, & Authority, etc.). 

2.  Searching as Strategic Exploration & Research as Inquiry (Topic Development, Keywords, Library Catalog, Database Search, Primary & Secondary Sources etc.).

3. Information Creation as Process & Scholarship as Conversation (Close Reading, Annotating, Mapping, Research Papers, Journals, Blogs, etc.


Please use this link to schedule instruction

Thank you and we hope to be working with you soon.