Community Services Council of Jefferson COLLECTION
(Mss 44)
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
May 1998
Size: 12½ linear feet
Geographic Locations: Jefferson Parish, New Orleans, St. Bernard Parish, Baton Rouge, La,; Washington, D.C.
Inclusive dates: 1939-1973
Bulk dates: 1957-1973
Summary: Records of a volunteer, non-profit organization devoted to studying and planning social services for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. Consists of correspondence; minutes; newsletters; annual reports; office records; and similar records for allied organizations
Related Collections: Community Services Council of New Orleans (Mss 34); Bureau of Governmental Research (Mss 184)
Source: Gift, 1973
Access: No restrictions
Copyright: Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.
Citation: Community Services Council of Jefferson Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans
Historical Background and Organizational Structure
This organization grew out of the Community Services Council of New Orleans in order to better serve the needs of an expanding Jefferson Parish. As a private, non-profit corporation marshalled voluntary resources of the parish to study the social needs and resources of the community, and plan improvements in its health, recreation, and welfare services.
By the 1920s the New Orleans Association of Commerce (later the Chamber of Commerce) had grown weary of ad hoc and incessant monetary appeals for various charitable causes. Attempting to bring order and efficiency to social policy, in 1921 its Philanthropy Committee joined with the heads of several social agencies to create the Council of Social Agencies of New Orleans (CSA), which was incorporated in July. This council aimed to plan and coordinate social services for the metropolitan area. In 1924 the CSA joined with the Chamber of Commerce to create the Community Chest, an independent fund-raising organization. Its purpose was to unify community fund raising to support these agencies, thereby reducing the number of individual appeals. Thus, from the early years, policy development and financing remained separate activities in the realm of social work. The United Fund of Greater New Orleans took over federated fund raising in 1953, moving the Community Chest into a budgetary role. In due time the United Fund took over this aspect as well, overseeing the allocation of its funds.
By the latter half of the 1950s, the United Fund and the CSA extended their operations to the suburban parishes. The CSA established committees for both Jefferson and St. Bernard Parishes and the United Fund expanded its collections to those same areas. In June 1956 the Jefferson Parish Committee of the CSA began discussing the formation of their own version of the CSA. The Community Welfare Council of Jefferson (CWCJ) was incorporated a year later, June 1957. That same month the CWCJ signed an agreement with CSA which granted it cemented their interdependence. The CWCJ agreed to maintain consistent goals with the parent organization and they swapped ex-officio members on their respective boards of directors. The CSA agreed to provide staff service to CWCJ while the latter agreed to submit any proposed budgets to the CSA for approval and subsequent inclusion within the CSA’s budget from the Community Chest. For its part the CWCJ agreed not to raise funds independently but to rely solely upon the United Fund. Significantly, this agreement gave the CWCJ had no independent standing within the counsels of the United Fund. This agreement was to remain in effect from year to year until either party notified the other of its termination ninety days prior to May 31.
Thus shackled to the CSA, the CWCJ set about its work. It organized committees to study several issues, among them recreation, youth, aging, special education, community college and mental health. It undertook a comprehensive community services study in the late 1960s. Its membership decided in February 1968 to change its name to Community Services Council of Jefferson (CSCJ). Meanwhile, the CSA became the Social Welfare Planning Council (SWPC) in October 1959. In November 1971 the SWPC again changed its name, becoming Community Services Council, Inc (CSC).
In July 1972 long-simmering differences between the CSC and the United Fund came to a boil: The United Fund notified the CSC that they would no longer fund their operations, beyond a closing-down grant of $50,000.00 for 1973. They felt they could make better arrangements for the social planning the council had provided. All efforts to reverse this decision proved fruitless and in 1973 the CSC began winding down its operations, the office finally closing May 4. Belatedly, the CSCJ sought to abandon this sinking ship. In early 1973 the CSCJ notified the CSA that it wished to terminate their sixteen-year agreement and would seek independent funding. Simultaneously they sought membership in the United Fund. They were not successful and the CSCJ ceased operating entirely by December 1973.
Organizational Structure & Development
This council sprung from the Jefferson Parish Committee of the New Orleans Council of Social Agencies (CSA). On June 14, 1956, this committee charged a Steering Committee to develop a plan for a Jefferson Parish Council of Social Agencies under the guidance of the New Orleans CSA. They felt this would best meet the needs of a rapidly expanding parish population. On June 21, this steering committee set up an Executive Committee to work out the organization’s details in articles of incorporation and by-laws. These were adopted at a meeting on June 6, 1957.
The membership structure helped the council maintain a volunteer base dominated by the professional ranks of society. The membership was limited to representatives of private organizations, government departments, and individuals invited to join by the directors. All proposed members had to be approved by 2/3 of the members present at any council meeting. Organizations and government departments were allotted two delegates: one professional and one lay person. Originally, the council held several general meetings of the membership a year to discuss specific topics, such as youth problems and health care for the elderly. An additional general meeting, called the Annual Meeting, was held each May or June for electing officers and new members to the Board of Directors, and reporting to the membership on the council’s activities the previous year. Separate annual reports were issued beginning in 1965. Before then the President’s reports on the council’s activities were covered in the minutes of the general meetings. After a couple years the topical general meetings ceased and the annual meeting became the sole gathering of the membership. The new board would then appoint the chairpersons and members of the various committees.
Five officers were established for the council: President, first Vice-President, second Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The officers of the organization doubled as officers of the Board of Directors, and were joined in that capacity by six others elected at annual meetings from among the membership to staggered three-year terms. The chairmen of standing committees were ex-officio, non-voting members of the board. In 1959 the Board of Directors was expanded to include fifteen members as well as the officers.
At the initial meeting the Board established four standing committees to handle the council’s business: Health, Welfare, Recreation and Publicity & Membership. Subsequently, each year the new directors would appoint or reconfirm the chairpersons and members of the various committees. The Board of Directors would refer projects to the appropriate committee, which would consider it in the whole, or appoint a subcommittee. Their results were then reported to the directors. The Health and Recreation committees atrophied but the work of the Welfare Committee ballooned. It established various subcommittees to report on myriad problems of youth, aging, recreation and education.
A 1964 reorganization sought to redress the imbalance by replacing the Welfare Committee with a Steering Committee, which would monitor all the committee work related to health, education and welfare. At the same time, the size of the Board of Directors was expanded to include anywhere between nineteen and thirty members besides the officers. Ad hoc committees were established to do the actual investigation on particular issues. These committees would report their findings to the Steering Committee, which would in turn report to the Board of Directors. In practice, these two steps were often combined.
The work represented in the committee files varied. Some held regular meetings and printed minutes faithfully. Others held infrequent meetings, preferring to do the necessary work with a few assistants and issuing a report at the end of their investigation. Others failed to meet or issue reports, save verbal progress reports at meetings of the Welfare Committee, Steering Committee, or Board of Directors. Some records of the Mental Health committee were loaned to a chairman and apparently never returned. Apart from their minutes and correspondence, several committees kept information of a general nature relating to their investigations, which they called “resource files”.
It behooves researchers investigating any issue to take a broad view of their subject. Some committee work only appears in the reports to the Welfare or Steering Committees, or the Board of Directors. Some issues which apparently had an established committee appear in other places as well. For example, the Committee on Human Relations was charged in 1966 with investigating racial relations, but the topic arose much earlier in most of the committees dealing with other issues, such as recreation and juvenile probation. Similarly, youth problems are covered not only in the committee by that name, but also in those concerned with social services in the schools and guidance services. The Community Study Committee investigated issues within the domain of regular committees.
Besides its committees, the Community Services Council of Jefferson established itself on the boards of other metropolitan organizations which affected its citizens. The most important was its parent organization, ultimately known as Community Services Council, Inc. It’s funding and staff services came from this organization and they exchanged representatives on their boards. Through the CSC, the CSCJ was connected to the United Fund for Greater New Orleans and its parent, the United Community Funds and Councils of America. Likewise, when federal funds became available for expanding health services in the mid-1960s, the CSCJ joined in the formation of the New Orleans Area Health Planning Council. It was also on the ground floor of the Metropolitan Area Committee and active in the Regional Planning Forum of the Regional Planning Commission.
Sylvia Robbins, “A History of the New Orleans Council of Social Agencies, 1921-1941” (Master’s Thesis, Tulane University, 1941); “A Case Study of a Council of Social Agencies” (Research Office of the Council of Social Agencies, New Orleans, 1954); “Benchmarks Through Three and a Half Decades,” Council of Social Agencies of New Orleans, 1956. All these can be found in Accession No 34, Community Services of New Orleans Collection, Series I, Box 8. See also the following files in this collection: 44-1; 44-73; 44-184)
Series Descriptions
Series I. Board of Directors, 1956-1973
Subseries I.1 General Records, 1956-1972
History of council; articles of incorporation and by-laws; annual reports; minutes of general membership meetings; and scrapbook.
Subseries I.2 Correspondence, 1957-1973
Letters; agendum and minutes of meetings; committee reports; staff memos; press releases; rosters and attendance.
Series II. Committees, 1956-1973
Correspondence; charges to committees from Board of Directors; agendum and minutes of meetings; reports; staff memos; resource files; rosters and attendance.
Subseries II.1 Organization and Operations, 1956-1972
Committees concerned with the internal workings of the council:
A. Jefferson Parish Committee, CSA, 1956-1957
B. Program Committee, 1957
C. Membership Committee, 1957-1971
D. Nominating Committee, 1960-1971
E. Review Structure and Operational Procedures, 1962-1964
F. Budget Committee, 1966-1968
G. Executive Committee, 1968-1972
Subseries II.2 Social Issues, 1957-1963
Committees charged with investigations before the 1964 reorganization:
A. Welfare Committee, 1957-1963
B. Health Committee, 1957-1958
C. Recreation Committee, 1957-1959
D. Sheltered Workshop Committee, 1958-1960
E. Committee on Aging, 1959-1960
F. Youth Problems Committee, 1959
G. School Social Services Committee, 1959-1960
H. Guidance Services Committee, 1960-1962
I. Juvenile Probation Services Committee, 1963-1970
Subseries II.3 Social Issues, 1964-1973
Committees charged with investigations from 1964 through 1973:
A. Steering Committee, 1964-1973
B. Recreation Committee, 1964-1968
C. Mental Health Committee, 1966-1970
D. Special Education Committee, 1966-1972
E. Industrial Employment Committee, 1966-1970
F. Disaster Preparedness Committee, 1965-1966
G. Housing Committee, 1966-1968
H. Human Relations Committee, 1966-1968
I. Committee on Aging, 1966-1971
J. Volunteer Services Committee, 1967-1968
K. Youth Council, 1969-1970
L. Committee on Neglected and Abused Children, 1970
M. Staff Notes on Various Meetings
Subseries II.4 Community College Committee, 1967-1973
This committee was charged with investigating the need for a community college, and subsequently with implementing its positive recommendations. Towards the end, the CSA took over this effort by creating a Citizens Committee for a Career Community College. An indication of how important the council believed this issue to be is that, when the United Fund stopped supporting the CSC and the CSCJ, this was the one committee they voted to continue regardless.
Subseries II.5 Community Study Committee, 1966-1970
This committee was charged with surveying the social services and resources of Jefferson Parish in order to establish a base of information upon which the various committees could rely for their investigations. They contracted with a professional research firm, the Regional Planning Commission, and the Jefferson Parish Planning Department to conduct a two-part study: 1) an inventory of public and private social service agencies in the parish; and 2) and an opinion survey of parish citizens. The CSCJ and the other local parties conducted the inventory while the Franklin Institute Research Laboratories ultimately conducted the opinion survey, and compiled the results of both parts.
Subseries II.6 General Resource Files
Information files not tied to any single committee:
A. Public Relations
B. Parish Information
C. Youth and Welfare
D. Employment
E. American Foundation for the Blind
F. Academia
Series III. Related Organizations, 1956-1973
Agencies and conferences with which the CSCJ had ongoing involvement, usually by being represented on the boards of directors.
Subseries III.1 Community Services Council, Inc., 1939-1973
Scattered records of CWCJ’s parent council and its associated organizations:
A. Board of Directors, 1960-1973
B. Committees, Publications & Meetings
C. Office Operations, 1939-1973
D. Associated Organizations
a. Total Community Action Program (TCA)
b. United Fund for Greater New Orleans (UF)
c. United Community Funds and Councils of America (UCFCA)
Subseries III.2 Miscellaneous Agencies, 1965-1973
Various conferences, committees and councils in which CSCJ participated:
A. White House Youth Conference (WHYC), 1969-1971
B. Regional Planning Commission (RPC), 1969-1972
C. Metropolitan Area Committee (MAC), 1966-1967
D. New Orleans Area Health Planning Council (NOAHPC), 1967-1973
E. Jefferson Community Action Program, 1965-1971
Container List
Series I. Board of Directors, 1956-1973
Subseries I.1: General Records, 1956-1972
History of council, articles of incorporation and by-laws, annual reports, minutes of general membership meetings, and scrapbook of newspaper clippings and some photos.
NOTE: Descriptions of folder contents are intended to highlight the major subjects covered within and should not be considered an exhaustive list of the contents. Unless otherwise noted, all subjects refer to Jefferson Parish.
44-1 Historical Background (5 items)
History of council; chronology of major meetings and reports
44-2 Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws, October 17, 1956-June 17, 1968 (18 items)
Original charter and by-laws, with subsequent revisions; copy of agreement with the Council of Social Agencies.
44-3 Annual Reports, 1964-1967 (9 items)
44-4 Annual Reports, 1967-1972 (9 items)
44-5 Newsletter, May 1966-August 1970 (11 items)
44-6 General Meetings, September 25, 1957-May 20, 1958 (23 items)
Roster, attendance & minutes of general meetings of membership concerning council’s scope & purpose; juvenile detention; handicapped children; planning & zoning; social legislation; unemployment; annual report for 1958
44-7 General Meetings, October 24, 1958-November 16, 1959 (37 items)
Roster, attendance, membership list & minutes on meetings concerning youth; changes in articles of incorporation; sheltered workshop; annual report; living in a “Metro” area.
44-8 General Meetings, April 19-July 22, 1960 (48 items)
Membership list, minutes; press releases; health care for aging/Forand Bill; president’s report.
44-9 General Meetings, June 13, 1961-May 30, 1966 (18 items)
Membership list; reservations for annual meeting; speech “Dynamic Council in an Expanding Community” by Duane Peck; annual report
44-10 General Meetings, May 12-December 13, 1967 (62 items)
Invitations and RSVPs; committee reports; press releases; Mental health services.
44-11 General Meetings, April 24-July 3, 1968 (67 items)
Invitations & RSVPs; reservation lists; rough drafts of committee reports on: special education; recreation; mental health; community study; community college; aging.
44-12 General Meetings, February 20-May 27, 1969 (31 items)
Invitations & RSVPs; reports on: aging; special education; mental health; community study; community college; president’s report.
44-13 General Meetings, May 5-June 28, 1971 (14 items)
Roster of Board of Directors; press release; CSCJ by-laws; resolutions on aging.
44-14 Scrapbook, 1958-1964 (39 items)
44-15 Scrapbook, 1965-1966 (43 items)
44-16 Scrapbook, 1967 (30 items)
44-17 Scrapbook, 1968 (50 items)
44-18 Scrapbook, 1969 (31 items)
Includes 3 8 x 10 photos of open meeting held February 26, 1969, concerning the community study.
Subseries I.2 Correspondence, 1957-1973
Letters, agendum and minutes of meetings, committee reports, staff memos, press releases, membership lists, board rosters and attendance.
44-19 May 9, 1957-June 12, 1958 (44 items)
Recruiting members; proposals for legislation; zoning proposals; general meetings attendance record; juvenile detention home; emergency relief; surplus commodities.
44-20 September 15, 1958-February 20, 1959 (51 items)
Legal aid; Family Service Society; sheltered workshop; public welfare; juvenile problems; Council on Aging; general meeting on youth.
44-21 March 4-May 29, 1959 (50 items)
Aged problems; recreation needs; amending charter; CSA; family social service needs; United Fund study committees; sheltered workshop; boosting parish representation on United Fund agencies.
44-22 June 1-September 29, 1959 (26 items)
Annual report of President; guidance center; Family Service Society problems; aging; increasing parish representation on United Fund agency boards; sheltered workshop; nursing of indigent sick; 604 House Alcoholic Rehabilitation; report on maladjusted youth.
44-23 October 8, 1959-February 29, 1960 (34 items)
Family Service Society office in West Jefferson; juvenile discharge; representation on United Fund agencies; aging; employment; Negro unwed mothers; youth problems forum; veterans services; adoption; teaching mentally retarded children & handicapped services.
44-24 March 4-May 31, 1960 (36 items)
Handicapped services; Family Service Society office; legal aid; blind children services; visiting nurses; health care for aging; American Public Welfare Association meeting; Negro unwed mothers; guidance center.
44-25 June 1-December 15, 1960 (41 items)
Handicapped children; report on Social Services in Jefferson Parish Schools; Orleans Neighborhood Centers; Negro unmarried mothers; guidance center; Family Service Society; federal Aid to Dependent Children (ADC); sheltered workshop; probation services; detention home; recreation; aging.
44-26 January 16-September 20, 1961 (37 items)
Annual meeting & attendance; ADC; hospital on East Bank; board members terms; guidance service center; Family Service Society discontinued; speech: “Challenge of Helping Those Who Need It Most” by Mildred Fossier of Milne Boys Home.
44-27 October 5, 1961-April 30, 1962 (57 items)
Guidance center location & funding; sheltered workshop; mental health treatment center; schooling for mentally retarded; parish school system changes; ADC.
44-28 May 1-July 19, 1962 (47 items)
Youth detention services; guidance center; annual meeting.
44-29 August 23-December 6, 1962 (52 items)
Guidance center; sewage & pollution; community health center; CWCJ review of structure & operations; special education clinic; mental health services; housing project in Marrero; schools & school board.
44-30 January 3-June 25, 1963 (42 items)
Alcoholism; school social services; trade school; guidance center; juvenile detention & dropouts; CWCJ structure & operations; public housing in New Orleans & Jefferson Parish; mental health services; annual meeting.
44-31 July 2-December 31, 1963 (28 items)
Changes in CWCJ operations; youth detention home; juvenile probation & detention services; guidance center.
44-32 January 4-February 24, 1964 (28 items)
Youth detention & probation services; changes in charter and by-laws.
44-33 March 6-May 25, 1964 (25 items)
Changes in charter & by-laws; recreational facilities; list of white schools.
44-34 June 9-November 30, 1964 (53 items)
Scope of membership; detention home bond issue; recreational facilities study; New Orleans & “War on Poverty”; cultural program.
44-35 December 1, 1964-May 26, 1965 (65 items)
Juvenile detention home bond issue & plans; probation dept.; recreational facilities study; membership policy; annual meeting; housing; committee organization.
44-36 June 8-October 20, 1965 (30 items)
CWCJ flo chart; new member orientation; mental health; anti-poverty program (Jeff-CAP); Negro representation; study of practices of judicial commitment of mentally ill.
44-37 November 3, 1965-May 30, 1966 (44 items)
Detention home; recreation; special education; mental health of incarcerated; Jeff-CAP & parish struggle over federal funds; public health; newsletter; state employment service; dropouts; probation service committee; public aid; annual meeting; tax assessment.
44-38 June 7-August 19, 1966 (31 items)
Orientation of new board members; history & projects of organization; plan of work; origins of community study; probation services; “Urban Planning and Services--Who’s Responsibility?” by Rudolph Eujen; mental health.
44-39 September 6-November 30, 1966 (51 items)
Disaster plan; recreation study; mental health; housing conditions; community study; race relations; probation services; special education; budget request to SWPC.
44-40 December 1, 1966-February 24, 1967 (47 items)
Community study scope & contract; special education; history of CWCJ & community plan; race relations mental health.
44-41 March 1-April 28, 1967 (38 items)
Budget; special education; race relations; aging; community study; probation services; mental health; Regional Planning Commission conference; annual meeting; police protection.
44-42 May 3-29, 1967 (18 items)
Police protection; mental health; aging; race relations; probation services; funding; annual meeting.
44-43 June 5-23, 1967 (44 items)
Annual report; tenth anniversary; new members area of interest; speech “Voluntarism” by Robert Hilkert.
44-44 July 6-September 26, 1967 (35 items)
Funding for assistant; new board members area of interest; special education; Westwego funding cuts; aging services; industrial employment; race relations; changing name of CWCJ; Jeff-CAP; community study; mental health; recreation; volunteer services.
44-45 October 2-November 30, 1967 (45 items)
Mental health facilities; community study; special education; Jeff CAP board appointment; recreation plan; detention home; budget; aging assistance; race relations; industrial training; volunteer services.
44-46 December 5, 1967-February 26, 1968 (35 items)
Mental health facilities; CWCJ name changed to Community Services Council of Jefferson (CSCJ); community study; special education.
44-47 March 5-May 31, 1968 (43 items)
Aging; mental health; special education; volunteer services; community college; industrial employment; meeting with parish council.
44-48 June 6-28, 1968 (25 items)
Annual report; new articles of incorporation and by-laws; regional health planning proposals; new-member orientation; community college; recreation study; special education; SWPC-United Fund report.
44-49 July 2-November 21, 1968 (29 items)
SWPC reorganization; special education; mental health bond issue; community college; recreation; proposed meeting with United Fund.
44-50 December 2-31, 1968 (20 items)
SWPC-United Fund breach; community study questionnaire; mental health center bond issue.
44-51 January 3-May 27, 1969 (60 items)
United Fund funding; special education; annual dinner.
44-52 June 10-September 30, 1969 (25 items)
Youth programs & conference; community study; aging; human relations; community college; probation services; special education; recreation; SWPC representatives; disaster plan; housing; transportation; Metropolitan New Orleans Council on Aging (MNOCA).
44-53 October 3-30, 1969 (33 items)
Hurricane/flood protection map; youth conference & council; probation; special education; mental health; aging program in parish; budget request to SWPC; community study.
44-54 November 4, 1969-January 28, 1970 (63 items)
Recreation; Goals program; special education; senior citizens; youth conference; probation services; mental health; ideal president; CSCJ major activities & decisions.
44-55 February 3-May 25, 1970 (55 items)
Community study; mental health; industrial employment; youth; aging; meeting with legislators; probation services; program & planning.
44-56 June 3-September 18, 1970 (50 items)
Abused children; community study; public relations; staff increase.
44-57 October 5-December 16, 1970 (47 items)
Probation services; mental health; committee appointments; unemployment; budget; annual meeting; special education; aging.
44-58 January 4-May 25, 1971 (51 items)
United Fund fund raising; summary of CSCJ programs & activities, 1964-1970; relationship with SWPC; human relations; mental health; detention home budget; emergency relief; budget.
44-59 June 1-August 27, 1971 (36 items)
Federal public service job bill; senior citizens; human relations; sheltered workshop; Community Relations Council plan; annual meeting; Congressman Edwin Edwards.
44-60 September 1-October 29, 1971 (30 items)
SWPC president’s speech; recreation study; Human Relations Council of Jefferson Parish; relationship with SWPC & United Fund; SWPC changed to Community Services Council, Inc. (CSC); community college; youth; recreation; mental health.
44-61 November 5-December 30, 1971 (30 items)
Aging; budget and staffing; mass transit; special education; Rural Area Development Com. and Grand Isle study; federal funding; SWPC name change to CSC; day care; legal aid; community college; Angola inmate requests assistance.
44-62 January 4-February 28, 1972 (36 items)
Angola inmate assistance; FAIRE (housing) plan; community college; revenue sharing; youth advisory committee; recreation; human relations; employment.
44-63 March 2-29, 1972 (38 items)
Aging; special education; community college; child abuse; federal funding; employment; FAIRE plan.
44-64 April 4-28, 1972 (41 items)
Community college lobbying of state and federal representatives; FAIRE open housing, anti-blockbusting plan; employment; child abuse; Jefferson Parish Home Health Advisory Committee.
44-65 May 1-31, 1972 (34 items)
Community college; FAIRE; special education; pre-school children; child abuse; aging.
44-66 June 20-August 31, 1972 (51 items)
By-law changes; community college; United Fund drops CSC (and CSCJ) funding.
44-67 September 1-October 31, 1972 (31 items)
CSCJ president’s report to CSC; United Fund crisis; recreational facilities; community college; special education; mental health; youth probation; child abuse.
44-68 November 2-December 31, 1972 (37 items)
Proposed park at Jefferson Downs; mental health; community college; United Fund crisis & chronology of conflict; CSC employment report.
44-69 January 5-31, 1973 (35 items)
Special education; community college; United Fund crisis.
44-70 February 1-28, 1973 (24 items)
United Fund crisis; CSCJ independent membership in United Fund sought; budget.
44-71 March 1-30, 1973 (25 items)
Community college; funding crisis; budget; ambulatory patient services.
44-72 April 2-August 27, 1973 (27 items)
University of New Orleans solicits records; special education; employment; appeal to parish council for funds; planning committee established.
Series II. Committees, 1956-1973
Correspondence; charges to committees from Board of Directors; agendum and minutes of meetings; reports; staff memos; resource files; rosters.
Subseries II.1 Organization and Operations, 1956-1972
Committees concerned with the internal workings of the council.
44-73 Jefferson Parish Committee of CSA: June 14, 1956-June 6, 1957 (13 items)
Includes steering committee and executive committee action on organizing and writing articles of incorporation and by-laws for CWCJ.
Program Committee: October 8-December 3, 1957 (6 items)
Discussions on topics for General Meetings.
44-74 Membership Committee: June 11, 1957-July 22, 1960 (38 items)
Correspondence and lists of individuals and organizations considered for membership.
44-75 Membership Committee: June 13, 1961-June 6, 1963 (30 items)
Increasing membership; Sheriff’s Office statistical report, Juvenile Division; membership form
44-76 Membership Committee: November 6, 1963-November 11, 1965 (44 items)
Membership lists; correspondence with prospective members.
44-77 Membership Committee: September 7, 1966-June 1, 1971 (30 items)
Membership recruitment; lists.
44-78 Nominating Committee: May 9, 1960-April 27, 1965 (41 items)
Slates of candidates for Board of Directors; goals and purpose of CWCJ.
44-79 Nominating Committee: March 24, 1966-June 28, 1971 (59 items)
Slates of candidates for Board of Directors.
44-80 Committee to Review Structure and Operations: December 1962-January 27, 1964 (39 items)
Changes in articles of incorporation and by-laws; new committee structure.
44-81 Budget Committee: September 22, 1966-June 14, 1967 (33 items)
Budget request to SWPC; Jeff CAP budget; 7.1.2 Work Program; car price quotes; speech “Urban Planning: The Need for Citizen Leadership”; expansion of CWCJ & its relationship with SWPC; request to Bynum Committee of the Community Chest.
44-82 Budget Committee: October 1967-September 9, 1968 (20 items)
Budget requests to SWPC.
44-83 Executive Committee: May 26, 1965-July 21, 1972 (25 items)
Forming a finance committee; community study; recreation.
Subseries II.2: Social Issues, 1957-1963
Committees charged with investigations before the 1964 reorganization.
44-84 Welfare Committee: July 29, 1957-May 20, 1959 (37 items)
Juvenile offenders; rural migration into parish; Family Service Society (FSS); Aid to Dependent Children (ADC); emergency assistance; AFL-CIO Community Service Committee; detention home; sheltered workshop; problems of aging; volunteer service; adult supervision of discharged delinquents.
44-85 Welfare Committee: October 14, 1959-January 3, 1963 (35 items)
FSS; aging; juvenile delinquency; employment; Boy Scouts; veterans services; mothers on welfare; guidance centers; Orleans Neighborhood Centers; mental health; Christmas Bureau; trade school.
44-86 Health Committee: August 6, 1957-April 1, 1958 (11 items)
Sewage; health survey; handicapped children.
Recreation Committee: October 17, 1957-February 11, 1959 (12 items)
Review of recreation resources available; needs of handicapped children.
44-87 Sheltered Workshop Committee: August 12, 1958-February 27, 1959 (39 items)
Investigation of need for a sheltered workshop for retarded children; questionnaires and drafts of report.
44-88 Sheltered Workshop Committee: March 2, 1959-June 29, 1960 (20 items)
Goodwill Industries; parish trade school; state vocational rehabilitation; Southwestern Louisiana Rehabilitation Center in Lafayette; workshop on planning, financing and program for a sheltered workshop.
44-89 Committee on Aging: April 23, 1959-December 7, 1960 (21 items)
Regional conference on aging; joint research with SWPC; “Health Needs of the Aging”; survey; Golden Age Club; retirement age; Public Health nurses; aged population; medical problems; existing service.
44-90 Committee on Youth Problems: January 22, 1959-September 24, 1959 (37 items)
List of white schools; U. S. Department of Health, Education & Welfare report, “Marriage and Divorce Trends for Children and Youth”; school questionnaire; final report.
44-91 Committee to Study Social Services in the Schools: November 13, 1959-September 27, 1960 (28 items)
Visiting Teacher Service in New Orleans and Jefferson Parish; compulsory school attendance in state; school social workers; final report; special education.
44-92 Guidance Services Committee: September 12, 1960-May 15, 1962 (41 items)
Efforts to establish a guidance service center for the youths of the parish.
44-93 Probation Services Committee: November 13, 1963-October 27, 1966 (36 items)
Report; detention of mentally ill; juvenile delinquents; Judge Leo McCune’s reluctance to use probation services in Juvenile Court; industrial school for colored youth; bad relationship with Judge McCune; trained probation officers; government publications.
44-94 Probation Services Committee: February 21, 1967-July 9, 1970 (43 items)
League of Women Voters; “Judicial System of Jefferson Parish”; news clippings; speech on juvenile delinquency.
44-95 Probation Services Committee: Resource File (4 items)
Juvenile Court statutes (1956); annual reports of Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Juvenile Division, 1962-1964.
Subseries II.3: Social Issues, 1964-1973
Committees charged with investigations from 1964 through 1973.
44-96 Steering Committee: January 15, 1964-May 16, 1966 (42 items)
Expanding membership; Delgado Vocational Rehabilitation Center; recreation; aid to the unemployed and underemployed; poverty eradication; housing.
44-97 Steering Committee: August 18, 1966-May 10, 1967 (47 items)
Progress reports from committees on: aging; long-range mental health; race relations; community study; housing-building code; special education; mental health facility; juvenile probation; disaster preparedness.
44-98 Steering Committee: June 12, 1967-April 29, 1968 (54 items)
Reports on special education; community college; aging; mental health; volunteer services; industrial employment questionnaire.
44-99 Steering Committee: December 30, 1969-March 1, 1973 (44 items)
Brochures on CSCJ; report to Board of Directors; youth conference & problems; neglected and abused children; aging; final report on community study; function of steering committee & budgeting; special education; detention home; community college; human relations; United Fund crisis.
44-100 Recreation Committee: June 12-December 21, 1964 (48 items)
Subcommittee structure; report of parish Recreation Department; inventory of recreation facilities and programs; parish code; detailed report of youth subcommittee; proposed state park site at Bayou Coquille; final report.
44-101 Recreation Committee: January 8, 1965-May 31, 1966 (38 items)
Final report; Bayou Coquille; evaluating recreational resources; federal funding for recreation; Parish Council authorizes comprehensive study; planning study; Charles Colbert applies for planning study contract.
44-102 Recreation Committee: June 2-November 7, 1966 (54 items)
Inter-governmental meeting; auditorium; Parish Council contracts with Colbert for planning study; questionnaires for parents, educators and students.
44-103 Recreation Committee: April 10, 1967-December 10, 1968 (36 items)
Supports parish recreation plan.
44-104 Recreation Committee: Resource File (9 items)
Planned scope of recreation study between New Orleans & Dan S. Martin & Associate, Inc.; “County Action for Outdoor Recreation”; Parish Recreation Department Director’s Report, 1966; Recreation Department activities for 1967; Charles Colbert’s proposed contract and outline for a sketch plan of parish-wide recreation plan; questionnaires for teachers, students and parents.
44-105 Mental Health Committee: May 13, 1966-February 17, 1970 (25 items)
Report on current usage and plans for larger facilities; drafts and final reports. (X-Ref: New Orleans Area Health Planning Council, 44-246 through 44-253)
44-106 Mental Health Committee: Resource File (4 items)
HEW pamphlet, “The Comprehensive Community Mental Health Center” April 1964; “Louisiana’s New Plan: Mental Health Services” by Louisiana Department of Hospitals, July 1, 1966; draft and final committee report. (X-Ref: New Orleans Area Health Planning Council, 44-246 through 44-253)
44-107 Special Education Committee: September 21, 1966-October 24, 1972 (19 items)
Brochure and reports.
44-108 Special Education Committee: Final Report, June 1970 (1 item)
Volume 1.
44-109 Special Education Committee: Final Report, June 1970 (1 item)
Volume 2.
44-110 Special Education Committee: Resource File (8 items)
Form letter; brochure; doctors list; school lists; “Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners Official List”; Journal of Rehabilitation, March-April 1970.
44-111 Industrial Employment Committee: December 19, 1966-September 28, 1967 (43 items)
Gathering information; Delgado Continuing Education; survey of employer needs.
44-112 Industrial Employment Committee: October 4-November 30, 1967 (59 items)
Educational appropriations; employment training; questionnaire on employers’ manpower needs.
44-113 Industrial Employment Committee: December 8 1967-December 31, 1968 (36 items)
Employers’ manpower needs questionnaire results; education questionnaire; Continuing Education Association of Greater New Orleans
44-114 Industrial Employment Committee: Resource File (27 items)
Copies of employers questionnaire results; state educational budget, 1967-1968; population & industrial statistics; U. S. Department of Labor, “Occupational Outlook Quarterly”; “Labor Area Trends”.
44-115 Disaster Preparedness Committee: October 8, 1965-October 6, 1969 (16 items)
Open meeting notes; news clippings; disaster manpower agreements.
44-116 Housing Committee: October 19, 1966-May 2, 1968 (13 items)
44-117 Housing Committee: Resource File (7 items)
Federal census data; U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development program.
44-118 Housing Committee: Resource File (3 items)
Regional Planning Commission workshops.
44-119 Human Relations Committee: September 23, 1966-May 25, 1972 (22 items)
Race relations and law enforcement; contacts with Sheriff Alwyan Cronvich; playgrounds; change of name from Racial Relations Committee; parish Committee on Human Relations; news clippings; plan for investigating incidents; plan for Community Relations Commission of Jefferson Parish.
44-120 Committee on Aging: December 5, 1966-September 29, 1967 (54 items)
Questions for investigation by committee; nursing services; statistics and problems of aging; transportation; poverty; Social Security benefits statistics on parish; Marrero pilot referral program to disseminate information to seniors on services available.
44-121 Committee on Aging: October 10, 1967-January 31, 1968 (54 items)
Metairie project; Church and Aging project; statistics; Marrero referral project.
44-122 Committee on Aging: February 6, 1968-May 6, 1971 (35 items)
Progress reports; Marrero pilot referral program; proposed Metairie study; Church and Aging project; Senior Citizens Month; letters on state and federal legislation on aging; formation of Jefferson Council on Aging; report.
44-123 Committee on Aging: Resource File (8 items)
Committee progress report; census information; reports on activities of federal and state committees on aging; report.
44-124 Volunteer Services Committee: July 12-December 29, 1967 (36 items)
Staffing requests for volunteers from various agencies.
44-125 Volunteer Services Committee: January 15-September 30, 1968 (35 items)
44-126 Youth Council: June 10-December 31, 1969 (39 items)
Mailing lists; drafts of constitution for Youth Council of Jefferson Parish and comments; report on conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma; purpose and activities. (X-Ref: White House Youth Conference, 44-235 through 44-241)
44-127 Youth Council: January 9-June 2, 1970 (22 items)
Final constitution; recruiting youth members; summer employment; unrest. (X-Ref: White House Youth Conference, 44-235 through 44-241)
44-128 Neglected and Abused Children Committee: February 6-July 15, 1970 (20 items)
Drafts and final report; letters.
44-129 Miscellaneous Staff Notes on Meetings: October 3, 1968-May 22, 1972 (34 items)
Notes of meetings of committees, Board of Directors, and some conferences, taken by Thomas Laughlin. Served as basis of minutes and other reports. Committees include: Special Education; Youth Council; Steering; Executive; Community Study; Community College; and a Baton Rouge conference in April, 1971.
Subseries II.4: Community College Committee, 1967-1973
This committee was charged with investigating the need for a community college, and subsequently with implementing its positive recommendations.
44-130 Correspondence: November 22, 1967-March 14, 1968 (47 items)
News clippings; information gathering; questionnaires.
44-131 Correspondence: March 21-April 15, 1968 (44 items)
Survey of high schools and their graduates.
44-132 Correspondence: April 16-26, 1968 (18 items)
Draft and final report; news clippings
44-133 Correspondence: May 1-30, 1968 (39 items)
Disseminating report among politicians and organizations.
44-134 Correspondence: June 3-December 20, 1968 (46 items)
Support for report sought among parish officials, parish school board, legislators, League of Women Voters
44-135 Correspondence: April 8-November 7, 1969 (56 items)
News clippings; support sought from educators, business leaders, and state and local politicians; Delgado transfer to state Board of Education.
44-136 Correspondence: January 7, 1970-March 20, 1972 (38 items)
Including community college in state higher education master plan; “A Proposal for the Formation of Career Community Colleges in the Greater New Orleans Area” by state Board of Education.
44-137 Correspondence: April 14-June 22, 1972 (52 items)
Drumming up support for state Board of Education proposal.
44-138 Correspondence: July 16-August 31, 1972 (28 items)
CSC takes over campaign with their Citizens Committee for a Career Community College
44-139 Correspondence: September 1, 1972-March 9, 1973 (14 items)
Natchitoches Parish study; Delgado report to state Board of Education.
44-140 Resource File (42 items)
Laws; articles; survey; resolutions; questionnaires and survey results; committee reports.
Subseries II.5: Community Study Committee, 1966-1970
This committee was charged with surveying the social services and resources of Jefferson Parish in order to establish a base of information upon which the various committees could rely for their investigations.
44-141 Correspondence: June 16-December 6, 1966 (27 items)
Census statistics; services and attitude; rationale; scope of study; report; funding sources; negotiations with Gulf South Research Institute (GSRI); questions to be asked.
44-142 Correspondence: January 3-June 7, 1967 (33 items)
Negotiations with HUD, Regional Planning Commission (RPC), GSRI; proposal for study; questionnaires; work-sharing arrangement; determining scope and responsibilities of the various parties; prepare grant proposal.
44-143 Correspondence: September 6, 1967-January 22, 1968 (28 items)
Negotiations with RPC, HUD, GSRI; work assignment plan; chronology of committee work; rationale for study; budget.
44-144 Correspondence: February 8-April 11, 1968 (17 items)
Negotiations with GSRI; contract between CSCJ, RPC, & GSRI.
44-145 Correspondence: July 8-August 30, 1968 (10 items)
GSRI personnel biographies; contract; Franklin Institute Research Laboratories substituted for GSRI; new contract; funding for study.
44-146 Correspondence: October 8-December 31, 1968 (12 items)
Contract with Franklin Institute; proposed work sequence; public relations; reports to Board of Directors.
44-147 Correspondence: January 2-March 24, 1969 (53 items)
Expanded committee roster & attendance; taking inventory of public and private agencies; study budget; public meeting. (X-Ref: Photos in Scrapbook, 44-18)
44-148 Correspondence: April 1-September 29, 1969 (45 items)
Progress reports; mailing list of elected officials; billing; inventory of private agencies; compiling data; Dr. Inman left Franklin Institute; RPC; discussion of first draft.
44-149 Correspondence: October 1, 1969-May 25, 1970 (40 items)
Shaping final report; disposition of questionnaires; UNO professor questions data; critique of study and methodology; synopsis; disseminating report; university mailing list.
44-150 Correspondence: Subcommittee on Organizations: January 17-February 7, 1969 (30 items)
Drumming up support for study and attendance at public meeting held February 26; mailing lists of private organizations for survey.
44-151 Correspondence: Subcommittee on Public & Governmental Bodies: January 20-July 25, 1969 (17 items)
Compiling lists of public agencies for survey mailing.
44-152 Correspondence: Subcommittee on Publicity: December 2, 1968-April 11, 1969 (42 items)
Press releases; brochure; registration list from February 26 meeting; newspaper and radio coverage; speakers bureau.
44-153 Public Agency Inventory: November 7, 1968-June 19, 1969 (22 items)
Public agencies lists and responses
44-154 Private Agency Inventory: November 7, 1968-April 14, 1969 (18 items)
Private agencies lists and questionnaire.
44-155 Combined Agency Inventory: December 16, 1968-March 24, 1969 (19 items)
Lists of public and private agencies; drafts and final copies of letters and questionnaires sent to agencies.
44-156 Citizen Survey: November 1968-March 11, 1969 (4 items)
Drafts of opinion questionnaire from GSRI and Franklin Institute.
44-157 Citizen Survey: [n.d] (2 items)
Final copies of opinion questionnaires: 1 for general issues and 1 for recreational issues.
44-158 Resource Material: SWPC June 1966 (1 item)
“Directory of Social Welfare and Related Services for Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard and St. Tammany Parishes”.
44-159 Resource Material: GSRI (11 items)
Proposed list of issues; research agreement with GSRI; sample questionnaire; GSRI brochure.
44-160 Resource Material: HUD (14 items)
Brochures; forms; instructions; time-expense report.
44-161 Draft Report (1 item)
Volume 1: Findings.
44-162 Draft Report (1 item)
Volume 2: Education Tables
44-163 Draft Report (1 item)
Volume 3: Income Maintenance Tables
44-164 Draft Report (1 item)
Volume 4: Recreation Tables
44-165 Draft Report (1 item)
Volume 5: Medical Tables
44-166 Draft Report (1 item)
Volume 6: General Tables
44-167 Final Report (1 item)
Volume 1: Summary and Findings
44-168 Final Report (1 item)
Volume 2: Education Tables
44-169 Final Report (1 item)
Volume 3: Income Maintenance Tables
44-170 Final Report (1 item)
Volume 4: Recreation Tables
44-171 Final Report (1 item)
Volume 5: Medical Tables
44-172 Final Report (1 item)
Volume 6: General Tables & Agency Survey Tables
Subseries II.6: General Resource Files
Information files not tied to any single committee.
44-173 Public Relations: March 31, 1966-November 4, 1970 (31 items)
Press releases and letters concerning youth unrest and employment; juvenile probation services; elections and appointments; trash collection; dormitory over-building; Christmas card list; biographical profiles; newspaper directory.
44-174 Public Relations (15 items)
Printing guide; television public affairs program; lists of newspapers, radio stations and civic groups; United Fund public relations guides.
44-175 Parish Information: April 18, 1958 (1 item)
Confidential report prepared by Bureau of Governmental Research at request of Jefferson Parish President and Council:
Part I: “Fact Book on Jefferson Parish Government”
44-176 Parish Information: April 18, 1958 (2 items)
Confidential report prepared by Bureau of Governmental Research at request of Jefferson Parish President and Council:
Part II: “Certain Aspects of Jefferson Parish’s Finances”
Part III: “The Improvement of Governmental Administration in Jefferson Parish”.
44-177 Parish Information (22 items)
Population statistics; organization lists; Jefferson Parish Yearly Review, 1966; parish health millage referendum; Public Affairs Research Council information.
44-178 Youth and Welfare: September 30, 1964-October 16, 1972 (16 items)
Printed letter from Elliot Richardson, HEW Secretary to United Fund; Family Assistance Plan; Project REACH application for juvenile delinquency; ACTION; Community Coordinated Child Care (4-C) Program; youth employment; Archdiocese of New Orleans Catholic Youth Office.
44-179 Youth and Welfare (6 items)
State’s Department of Public Welfare, “Louisiana Public Welfare Statistics”: January-March, July-September 1971; January-December 1972.
44-180 Employment (24 items)
“Louisiana Labor Market”: June 1967; January-November 1971; March-April, June-October 1972; directory of manufacturers with fifty or more employees; federal Manpower bills.
44-181 Employment (12 items)
“Labor Area Trends--Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard & St. Tammany Parishes”: November 1971; January-May, July-October 1972; January-February 1973.
44-182 American Foundation for the Blind (19 items)
Notes of meetings; publications “Washington Report” & “Newsletter”, 1971-72; plan for aiding blind in parish.
44-183 Academic Programs (11 items)
UNO Urban Studies Institute program description; notes on how to use Institute in parish; article; UNO Political Science Department seminars on Consumer Protection and the Superport.
Series III. Related Organizations, 1939-1973
Agencies and conferences with which the CSCJ had ongoing involvement, usually by being represented on the boards of directors.
Subseries III.1 Community Services Council, Inc., 1939-1973
Scattered records of CWCJ’s parent council, including its associated organizations: 1) the Total Community Action Program (TCA); 2) the United Fund for Greater New Orleans (UF); and 3) the United Community Funds and Councils of America (UCFCA).
44-184 Board of Directors: Background: October 8, 1959-April 10, 1973 (16 items)
History of council; articles of incorporation and by-laws; amendments.
44-185 Board of Directors: May 26-December 15, 1960 (41 items)
Clothing for needy school children; street begging; volunteer services; the aged; home care for children; public welfare; retarded children; financial reports; desegregation of schools; public relations program; NORD; President’s statement; Volunteers of America; CWCJ sheltered workshop.
44-186 Board of Directors: January 3-May 10, 1961 (27 items)
Volunteer services; Aid to Dependent Children (ADC); financial report on condition of council; Salvation Army; Hemophilia Foundation; Southern Eye Bank; alcoholism; United Fund (UF) membership; public assistance; services to retarded; Community Planning Conference.
44-187 Board of Directors: May 17-December 29, 1961 (33 items)
Financial report; UF policies; UF hospital subsidies; state social welfare legislation; residence facility for Negro working girls; services to convalescent and chronically ill; budget; state adoption legislation; services for retarded children; Christmas Bureau; Family Service Society (FSS) in St. Bernard Parish.
44-188 Board of Directors: January 4-May 24, 1962 (31 items)
Residence for Negro working girls; public relations; institution for the retarded; FSS in St. Bernard; NASA committee; financial records; Juvenile Court; citizen participation; chronic illness; Traveler’s Aid Society; state adoption legislation; ADC; race relations.
44-189 Board of Directors: June 11-December 20, 1962 (23 items)
Financial reports; public relations; resettlement of Cuban refugees; pollution of Lake Pontchartrain and canals; race relations; legislative committee; Juvenile Court; transporting the handicapped to work and back; Christmas Bureau; public welfare crisis; budget request; out-of-home care for children; hospital care for the poor.
44-190 Board of Directors: January 23-May 23, 1963 (40 items)
Financial reports; venereal disease; out-of-home care for children; Conference on Community Planning; statement on SWPC and its organization members; public relations; Desire Housing Project; Community Health Service; convalescent care; mental health; Guste Homes.
44-191 Board of Directors: June 29, 1971-January 27, 1972 (44 items)
Alcoholism; aging; sheltered workshop; CIS-CVS; budget; history of CSA & SWPC; UF funding; child welfare; St. Bernard Parish; St. Tammany Planning Study; job description; education; CSCJ report.
44-192 Board of Directors: February 2-September 20, 1972 (60 items)
UF relations & budget for CSC; CSCJ; employment project; child abuse; emergency care facility.
44-193 Board of Directors: October 4-December 29, 1972 (56 items)
Abused children; employment; Jefferson Parish mental health; St. Bernard Parish service center; ADC; recreation; community college; UF crisis; human relations.
44-194 Board of Directors: January 3-February 28, 1973 (45 items)
Manpower program; UF crisis; CSCJ resolution & their application to UF.
44-195 Board of Directors: March 1-April 13, 1973 (36 items)
Community college; CSCJ attempts to hang on; employment.
44-196 Board of Directors: April 19-May 3, 1973 (9 items)
Community college; employment; CSCJ debates hanging on.
44-197 Board of Directors: Questionnaire--Favorable Responses (50 items)
Questionnaire sent by CSC board in August 1972 asking its members if the council should stay in operation.
44-198 Board of Directors: Questionnaire--Favorable Responses (49 items)
44-199 Board of Directors: Questionnaire--Unfavorable Responses (32 items)
44-200 Board of Directors: Questionnaire--Special Letters (31 items)
44-201 Committees: Sheltered Workshop: April 1959-July 27, 1971 (48 items)
CWCJ 1959 report; SWPC mailing lists; committee rosters and attendance; Delgado Program; questionnaire & responses on interest in working on committee.
44-202 Committees: Sheltered Workshop: August 17, 1971-July 12, 1972 (24 items)
History of sheltered workshop in metro New Orleans; professional advisory committee; joint meeting with mayor’s committee; recommendations.
44-203 Committees: St. Bernard Committee: May 4, 1965-June 1968 (68 items)
Hospital fact sheet; mailing list; medical services; special education; parks and recreation; day care; disaster planning; aged; mental health.
44-204 Committees: Miscellaneous: January 26, 1959-December 12, 1972 (13 items)
Volunteers; speeches; evaluation of committees; consultation; review of council’s purpose and organization; information and referral services; legislative committee; under- and unemployed; staff library; President’s annual speech; emotionally disturbed children.
44-205 Publications: June 1971-[n.d.] 1972 (9 items)
Newsletter; annual report.
44-206 Conferences: April 22, 1964-November 7, 1972 (21 items)
Board leadership; councils planning; New Orleans Public Schools; revenue sharing.
44-207 Operations: Personnel: June 14, 1939-March 8, 1972 (17 items)
Position classifications; staff assignments; benefits; organizational chart; policies.
44-208 Operations: Personnel, CWCJ: May 17-July 11, 1967 (9 items)
CWCJ personnel job description; Thomas C. Laughlin’s appointment.
44-209 Operations: Financial Records: Accounts Journal, January-December 1968 (16 items)
Account journal; wage reports; deductions.
44-210 Operations: Financial Records: Accounts Ledger, January-December 1968 (70 items)
Accounts payments (ledger sheets of the various accounts of the organization).
NOTE: Folders 44-211 through 44-222 contain invoices and payroll items.
44-211 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices January 1968 (42 items)
44-212 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices February 1968 (44 items)
44-213 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices March 1968 (55 items)
44-214 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices April 1968 (41 items)
44-215 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices May 1968 (37 items)
44-216 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices June 1968 (38 items)
44-217 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices July 1968 (29 items)
44-218 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices August 1968 (31 items)
44-219 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices September 1968 (26 items)
44-220 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices October 1968 (27 items)
44-221 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices November 1968 (28 items)
44-222 Operations: Financial Records: Paid Invoices December 1968 (45 items)
44-223 Operations: Financial Records: Payroll: 1971-1972 (29 items)
Monthly payroll and employment records.
44-224 Operations: Office Records: Building: February 25, 1958-January 19, 1959; December 9, 1971 (20 items)
Floor plans; building space.
44-225 Operations: Office Records: Equipment: March 30, 1959-July 17, 1973 (73 items) Agreement to transfer records to UNO; service agreement; transfer equipment to CSCJ; invoices of equipment service.
44-226 Operations: Office Records: Equipment Inventories (2 items)
Lists of equipment acquisitions and dispositions.
44-227 Associated Organizations: Total Community Action Program (TCA) (37 items)
Application for community organization program in Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans and St. Bernard Parish; contract between TCA & SWPC to provide “comprehensive neighborhood services; personnel negotiations.
44-228 Associated Organizations: United Fund for the Greater New Orleans Area (UF) (24 items)
Articles of incorporation & by-laws; dollar value of services rendered to area parishes in 1960 & 1968; roster of Board of Trustees; correspondence with CSC & CSCJ.
44-229 Associated Organizations: United Community Funds and Councils of America (UCFCA): January-September 14, 1967 (29 items)
Reports, memos, speeches, clippings and fund-raising reports on all aspects of the United Fund.
44-230 Associated Organizations: UCFCA: November 17, 1967-June 5, 1970 (17 items)
Reports, memos, speeches, clippings and fund-raising reports on all aspects of the United Fund.
44-231 Associated Organizations: UCFCA: Executive Memos: October 1967-September 16, 1968 (25 items)
44-232 Associated Organizations: UCFCA: Executive Newsletter: May 22, 1967-July 6, 1970 (39 items)
44-233 Associated Organizations: UCFCA: Miscellaneous Bulletins: April 1967-July 1970 (37 items)
“Citizen Planning” (8 items); “Focus” (13); “Newer Federal Programs: Local Developments” (6); “United Health Foundations Reports” (2); “Give and Take” (1); “Swap” (1); Community bi-monthly magazine (6).
44-234 Associated Organizations: UCFCA: Miscellaneous Publications 1967 (5 items)
Bibliography of Reports and Manuals; 1967 Directory; Catalogue of Functional or Program Service Categories.
Subseries III.2: Miscellaneous Agencies, 1965-1973
Various conferences, committees and councils in which CSCJ participated:
1) White House Youth Conference (WHYC), 1969-1971; 2) Regional Planning Commission (RPC), 1969-1972; 3) Metropolitan Area Committee (MAC), 1966-1967; and 4) New Orleans Area Health Planning Council (NOAHPC), 1967-1973.
NOTE: X-Reference: Folders 44-235 through 44-241 with folders 44-126 & 44-127.
44-235 White House Youth Conference: February 11-November 25, 1969 (33 items)
Preparation for 1970 White House conference; Tulsa White House Conference on Today’s Youth and Moral Values; correspondence with congressmen and state officials; reports on Louisiana delegation to Tulsa conference; summaries.
44-236 WHYC: December 2-31, 1969 (36 items)
Reports on local youth at Tulsa conference; parish representation to 1970 conference; Youth Council of Jefferson Parish; political correspondence.
44-237 WHYC: January 2-July 9, 1970 (54 items)
Correspondence with congressional delegation & local officials; state meetings for conference; job description for adult advisor to youth councils; New Youth Development Program; Manpower Training Act.
44-238 WHYC: July 11, 1970-January 13, 1971 (46 items)
Recommendations for delegates; applications; Manpower Program; regional conference on youth.
44-239 WHYC: Resource File (4 items)
U. S. House and Senate Manpower Employment Bills
44-240 WHYC: Resource File (9 items)
Publications of President’s Council on Youth Opportunity; Publications of White House Conference on Children and Youth.
44-241 WHYC: Resource File (13 items)
Mailing lists; Virginia plans for conference; Pennsylvania plans for conference; articles on youth.
44-242 Regional Planning Commission: May 1969-December 17, 1970 (9 items)
Hurricane & flood protection map; Planning Workshop; housing; membership on Regional Planning Forum; annual report.
44-243 RPC: January 6, 1971-November 1972 (30 items)
Regional Planning Forum; annual reports; newsletter.
44-244 Metropolitan Area Committee: August 11-December 12, 1966 (24 items)
Articles of incorporation; mission statement; roster of Board of Directors; organization; proposed state constitutional amendment evaluated; New Orleans city finances and Jefferson Parish’s position on same.
44-245 MAC: January 9, 1967-Winter 1973 (16 items)
Bond issue; urban renewal; domed stadium; property assessment; membership drive; newsletter.
NOTE: X-Reference: Folders 44-246 through 44-253 with 44-105 & 44-106
44-246 New Orleans Area Health Planning Council: May 17-December 26, 1967 (54 items)
Plan for organizing to receive funds under federal PL 89-749; secret organization of committee, unbeknownst to Jefferson Parish officials; mental health report and facilities; campaigning for funds
44-247 NOAHPC: January 3-31, 1968 (29 items)
Replies to December letters; UF material on comprehensive health planning; Louisiana Interdepartmental Health Policy Commission; state bureaucracy to build mental health centers.
44-248 NOAHPC: February 2-April 22, 1968 (33 items)
Articles of incorporation; plan to delay granting NOAHPC public funds; Governor’s Health Conference; NOAHPC expands board and establishes new Inter-Agency Advisory Committee, which includes Jefferson Parish; new mental health centers; board minutes.
44-249 NOAHPC: May 7-September 19, 1968 (29 items)
Inter-Agency Advisory Committee of NOAHPC rules and membership; St. Bernard Committee opts out of NOAHPC; corporation structure revised; board minutes
44-250 NOAHPC: April 15, 1969 (1 item)
“NOAHPC and Regional Planning Commission Development Grant Request”
44-251 NOAHPC: April 24-June 9, 1969 (4 items)
“Development Project--Comprehensive Health Planning”
44-252 NOAHPC: January 19, 1971-March 9, 1973 (41 items)
Public Health Service hospitals; “Comprehensive Area Health Planning in Southeast Louisiana”; satellite clinic; newsletters; Family Health Center; minutes; St. Bernard Health Service; LSU Medical Center.
44-253 NOAHPC: Resource File (10 items)
Federal information on PL 89-749; pamphlets and printed material.
44-254 Jefferson Community Action Program: June 1965-January 21, 1971 (20 items)
Charge to CWCJ committee to establish Jeff CAP; proposed articles of incorporation and by-laws; forum notes.
Index Terms
Community Services Council of Jefferson
Social service agencies—Louisiana—Jefferson Parish