The UNO Library has a collection of over 2 million microforms, which are microfilm, microfiche, and opaque microcards. Most of these are stored in the Multimedia Collection in room 320, while others reside in the Government Documents area. Many newspaper and journal backfiles, as well as large collections of research materials are available in microfilm roll, microfiche, or microprint formats. Machines are available to the public for reading and printing most of these materials. Although Government Documents house their own microfiche, patrons may bring them to Multimedia for reading/printing purposes.
ERIC microfiche documents are in cabinets clearly labeled with inclusive document numbers. To find the microfilm rolls you need, follow the instructions on our Microfilm Handout. You will usually have to consult the little card catalog, located to the left as you enter the room, to determine what cabinet and drawer contain your rolls. We also have guides to specific microfilm collections you may find useful.