(Mss 123)
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
September 1979
Size: 3 linear feet
locations: New Orleans, Louisiana
Inclusive dates: 1968-1976
Summary: Legal files compiled by David L. Campbell as president and attorney of the Peniston-General Taylor Association. Primarily concerned with the proposed location of a Mississippi River bridge in the vicinity of Peniston and General Taylor Streets (New Orleans), but including some material on zoning in the area. Consists of correspondence; bridge and transportation planning studies; legal briefs, motions, affidavits, and judgments; newspaper clippings; resolutions; reports; maps; notes; and other miscellany.
collections: Marta B. Lamar Collection (Mss 62) and Addenda 1-3 (Mss 69, 76, 77); Mark P. Lowrey Collection (Mss 47); Suzanne L. Ormond Collection (Mss 59)
Source: Gift, March, June 1979
Access: No restrictions
Copyright: Physical rights are retained by the Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans.
Citation: David L. Campbell Collection, Earl K. Long Library, University of New Orleans
Historical Sketch
David L. Campbell amassed these documents in his role as president and attorney of the Peniston-General Taylor Association, which vigorously opposed plans to construct an Uptown Mississippi River Bridge. Prominent in the collection are correspondence and lawsuit paperwork generated by the community leaders of both neighborhoods, protestors, and the proponents of the proposed Riverfront Expressway, to which the bridge would have connected if both had been built.
The Mississippi River Bridge Controversy began in 1964 with protests against the Riverfront Expressway, which transportation pioneer Robert Moses proposed in his 1946 “Arterial Plan for New Orleans.” Criticism emerged when, in October 1964, funding in the amount of $25 million was allocated to the 3.5-mile freeway project sponsored by the Mississippi River Bridge Authority (MRBA), a semiautonomous governmental body with the authority to build bridges. The MRBA reviewed three proposals for bridge sites prior to settling on one which would cross through Uptown New Orleans. The controversy centered around where the bridge should be located and what neighborhoods would be affected.
Race and class issues were inherent in the clash, as well as community welfare and preservation of the French Quarter’s culture and history. Mostly residents of either the white, middle class Napoleon Avenue or the black, low-income General Taylor Street, the protestors voiced concerns about the negative collateral damage of building an expressway through their neighborhoods that would result inevitably in uprooting of long-time residents of both areas. Originally the expressway was to pass only through Napoleon Avenue, but this was changed in a futile attempt to appease the white residents, who remained opposed to a bridge anywhere in the uptown area. Another group of opponents to the bridge joined the fray, also staunchly against the Vieux Carré and Riverfront Expressway proposals because of the large-scale displacement of residents and the neighborhood environmental deterioration that would occur in what remained of the neighborhoods.
The freeway was to straddle the Mississippi Riverfront between Elysian Fields Avenue and the Pontchartrain Expressway. The opposition finally won out July of 1969. The plan was scrapped mainly because it would have ruined the French Quarter by bringing unwanted traffic into the area and taking away from the timeless essence of the oldest and most historic part of New Orleans by placing an elevated expressway in front of Jackson Square. This controversial case shows the potential potency of standing in solidarity for a cause by groups that otherwise probably would not have worked together. They did so to shape the political process for the good of their communities.
Mumphrey, Anthony J., and Julian Wolpert. “Equity Considerations and Concessions in the Siting of Public Facilities.” Economic Geography 49 (April 1973): 109-121.
Point, By This. "New Orleans @ SouthEastRoads." Welcome to SouthEastRoads. <http://www.southeastroads.com/new_orleans.html>. Accessed December 9, 2010.
List of Series
Series I. Newspaper clippings, 1968 – 1976
Series II. Conradt Engineering Report, Peniston—General Taylor vs. A. P. Tugwell, et al., 1969
Series III. Zoning problems, 1972 – 1976
Series IV. Lawsuits, 1969 – 1970
Series V. Correspondence, 1970 – 1975
Series VI. Lawsuit vs. Gov. John J. McKeithen, 1970 – 1971
Series VII. Publications, 1962-1970
Container List
Series I. Newspaper clippings, 1968 - 1976
Miscellaneous newspaper clippings and some correspondence, 1968-1976, re zoning problems in Uptown New Orleans and the controversy over the proposed Uptown Mississippi River Bridge (originally filed as Peniston—General Taylor Assn. Newspaper Clippings file D, T 8-7-72)
123-1 January 26, 1968 - August 23, 1968
123-2 January 7, 1970 - February 25, 1970
123-3 February 26, 1970 - April 28, 1970
123-4 May 1 - June 30, 1970
123-5 July 2, 1970 - September 17, 1970
123-6 October 20, 1970 - December 16, 1970
123-7 1971-1972
123-8 Miscellaneous materials originally filed with Newspaper clippings
Correspondence, 1968-1969
News release, 1968
Subpoena, 1969
Bill of lawyer fees
Form opposing passage of Amendment 26, New Orleans Election, November 1968
Series II. Conradt Engineering Report, Peniston—General Taylor vs. A. P. Tugwell, et al., 1969
Report and materials associated with a related lawsuit (originally filed as Peniston—General Taylor Assn. File E, T 78-7-72).
123-9 Peniston—General Taylor Association and the Uptown Civic Association et al. vs. A. P. Tugwell et al., Supreme Court of the U.S. no. __, October term 1968; Summary of the Conradt Report, December 1969; “An Appraisal of the New Orleans Riverfront Expressway,” December 1969; Correspondence, January 1, 1970; biographical material on Robert Conradt, n.d.
Series III. Zoning problems, 1972 - 1976
Zoning problems in Uptown New Orleans, 1972-1976, including correspondence, lawsuits, miscellaneous materials (originally filed as Peniston—General Taylor Assn. DLC 73-99-1572).
123-10 Correspondence and notes, n.d., September 9, 1972 - April 22, 1976
123-11 Zoning reports of the New Orleans City Council, October 5, 1972 - April 12, 1973
123-12 Lawsuits originally filed with Zoning problems
Clement Darfaw vs. Parish of Jefferson et al, 1967
Claude Robler et al vs. City of New Orleans and New Orleans Zoning Board, 1974
Agreement, 1972
123-13 Miscellaneous materials originally filed with Zoning problems
Series IV. Lawsuits, 1969-1970
Zoning problems in Uptown New Orleans and proposed Uptown Mississippi River Bridge (originally filed as Peniston—General Taylor Assn. 70-99-0202)
123-14 Correspondence, July 24, 1969 - May 12, 1970
123-15 Sierra Club v. Volpe
Citizens Committee for the Hudson Valley, the Sierra Club and the Village of Tarrytown, New York vs. John Volpe, Walter J. Hichel, Stanley S. Resor, William F. Cassidy
Nos. 428-33 (U.S. Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit, September 1969). Brief for petitioner
123-16 Lawsuits
State of Louisiana ev. Louise S. Korns vs. Board of Zoning Adjustment, May 5, 1969
State of Louisiana ex rel.—Peniston—General Taylor Assn. vs. Board of Zoning Adjustments of the City of New Orleans
123-17 Comprehensive Zoning for New Orleans, January 20, 1969 - April 23, 1970
123-18 Rayne Memorial Methodist Church vs. Board of Zoning Adjustments, n.d., July 24, 1964 - October 1, 1969
123-19 Proposed Uptown Mississippi River Bridge Controversy, January 1968-May 12, 1970
Series V. Correspondence, 1970-1975
Chiefly correspondence and notes pertaining to zoning problems in Uptown New Orleans and proposed Uptown Mississippi River Bridge (originally filed as Peniston—General Taylor Assn. 1970-70-99-0202T)
123-20 Correspondence, notes, n.d., January 6, 1970 - February 5, 1970
123-21 Correspondence, notes, February 13, 1970 - March 30, 1970
123-22 Correspondence, notes, April 1970
123-23 Correspondence, notes, May 7, 1970 - December 30, 1970
123-24 Correspondence and notes, n.d., January 11, 1971 - March 30, 1975
123-25 Resolutions passed by New Orleans City Council re proposed Uptown Mississippi River Bridge, February 17, 1970 - April 22, 1971
123-26 Address by David Campbell to New Orleans City Council, re Uptown Mississippi River Bridge, April 24, 1970
123-27 Phil Trice vs. City of New Orleans et al.
Bill of complaint
123-28 Miscellany re proposed Uptown Mississippi River Bridge Controversy: clippings, 1970, 1975; reports, n.d. 1970-1971; Phil Trice vs. City of New Orleans, n.d.; tolls on Greater New Orleans Bridge, n.d.; Indenture and deed of trust of MRBA to NBC, November 1, 1954; poster, April 24, 1970
Series VI. Lawsuit v. Gov. John J. McKeithen, 1970-1971
Suit vs. Gov. McKeithen et al. (originally filed as (Peniston—General Taylor Assn.—B. Suit vs. Gov. McKeithen et al., 70-99-0202-B)
123-29 Correspondence and notes, November 12, 1970 - April 7, 1971
123-30 Reports and resolutions, 1968-1970
Committee report to Gov. J J. McKeithen, January 31, 1968
Resolution by Councilman Eddie Sapir, April 9, 1970
Newspaper clipping New Orleans States-Item, December 9, 1970
123-31 Peniston—General Taylor Association vs. Governor McKeithen et al., 1970; U.S. Marshal process service, November 16, 1970; affidavit, November 1970; civil action 70-3221, November 13, 1970; newspaper clipping, December 9, 1970
123-32 Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana 516-433 Div. G Docket 5, November 16, 1970
Civil District Court for the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana 516-433 Div. G Docket 5, December 7, 1970
123-33 Peniston—Gen. Taylor vs. McKeithen et al.
Motion to dismiss proceedings, December 4, 1970; correspondence, December 29, 1970
U.S. District Court and Civil District Court and Press Release
123-34 Claude L. Robler et al. vs. John J. McKeithen et al., # 516-433, December 16, 1970
Series VII. Publications, 1962-1970
Subseries VII.1. Reports
123-35 “Uptown Bridge: Feasibility Study Interim Report.” Prepared for the Mississippi River Bridge Authority as a joint venture by Sverdrup and Parcel and Associates, Inc., and De Laureal Engineers, Inc., December 1969.
123-36 “New Orleans Metropolitan Area Transportation Study, 1960-1968,” Vol. 2: “Outlook for the Future.” Prepared by Traffic and Planning Section, Louisiana Department of Highways in cooperation with the Bureau of Public Roads, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1962.
123-37 “A Summary: Mississippi River Crossing Studies, 1954-1970.” Prepared for the Mississippi River Bridge Authority as a joint venture by Sverdrup & Parcel and Associates, Inc., and De Laureal Engineers, Inc., April 1970.
Subseries VII.2. Maps
123-38 “The Mississippi River Bridge Authority: Uptown and Chalmette Bridges and Approaches.” Prepared by De Laureal Engineers, Inc., [ca. 1970].
123-39 “Proposed Bridges and Approaches for Second Bridge over Mississippi River in Greater New Orleans Area.” Prepared by Joint Study of De Laureal Engineers, Inc. and Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendorff, [ca. 1970].
Index Terms
Bridges—Louisiana—New Orleans
Bridges—Mississippi River
Campbell, David L.
Highway planning—Louisiana—New Orleans
Louisiana Mississippi River Bridge Authority
Peniston-General Taylor Association
Urban planning—Louisiana—New Orleans