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Earl K. Long Library Louisiana and Special Collections

Louisiana and Special Collections

Please note that fragile, bulk, or large-format items may be rejected as candidates for reproduction at the discretion of the Louisiana and Special Collections staff.  

Louisiana Collection

Most material located in the Louisiana Collection Reading Room "open stacks" may be scanned by researchers. A self-service scanner in the Reading Room is available for researcher  to be approved for scanning.  In rare cases, scanning may not be allowed.  

Remote users requesting scans of Louisiana Collection materials should refer to “Fees for Reproductions” details below.

Special Collections

Materials from the Special Collections may not be scanned by researchers and must be handled by a Louisiana and Special Collections Reading Room staff member.  Personal or hand-held scanners are not allowed.


Non-flash photography is allowed on a limited basis. Consult with a Louisiana and Special Collections Reading Room staff member before photographing materials. Researchers must supply their own camera, as photographic equipment is not provided by the library. As a courtesy to others, any and all camera sound effects should be disabled whenever possible.

Non-flash photography is encouraged over other forms of reproduction whenever possible, as it minimizes wear and tear on materials. In the interest of preserving the existing order and arrangement of materials, please avoid separating individual items from their folders while photographing them. It is also recommended that researchers take careful notes regarding the items being photographed, so that materials may be accurately identified or cited at a later date.

Requesting Photocopies/Low-Resolution Scans

Please note that reproduction orders cannot be fulfilled within the same day, and that larger orders may require several weeks.

Scanning is the preferred method for reproducing Special Collections materials, since it involves less wear and tear on items. Requests for photocopies will be fulfilled at the discretion of staff.

Researchers who require low-resolution reproductions of Special Collections materials should consult with a staff member when identifying the items they wish to have duplicated. Reproduction request slips are available on the front counter of the Reading Room.

Currently there is a fee of $1.00 per page (letter or legal sized) for photocopies and low-resolution scans of Special Collections materials. Additional fees are applied for large requests.  See “Fees for Reproductions” below.

In the interest of preserving the existing order and arrangement of manuscript materials, please do not remove individual items from their boxes or folders when requesting reproductions. Instead, researchers should indicate in the notes area of the order form which items and folders they wish to have photocopied. Additional request slips may also be used to bookmark a desired item's location.

Remote researchers should contact to inquire about requesting reproduction.

Requesting High Resolution Scans

Please note that scan orders cannot be fulfilled within the same day, and that larger orders may require several weeks.

Researchers who require scans of Special Collections materials should consult with a staff member when identifying the items they wish to have duplicated. Reproduction request slips are available on the front counter of the Reading Room. Currently there is a charge of $10 per scan of Special Collections materials.  See “Fees for Reproductions” below.

In the interest of preserving the existing order and arrangement of manuscript materials, please do not remove individual items from their boxes or folders when requesting reproductions. Instead, researchers should indicate in the notes area of the order form which items and folders they wish to have scanned. Additional request slips may also be used to bookmark a desired item's location.

Researchers should consider ahead of time what level of detail and file format they desire. It is important to indicate these preferences clearly on the scan request form. Scanned images are often too large to be e-mailed. Online cloud storage alternatives may be required. Files will be available from Library cloud storage for 30 days after delivery. 

Researchers requiring scans to be delivered on physical media storage devices (DVD, flash drive) will supply the device to the Library and will pay a standard processing and postage fee of $15.00 ($25. International) if applicable.  

Fragile, Bulk, and Large-Format Materials

Due to their age, some materials may be extremely brittle or fragile. Others may be too large for in-house equipment. If the possibility of causing irreversible damage to fragile, brittle, or large-format materials exists, then reproduction of any kind may be prohibited, at the discretion of the Louisiana and Special Collections Reading Room staff.

Materials that are unlikely to suffer undue physical harm during the reproduction process but cannot be scanned in-house must be handled by a vetted professional reprographic studio or organization experienced in the handling of archival materials. Researchers are responsible for all applicable reproduction costs, including fees related to transporting the materials.

Bulk reproduction orders may exceed the capacity of the Louisiana and Special Collections Department's staff to complete the work. Orders of this size will also have to be sent out to a vetted professional reprographic studio. Please consult with a Louisiana and Special Collections Reading Room staff member for more information on bulk reproduction orders.

Non-Print Media

Special Collections includes film from WDSU-TV, WVUE-TV, and several other smaller collections which are in formats that we are unable to view or reproduce in-house (i.e., U-MATIC, Betacam, 16 mm film, reel-to-reel audio tape, etc.). These items must be sent to an outside media preservation company for access at the requestor’s expense. Please see our film reproduction policy for details.

Some formats are available for in-house reproduction. Reproduction costs for those are $10 per cassette tape, CD, or DVD.  Bulk requests for these collections (over 5) are required to be sent out to the outside media preservation company.

Paying for and receipt of transfers of the WDSU or WVUE footage does not constitute permission to broadcast. Responsibility for obtaining permission to broadcast rests solely with the researcher.

Certifying the Authenticity of Copies of Library Materials

Article 904 of the Louisiana Code of Evidence provides that when a document is admissible as evidence in a court of law, “a purported copy of the document also shall be deemed authentic when certified as true or correct by the custodian or other person authorized to make that certification, by certificate complying with Article 902(1), (2), or (3).”  Therefore, library personnel occasionally receive requests to certify the authenticity of materials held by the library.

Library personnel shall comply with requests to certify the authenticity of photocopies of library materials when the following conditions have been met:

  • Requested materials are available in the library and either (1) have been selected by the library patron who requested them (hereinafter “the patron”), or, if the patron is not on the premises, (2) library personnel can readily identify the requested materials based on the patron’s description.
  • The request for certification has been made in writing, either in person or by correspondence.  (Requests made in person may be written on the Louisiana and Special Collections Department’s standard Researcher Registration Form.)
  • Photocopies have been made by library personnel.
  • Certification occurs before the photocopies are issued to the patron.  Photocopies previously obtained by the patron may not be returned later to be certified.
  • Standard photocopy charges and procedures apply.
  • Certified photocopies, accompanied by the library’s Certificate of Authenticity, may be issued directly to the patron or mailed to the court, as requested by the patron.

Certification verifies that the photocopies are accurate and complete reproductions of the materials listed on the Certificate of Authenticity.  Unless otherwise noted, materials were not created by the university or the library.  No warranty is claimed as to the accuracy or completeness of the information any materials contain.


Fees for Reproductions:

Type of Service

Cost per page

Surcharges for large orders

Delivery by email or online cloud storage or in person

Delivery by mail

Low-Res Scans


$10 for orders of 51–100 scans; $20 for 101-150; $30 for 151-200, etc.

No cost

Current USPS priority flat rate

(researcher must supply storage device)

High-Res Scans


$10 for orders of 6-10 scans; $20 11-20; $30 for 21-30, etc.

No cost

Current USPS priority flat rate

(researcher must supply storage device)


(cassette, DVD)


5 item limit

No cost.

Current USPS priority flat rate

(researcher must supply storage device)

Photocopies (at discretion of staff)


$10 for orders of 51–100 pages; $20 for 101-150; $30 for 151-200, etc.


Current USPS priority flat rate

Copyright Compliance

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be “used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research.” If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of “fair use,” that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.