Business and General Education Periodicals, 1800-1885 - NP The Business and General Education Periodicals, 1800-1885 collection focuses on the long and rich history of education in the United States. The titles found here reflect a broad range of pedagogical methods as they changed over time, and encompass teaching in the classrooms of public and private schools alike. Also included here are titles dedicated to teaching in college, teaching trades and professional skills, teaching English grammar and foreign languages, and more. National and state education is represented in titles such as the Journal of Progress in Education and Social Improvement, the Popular Educator, the Common School and Iowa Journal of Education, and the Maine Common School Advocate. Business school publications include Eastman's State and National Business College, and Bryant, Stratton & Bell's Peoria, Illinois Business College Monthly. Titles dedicated to the trades include the Penman and Accountant, the Phonographic Comet, the Southern Workman: Devoted to the Industrial Classes of the South, and the American Polytechnic Journal. Specialized publications, such as the Gallaudet Guide and Deaf Mutes Companion, the Polyglot, Amerikanische Schulzeitung, Comstock's Phonetic Magazine, the Mnemonical Magazine, and De Fonetic Propagandist demonstrate the diversity of titles in this collection.