Drama, Humor, and Fine Arts Periodicals, 1764-1877 - NP The Drama, Humor, and Fine Arts Periodicals, 1764-1877 collection reflects upon the important role arts played in the development of American culture. Together, the titles in this collection -- encompassing architecture, the fine arts, theater, and comic serials -- create a lively portrait of a creative nation which found expression on canvas, on stage, and in print. Titles here run the gamut and include the general arts, such as Cosmopolitan Art Journal, the Illustrated Magazine of Art, and Watson's Weekly Art Journal; photography, with titles such as the Weekly Photographic Art Journal, the American Journal of Photography and the Allied Arts, the Photographic Art Journal, and Humphrey's Journal of the Daguerreotype and Photographic Arts; theater, with titles such as the Theatrical Budget or Actor's Regalio, the Figaro, the Brooklyn Daily Stage, the Play Bill, and the Footlight; and wit and humor, represented by titles such as the Little Joker, the Centennial Comic Pictorial, the Budget of Blunders, the San Francisco Journalist and Humorist, and the Tickler.