The "Find Microfilm" tab is currently under construction as our Microfilm/fiche collection is being weeded and moved around the library. Please peruse this page to learn general information about microfilm and microfiche, but disregard what the page may say about microfilm/fiche location at this time.
Microforms sounds like something from a sci fi movie. Actually, they were pretty technologically advanced once upon a time ago. Maybe you have heard the words microfilm or microfiche? Well, both of those are microforms. Microforms are simply small (micro-) photographic reproductions of documents on film (microfilm) or paper cards (microfiche).
Microfilm comes on reels like this:
While microfiche comes on cards like this:
There are two locations for microfilm and microfiche in the library: the Multimedia Room and Federal Document Microforms area. Both are on the third floor, though on opposite sides of the floor.
Regular Microforms will have a shelf location in the catalog of "Multimedia Collection Microforms." As we take inventory of the collection and update the catalog, more and more call numbers will be listed as "MICROFILM:" followed by a four-digit number.
Those that have not yet been inventoried will either say "FILM CABINETS" or "FICHE CABINETS."
Federal Documents Micrforms will have a shelf location in the catalog of "Federal Documents - Microfiche" or "Federal Documents - CD/DVD cabinets." Fed Doc Microforms are easy to spot because they have the same call number system as the regular print Fed Docs collection.