OneSearch is an all-in-one search engine that will allow library users to search for books, articles and other quality library resources, by searching across the library catalog and many academic databases. OneSearch offers users quick, simple searching with the ability to refine and filter the results. This search engine is available through EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS). OneSearch operates as Google, Yahoo or other search engines would it is meant to replicate similar searching behaviors allowing for easier use. When using OneSearch follow these steps:
- Go to the library's website, turn the second monitor so that the patron can see the steps you are performing to find the material
- Go to the Quick Search box located on the left side of the page and select the "OneSearch" tab (this is the default tab)
- Based on the reference interview you performed with the patron enter the appropriate keyword(s), or phases. For example a student is looking for articles about the artist Pablo Picasso. Enter the keyword "Pablo Picasso" into the search box. Based on this example, the user is trying to find information on a topic make sure the option of "keyword" is selected.
- Click the search icon button (magnifying glass)
- After clicking the search icon button you are directed to EDS
- Search results will be listed based on keyword relevancy. Allow the patron to see the results, doing so will allow you and the patron to assess the information
- For each result you will see the title in black, and the publication information in black underneath the title. Directly under that, you may also see information for books which includes:
- If based on the results the patron is pleased with the selection identify the items the patron would like. If not please review the box Refine Search in the OneSearch
- Verify the item is available. By clicking on the title of each result you can see additional information and if the material is available, but you can also review this on the results page