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Services & Reference Assistant -Training LibGuide: Using LibGuides

This is an online training guide to help new and returning student workers become more familiar with what to do when working at the Services and/or Reference Desk

Using the LibGuides

LibGuides, is a online resource that  is used to create research guides, making it easier to share knowledge and other information. For instance the Student Training Guide you are reading right now is a LibGuide.

LibGuides You Should Know

You can direct patrons to these guides prior to completing a research referral. Doing so will give the patron additional resources to view until the meet with a subject specialist.

Subject Guides: Subject guides cover subject or topic specific information and databases

Database Guides: Databases guides cover the databases listed by subject and by alphabetical order


What you should be able to do. . .

  • Identify and select topic-relevant LibGuides when assisting patrons.