UNO Graduate Students may have up to up to 120 books checked out at any one time.
The checkout period is for one semester, when all library items must be returned. Books must be returned at the end of every semester. Graduate students are allowed to check out books for the semester with the understanding that any book requested by another patron is to be returned within a week of being contacted. The due date in the library system will be changed once an item is requested, and an email sent to the current user.
Any book requested by another patron is to be returned within a week of being contacted by Circulation.
Materials that have been placed on hold by another patron cannot be renewed.
The checkout period for CDs and videos is seven (7) days, with one renewal if the material is not placed on hold by another patron.
Reserve material checkout periods vary according to what a professor designates.
Student Government DVDs may be checked out for seven days only; there are no renewals.
Bound and loose periodicals circulate for three hours to graduate students.
Other restricted circulation items (bibliographies) may be checked out for three days.
Graduate Thesis students are also eligible for a library carrel. Make sure to read the policy on library carrels before applying to ensure that you are eligible.
Please contact the Library Services at 504.280.6355 or, if you have any questions.