LOUISiana Academic Library Information Network Consortium Borrowers
This reciprocal program allows certain borrowers in good standing at their institutions the right to check out items at other participating college and university libraries throughout Louisiana. The list of participating Louisiana Academic Libraries, and the level of access they allow, can be viewed at this chart (PDF).
Faculty, staff, and graduate students from other participating institutions may check out books from UNO's library after first obtaining a similar LOUIS card from their home library (with a valid expiration date), and by showing it, along with a school photo ID, at our Public Services Desk. Guest borrowers will be asked to fill out a brief information card with necessary contact information, and our staff will then issue that patron a special borrowers card. LOUIS users can check out up to 50 items at a time for three weeks with one renewal. Remote access to the library's databases and electronic resources is not available to LOUIS users.
Please contact the Library Services at 504.280.6355 or circdesk@uno.edu, if you have any questions.