MSS 176 - Elizabeth Rogers Collection
Manuscripts produced by or concerned with the life of Elizabeth Rogers (April 9, 1981 - February 18, 1985). Includes books, pamphlets, correspondence, notes, clippings, broadsides, handbills, autobiographical manuscripts, oral history typescripts, photographs.
(ca. 1940-1985), (ca. 78 lin. ft.)
MSS 177 - Higgins Industries Collection, Addendum 1
Several photographs of Higgins Industries ships and construction sites, both of a civilian and military nature. The condition of the photographs vary from very good to fair, some items bearing the marks of water damage and other deterioration.
(ca. 1940-1970), (1 lin. ft.)
MSS 178 - Collection - Number not assigned
MSS 179 - Spanish Heritage and Cultural Society Collection
Sixteen videocassettes (3/4 U-matic, color, 20 minutes) and photocopy of log book summarizing content of these and other videocassettes not present. All contain interviews with and demonstrations by St. Bernard Parish residents of Spanish descent, mainly of Isleos ancestry. Materials were duplicated by University of New Orleans Audio-Visual Department from originals owned by Spanish Heritage and Cultural Society.
(ca. 1984-1985), (2.1 lin. ft.)
MSS 181 - Szambelan-Strevinsky Collection
Christine Szambelan-Stravinsky's typescripts and proofs for the text of Dark Hour of Noon (New York: J. B. Lippencott, [1982]); also included are a few pieces of correspondence and advertisements relating to publication.
(ca. 1978-1982 ), (1 lin. ft.)
MSS 182 - Audubon Park Commission Collection, Addendum 1
One copy of Audubon Park: An Urban Eden / text by L. Ronald Forman and Joseph Logsdon with John Wilds, and photographs by David King Gleason and David Kleck (Baton Rouge, La.: D. K. Gleason/Friends of the Zoo, c1985); photocopy of typescript by Harriet K. Stern entitled "The History of Audubon Park Zoological Gardens" (October 1984).
(ca. 1984-1985 ), (2 items)
MSS 183 - Pemberton Collection
Copy photographs of New Orleans-born artist John Peter Pemberton (1873-1914); his brother, Gilbert Pemberton (d. 1965); their uncle, George Blanchin, and his daughter, Françoise Blanchin; a family friend, George Cusachs; and of Castel Nou in Perpignan, France.
(ca. 1890-1920s, copies made 1986), (43 items)
MSS 184 - Bureau of Governmental Research Collection
Clippings, correspondence, financial records, founding and early organizational records, membership records, memoranda and special reports, minutes, miscellaneous files, publications, and studies created and received by the Bureau of Governmental Research.
(ca. 1929-1986), (180 lin. ft.)
MSS 185 - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, New Orleans Branch, Addendum 2
Records of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (New Orleans Branch). Includes committee chairmen files, complaints, conference records, correspondence, educational matter, executive committee records, files, financial records, Freedom Fund Banquet records, Dr. Guy G. Gipson records, job descriptions, membership records, miscellany, oddments, office procedures, pamphlets, publications, stencils, and Youth Council records.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1964-1979), (57 lin. ft.)
MSS 186 - Urania Street Residence Collection
Photographs of exterior and interior of residence at 1437 Urania Street, New Orleans, La. Thirty black and white negatives (number 120) with thirty contact and fifteen 8" x 10" prints from same; five color negatives (number 120) with five 4" x 5" color prints from same. Note: black and white negatives are numbered sequentially 1-30, and color negatives are numbered sequentially 31-35. Each print carries the number of the negative from which it was produced.
(ca. 1987), (30 images)
MSS 187 - Greater New Orleans AFL-CIO Collection, Addendum 1
Records of Greater New Orleans A.F.L. - C.I.O., New Orleans, Louisiana. Included are correspondence, minutes, publications, questionnaires, press releases, election endorsements, agreements, miscellany.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1978-1985), (12 lin. ft.)
MSS 188 - Women's Council, The Chamber / New Orleans and the River Region Collection
Minutes, rosters, subject files, correspondence, treasurer's records, certificates, materials on opposition to ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, scrapbooks.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1964-1985), (15 lin. ft.)
MSS 189 - Poplar Grove Collection
Videocassette copy of a 30-minute, color WBRZ-TV (Baton Rouge) program featuring residence on Poplar Grove Plantation, in Port Allen, La. Designed by Thomas Sully as the Bankers' Pavilion for the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Exposition held in New Orleans in 1884/85, the building was later moved to its present site.
(ca. 1985), (1 videocassette)
MSS 190 - Tahir Gallery Collection
Records of an art gallery which specialized in fine prints. Includes correspondence, sales receipts, catalogues, inventory records, and related miscellany.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1966-1986), (34.5 lin. ft.)
MSS 191 - Eisenhower Center Conference Collection
Programs for Conference on the Results and Lessons of World War II, May 6 - 7, 1985, autographed by all of the participants; passes for each of Conference's two luncheons and two banquets.
(ca. 1985), (1 folder)
MSS 192 - Sisters of the Holy Family Collection
Photocopies and copy negatives and prints of photographs in archives of Sisters of the Holy Family; pamphlets issued by the order.
(ca. 1985), (1 folder)
MSS 193 - Patricia Williams Collection
Photocopies of nomination forms submitted to the National Register of Historic Places on behalf of Louisiana buildings, sites, and historic districts. Louisiana nominations are administered by the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office.
(ca. 1981-1998), (9 lin. ft.)
MSS 194 - Kay Coffey Collection
Miscellany, including periodicals, clippings, correspondence, pamphlets, minutes, etc. produced and/or acquired by Mrs. Kathryn "Kay" Robinson Coffey as a board member of the National Association for Gifted Children and a founder-member of the Association for Gifted and Talented Students.
This collection has not been processed.
(ca. 1973-1988), (27 lin. ft.)
MSS 195 - Henry Conrad Brote Collection
Records and manuscripts created and/or compiled by Henry Conrad Brote (1894-1984), a United States merchant marine officer. Includes correspondence, logs, voyage narratives, navigation work books, night orders, cargo plans, financial statements, reports, photographs.
(ca. 1914-1960), (7 lin. ft.)
MSS 196 - Msgr. Dominic Luong Collection
File consisting chiefly of correspondence with Msgr. Dominic Luong, pastor of Mary, Queen of Vietnam Church in New Orleans East, pertaining to oral history interviews; supplemented by newsclippings about the Vietnamese community in the New Orleans area.
(ca. 1987-1989), (1 folder)
MSS 197 - Judge John Minor Wisdom Collection
Principally Carnival ball invitations, admit cards, dance cards, and programs; newspaper editions illustrating carnival parades; souvenir booklets; memorabilia of the Young Men's Gymnastic Club and other non-carnival miscellany.
(ca. 1870-1987), (3 lin. ft.)
MSS 198 - Anonymous Snapshots
Album of unknown provenance containing snapshot views of New Orleans and vicinity including aerial views of business district; views of riverfront with grain elevators, dry docks, steam boats, ferries, steamships, four- and six-masted vessels, unidentified naval vessel, seaplanes and hanger near Industrial Canal, wharf fire of November 17, 1925 and ruins; New Basin Canal with steamer St. Tammany; Jefferson Park Race Track; Canal, Chartres and Royal Streets; Carrollton and Esplanade Avenues; St. Louis No. 3 Cemetery; Lafayette Square and City Hall; Immaculate Conception, St. John the Baptist, St. Patrick, and St. Theresa Roman Catholic, and Carrollton United Methodist and Trinity Episcopal churches; Westwego High School; Harvey Canal; hunting and fishing vignettes probably on Lake Pontchartrain by railroad bridge.
(ca. 1920s-1930s), (92 snapshots)
MSS 199 - New Orleans Public Service Inc. Collection, Addendum 1
Mainly photographic prints produced by New Orleans Public Service Inc. in connection with the New Orleans transit strike of 1929. Includes images of transit vehicles with related equipment and facilities, company personnel, strikers and their sympathizers, and scenes of incidents. Descriptive information in this inventory/ guide was collected from notes prepared by NOPSI personnel on the reverse side of each print. Many of the prints were made by New Orleans photographers Charles L. Franck and John N. Teunisson. The collection also includes a few items unrelated to the 1929 strike.
(ca. 1923-1980), (212 photographs)
MSS 200 - Gary W. Griffin Collection
Papers produced and/or gathered by Dr. Gary W. Griffin, University of New Orleans faculty member and Boyd Professor of Chemistry, relating to various activities and individuals at the University of New Orleans. Dr. Griffin died in New Orleans on October 8, 1989 at the age of 58. The collection includes clippings; correspondence; curricula vitae; faculty handbooks; Graduate Council minutes; insurance forms; judicial affidavits, appeals, briefs, judgments, petitions; lists of faculty publications; Louisiana state documents; memoranda; newsletters; research articles.
(ca. 1918-1985), (4 lin. ft.)